忘却からの帰還〜Others〜 - エボラの実在を否定する人々(2014)




そんなアフリカ西部へ、アウトブレイクが始まった3月から派遣されている、米国CDCのViral Special Pathogens BranchのCraig Manningによれば、現地ではエボラ出血熱についての正しい知識が行き渡っていない。
“I don’t believe in Ebola,” Craig Manning’s local driver told him as he chauffeured the viral emergency specialist through Freetown, Sierra Leone, where infection rates are rising. The man came from a rural part of the country where people were already dying from the virus. He was adamant, like many others in his community, that “there is no such thing as Ebola.”
Yet, as the Ebola virus continues to spread in West Africa, so do the rumors. Some say you can contract Ebola from a motorcycle helmet. Others say you can cure the deadly virus by drinking Nescafé mixed with cocoa and sugar − or with two large onions. It’s Manning’s job to take onions out of the equation.
Manning said aggressive intervention is necessary to prevent more people from becoming infected, but ensuring local populations understand Ebola first is essential. For instance, in areas where the virus has spread, relatives wash bodies by hand before funerals, putting families at risk of new infections.

Craig Manningの現地運転手は、エボラ出血熱の感染者が増大中のシェラレオネのフリータウンを、感染症の専門家であるCraig Manningを乗せて車を走らせていたとき「私はエボラなんて病気があるとは信じてない」と言った。運転手は自分のコミュニティの他の者たち同様に「エボラなんてものは存在しない」と頑なに主張する。
アフリカ西部にエボラウィルスが広まるにつれ、噂も広まる。エボラはバイクのヘルメットから感染すると言う者もいる。また、ココアと砂糖を混ぜたネッスル、あるいは2つの大きなタマネギを混ぜたネッスルで、致死的なエボラウィルスの感染を抑止できると言う者もいる。そんなタマネギは効かないことを人々に知らしめるのが、Craig Manningの仕事だ。
Craig Manningは「アグレッシブな介入が感染防止必要なことだが、地元の人々にエボラを理解してもらうことが不可欠だ。たとえば、感染拡大地域では、遺体埋葬前に親族が遺体を素手で洗うので、親族に感染するリスクがある。」と言う。

[ Caelainn Hogan:"'There is no such thing as Ebola'"(2014/07/18) on Washington Post ]


Despite Liberian Government’s warning and awareness programs to protect Liberians against the spread of Ebola, most Liberians think the government is using Ebola as a springboard to collect money from government’s coffer and from international donors for personal use. As a result of their doubt about the existence of Ebola, most Liberians do ignore all the measures the Ministry of Health put in place to curb Ebola spread.
The existence of Ebola in Liberia continues to be doubted because the measures against the spread of Ebola are not observed due to their inconvenient nature and the virus is not widely spreading as Liberians thought it would have. Family members of the alleged Ebola victim have dismissed the claim, saying their relative did not die of Ebola. Their argument is that all the measures against the spread of Ebola, were not observed, saying the nurses, and all those who came in contact with the deceased including they, family members would have contracted Ebola if their deceased relative had suffered from the virus.


[ KAI TOTEH:"Liberians don't believe Ebola exists or is in Liberia-the conspiracy theory on Indight.vom ]
米国CDCのCraig Manningのような人々の仕事は終わりそうにない。


リベリアのジャーナリストWade Williamsは...
“In the first outbreak, people didn’t really understand what Ebola is,” says Wade Williams, an award-winning Liberian journalist. “The Ministry of Health came out and said they needed a million dollars to fight it, which made people say [the ministry] only wanted money.”

“People are beginning to know that the disease is here, and they’re getting paranoid,” Williams says.



[ Ashoka Mukpo: "Why Don't West Africans Believe Ebola Is Real?" (2014/07/04) on VICE New ]
また、僻地などにもよく出かけるリベリアの人権運動家Daniel Krakueは...
“People's thinking is that the whole situation is being made up by the government to get money from the international community,” says Daniel Krakue, a Liberian community rights advocate who frequently travels to remote parts of the country. “There is a whole lot of skepticism about the central government in rural areas, especially in terms of providing health services.”


[ Ashoka Mukpo: "Why Don't West Africans Believe Ebola Is Real?" (2014/07/04) on VICE New ]



リベリア内戦の難民たちが流入した、リベリアの首都モンロヴィアにあるスラム"West Point"にある、エボラ隔離施設が集団に襲われて、17名の感染者が逃亡するという事件も起きている(2014年8月17日)。

このような状況に関して、WHOのミッションの一環として、2014年7月の一か月間、現地調査にあたったセネガルの社会学者Cheikh Ibrahima Niang教授は「エボラ否定は植民地思考に対する反抗である」と言う。
エボラ否定は植民地思考に対する反抗であると、専門家は言う (2014/09/02)
A leading social anthropologist who spent a month among communities in the epicentre claims that "Ebola-denial" is perhaps more complex than it first appears. "When people say that Ebola does not exist, they are rebelling against something," Senegalese university professor Cheikh Ibrahima Niang told AFP. "They are in situations where they were not consulted and feel that they are treated with a lot of paternalism."
"We need to ask what is making them say that," Niang told AFP in an interview at Dakar's Cheik Anta Diop University. "People have the impression that they are not getting all the necessary information or they do not agree with the prevention measures and medical procedures being imposed on them."

感染の中心地の地域社会で一か月間を過ごした著名な社会学者は、「エボラ否定」はおそらく、見えているものだけがすべてではないと言う。「人々がエボラは存在しないというとき、人々は何か別物に反抗している。彼らは何の相談も受けない状況に置かれていて、パターナリズムのもとで治療を受けていると感じている。」とセネガルのCheikh Anta Diop UniversityのCheikh Ibrahima Niang教授はAFPに語った。
ダカールのCheik Anta Diop Universityでのインタビューで「我々は、何が彼らにそう言わしめているのか問う必要がある。人々は必要は情報を得られていないという印象を持っていて、彼らの対して施される予防対策や医療措置に同意しない」とNiang教授はAFPに語った。

Colonial legacy (植民地の遺産)

Niang believes that "counterproductive" border closures were an example of the wrong approach, giving at-risk populations a false sense of security and propagating complacency. "There is a very important African metaphor that says a forest fire which has spread to a town or community needs to be fought at its origins. Barricading myself at home and stockpiling water for when it arrives will not put it out," he said. "How many people cross the border at night, by bush tracks and trails, because this border, a colonial legacy, is artificial?" he asked.
This is one of the reasons why the problem has been slow to have an adequate response," he told AFP. Niang believes that talk of the African reluctance to accept modern clinical practices comes from a "reductive medical vision". The problem is not that locals don't accept medicine can work, it's that they are mistrustful of an invading culture coming into their homeland telling them how they should behave.

Niang believes that western models of targeting individuals in education campaigns have been equally wrong-headed, when it is families who are primarily affected by the virus. He said the response to the epidemic was being led by men and called for more women to be placed in decision-making positions.



[ "Ebola-denial a revolt against colonial mindset: expert" (2014/09/02) by AFP ]

考えを変える人々と、変えない人々 (2014/08/06)

In bustling downtown Freetown, Yeanoh Papas says she had been living in constant fear of contracting the Ebola virus, especially when her child took ill.

"We've been told there's no cure for it, and because of all the fright around it, we are even afraid of reporting ourselves to the hospital," she says. "My daughter fell sick recently, and I was so frightened I did not take her to the hospital. I called on one of my sisters, who is a nurse, and she came and treated her at home. And now my daughter is well again. Whatever ailment comes our way now, they say is Ebola. So we're all frightened."

Employees of a petroleum company in Liberia help to curb Ebola's spread via a public health awareness campaign Monday. West Africa is facing its first Ebola outbreak, so questions abound.

But now that Papas understands more about Ebola, she says, she would take her daughter or herself to the hospital if she detected symptoms.

フリータウン市の賑わうダウンタウンで、Yeanoh Papasは、エボラウィルス感染に怯えてきたという。特に子供が病気になったときは。

「私たちはエボラの治療法がないと聞かされています。エボラに近づくことも怖いので、病院に感染を報告することも怖いのです。私の娘が最近、病気になりました。私は怖くて、病院に連れていけませんでした。それで私は、看護婦をしている妹の一人を呼びました。彼女が家で看護してくれました。そして、娘は元気になりました。どんな病気になっても、彼らはエボラだと言うでしょう。なので、あらゆることが怖いのです。」とYeanoh Papasは語った。


しかし、Yeanoh Papasはエボラについてもっと知っている。彼女は「娘に症状が今度出たら、病院に連れていきます。自分に症状が出たら、病院に行きます」と言った。

[ OFEIBEA QUIST-ARCTON: "Skeptics In Sierra Leone Doubt Ebola Virus Exists" (2014/08/06) on NPR ]
Opinions are mixed, but there's a strong dose of Ebola deniers − those who don't believe the virus exists at all. Zainab Koroma, a street hawker, is adamant it isn't real.

"I do not believe Ebola exists because none of my family members has been affected by it," she says. "When you get sick of cholera, they say it is Ebola. When your body temperature rises, they say it is Ebola. So I honestly don't believe Ebola exists. There could be a lot of other diseases killing people."

意見は入り乱れているが、強固にエボラウィルスの存在を否定する者たちも少数いる。行商人をしているZainab koromaは、断固としてエボラは実在しないと考えている。


[ OFEIBEA QUIST-ARCTON: "Skeptics In Sierra Leone Doubt Ebola Virus Exists" (2014/08/06) on NPR ]