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  1. About The Author - CARMEN MARÍA FRISONI

Release Year - 2019. &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg). Audience score - 4996 Votes. Valia Santella, Marco Bellocchio. actor - Fausto Russo Alesi. Tomatometers - 7,7 / 10 stars.
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Svp sous titrage en français merci. La mafia è lo stato. . Watch Il traditore [1080p] Where,Can,I,Watch,Il,traditore,Online Watch Il traditore Online Usatoday.

Molto più m erda che uomo. Buscetta non è un delinquente? Che si è bevuto bellocchio. &ref(,h_250,q_70,strp/hate__by_raaka_randir_d26hckj-250t.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjE4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNzFkY2E3OTUtYWIwNS00M2Y3LTg5YmEtYTJkMzE1OGFlZjFiXC9kMjZoY2tqLTAwZDkxNzAyLWQ4YzItNGZhMy04OTg0LTFlYWJiZTk1MjE4Ny5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.kPvLNGZML-3HTw-VFxc5dR31L62PL4Qh-SDtj3jd7ho)
Perché Falcone non avrebbe parlato così? Non era mica San Francesco.

By Marco Bellocchio synopsis In the early 1980’s, an all out war rages between Sicilian mafia bosses. Tommaso Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil. Back home in Italy, scores are being settled, and Buscetta’s allies are killed off one after another. Arrested and then extradited by the Brazilian police, Buscetta makes a decision that will change the entire story of the Mafia: He decides to meet with Judge Falcone and betray the eternal vow he made to the Cosa Nostra. international title: The Traitor original title: Il Traditore country: Italy, France, Germany, Brazil sales agent: The Match Factory year: 2019 genre: fiction directed by: Marco Bellocchio film run: 151' release date: IT 23/05/2019, CH 12/09/2019, PT 24/10/2019, FR 30/10/2019, ES 6/12/2019 screenplay: Marco Bellocchio, Valia Santella, Ludovica Rampoldi cast: Pierfrancesco Favino, Maria Fernanda Candido, Luigi Lo Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane, Fausto Russo Alesi, Bebo Storti, Alessio Praticò, Marco Gambino, Goffredo Maria Bruno, Federica Butera, Aurora Peres cinematography by: Vladan Radovic film editing: Francesca Calvelli art director: Andrea Castorina costumes designer: Daria Calvelli music: Nicola Piovani producer: Beppe Caschetto, Simone Gattoni, Michael Weber, Viola Fügen, Alexandra Henochsberg, Fabiano Gullane, Caio Gullane production: IBC Movie, Kavac Films, RAI Cinema, Ad Vitam Productions, Match Factory Productions, Gullane (BR) distributor: 01 Distribution, Filmcoopi, Alambique, Ad Vitam, Vértigo Films.
Signori, questo è un grande professionista, parla il vero palermitano come se fosse nato e vissuto a Palermo. Scarpuzzedda però non era così, era più tozzo e capelluto. Everyone has, of course, heard of the mafia but what and who these people are, remains hidden behind lurid headlines and sensational films.
The Traitor offers an insight into who these people really are, their motivations, ambitions and the structure of the organisation, headed by a commission. What becomes clear is how tribal, loosely cohesive at best and brutal this group is. It underscores too, the fragility, of the judicial system in Italy. Law enforcement and judges intimidated by these groups and politicians potentially collaborating with them. Small wonder they became so powerful. This film is inherently interesting, made more so by stellar performances, that are simple and honest. There is no pretension here, just an insight into the troubled and tortured life of a man who decided to expose the vicious criminal organisation he once served. One notable downside is because of the breadth of ambition of this film, covering decades, it can be difficult to follow at times. Making the viewer work to keep up with what happening to who, when and why. Nonetheless compelling viewing. 7/10 from me.
Some of the best movies are the ones which turn out to be nothing like what you thought before seeing them. Considering the subject, I was expecting something along the lines of 'Goodfellas' a mafia underboss wiseguy whose life spins out of control. Watching the documentary currently available on a certain streaming TV service only bolstered my expectation.
My preconceived notions were incorrect. That was a good thing. There is no glamorization of the mafia lifestyle in this film. We even see the mafiosi call their purported familial ties "a farce. It portays the members of the cosa nostra as the sick sociopaths that they are. Nothing glamorous about that. This is a very well made film, worthy of the high praise it has received.
Brava bravo bravo. Dopo aver scampato ad un agguato mafioso è un fiume in piena racconta con irruenza è determinazione allucinante. ????. Download movie il traditore full movie.