Apollo 13
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Apollo 13 ≡720p≡


Reporter Mike Massimino
Info: Former @NASA astronaut, Professor at Columbia @CUSEAS, Sr. Advisor for Space Programs @IntrepidMuseum, Author of #Spaceman
liked It: 254194 Votes &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjEzYjJmNzgtNDkwNy00MTQ4LTlmMWMtNzA4YjE2NjI0ZDg4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) Tomatometers: 7,9 of 10 Director: Ron Howard Jeffrey Kluger cast: Gary Sinise, Tom Hanks. Apollo 13 wiki. Apollo 13 launch. Apollo 135. Apollo 13 juillet.
Thank you for pronouncing von Braun's name almost correctly. 44:15 the Wild West thing outclassed the Space Age ?.
5;15 are you dum cant take of your sult. Apollo 13 online. Apollo 13 movie in hindi. Apollo 13 mai. Apollo 13 commander. Apollo 13 crew members. Apollo 13 has some excellent points to recommend it. It is one of those very rare true-life action movies that contains absolutely no violence. Suitable for all ages, Apollo 13 preserves detailed historic accuracy and presents real American heroes who are so brave and dedicated they put a lump in your throat.
It is easy to tell a true story that is fascinating. But the great accomplishment of Apollo 13 is that it keeps the story dramatic from beginning to end, a place where many historical movies fail. It also has perhaps the best special effects ever put to film. They actually filmed the zero-gee scenes in NASA's zero-gee simulating airplane. Effects just can't get more special than that.
Apollo 13 vpx. Apollo 13 1995. Apollo 13 ans. Apollo 13 movie. Apollo 11. Apollo 13 quotes. Apollo 12 art robert watts.

Apollo 13 views of the moon in 4k

Apollo 13or. Apollo 13 dokument cz. Apollo 11 astronauts. Apollo 13 film. Apollo 13 movie summary. These are excellent. Thanks for your hard work on these. The picture qulity is not good. It makes my eyes go bad. Apollo 13 movie clips. Apollo 13 csfd. Level 1 Warlord Moderator of r/FunnerHistory, speaking officially Original Poster Score hidden ? 1 month ago ? Stickied comment ? edited 1 month ago level 2 Don’t ever talk to me or my pyramid again level 2 I’m on the moon~ It’s made of cheese~ level 1 Someone call Jack O'Neill! level 1 Fuck Ra then F Apophis but I’ll keep Hathor level 1 Damn the Vex got here fast level 1 Drifter warned me about this level 1 That’s assuming the moon isn’t made of cheese and that the landing isn’t faked. To me this is just way too far off the beaten path. Technology of Alternative History Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
Apollo 13 ending. Apollo 13 avril. Powerful. 30th Jan of 2019: we Have a problem. Video © 1995 Universal Pictures Nastala chyba při přehrávání videa. Apollo 13 je nakrútené podľa skutočnej udalosti, ide teda o rekonštrukciu s autorskou licenciou. Vieme, ako to dopadne a predsa nás film dokáže udržať v napätí. Poznáme americký pátos a v tomto filme (aj keď ho nie je prebytok) ho ako pátos ani príliš nevnímame. Okrem výkonov hlavných predstaviteľov stoja za povšimnutie aj epizódne postavy v riadiacom stredisku a v okruhu rodín a priateľov astronautov. Stačí niekoľko viet a vieme o nich všetko podstatné. Záber na logaritmické pravítko alebo prudká zmena záujmu médií boli dostatočne výstižné. Apollo 13 a Kozoroh 1 sú síce neporovnateľné, ale tiež aj nezabudnuteľné filmy z prostredia dobýjania kozmu. (20. 9. 2010) castor Američané holt své velké příběhy vždycky potřebovali. I když tenhle má cejch dle skutečné události, protože tahle záchrana patří mezi nejdramatičtější kapitoly moderních dějin. Nejlepší mozky amerického vesmírného programu, posádka ztracená kdesi někde Zemí a Měsícem a tisíce rodin držíc palce u televizí. Klaustrofobický prostor uvnitř raketoplánu a řídící centrum v Houstonu. Prakticky jen dvě lokality, přesto je výsledek dynamický a svižný. Skvělým tahem je i casting, který vsadil na Hankse, který nijak zvlášť neimponuje nejen svým vzhledem ani fyzickými schopnostmi. Přesto znovu dokáže probouzet silné emoce. Kompaktní podívané nevadí příliš ani fakt, že tvůrci měli trochu svázané ruce, protože historie je daná, na nějaké šperkování příběhu podle hollywoodských berliček nebylo moc prostoru. Prvoplánovému vlastenectví i sterilnějším scénám se přesto neubránili, stejně jako zbytečně zdlouhavému začátku!! (3. 6. 2013) mzss1 Lehce nadprůměrná záležitost u které je všechno tak jednoduché, klidné a bez většího problému. Tyto aspekty by mohly být lépe vygraovány, film mohl mít větší tempo, tak o 20 minut menší délu, lepší akci a hned by to bylo o jasnou hvězdu vyšší. Ale nevadí. Film jsem viděl jednou a stačí to. Hodnotím na 59% = *** (14. 12. 2012) Frajer42 Vesmír se skládá z 23% temné hmoty a také v něm lze nespatřit hned 73% temné energie. Černocha v tomhle filmu byste ovšem hledali marně. Dokonce ani pytlíky s čůráním jej nenechali vypouštět do kosmického prostoru. Apollo 13 byla čistě bílá mise. V hlavní roli se objevil můj miláček Tom Hanks, takže jsem absenci černého člena výpravy snášel s relativním klidem. Mé ucho potěšila velice dramatická hudba. Kdo by ji byl býval v tak dramatickém filmu čekal. Oko naopak příliš nepotěšil přehnaný americký patriotismus. Dále mě příliš nepotěšily časté televizní vsuvky. Jinak mě překvapilo, že tehdejší počítače měly být snad naprogramovány v assembleru. Těm, kteří se na tom podíleli, není vůbec co závidět. Zdrojovými kódy, které vám velice pravděpodobně vůbec nic neřeknou, se můžete pokochat zde. Osobně jsem tipoval, že byl použit Fortranek, ale ten způsobil až pozdější "drobnou nehodu". Na závěr mi nezbývá než suše konstatovat, že jsem celým tímto snímkem zklamán. Špatný rozhodně není, ale čekal jsem podstatně intenzivnější zážitek. Vidím to maximálně na ošklivější 3 hvězdy. (29. 8. 2016) Dever Soundtrack James Horner: 1. Main Title - James Horner, 2. One Small Step - Walter Cronkite And Neil Armstrong, 3. Night Train - James Brown, 4. Groovin' - The Young Rascals, 5. Somebody To Love - Jefferson Airplane, 6. I Can See For Miles - The Who, 7. Purple Haze - Jimmy Hendrix, 8. Launch Control - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 9. All Systems Go - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 10. Welcome To Apollo 13 - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 11. Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greenbaum, 12. House Cleaning - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 13. Houston, We Have A Problem - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 14. Master Alarm - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 15. Into The Lem - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 16. Out Of Time - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 17. Darkside Of The Moon - James Horner, 18. Failure Is Not An Optinon - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 19. Honky Tonkin' - Hank Williams, 20. Blue Moon - The Mavericks, 21. Waiting For Disaster - Dialogue/Soundtrack, 22. Re-Entry And Splashdown - James Horner, 23. End Titles - James Horner, (10. 5. 2011) Photo © 1995 Universal Pictures Bill Paxton - Marilyn Lovell ( Kathleen Quinlan) prsten doopravdy ztratila, nakonec se znovu našel. ( KucC) Skutečný astronaut Jim Lovell prohlásil, že z herců se mu nejvíce podobá Kevin Costner. Costnerovi ale nikdy nebyla role nabídnuta. Byla nabídnuta třeba Johnovi Travoltovi, který odmítl. Jedna z hlavních postav byla nabídnuta i Bradu Pittovi, ale ten dal přednost thrilleru Sedm. ( POMO) Tom Hanks (Jim Lovell) si účinkováním v tomto snímku splnil svůj dávný sen, kdy ve svém životě chtěl být skutečným kosmonautem. ( Redyx1).
Apollo 13 seedfinder. Apollo 13 Apollo 13's damaged service module, seen from the command module, as it was being jettisoned shortly before reentry Mission type Crewed lunar landing attempt ( H) Operator NASA COSPAR ID 1970-029A SATCAT no. 4371 [1] Mission duration 5?days, 22?hours, 54?minutes, 41?seconds [2] Spacecraft properties Spacecraft Apollo CSM -109 Apollo LM -7 Manufacturer CSM: North American Rockwell LM: Grumman Launch mass 45, 931 kilograms (101, 261?lb) [3] Landing mass 5, 050 kilograms (11, 133?lb) [4] Crew Crew size 3 Members James A. Lovell, Jr. John L. Swigert, Jr. Fred W. Haise, Jr. Callsign CM: Odyssey LM: Aquarius Start of mission Launch date April 11, 1970, 19:13:00 ?UTC Rocket Saturn V SA-508 Launch site Kennedy LC-39A End of mission Recovered by USS? Iwo Jima Landing date April 17, 1970, 18:07:41 ?UTC Landing site South Pacific Ocean 21°38′24″S 165°21′42″W ? / ? 21. 64000°S 165. 36167°W Docking with LM Docking date April 11, 1970, 22:32:08?UTC Undocking date April 17, 1970, 16:43:00?UTC Lovell, Swigert, Haise Apollo program ←? Apollo 12 Apollo 14 ?→ Apollo 13 was the seventh crewed mission in the Apollo space program and the third meant to land on the Moon. The craft was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 11, 1970, but the lunar landing was aborted after an oxygen tank in the service module (SM) failed two days into the mission. The crew instead looped around the Moon, and returned safely to Earth on April 17. The mission was commanded by Jim Lovell with Jack Swigert as command module (CM) pilot and Fred Haise as lunar module (LM) pilot. Swigert was a late replacement for Ken Mattingly, who was grounded after exposure to rubella. Accidental ignition of damaged wire insulation inside the oxygen tank as it was being routinely stirred caused an explosion that vented the tank's contents. Without oxygen, needed both for breathing and for generating electric power, the SM's propulsion and life support systems could not operate. The CM's systems had to be shut down to conserve its remaining resources for reentry, forcing the crew to transfer to the LM as a lifeboat. With the lunar landing canceled, mission controllers worked to bring the crew home alive. Although the LM was designed to support two men on the lunar surface for two days, Mission Control in Houston improvised new procedures so it could support three men for four days. The crew experienced great hardship caused by limited power, a chilly and wet cabin and a shortage of potable water. There was a critical need to adapt the CM's cartridges for the carbon dioxide removal system to work in the LM; the crew and mission controllers were successful in improvising a solution. The astronauts' peril briefly renewed interest in the Apollo program; tens of millions watched the splashdown in the South Pacific Ocean by television. An investigative review board found fault with preflight testing of the oxygen tank and the fact that Teflon was placed inside it. The board recommended changes, including minimizing the use of potentially combustible items inside the tank; this was done for Apollo 14. The story of Apollo?13 has been dramatized several times, most notably in the 1995 film Apollo?13. Background In 1961, U. S. President John F. Kennedy challenged his nation to land an astronaut on the Moon by the end of the decade, with a safe return to Earth. [5] NASA worked towards this goal incrementally, sending astronauts into space during Project Mercury and Project Gemini, leading up to the Apollo program. [6] The goal was achieved with Apollo 11, which landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the lunar surface while Michael Collins orbited the Moon in Command Module Columbia. The mission returned to Earth on July 24, 1969, fulfilling Kennedy's challenge. [5] NASA had contracted for fifteen Saturn?V rockets to achieve the goal; at the time no one knew how many missions this would require. [7] Since success was obtained in 1969 with the sixth Saturn ? V on Apollo?11, nine rockets remained available for a hoped-for total of ten landings. After the excitement of Apollo 11, the general public grew apathetic towards the space program and Congress continued to cut NASA's budget; Apollo 20 was canceled. [8] Despite the successful lunar landing, the missions were considered so risky that astronauts could not afford life insurance to provide for their families if they died in space. [note 1] [9] Mission Operations Control Room during the TV broadcast just before the Apollo?13 accident. Astronaut Fred Haise is shown on the screen. Even before the first U. astronaut entered space in 1961, planning for a centralized facility to communicate with the spacecraft and monitor its performance had begun, for the most part the brainchild of Christopher C. Kraft, who became NASA's first flight director. During John Glenn 's Mercury Friendship 7 flight in February 1962 (the first crewed orbital flight by the U. ), Kraft was overruled by NASA managers. He was vindicated by post-mission analysis, and implemented a rule that during the mission, the flight director's word was absolute [10] ?to overrule him, NASA would have to fire him on the spot. [11] Flight directors during Apollo had a one-sentence job description, "The flight director may take any actions necessary for crew safety and mission success. " [12] In 1965, Houston's Mission Control Center opened, in part designed by Kraft and now named for him. [10] In Mission Control, each flight controller, as well as monitoring telemetry from the spacecraft, was in communication via voice loop to specialists in a Staff Support Room (or "back room"), who focused on specific spacecraft systems. [11] Apollo 13 was to be the second H mission, meant to demonstrate precision lunar landings and explore specific sites on the Moon. [13] With Kennedy's goal accomplished by Apollo 11, and Apollo 12 demonstrating that the astronauts could perform a precision landing, mission planners were able to focus on more than just landing safely and having astronauts minimally trained in geology gather lunar samples to take home to Earth. There was a greater role for science on Apollo?13, especially for geology, something emphasized by the mission's motto, Ex luna, scientia (From the Moon, knowledge). [14] Astronauts and key Mission Control personnel Swigert, Lovell and Haise the day before launch Apollo?13's mission commander, Jim Lovell, was 42 years old at the time of the spaceflight, which was his fourth and last. He was a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and had been a naval aviator and test pilot before being selected for the second group of astronauts in 1962; he flew with Frank Borman in Gemini?7 in 1965 and Aldrin in Gemini?12 the following year before flying in Apollo 8 in 1968, the first spacecraft to orbit the Moon. [15] Jack Swigert, the command module pilot (CMP), was 38?years old and held a B. in mechanical engineering and an M. in aerospace science; he had served in the Air Force and in state Air National Guards, and was an engineering test pilot before being selected for the fifth group of astronauts in 1966. [16] Fred Haise, the lunar module pilot (LMP), was 35 years old. He held a B. in aeronautical engineering, had been a Marine Corps fighter pilot, and was a civilian research pilot for NASA when he was selected as a Group ? 5 astronaut. [17] Apollo?13 was Swigert's and Haise's only spaceflight. [18] According to the standard Apollo crew rotation, the prime crew for Apollo?13 would have been the backup crew [note 2] for Apollo 10 with Mercury and Gemini veteran Gordon Cooper in command, Donn F. Eisele as CMP and Edgar Mitchell as LMP. Deke Slayton, NASA's Director of Flight Crew Operations, never intended to rotate Cooper and Eisele to a prime crew assignment, as both were out of favor?? Cooper for his lax attitude towards training, and Eisele for incidents aboard Apollo ? 7 and an extramarital affair. He assigned them to the backup crew because no other veteran astronauts were available. [21] Slayton's original choices for Apollo?13 were Alan Shepard as commander, Stuart Roosa as CMP, and Mitchell as LMP. However, management felt Shepard needed more training time, as he had only recently resumed active status after surgery for an inner ear disorder, and had not flown since 1961. Thus Lovell's crew (himself, Haise and Ken Mattingly) having all backed up Apollo 11 and slated for Apollo 14, was swapped with Shepard's. [21] Swigert was originally CMP of Apollo?13's backup crew, with John Young as commander and Charles Duke as lunar module pilot. [22] Seven days before launch, Duke contracted rubella from a friend of his son. [23] This exposed both the prime and backup crews, who trained together. Of the five, only Mattingly was not immune through prior exposure. Normally, if any member of the prime crew had to be grounded, the remaining crew would be replaced as well, and the backup crew substituted, but Duke's illness ruled this out, [24] so two days before launch, Mattingly was replaced by Swigert. [16] Mattingly never developed rubella and later flew on Apollo 16. [25] For Apollo, a third crew of astronauts, known as the support crew, was designated in addition to the prime and backup crews used on projects Mercury and Gemini. Slayton created the support crews because James McDivitt, who would command Apollo 9, believed that, with preparation going on in facilities across the US, meetings that needed a member of the flight crew would be missed. Support crew members were to assist as directed by the mission commander. [26] Usually low in seniority, they assembled the mission's rules, flight plan, and checklists, and kept them updated; [27] [28] for Apollo?13, they were Vance D. Brand, Jack Lousma and either William R. Pogue or Joseph Kerwin. [note 3] [33] For Apollo?13, flight directors were: Gene Kranz, White team, [34] (the lead flight director); [35] [36]
Apollo 136. Apollo 13 real footage. Apollo 137. I still dream to be an astronaut. Apollo 13 reentry. Apollo 13. Apollo 13 explosion. Apollo 13 soundtrack. Apollo 13 landing. Apollo 13 movie cast. It's strange that I never seen that movie. Apollo 13 houston we have a problem. Apollo 13 strain. Apollo 13 astronauts. So much heart, strength, bravery in these men. Really shows the best of what America can be, when we put ego aside and focus on helping one another. My favorite Ron Howard film, and the casting is absolutely perfect (RIP Bill Paxton. Gripping drama but suitable for all ages. I love this movie.
Apollo 12. What are they referring to when Houston asks for Omni Bravo/Charlie? I assume it has to do with the omni-directional antennas. Apollo 13 power up. I was actually thoroughly unconvinced of ME. I figured most of the spelling and color changes people report seem easy to simply misremember. All the word confusion in movie quotes and titles were phonically similar in most cases. And saying "Luke, I am your father" instead of "No, I am your father" makes more sense if you're quoting Star Wars out of context, so I could see that as a plausible explanation for why something like that would become widely misquoted. But then a video mentioned Apollo 13 and pointed out that people misremember the original line as "Houston we have a problem" then showed the "Uh Houston, we've had a problem" version as proof, which featured a different camera angle and had a slower pacing to it. But then, within minutes, I saw another video which showed the same scene but with a close-up of Tom Hanks face saying "Houston we have a problem". I immediately clicked back through all the videos I'd watched today and couldn't find the clip I saw. I'm really questioning everything right now.
Apollo 13 imdb. Apollo 13 trailer. Apollo 13 en ligne depuis. Apollo 13 mission astronauts.









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