165 minute / user ratings - 6,6 of 10 / audience Score - 2081 Vote / creators - Ashok Chakradhar, Ranjeet Bahadur / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzQ4YjVmZmUtZWNkZC00NTc3LTk2YmYtNWQ4YTNiM2U5MGEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDEzODQ0NA@@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) / countries - India. ???????????? ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ Author First India Biography: Welcome to the Official Twitter page of First India Newspaper. Follow us for the latest updates. #FirstIndia Release date=2019 User Rating=6, 4 of 10 director=Ashutosh Gowariker rating=2073 Votes War star=Sanjay Dutt, Mohnish Bahl. Panipat movie full hd. I went to watch this film with zero expectations and maybe that was the reason why I liked it. Panipat movie online for free. Really good movie, you'll stay bounded till the end, no unnecessary drama, superb cinematography, overall a very good movie. And yes, Arjun kapoor acted quite well beyond expectations. AUGHANA TA PISH AZ HOJOUM ENGLIS DER MAHDOUDE IMRAZI KHORASAN YA MAHDOUDE IMROZI AUGHANISTAN, WOJOUD NADASHTAND. Gowariker's Panipat presents Legendary Jat King Surajmal as an unwise fat man, and it's totally wrong. Mai RAJPUT Hu lekin MARATHA asli HINDU warriors the Salute ????????????????????. I'm Gujarati Chhatrapati Shivaaji Maharaj ki Jay Ho. Respect ur wives as equal as ur parents and friends After all she's you life long partner. Panipat movie flop. The story, direction etc. isn't as bad as people are saying it to be. Yes over-glorification of Maratha is there but that was expected. Panipat movie trailer. Sanjay Dutt ????????. 1984 man tum NY b mara. YouTube. ????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???? ? ???????? Panipat movie maker. Costume is very very bad. Isla last Part kaha hai. Real marata hero are really great... flim could have been made more better... betrayal word is confusing. Panipat movie online to watch full. Panipat movie online free. I usually try to avoid history based movies in Bollywood. Because they never follow the real history. India have rich history of Muslims. But Bollywood always denies it. I am not saying to make Muslims hero. All I want is if want to make movies based on history, you have to tell the truth. Or if you don't like the history of your interested 'topic' make a fiction. Panipat movie public reaction. Afghans are concerned over 'misrepresentation' of Ahmad Shah Abdali, the founder of modern Afghanistan, in the new film. 'Panipat' is based on a 1761 battle north of Delhi between an the Indian Maratha empire and an Afghan army led by Ahmad Shah Abdali [Getty Images] Afghans have expressed disappointment over the portrayal of the country's founding father in the latest Bollywood period drama, Panipat, set in the 18th century. The film depicts the 1761 Battle of Panipat fought between the forces of Afghan ruler Ahmad Shah Abdali and?the army of Marathas, a Hindu community mainly based in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. Modern Panipat is a district in the northern state of Haryana, about 85km (53 miles) from capital New Delhi. Abdali, a hero to many Afghans, was the founder of the Durrani Empire and? leader of the Pashtun tribe ?who defeated the Maratha army. To most Indians, he is a fierce invader?who killed thousands of Maratha soldiers. Panipat is the latest Bollywood film to attract criticism for its misrepresentation of historical characters, especially Muslim rulers from the medieval period. Another Bollywood film Padmaavat?(2018)?portrayed Alauddin Khilji, a Muslim king of Afghan origin who ruled Delhi in the 12th century, as a "savage" who "gnaws meat off the bone" - following the most prevalent stereotypes about Muslims, according to critics. "Abdali fits the Alauddin Khilji mould of 'otherness' - tall, imposing, and dismissive of Hindu martial prowess. The two manifest the stock Muslim 'invader' tropes that dominate the 21st-century Hindu psyche, " wrote film critic and columnist Kaveree Bamzai on The Print website. "As one of the Panipat posters on Abdali says: 'Death strikes where his shadow falls'. " Similarly, Kesari - released earlier this year and based on the Battle of Saragarhi in 1897 between Sikh soldiers and Afghans - was also criticised?for?portraying the Afghans as violent invaders. 'Insensitive/distorted depiction' These films have offended many Afghans, such as Hassan Amin Shoob, a Kabul-based filmmaker. He said Panipat is yet another film that "failed?to capture the true essence of Afghan history and values". "India's Panipat is undoubtedly of a lucrative nature, focused mainly on the Hindu aspect of the events. The director's take on history is a failed attempt, but a make-me-happy entertainment for the Hindus, " Shoob told Al Jazeera. "Ahmad Shah Durrani is universally acknowledged by historians as a man of wisdom. " On Sunday, a statement released by the Afghan foreign ministry said Idrees Zaman, the acting foreign minister, met with Indian envoy to Kabul Vinay Kumar to discuss the "issue of Afghan sensitivities" surrounding the film. Even before the film's release, the Afghan embassy in New Delhi had written a letter to the Indian government to raise its concerns over misrepresentation of the Afghan ruler. "Since the film is related to former Afghan emperor Ahmad Shah Abdali, any insensitive/distorted depiction of his character might provoke emotions of Afghans which could be unfairly exploited by others to adversely affect the trust and harmony that exists so well among the people of two countries, " the letter stated. India has had friendly ties with Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, with New Delhi being a major financial backer of the Western-backed government in Kabul. India has also earned the goodwill of the Afghans by carrying out major infrastructure projects in the war-torn country, including building the new parliament in Kabul. Bollywood films and Hindi-language soap operas are very popular in Afghanistan, which is among the biggest markets for the Hindi film industry. Afghans demand review of film Nafees Ur Rehman, a Pashtun researcher from neighbouring Pakistan whose work partially focuses on the vilification of Pashtuns and Afghans in colonial literature, said he decided not to watch Panipat. "It is fine to take some liberties while making historical films but these liberties should be consistent with the historical accounts and shouldn't challenge them, " he told Al Jazeera. "If I have to learn history, I can look up various authentic books, and I would prefer to watch a comedy for entertainment. But not Panipat movie. " In 2007, Afghanistan banned the Bollywood film, Kabul Express - a story about three journalists in post-Taliban Afghanistan - because parts of it were deemed offensive to the?Shia Muslim Hazara ethnic minority. "Bollywood films most of the time vilify and stereotype Muslims. It was easier for them to find proxy in Pakistanis to portray Muslims that suited their agenda; but with the Afghans, they have found a new villain, " said Rehman. "I think this is a result of widespread religious nationalism. And as of now, such kind of nationalism demands to find 'heroes' among 'yourselves' and 'villains' in 'others'. The recent trend shows Bollywood is playing to such an audience, " he said. Afghans also took to Twitter to express their disappointment in the film, including?Naseem Sharifi, Consul General of Afghanistan in Mumbai. " #PrimeMinisterModi it's honor to know & have met you on various occasions. Our request is to put da [sic] new movie #panipat under review to make sure that because of a few $$ that the filmmakers are earning? we don't lose our decade worth of hard work & efforts as friendly nations, " Sharifi said in a tweet. Indian film industry is tarnishing the history of Afghans. #Panipat ? Mizrab Fatima (@MizrabF) December 8, 2019 India has shown Ahmed Shah in a negative role, which has disappointed many Afghans and Pashtuns around the world. #Panipat ? Sehar Naz (@Patriot_SN1) December 8, 2019 In an interview on December 2, Panipat director Ashutosh Gowariker said that even though he respects the feelings of Afghans, Abdali did "invade us a few times". "For me, this film is not about the Hindu-Muslim battle, it's not. It's about stopping an invader, protecting your land, it is what the patriotic theme of the film is, " he told?The Film Companion, a web channel that promotes Indian cinema. Gowariker, whose 2001 epic Lagaan was nominated for the Oscars, claimed he retained the dignity of Abdali's character in his film. Jawad, a photojournalist based in Kabul, echoed the concerns raised by Rehman, saying he was disturbed by how "Islam was portrayed the religion of violence and fear" in the film. "In one scene of the movie, it shows Abdali praying and immediately after he finishes the prayer, he is shown killing people, " he said. "Nowadays, people do not have time to read history, they believe what they see. I wish the Indian filmmaker focused on real history, instead of being biased towards Afghans and Muslims. "Abdali is described as a thief and a looter, which is not true. I can understand, for Indians Abdali is an invader but the incidents need to be shown according to the facts, not less not more. " 101 East The Stuntmen of Bollywood SOURCE: Al Jazeera News. Panipat movie story. Panipat movie 2019. Panipat movie plot. Namaskaram, We are a friendly and user-focused community for Redditors from India. Following the millennia old tradition of Bharat, this place supports freedom of speech, plurality and open dialogue. It is one stop center for all the news, entertainment, sports, history & culture, economy and Geo-politics related to India. Enjoy, collaborate and discuss them, let the churning of the great ocean begin. Arjun should go to acting classes first. ?. @BBC-???? ???? ??????? ???????????? ?? ?????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??? ???? ?????. Sach sach bolo kis kis ko hasi nai ayi... ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????????? ?? ???? 10 ???? ?????
Panipat war 1. Panipat movie review. Arjun should go to acting classes first. ?. Panipat movie. Panipat netflix.
165 minute / user ratings - 6,6 of 10 / audience Score - 2081 Vote / creators - Ashok Chakradhar, Ranjeet Bahadur / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzQ4YjVmZmUtZWNkZC00NTc3LTk2YmYtNWQ4YTNiM2U5MGEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDEzODQ0NA@@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) / countries - India. ???????????? ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ Author First India Biography: Welcome to the Official Twitter page of First India Newspaper. Follow us for the latest updates. #FirstIndia Release date=2019 User Rating=6, 4 of 10 director=Ashutosh Gowariker rating=2073 Votes War star=Sanjay Dutt, Mohnish Bahl. Panipat movie full hd. I went to watch this film with zero expectations and maybe that was the reason why I liked it. Panipat movie online for free. Really good movie, you'll stay bounded till the end, no unnecessary drama, superb cinematography, overall a very good movie. And yes, Arjun kapoor acted quite well beyond expectations. AUGHANA TA PISH AZ HOJOUM ENGLIS DER MAHDOUDE IMRAZI KHORASAN YA MAHDOUDE IMROZI AUGHANISTAN, WOJOUD NADASHTAND. Gowariker's Panipat presents Legendary Jat King Surajmal as an unwise fat man, and it's totally wrong. Mai RAJPUT Hu lekin MARATHA asli HINDU warriors the Salute ????????????????????. I'm Gujarati Chhatrapati Shivaaji Maharaj ki Jay Ho. Respect ur wives as equal as ur parents and friends After all she's you life long partner. Panipat movie flop. The story, direction etc. isn't as bad as people are saying it to be. Yes over-glorification of Maratha is there but that was expected. Panipat movie trailer. Sanjay Dutt ????????. 1984 man tum NY b mara. YouTube. ????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???? ? ???????? Panipat movie maker. Costume is very very bad. Isla last Part kaha hai. Real marata hero are really great... flim could have been made more better... betrayal word is confusing. Panipat movie online to watch full. Panipat movie online free. I usually try to avoid history based movies in Bollywood. Because they never follow the real history. India have rich history of Muslims. But Bollywood always denies it. I am not saying to make Muslims hero. All I want is if want to make movies based on history, you have to tell the truth. Or if you don't like the history of your interested 'topic' make a fiction. Panipat movie public reaction. Afghans are concerned over 'misrepresentation' of Ahmad Shah Abdali, the founder of modern Afghanistan, in the new film. 'Panipat' is based on a 1761 battle north of Delhi between an the Indian Maratha empire and an Afghan army led by Ahmad Shah Abdali [Getty Images] Afghans have expressed disappointment over the portrayal of the country's founding father in the latest Bollywood period drama, Panipat, set in the 18th century. The film depicts the 1761 Battle of Panipat fought between the forces of Afghan ruler Ahmad Shah Abdali and?the army of Marathas, a Hindu community mainly based in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. Modern Panipat is a district in the northern state of Haryana, about 85km (53 miles) from capital New Delhi. Abdali, a hero to many Afghans, was the founder of the Durrani Empire and? leader of the Pashtun tribe ?who defeated the Maratha army. To most Indians, he is a fierce invader?who killed thousands of Maratha soldiers. Panipat is the latest Bollywood film to attract criticism for its misrepresentation of historical characters, especially Muslim rulers from the medieval period. Another Bollywood film Padmaavat?(2018)?portrayed Alauddin Khilji, a Muslim king of Afghan origin who ruled Delhi in the 12th century, as a "savage" who "gnaws meat off the bone" - following the most prevalent stereotypes about Muslims, according to critics. "Abdali fits the Alauddin Khilji mould of 'otherness' - tall, imposing, and dismissive of Hindu martial prowess. The two manifest the stock Muslim 'invader' tropes that dominate the 21st-century Hindu psyche, " wrote film critic and columnist Kaveree Bamzai on The Print website. "As one of the Panipat posters on Abdali says: 'Death strikes where his shadow falls'. " Similarly, Kesari - released earlier this year and based on the Battle of Saragarhi in 1897 between Sikh soldiers and Afghans - was also criticised?for?portraying the Afghans as violent invaders. 'Insensitive/distorted depiction' These films have offended many Afghans, such as Hassan Amin Shoob, a Kabul-based filmmaker. He said Panipat is yet another film that "failed?to capture the true essence of Afghan history and values". "India's Panipat is undoubtedly of a lucrative nature, focused mainly on the Hindu aspect of the events. The director's take on history is a failed attempt, but a make-me-happy entertainment for the Hindus, " Shoob told Al Jazeera. "Ahmad Shah Durrani is universally acknowledged by historians as a man of wisdom. " On Sunday, a statement released by the Afghan foreign ministry said Idrees Zaman, the acting foreign minister, met with Indian envoy to Kabul Vinay Kumar to discuss the "issue of Afghan sensitivities" surrounding the film. Even before the film's release, the Afghan embassy in New Delhi had written a letter to the Indian government to raise its concerns over misrepresentation of the Afghan ruler. "Since the film is related to former Afghan emperor Ahmad Shah Abdali, any insensitive/distorted depiction of his character might provoke emotions of Afghans which could be unfairly exploited by others to adversely affect the trust and harmony that exists so well among the people of two countries, " the letter stated. India has had friendly ties with Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, with New Delhi being a major financial backer of the Western-backed government in Kabul. India has also earned the goodwill of the Afghans by carrying out major infrastructure projects in the war-torn country, including building the new parliament in Kabul. Bollywood films and Hindi-language soap operas are very popular in Afghanistan, which is among the biggest markets for the Hindi film industry. Afghans demand review of film Nafees Ur Rehman, a Pashtun researcher from neighbouring Pakistan whose work partially focuses on the vilification of Pashtuns and Afghans in colonial literature, said he decided not to watch Panipat. "It is fine to take some liberties while making historical films but these liberties should be consistent with the historical accounts and shouldn't challenge them, " he told Al Jazeera. "If I have to learn history, I can look up various authentic books, and I would prefer to watch a comedy for entertainment. But not Panipat movie. " In 2007, Afghanistan banned the Bollywood film, Kabul Express - a story about three journalists in post-Taliban Afghanistan - because parts of it were deemed offensive to the?Shia Muslim Hazara ethnic minority. "Bollywood films most of the time vilify and stereotype Muslims. It was easier for them to find proxy in Pakistanis to portray Muslims that suited their agenda; but with the Afghans, they have found a new villain, " said Rehman. "I think this is a result of widespread religious nationalism. And as of now, such kind of nationalism demands to find 'heroes' among 'yourselves' and 'villains' in 'others'. The recent trend shows Bollywood is playing to such an audience, " he said. Afghans also took to Twitter to express their disappointment in the film, including?Naseem Sharifi, Consul General of Afghanistan in Mumbai. " #PrimeMinisterModi it's honor to know & have met you on various occasions. Our request is to put da [sic] new movie #panipat under review to make sure that because of a few $$ that the filmmakers are earning? we don't lose our decade worth of hard work & efforts as friendly nations, " Sharifi said in a tweet. Indian film industry is tarnishing the history of Afghans. #Panipat ? Mizrab Fatima (@MizrabF) December 8, 2019 India has shown Ahmed Shah in a negative role, which has disappointed many Afghans and Pashtuns around the world. #Panipat ? Sehar Naz (@Patriot_SN1) December 8, 2019 In an interview on December 2, Panipat director Ashutosh Gowariker said that even though he respects the feelings of Afghans, Abdali did "invade us a few times". "For me, this film is not about the Hindu-Muslim battle, it's not. It's about stopping an invader, protecting your land, it is what the patriotic theme of the film is, " he told?The Film Companion, a web channel that promotes Indian cinema. Gowariker, whose 2001 epic Lagaan was nominated for the Oscars, claimed he retained the dignity of Abdali's character in his film. Jawad, a photojournalist based in Kabul, echoed the concerns raised by Rehman, saying he was disturbed by how "Islam was portrayed the religion of violence and fear" in the film. "In one scene of the movie, it shows Abdali praying and immediately after he finishes the prayer, he is shown killing people, " he said. "Nowadays, people do not have time to read history, they believe what they see. I wish the Indian filmmaker focused on real history, instead of being biased towards Afghans and Muslims. "Abdali is described as a thief and a looter, which is not true. I can understand, for Indians Abdali is an invader but the incidents need to be shown according to the facts, not less not more. " 101 East The Stuntmen of Bollywood SOURCE: Al Jazeera News. Panipat movie story. Panipat movie 2019. Panipat movie plot. Namaskaram, We are a friendly and user-focused community for Redditors from India. Following the millennia old tradition of Bharat, this place supports freedom of speech, plurality and open dialogue. It is one stop center for all the news, entertainment, sports, history & culture, economy and Geo-politics related to India. Enjoy, collaborate and discuss them, let the churning of the great ocean begin. Arjun should go to acting classes first. ?. @BBC-???? ???? ??????? ???????????? ?? ?????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??? ???? ?????. Sach sach bolo kis kis ko hasi nai ayi... ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????????? ?? ???? 10 ???? ?????
Panipat war 1. Panipat movie review. Arjun should go to acting classes first. ?. Panipat movie. Panipat netflix.
F. ū?ŀ Lě??ť? Panipat: The Great Betrayal Free. Panipat india. Panipat court. Akki paaji the mini industry himself. First comment. Jai abdali. Complete piece of garbage. Arjun Kapoor had no expression in any scene. He sucks. Such a good story yet not good for some immature acting. He should retire. Panipat public review. Panipat film. Panipat battle. Panipat movie trailer. Panipat movie reviews. Panipat movie near me. I am sikh but proud to be kattar hindu. because my forefathers were hindus. Panipat movie online. Panipat reaction. Panipat movie release date. I did watch this movie today for free but let me tell you one thing watching Arjun Kapoor for FREE was also not worth it. Every thing you said about movie is true ?.
Panipat 2019. It's soooooooo proud feeling to see this... as a maratha ! me marathi JAY MAHARASHTRA... jay shivaji Jay bhavani. har har mahadev??. Ahmad shah abdali ji. Really. Panipat trailer 2019. Ae mere Maoula is Masjid ko firse abad farma Ameen. Panipat story. Who's problem. Old is gold: Sanjay Dutt, love and respect sir.?????.
Panipat 2019. It's soooooooo proud feeling to see this... as a maratha ! me marathi JAY MAHARASHTRA... jay shivaji Jay bhavani. har har mahadev??. Ahmad shah abdali ji. Really. Panipat trailer 2019. Ae mere Maoula is Masjid ko firse abad farma Ameen. Panipat story. Who's problem. Old is gold: Sanjay Dutt, love and respect sir.?????.
Panipat box office collection. Panipat review. Panipat official trailer. Panipat full movie hd. D. ownload Movie Panipat: The Great Betrayal Without Membership. I cannot understand such underwhelming rating and the audience response. The movie is far better than Baajirao Mastaani and Padmaavat in that regard. Ashutosh Gowarikar has done a very commendable job and shows his capability of handling such a large scale movie. One of the rare occasions where I do not agree with the IMDB rating.
?? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ??. Panipat showtimes. Esome research mate. Panipat trailer. Tujhe aur kuchh nahi mila sale bewkuf banane ke liye. I loved the second half of Panipat. The very best war scenes and war maps and action sequences that I have seen.
Panipat 2019 movie online. ????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??. Bakash channel kahe ke banate hai Khali chutiya banate hai. The sets in the movie were so amazing and the theme of the movie is also nice, music was also nice, overall it's a great movie. I ve read Panipat in Marathi hv copy.Panipat full movie. Panipat box office. Bohot fadu movie hai yaar ?? Nawaz hiding behind Athiya when they marry and come home was really hillarious. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing ???????? Athiya is superb wow just mind-blowing ????. Panipat movie public reaction. What a disaster. Panipat wars. Panipat budget. Per marna chahta hee. Panipat war. Panipat refinery. Panipat near me. Panipat movie download. Panipat maratha. Panipat full movie online watch. ??. Hasi aa rhi hai ? ?? tum logo pe. Panipat Theatrical release poster Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker Produced by Sunita Gowariker Rohit Shelatkar Written by Ashok Chakradhar (dialogue) Screenplay by Chandrashekhar Dhavalikar Ranjeet Bahadur Aditya Rawal Ashutosh Gowariker Starring Arjun Kapoor Sanjay Dutt Kriti Sanon Music by Ajay−Atul Cinematography C. K. Muraleedharan Edited by Steven Bernard Production company Ashutosh Gowariker Productions Vision World Films Distributed by Reliance Entertainment Release date 6?December?2019 Running time 162 minutes [1] Country India Language Hindi Budget ?100 crore [2] Box office est. ?49. 29 crore [3] Panipat is a 2019 Indian Hindi -language epic war film directed by Ashutosh Gowarikar. [4] Starring Arjun Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and Kriti Sanon in the lead roles, it depicts the events that took place during the Third Battle of Panipat. The film was theatrically released in India on 6 December 2019. [5] [6] The film was unsuccessful at the box office. [7] Premise [ edit] In the 18th century, the Maratha empire reached its territorial peak. However, their happiness is short lived as the Afghan King Ahmad Shah Abdali plans to take over India and the Maratha Peshwa Nanasaheb orders Sadashiv Rao Bhau to stop him at any cost, thus leading to the Third Battle of Panipat between the two armies. Cast [ edit] Arjun Kapoor as Sadashiv Rao Bhau Sanjay Dutt as Ahmad Shah Abdali Kriti Sanon as Parvati Bai Karmveer Choudhary as Maharaja Surajmal Mohnish Bahl as Nana Saheb Peshwa Padmini Kolhapure as Gopika Bai Zeenat Aman as Sakina Begum Sahil Salathia as Shamsher Bahadur Kunal Kapoor as Shuja-ud-Daula Mir Sarwar as Imad-ul-Mulk Milind Gunaji as Dattaji Shinde Abhishek Nigam as Vishwas Rao Ravindra Mahajani as Malhar Rao Holkar Gashmeer Mahajani as Jankoji Shinde Nawab Shah as Ibrahim Khan Gardi Mantra as Najib-Ud-Daula Suhasini Mulay as Radhabai S. M Zaheer as Mughal Emperor Alamgir Arun Bali as Ala Singh Karmveer Choudhary as King Suraj Mal Paresh Shukla as Govind Pant Bundela Pradeep Patvardhan as Lingoji Narayan Krutika Deo as Radhikabai Vinita Mahesh as Mehrambai Archana Nipankar as Anandibai Shailesh Datar as Pant Dyanesh Wadkar as Balaji Mehendale Shyam Mashalkar as Bhanu Production [ edit] Development [ edit] National Award winning art director Nitin Chandrakant Desai recreated the majestic Shaniwar Wada at ND Studios, Karjat. [8] Neeta Lulla has designed the costumes. [9] Padmini Kolhapure joined the cast in October 2018 as Gopika Bai. [10] In June 2019, Zeenat Aman joined the cast to portray Sakina Begum. [11] Filming [ edit] On 30 November 2018, Gowariker and the cast tweeted a promotional poster to announce the beginning of principal photography. [12] On 30 June 2019, Sanon wrapped up shoot by posting pictures and notes for Gowariker and Kapoor. [13] Soundtrack [ edit] Panipat Soundtrack album by Ajay−Atul Released 28 November 2019 [14] Genre Feature film soundtrack Length 16: 48 Label Zee Music Company Producer Ajay−Atul Ajay−Atul chronology Super 30 (2019) Panipat (2019) Tanhaji (2020) External audio Official Audio Jukebox on YouTube Ajay Atul are composing the music for the film. The songs are written by Javed Akhtar. [15] [16] Track list No. Title Singer(s) Length 1. "Mard Maratha" Ajay−Atul, Sudesh Bhosle, Kunal Ganjawala, Swapnil Bandodkar, Padmanabh Gaikwad, Priyanka Barve 6:05 2. "Mann Mein Shiva" Kunal Ganjawala, Deepanshi Nagar, Padmanabh Gaikwad 5:17 3. "Sapna Hai Sach Hai" Abhay Jodhpurkar, Shreya Ghoshal 5:26 Total length: 16:48 Marketing and release [ edit] The first teaser poster was released on 15 March 2018. [17] On 5 November 2019, the official trailer of the film was launched by Reliance Entertainment. [18] The film was released on 6 December 2019. Reception [ edit] Critical reception [ edit] Monika Rawal Kukreja of Hindustan Times wrote "Panipat is an honest attempt at recreating the war that we only read in history books until now. It’s a tribute to the Maratha community in its truest form and even it was shorter by an hour, it could have had the same impact". [19] The Times of India gave 3. 5 out of 5 stars stating "‘Panipat’ delves into a significant chapter in history and is a war drama that lauds the unshakable bravery, courage and the strong principles of the Maratha's". [20] India Today gave 2. 5 out of 5 stars stating "Ashutosh Gowariker may not be able to do grandeur like Sanjay Leela Bhansali, but he can do war. Yet, a lacklustre cinematography and terrible CGI mars this solid attempt. It would have worked 10 years ago". [21] Namrata Joshi of The Hindu wrote "Gowariker may have taken liberties with history, but doesn’t play around with the form. He sticks to the tried and tested, the long and langourous and old-fashioned". [22] Bollywood Hungama gave 3 out of 5 stars stating "PANIPAT throws light on an important chapter of Indian history with the battle scenes as its USP". [23] Zee News gave 3 out of 5 stars stating "The film is a great effort by Gowariker and deserves to be watched for some impeccable performances and adrenaline-pumping action". [24] CNN-News18 gave 2. 5 out of 5 stars stating "Panipat, a film about Maratha warrior Sadashiv Rao Bhau who staves off Afghan ruler Ahmad Shah Abdali, disappoints only because of a linear screenplay that fails to rouse dramatic emotions so important to historicals". [25] NDTV gave 2 out of 5 stars stating "The burden on Arjun Kapoor is too heavy for him though he rises manfully to the challenge. Panipat definitely isn't Mohenjo Daro. But is that saying much? It will take three hours of your life and a whole lot of patience to sit through this laboured film". [26] Deccan Chronicle gave 2. 5 out of 5 stars stating "Directors like Gowariker do no service to the nation or their audience by twisting the truth, ignoring military, diplomatic, common sense follies and rewriting history with jingoistic fervour". [27] BBC News and Al Jazeera reported that the film received criticism from different parts of the world, especially from Afghanistan since Ahmad Shah Abdali is the national hero and the founder of modern day Afghanistan. [28] [29] Afghan viewers pointed that the film's portrayal of Abdali was that of an Arab, rather than an Afghan. Critics linked the rising number of Bollywood films with negative Muslim characters, such as the portrayal of Alauddin Khilji as a cruel and vicious ruler in the film Padmaavat, as an attempt by the industry executives to align with India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, a Hindu nationalist party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. [28] The Panipat trailer depicted Ahmed Shah Durrani as ruthless and brutal ruler [30] and Afghans as 'battle-hardened, blood-thirsty savages'. [31] While the film presented Marathas as 'sophisticated and righteous'. [31] Consul General of Afghanistan in Mumbai, Naseem Sharifi, said that 'Afghans would not tolerate any insult to Ahmad Shah Durrani'. Afghan journalists stated that the film will create more Islamophobia and racism towards Afghans. The Telegraph India reported that films like Padmaavat (2018), Kesari (2019) and Panipat have stereotyped and vilified Afghans as brutal, cold-blooded and treacherous. [32] Afghanistan's Ambassador to India, Tahir Qadiri, claimed that he was in contact with Indian officials and have shared the Afghan concerns with them. Ajmal Alamzai, cultural attache at the Afghan embassy in New Delhi, claimed that he had made several unsuccessful attempts to contact the director of the film. Pajhwok Afghan News reported that the Panipat film trailer depicted the Maratha Empire as victorious in the Third Battle of Panipat despite the fact that it was Ahmad Shah Durrani, who had won the battle. [33] Khaama Press, another Afghan newspaper, reported that some Afghan social media users have welcomed the film as reality while others criticised it and claimed that parts of history has been forged in favour of specific groups. [34] Box office [ edit] Panipat ' s opening day domestic collection was ? 4. 12 crore. On the second day, the film collected ?5. 78 crore. On the third day, the film collected ?7. 78 crore, taking the total opening weekend collection to ?17. 68 crore. [3] As of 10?January?2020, with a gross of ? 40. 81 crore in India and ? 8. 48 crore overseas, the film has a worldwide gross collection of ? 49. 29 crore. [3] References [ edit] ^ "EXCLUSIVE: Panipat makers opt for self-censorship; REMOVE 11 minutes of controversial content". Bollywood Hungama. Retrieved 12 December 2019. ^ "Panipat box office collection Day 1: Arjun Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt film earns Rs 4. 12 crore". India Today. Retrieved 8 December 2019. ^ a b c "Panipat Box Office". Retrieved 11 January 2020. ^ "Ashutosh Gowariker to make film on the Third Battle of Panipat". The Times of India. ^ "Kriti Sanon: Excited to share work space with Sanjay Dutt". The Times of India. ^ "Ashutosh Gowariker's period drama 'Panipat' first poster is out". Connect Gujarat. November 2019. Retrieved 4 November 2019. ^ " ' Panipat' box office collection day 5: Arjun Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Sanjay Dutt's periodic drama fails to impress the audience". Times of India. 11 December 2020. Retrieved 2 January 2020. ^ "Ashutosh Gowariker To Recreate Shaniwar Wada for Panipat". Koimoi. 19 April 2018. ^ "Neeta Lulla to design costumes for Ashutosh Gowariker's 'Panipat ' ". The Times of India. ^ "Padmini Kolhapure joins Arjun Kapoor, Kriti Sanon, Sanjay Dutt in Ashutosh Gowariker's Panipat". Firstpost. ^ Delh
?? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ??. Panipat showtimes. Esome research mate. Panipat trailer. Tujhe aur kuchh nahi mila sale bewkuf banane ke liye. I loved the second half of Panipat. The very best war scenes and war maps and action sequences that I have seen.
A very no silly approach to filmmaking for this genre. There is no doubt that Sanjay Dutt is outstanding, but Arjun Kapoor is not bad at all ! Of course one may miss the Ranvir of Baji Rao but then again, not that much as the overall filmmaking and war scenes are a spectacle to behold. The way the different kings have been portrayed and the battle of panipat has unravelled is also very good job Overall full marks on the second half especially. I saw this movie in a hall and liked it a real lot.Panipat war history. Panipat movie wiki. If you want to know why Maratha Empire got defeated in Panipat battle, then this movie will tell you that.
- Columnist - NAV ROR
- Biography Ñav ??♂? ??♂?