?No Sign Up? The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare Download Torrent


Average Ratings - 8 of 10 stars
Casts - Mark Ruffalo Todd Haynes 2019


Good luck predicting the next thing from director Todd Haynes. His last film was Wonderstruck, a tale of two children in New York, their stories separated by 50 years. Before that was Carol, a lesbian love story adapted from a novel by Patricia Highsmith. So it may seem less than linear that his newest, Dark Waters, is based on the 2016 New York Times magazine article The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare, by Nathanial Rich. Though it’s nice to see Mark Ruffalo cast as lawyer Robert Bilott after years of playing various shades of green as Hulk in the Marvel cinematic universe. I even think I know the line in the article that got Ruffalo the job. “Bilott doesn’t regret fighting DuPont for the last 16 years, nor for letting PFOA consume his career. But he is still angry. ” And you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry. As the article ? and now the film ? explains, PFOA is short for perfluorooctanoic acid, a chemical used in the manufacture of Teflon. It would be cool if exposure created superpowers, but the truth is both more mundane and more frightening; it causes birth defects and is linked to a variety of diseases of the thyroid, kidneys, intestines and blood. Bilott’s story in the film starts in 1998 when a salt-of-the-earth cattle farmer named Wilbur Tennant (Bill Camp) visits him at Taft, the law firm in Cincinnati where he works. Tennant, who knows Bilott’s grandmother, wants him to do something about the diseases and death that have been ravaging his herd, whose pasture abuts a DuPont dump. What Tennant doesn’t know is that Bilott is an environmental lawyer who works for big chemical companies, not against them. But he’s also an idealist, and when he visits the farm and determines that something is seriously wrong with the cows ? among other things, they’re insanely violent ? he takes the case. He even convinces himself that DuPont would want to know if they’ve been accidentally poisoning the land, though an executive played by Victor Garber quickly disavows him of that notion. Nor is Bilott’s boss (Tim Robbins) too happy. Anne Hathaway plays his wife, with little else to do but stand by him. Related Haynes hews close to the facts in this telling. When Ruffalo’s character receives thousands of pages in documents from DuPont, it looks like he’s in the warehouse from the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. But a line in the magazine suggests this may not be far off: “When people called his secretary, she explained that he was in the office but had not been able to reach the phone in time, because he was trapped on all sides by boxes. ” All of which makes the film that much more frightening and yet at the same time a little dull, cinematically speaking. It’s not unlike the Amazon new release The Report, based on the Senate Intelligence Committee Study of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program ? in other words, torture. It’s an important topic, but mostly takes place in offices, boardrooms and the occasional court. Fortunately, Ruffalo makes for a compelling and sympathetic character, and the movie does a good job of lionizing his tenaciousness; there were so many places where he could have just given up being the lone crusader for justice. That he kept at it speaks volumes to his nature. I know I wouldn’t have had the moral resolve; the only thing that might have kept me going in his shoes would be the irony of bringing a charge against the makers of Teflon and making it stick. 3. 5 stars Dark Waters opens Nov. 29 in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, and wider on Dec. 6.

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Columnist: Lot van Hooijdonk
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