忘却からの帰還〜Others〜 - 風力タービンの健康へ影響

風力タービンの健康へ影響 (2013)

風力タービンの騒音が一部の人々を不快にする可能性があるが、身体的健康への影響について直接的な因果関係は見られない.. というのが、風力タービンをめぐる2013年時点の研究のようである。
[ Knopper LD, Ollson CA.: "Health effects and wind turbines: a review of the literature.", Environ Health. 2011 Sep 14;10:78. doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-10-78. ]

Abstract: RESULTS: Conclusions of the peer reviewed literature differ in some ways from those in the popular literature. In peer reviewed studies, wind turbine annoyance has been statistically associated with wind turbine noise, but found to be more strongly related to visual impact, attitude to wind turbines and sensitivity to noise. To date, no peer reviewed articles demonstrate a direct causal link between people living in proximity to modern wind turbines, the noise they emit and resulting physiological health effects. If anything, reported health effects are likely attributed to a number of environmental stressors that result in an annoyed/stressed state in a segment of the population. In the popular literature, self-reported health outcomes are related to distance from turbines and the claim is made that infrasound is the causative factor for the reported effects, even though sound pressure levels are not measured.


CONCLUSIONS: What both types of studies have in common is the conclusion that wind turbines can be a source of annoyance for some people. The difference between both types is the reason for annoyance. While it is acknowledged that noise from wind turbines can be annoying to some and associated with some reported health effects (e.g., sleep disturbance), especially when found at sound pressure levels greater than 40 db(A), given that annoyance appears to be more strongly related to visual cues and attitude than to noise itself, self reported health effects of people living near wind turbines are more likely attributed to physical manifestation from an annoyed state than from wind turbines themselves. In other words, it appears that it is the change in the environment that is associated with reported health effects and not a turbine-specific variable like audible noise or infrasound. Regardless of its cause, a certain level of annoyance in a population can be expected (as with any number of projects that change the local environment) and the acceptable level is a policy decision to be made by elected officials and their government representatives where the benefits of wind power are weighted against their cons. Assessing the effects of wind turbines on human health is an emerging field and conducting further research into the effects of wind turbines (and environmental changes) on human health, emotional and physical, is warranted.


Scientists dismissed the idea of a "wind turbine syndrome" where the vibrations in the air or the particular sound waves from wind turbines cause headaches, nausea and panic attacks. However, they did concede that the swishing sound caused by wind turbines can "annoy" some people, keeping them awake at night and even causing psychological problems because of the stress.


[ Louise Gray: "Wind farms can cause noise problems finds study" (2010/01/28) on Telegraph ]
This is a non-systematic review of literature. There are several points to be made about this research:

There is no clear description of the methods the researchers used to search for available research, nor how they rated the quality of the research they found. Therefore, it is not possible to say that all relevant research was identified, or comment on the reliability of the research that was included.

This review panel was commissioned by an industry group, and included a variety of academic perspectives, but not an epidemiologist. Someone with this specific skill set should be included when environmental health hazards are assessed.

The link between psychological distress and physical symptoms has not been explored by this report. The acknowledgment that some people exposed to wind turbine noise suffer annoyance suggests that monitoring and maximum permitted levels need to be considered carefully in areas where turbines are planned.

Overall, this review will probably not resolve this controversy as there was a lack of high-level evidence on which to base any solid conclusions. What is now needed are studies that compare people exposed to turbine noise with well-matched control subjects who have not had that exposure. These studies should also carefully evaluate the psychological harms of noise exposure.






[ [[NHS: Wind Turbine sound and health>http://www.nhs.uk/news/2010/01January/Pages/Wind-t... :

[ Crichton F, Dodd G, Schmid G, Gamble G, Petrie KJ.: "Can Expectations Produce Symptoms From Infrasound Associated With Wind Turbines?", Health Psychol. 2013 Mar 11. ]

Abstract: Conclusions: Healthy volunteers, when given information about the expected physiological effect of infrasound, reported symptoms that aligned with that information, during exposure to both infrasound and sham infrasound. Symptom expectations were created by viewing information readily available on the Internet, indicating the potential for symptom expectations to be created outside of the laboratory, in real world settings. Results suggest psychological expectations could explain the link between wind turbine exposure and health complaints.

そして、この「心理的予期」が反風力発電運動によるものだと、豪州Sydney Universityの公衆衛生学のSimon Chapman教授は指摘する。Guardianの報道によれば...
Complaints of illness were far more prevalent in communities targeted by anti-windfarm groups, said the report's author, Simon Chapman, professor of public health at Sydney University. His report concludes that illnesses being blamed on windfarms are more than likely caused by the psychological effect of suggestions that the turbines make people ill, rather than by the turbines themselves.

"If windfarms were intrinsically unhealthy or dangerous in some way, we would expect to see complaints applying to all of them, but in fact there is a large number where there have been no complaints at all," Chapman said.

「病気の苦情は反ウィンドファーム運動グループがターゲットとした地域で非常に多く見られる」とレポートの作成者である豪州Sydney Universityの公衆衛生学のSimon Chapman教授は言う。彼のレポートは、ウィンドファームのせいだとされる病気は、実際には風力タービンは人を病気にするという示唆による心理的効果によって引き起こされており、その効果は風力タービン自体によりも、はるかに大きいと結論している。

The report, which is the first study of the history of complaints about windfarms in Australia, found that 63% had never been subject to noise or health complaints. In the state of Western Australia, where there are 13 windfarms, there have been no complaints.

The study shows that the majority of complaints (68%) have come from residents near five windfarms that have been heavily targeted by opponent groups. The report says more than 80% of complaints about health and noise began after 2009 when the groups "began to add health concerns to their wider opposition".

"In the preceding years health or noise complaints were rare despite large and small turbined wind farms having operated for many years," it says.




[ Alison Rourke: "Windfarm sickness spreads by word of mouth, Australian study finds" (2013/03/15) on Guardian ]症状を反対運動が発見したのではなく、創造したのだという主張に対して、豪州の反ウィンドファーム運動団体Waubra Foundationの代表者であるSarah Laurie(GP=一般医)は... Waubra's chief executive, Sarah Laurie, said illnesses resulting from exposure to windfarms were "an inconvenient truth".

"There's been an attitude that the people who are getting sick are collateral damage," she said.

"People are not getting sick because someone tells them they're going to become unwell. They're waking up in the middle of the night and suffering from sleep deprivation because something is waking them up."

Laurie, who trained as a rural GP, said it was important that more research was done so we have a better understanding of exactly what's going on.

"No evidence doesn't mean no problem. It means the evidence hasn't been collected because the research hasn't been done," she said.




[ Alison Rourke: "Windfarm sickness spreads by word of mouth, Australian study finds" (2013/03/15) on Guardian ]
