忘却からの帰還〜Others〜 - Dunn: "Accounting for Victimization" (2008)

Dunn (2008)

Jennifer L. Dunn: "Accounting for Victimization: Social Constructionist Perspectives", Sociology Compass, Volume2, Issue5, September 2008, Pages 1601-1620

This paper reviews research and theory on the social construction of victims and victimization. There are four areas of inquiry: victims’ self‐processes, the collaborative accomplishment of victimization, social problems claims‐making, and social movement framing. Scholars in each area take a symbolic interactionist perspective. Because victimization is potentially stigmatizing, much of this research and analysis draws on the literature on vocabularies of motive, aligning activities, and accounts. Literature on self‐processes examines how victims come to see themselves as victims and their situations as deviant. Often, when they try to establish their victim identities with others, they can be discredited or blamed if they do not meet expectations of typical victims. When people want to show that a social problem exists, they use images of victims to evoke sympathy and other emotions. Sometimes, collective identities may not be sympathetic, and also need to be managed, through the framing work of activists.


シンボリック相互作用論(Symbolic lnteractionism)とは, 1960年代初頭にアメリカの社会学者HG.ブルーマーが創始した、社会学的・社会心理学的パースペクティブの1つである。それは,人間間の社会的相互作用(social interaction)、とりわけシンボリックな相互作用(symbolic interaction)を主たる研究対象とし、そうした現象を「行為者の観点」から明らかにしようとするものである。[ 桑原&奥田 ]