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About The Author: Memphis Flyer
Resume: Memphis' alternative weekly paper.

USA. directed by Jay Roach. duration 109 min. 2019. Rating 9601 Votes. Margot Robbie. He is just memeing himself at this point. Bombshell full movie online free.
Impeachment is in America's best interest. Not re-election. Bombshell free online. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2020 Format: Blu-ray Bombshell, when you analyze it rather than falling for the emotions it wants you to, is not actually trying to educate or improve a culture of sexual harassment in the workplace. (That¡Çs just my opinion, mind you. ) It seems on the surface like a necessary movie because of the badly needed Me Too Movement, which started with Harvey Weinstein¡Çs downfall in late 2017 but had an earlier model of success in Gretchen Carlson¡Çs lawsuit against Fox News chief Roger Ailes. The movie makes no attempt at objectivity, which I think is its major weakness. If it was going strictly by what people have said on the record, rather than using anonymous sources, the movie would have some merit. But the bulk of the encounters and exchanges in the movie are fictionalized, which the moviemakers say is okay because they¡Çve talked to lots of people who currently and formerly work at Fox?so just trust them to be accurate in the movie, they say. The character of ¡ÈKayla¡É played by Margot Robbie is part of my complaint. I was okay with the way the Gretchen Carlson (played by Nicole Kidman) lawsuit against Ailes was depicted, but Kayla is a fictional character who is initially an idealistic and naïve Fox loyalist, working there as her dream job, until Kate McKinnon¡Çs lesbian character makes Kayla an instant lesbian (they meet at work, then next scene they¡Çre together in bed) and Kayla becomes one of Ailes¡Ç sexual conquests. Then she joins in the lawsuit. She doesn¡Çt seem at all like a realistic character to me because she wouldn¡Çt be so eager to become a lesbian if she was actually as dedicated to the religious conservatism as she originally is. Nor would she need her lesbian partner to help her understand that Ailes is doing the wrong thing to her. That subplot is just stupid. The excessive profanity in some parts of the movie felt to me like a distractor which seemed only intended for dramatic effect (like anger can only be expressed in a movie if you have lots of cussing), not like how the incidents would have happened. Roger Ailes seems accurately depicted by John Lithgow?who looks COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in this role. Charlize Theron did a very good job with prosthetics and vocal work on taking on the look and overall demeanor of Megyn Kelly, who was somewhat late in joining Gretchen¡Çs cause against Ailes but nonetheless very credible. I think the movie¡Çs most important point is that Gretchen Carlson, while getting an apology and payment from Fox News for wrongful termination due to her unwillingness to have an affair with Ailes, still cannot talk about specifics. It seems only a half-victory until those ¡Ènondisclosure¡É codes get changed. I have Megyn Kelly¡Çs book Settle for More and consider it to be the best resource about that period of Trump¡Çs ascendancy and Ailes¡Ç downfall in 2015-2016. She gives specifics in that book about her complex history with Ailes, which are accurately described in conversations in the movie Bombshell. But if Bombshell is meant to be helpful for enlightening people about sexual harassment in the workplace, it hurts itself with a tone of vitriol throughout, such as Kate McKinnon¡Çs fictional lesbian who works there saying?in a quote in the trailer which also is in the movie?¡ÈThe world is a bad place, people are lazy morons, minorities are criminals, sex is sick but interesting. ¡É All the other Fox News people, in their one-or-two-sentence cameos by actors who are supposed to somewhat resemble them, are depicted as out of touch or overlooking Ailes¡Ç misbehavior. The movie seems to be primarily just about hurting Fox News. It also brings up the unsubstantiated lawsuit by Andrea Mackris against Bill O¡ÇReilly in which she said he harassed her and called her while using a vibrator on himself. His termination from Fox, unlike Ailes¡Ç, was not adjudicated properly; Gretchen had compiled audio evidence on Ailes¡Ç harassment which never was released to the public but was taken to court and adjudicated by the Murdochs (the family which allowed Ailes to create Fox News). O¡ÇReilly was terminated almost immediately after a New York Times article about payments to settle sexual harassment cases with several women, but due to his own nondisclosure agreements was not allowed to defend himself or correct what he says were inaccuracies in the article, and settlements do not equate to admissions of guilt. Settlements by payment and nondisclosure agreements are sometimes used to prevent public, long-term court cases that hurt the family of the accused, which is O¡ÇReilly¡Çs defense. The movie did a disservice by equating the Ailes case with the O¡ÇReilly case. O¡ÇReilly is only referred to and has an actor doing a couple lines as he has a conference, not a major part of the movie. But I feel the movie¡Çs grouping of him with Ailes, and implication that ¡Èeveryone¡É who worked at Fox knew Ailes was a dirty old man, were inaccurate. Even though Roger Ailes had a lot of Trump¡Çs conspiracy theory mindset, I think it oversimplifies him by portraying him and the Fox News reportage as bigoted. If I were you, I would pass this one up, and instead read Megyn Kelly¡Çs book Settle for More. Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2019 Format: Prime Video Theater review. Possible spoilers. Director Jay Roach might not seem like the director for an expose like this given his resume (Austin Powers movies, Meet the Fockers, Dinner for Schmucks) but he pulls it off. Some of the credit would seem to go to writer Charles Randolph who was responsible for ¡ÈThe Big Short. ¡É This film has much of that style. That is narration, superimposed facts, etc. The film is focused on Roger Ailes (excellent John Lithgow in a fat suit and heavy facial makeup) who single handedly put Fox News on the television map. His marketing acumen may have been successful but he also left a bevy of female staffers humiliated at best and sexually assaulted at worst. There are 3 women at the center of the story. Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman) is the first to bring Ailes¡Ç misdeeds to light. She had gone from a rising star on the Fox morning show to a less visable host in a late afternoon time slot. Why? She had shunned Ailes¡Ç sexual advances. She leaves the network fairly early in the movie and sues Ailes personally. In an award-worthy performance, Charlize Theron plays Megyn Kelly who remains at the network but is under scrutiny because of the 2016 presidential debate where she asks candidate Donald Trump about his treatment of women in the past. Ailes and indeed Fox were backers of Trump and were stunned by the question. Kelly suffered the consequences for a long time and later acknowledged Alies had come on to her earlier in her career. The third woman is Kayla Pospisil (Margo Robbie). Kayla is an amalgam of actual women at Fox over the years. She¡Çs highly supportive of the network and Ailes from the beginning. She is also hungry for advancement and manages to get Ailes¡Ç attention. In a scene that had most of the audience squirming in their seats, Ailes auditions Kayla by modeling in front of him. He urges her to keep hiking up her skirt in order to see her legs ? ¡ÈIt¡Çs a visual medium he suggests. ¡É All the women are great. Theron in particular captures not only the look of Kelly but the slightly arrogant and aloof physical persona. It¡Çs an amazing transformation. If ¡ÈBombshell¡É can be criticized it would be because the film doesn¡Çt go very deep into the workings of Fox. We get a surface view as the attention is on Ailes, less so on the network or his boss, Rupert Murdoch (Malcolm McDowell). In small but interesting roles, Kate McKinnon shows up as a closeted lesbian producer and confidant of Kayla¡Çs. Connie Britton plays Ailes wife Beth, a supporter of her husband until a startling scene in the final act. Mark Duplass plays Kelly¡Çs husband Doug Brunt and Allison Janney is Susan Estrich, Ailes lawyer. In spite of the content, this is a fast moving, highly entertaining and important film. Highly recommended. Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I expected this movie to be an expose on Roger Ailes, and it was to a degree. But the movie went on to make all of the men at Fox News look completely exploitive of women, and/or mindless minions of the organization. It portrayed Megan Kelly as the only smart, legitimate journalist at Fox. One who everyone held in high esteem, with her entourage following her through the halls of Fox. And all the men lusting over her. And I mean ALL of the men. The movie also implied that avid viewers of Fox are witless followers of the "cult" that Ailes created, and conservatives are gullible and feebleminded. I was personally offended, and shut it off after about 30 minutes. Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Slow, I say SLOW..... not worth the $15. 00 I spent Reviewed in the United States on February 29, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Found the movie captivating, and no one else is telling this story. I'm a conservative and a female and thinks this story needs to be told. This is not an anti-conservatives movie. It's an anti-sleaze bag movie. Reviewed in the United States on February 27, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I loved Nicole, Charlize and maggots performance, all did spectacular work. the makeup deptmt earned every bit of the golden Oscar, Charlize was turned into Megan Kelly's doppleganger. and to see Margot Robbie vulnerable was truly heart breaking, def a tear jerking scene or two came from her performance. all the women killed it, nailed it... cant forget the amazing job that roger ailes put in, perfection. A+ work in entertainment.
Bombshell free online dating. Bombshell free online casino. These Dynamic Trio Will Be a Next of Charlie's Angel. Watch free online bombshell 123movies. Completely agree, get Mr. Barr involved and let Hillary get her oats and burn in Hades. ¡ÈT o get ahead, you gotta give a little head, ¡É joked former chairman and chief executive of Fox News Roger Ailes, before the 76-year-old was brought to his knees by allegations of sexual harassment in 2016, one year before his death. When Gretchen Carlson (a fabulously brittle Nicole Kidman) files a lawsuit against Ailes (John Lithgow) after being dropped by the network, she inspires a wave of confessions from other women. This glossy portrayal of Ailes¡Çs downfall secured Oscar nominations last week for Charlize Theron, as anchor Megyn Kelly, and Margot Robbie, as fictionalised ¡Èevangelical millennial¡É news producer Kayla Pospisil. The tale is current, its moment for telling ripe. Unfortunately the tone is all over the place. Direct to camera addresses, one-liners about sushi being ¡Èliberal food¡É, and Kate McKinnon¡Çs closeted Democrat lesbian producer scan as satire. It¡Çs grimly funny when fresh hire Rudi Bakhtiar (Nazanin Boniadi) details the mental gymnastics a woman must perform to save face when her boss invites himself up to her hotel room: ¡ÈJust look confused, ¡É says her inner monologue. Yet the performances are utterly earnest. The ambitious Kayla is pleased to score a meeting with Ailes, but Robbie¡Çs wide eyes soon fill with hot tears as she is coerced and humiliated. The film can¡Çt square the fact that its protagonists are the victims of sexism and yet perpetuate it by sheer virtue of working for a rightwing news channel. What happened to these women is appalling; that the film takes such pains to sand down the politics of its central characters to make them more sympathetic undermines its entire thesis. Kelly¡Çs racist attitudes are smoothed over, while Carlson¡Çs homophobia is conveniently erased. Fox¡Çs complicity in bringing the president to power is also merely winked at (Malcolm McDowell¡Çs Rupert Murdoch makes a friendly phone call to ¡ÈDonald¡É). Instead of confronting this tension, it pats itself on the back, ending with a title card that celebrates how these women ¡Ègot the Murdochs to put the rights of women above profits, however temporarily¡É. Watch a trailer for Bombshell.
Most iconic trio of actresses ever. Bombshell movie online free. Watch bombshell free online. Watch bombshell online free 123. Bombshell free online poker. Arteezy ! DROP THE PogChamp. Bombshell 2019 free online. Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie star in a story about the fall of Roger Ailes. Video transcript transcript ¡ÆBombshell¡Ç | Anatomy of a Scene The director Jay Roach narrates a sequence featuring Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie. Hi, I¡Çm Jay Roach. I am the director of the film ¡ÈBombshell. ¡É So in this scene, we see Margot Robbie, who¡Çs playing Kayla, take a call from? clearly, from Roger Ailes¡Ç office. And Kate McKinnon, who¡Çs playing Jess, in the cubicle with her. We have just seen, a few scenes back, that Roger is harassing Kayla right this minute and is now pressuring her to come back up. We¡Çve also seen that Kate McKinnon¡Çs character has warned her not to talk about it. So right away, it¡Çs about staying silent. The score is playing this sort of haunting, all women¡Çs voices as the instrumentation, almost Phillip Glass thing that Teddy Shapiro came up with to emphasize how alone she is on this walk. And she walks into this elevator and thinks she can be alone. But in walks her actual idol, Megyn Kelly, played by Charlize Theron. And now, two women, who both have secrets, who both have been harassed, are in the same tight space and won¡Çt say a word to each other. And they¡Çre going to ride this elevator up to the floor where Roger Ailes is. And this shot here is such a great example of Barry Ackroyd¡Çs incredibly humanistic operating. He¡Çs just watching the people and paying attention to what they¡Çre reacting to, and finding the composition off of the performance. In comes Gretchen Carlson, played by Nicole Kidman, who¡Çs now a third woman in a different level of predicament, a different level of being harassed by Roger. And they¡Çre all stuck in this space. So this was a very important scene, because it¡Çs the only time in the whole movie when all three women are in the same place. And we wanted a kind of combination of capturing the predicament of them being in the elevator but not supporting each other, and seeing that in the wide shot, that you could actually jump around to watch each woman¡Çs face in the three-shot and compose for that. And as Megyn watches them walk away, she knows that Margo, especially, is walking into Roger¡Çs lair, where almost all of the harassment happened at Fox. The director Jay Roach narrates a sequence featuring Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie. Credit Credit... Hilary B Gayle/Lionsgate Published Dec. 12, 2019 Updated Dec. 13, 2019 Bombshell Directed by Jay Roach Biography, Drama R 1h 48m Bright and bouncy until it turns grim, ¡ÈBombshell¡É is a fictionalized account of the women who brought down Roger Ailes, the chairman and chief executive of Fox News. Helped bring him down is probably more accurate given that he was ousted by Rupert Murdoch, who founded Fox News in 1996 before handing the reins to Ailes. Since then, the network has become a ratings powerhouse and hothouse of right-wing talking points, a sea of white faces and dolled-up women in skirts and high heels. Ailes is now gone but the talking points, high ratings, skirts and heels remain. The movie¡Çs title is clever, cleverness being its modus operandi. The story, after all, is about female employees who, with icy smiles and iron ambition, worked for a conservative political force who institutionalized the harassment of women. So, how do you make heroines out of characters that some in the audience will see as deeply compromised if not outright villainous? For starters, you cast on the offensive by having Charlize Theron play Megyn Kelly, Nicole Kidman do Gretchen Carlson and Margot Robbie break hearts as the fictional Kayla Pospisil. Image Credit... Hilary B Gayle/Lionsgate The stars, with their unimpeachable talent, filmographies and feminist cred, are a shrewd way of blunting skepticism. Even so, the characters are tricky, especially Megyn and Gretchen, who come with ideological baggage that complicates Hollywood¡Çs holy grail of relatability. The movie wants, needs us to like them, which may be why it breaks the fourth wall early on with Megyn directly addressing the audience, looking into the camera as she tours the network offices in a slightly tight red, white and blue dress. One man yells out a compliment, another looks her up and down. She keeps on walking, focused, hips swinging like knives. Having her talk to the viewer immediately makes the audience part of a very special Megyn Kelly tour group. It creates intimacy, almost a little conspiracy between you and her, so when she starts chatting about Roger (John Lithgow, galumphing with verve), including his history advising Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, you lean in and listen. Tell us more. You¡Çre getting the inside dope from one of the network¡Çs biggest stars. When Megyn says that Roger is always watching and we see the many surveillance monitors inside his own personal panopticon, it brings a shiver. Tell us everything. Directed by Jay Roach, from a script by Charles Randolph (¡È The Big Short ¡É), ¡ÈBombshell¡É opens not long before the first Republican presidential candidates¡Ç debate in August 2015. Kelly moderated it with two other Fox News anchors, but she was the one who drew national attention because of her questioning of Donald J. Trump and what it wrought. ¡ÈYou once told a contestant on ¡ÆCelebrity Apprentice¡Ç it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees, ¡É Kelly said. ¡ÈDoes that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president? ¡É Afterward, Trump said she had ¡Èbehaved very badly¡É and went on a Twitter rampage against her. Here¡Çs the thing about sexism: It doesn¡Çt discriminate. It¡Çs an equal opportunity prejudice that cuts across history, culture, political affiliation. ¡ÈBombshell¡É gets this. And part of what works in the movie is that it does a good job of presenting the ordinary assaults that women, even those with great privilege, can endure simply to get through a day, including dehumanizing ¡Ècompliments. ¡É When Megyn walks through the network as men size her up, she doesn¡Çt break stride. She keeps marching. She¡Çs a warrior and Theron makes you believe that with her ramrod posture and absolute assurance, Megyn could lead an army or maybe a rebellion, if she chose. Will she or won¡Çt she? That¡Çs the question teased for a long time in ¡ÈBombshell, ¡É which gains steam as Trump¡Çs assault stirs up trouble for Megyn. (Roach incorporates archival material of the real candidate throughout, amping up the movie¡Çs historical bona fides. ) Narratively, Megyn¡Çs insistence on calling Trump out for his treatment for women ? and then dealing with the ominous backlash ? becomes a prelude to the looming crisis with Roger. She is the network¡Çs biggest female star and she¡Çs willing to take on a presidential candidate; as Roger says, it¡Çs good TV. But when Gretchen sues Roger for sexual harassment, Megyn at first lets the other woman twist in the wind. Roach started out directing comedies and his background generally works for him in ¡ÈBombshell, ¡É which he gives a lightness of touch in the beginning that promises (rightly, sometimes wrongly) everything will work out just fine. He even brings a sense of breezy fun to Fox that suggests everyone will soon be amusingly skewered. (The cinematographer Barry Ackroyd brings the texture, shadows and professional sheen. ) With its big hair, shiny sets and the gun-packing Sean Hannity, the network is grist for parody, though it can be tough to tell who¡Çs in on the joke. (The cast includes Kate McKinnon, Richard Kind, Allison Janney and a devilish Malcolm McDowell. ) ¡ÈBombshell¡É works as well and as long as it does largely because of its actors, Theron most of all. One of her qualities as a performer is that she never begs for the audience¡Çs love. She can come across as remote, but she also reads as supremely self-contained: She¡Çs a fortress of one. She shows you her characters¡Ç existential isolation, which is often where their humanity lies. You see that in ¡ÈBombshell, ¡É which strengthens its realism and is finally more impressive than the prosthetics she wears that, with a husky scrape in her voice, turn her into Kelly¡Çs uncanny double. Even when the movie puts some feminist-lite uplift on this ugly world, Theron doesn¡Çt soften Megyn. Kidman is comparatively sidelined, though it¡Çs Gretchen who knocks over the first domino. (The Showtime limited series about Ailes¡Çs downfall, ¡ÈThe Loudest Voice, ¡É foregrounds Carlson. ) For the most part, Kidman plays Gretchen sincerely, though Roach over-sentimentalizes the character, especially with periodic cutaways to her children. But Kidman also makes Gretchen ever-so-slightly ridiculous, adding a sharp sliver of comedy that underscores how self-serving and futile her rebellious gestures at the network are, like when she appears on camera wearing no makeup. You will never win the war, the movie implies, by working for the enemy. That critique only goes so far in ¡ÈBombshell, ¡É which finally can¡Çt deal with the story¡Çs uncomfortable contradictions. So instead it makes you cry, notably with Kayla, a self-described evangelical millennial in the ¡ÈJesus space. ¡É Robbie deepens the movie¡Çs emotional stakes as its persuasively sweet golden girl, who is brutalized by Roger. Roach handles this well enough, including in an upsetting scene in which Roger orders her to bare her white panties, a queasy emblem of surrender. But it is Robbie ? with her panicked, darting eyes and tensely resistant, then capitulating physicality ? who conveys the horror of sexual harassment, a degradation that seeps into body and soul. Kayla is the movie¡Çs sacrificial lamb and, to an extent, a representation of female victimization and innoce
You have to take this movie with a grain of salt because Hollywood will tell lies with the truth so you believe the lies. Watch Fox News now and nothing has changed, you still see legs. Roger Ailes did somethings he should have not done for sure. My example is the part in the movie where Megyn Kelly canvasses Fox News to get women to come out and tell what happened, never happened. I saw a Megyn Kelly interview where she did ask women if anything ever happened and she said she could find no one. The Margot Robbie character is completely fictional. Roger Ailes is not a good guy for sure but it would be nice to know what is true or nor true.
Bombshell free online slot. Bombshell free online. Watch bombshell 2019 free online. When does the movie about CNN come out. Bombshell movie free online. 5:43 I felt that when he was yelling taken, that it was more so to remind himself that he is in fact taken. Harassment at fox? WHAT ABOUT MSNBC suppressing the Epstein story? What about Weinstein? LOL. Ricky Gervais should have had this interview. What happened to Nicole's chin. More disinformation. Wow Charlize Theron. Her transformation is incredible. She looks and sounds just like her. Bombshell free online surveys. Bombshell free online games. Well, someone is not getting a job at Fox again. BTW Tucker is getting bigger ratings than you ever were. You trash.
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Can't wait to watch this movie. Amazing choice of actresses. and who doesn't know the real story

Watch bombshell online free. Movie bombshell free online. Bombshell Theatrical release poster Directed by Jay Roach Produced by Aaron L. Glibert Jay Roach Robert Graf Michelle Graham Charles Randolph Margaret Riley Charlize Theron AJ Dix Beth Kono Written by Charles Randolph Starring Nicole Kidman Margot Robbie John Lithgow Kate McKinnon Connie Britton Malcolm McDowell Allison Janney Music by Theodore Shapiro Cinematography Barry Ackroyd Edited by Jon Poll Production companies Bron Studios Annapurna Pictures Denver + Delilah Productions Gramsci Lighthouse Management & Media Creative Wealth Media Distributed by Lionsgate Release date December?13,?2019 (United States) Running time 108 minutes [1] Country United States Language English Budget $32 million [2] Box office $58 million [3] [4] Bombshell is a 2019 American biographical drama film directed by Jay Roach and written by Charles Randolph. The film stars Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, and Margot Robbie, and is based upon the accounts of the women at Fox News who set out to expose CEO Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. Actors John Lithgow, Kate McKinnon, Connie Britton, Malcolm McDowell, and Allison Janney appear in supporting roles. The project was first announced in May 2017 following Ailes's death, with Roach confirmed as director the following year. Much of the cast joined that summer and filming began in October 2018 in Los Angeles. It entered into a limited release in the United States on December 13, 2019, before a wide release on December 20, by Lionsgate. Bombshell received generally favorable reviews, with critics praising the performances of the cast (particularly of Theron, Kidman, Robbie, and Lithgow) and the makeup and hairstyling but some criticizing its screenplay and inaccuracies. At the 92nd Academy Awards, it earned three nominations: Best Actress (Theron), Best Supporting Actress (Robbie), and Best Makeup and Hairstyling, winning the latter. The film also received two nominations at the 77th Golden Globe Awards (for Theron and Robbie), four at the 26th Screen Actors Guild Awards (Theron, Robbie, and Kidman, as well as Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture) and three at the 73rd British Academy Film Awards (Theron, Robbie, and Best Makeup and Hair). Plot [ edit] Roger Ailes heads Fox News, the real-life cable television network. The film focuses on newscasters Megyn Kelly, Gretchen Carlson and composite character Kayla Pospisil. Kelly is one of the network's most popular newscasters and is to co-moderate the 2016 Republican debate. The day of the debate, sick and throwing up, she nevertheless questions Donald Trump on comments he has made about women. In retaliation, he tweets insults about her, and others follow suit. One paparazzo stalks Kelly's family outside her home to photograph her children, prompting Kelly's husband, Douglas, to kick the intruder out. Fox then hires a security detail for Kelly. Ailes fears someone poisoned her the day of the debate. Carlson is removed as co-anchor of the popular Fox and Friends and is transferred to a less popular show. Inundated by sexist comments on and off the air, she meets with lawyers who tell her how Rudi Bakhtiar was fired after refusing Ailes's sexual advances. They plan to file a harassment suit against Ailes but tell Carlson she will need evidence and testimony from other women. Pospisil is Fox's newest hire, working with Carlson, but soon accepts a job on The O'Reilly Factor. Bill O'Reilly fires her on her first day, and she gets drunk and sleeps with fellow staffer Jess Carr. When they wake up, Pospisil says she is not a lesbian and is shocked to see Carr's Hillary Clinton poster. Asked why a liberal lesbian would work for Fox, Carr says she applied for many jobs, but Fox was the network that hired her, and now no one else will. Pospisil is later invited to Ailes' office, where he makes her lift her skirt to show him her underwear. She tells Carr, who says she cannot get involved. Carlson reveals on air that she supports the assault weapons ban, prompting Ailes to summon her. She is fired and not given a clear reason why. She decides to sue Ailes. He meets with his wife, Beth, and attorneys Susan Estrich and Rudy Giuliani, denying the allegations. All female staffers are asked to stand with Fox. Most do, but Kelly does not comment. When the suit is filed, no other women come forward, dashing Carlson's expectations. Viewers turn on her. Kelly finds other women, including Pospisil, who were sexually harassed by Ailes or O'Reilly. Pospisil says she obeyed Ailes to protect her career but now wants to come forward. Kelly speaks up and learns that 22 other women will too. Estrich tells Ailes that Carlson has recorded conversations that will win the case. Ailes meets with Fox co-creator Rupert Murdoch, who tells him he will be fired. Ailes asks to break that news, but Murdoch refuses. When Murdoch says he is taking over Fox, Carr refuses to speak up. Pospisil, knowing she will be fired, quits instead. Meanwhile, Carlson gets $20 million in damages and an apology from Fox but cannot speak about her case. She tells viewers that she does not care if they like her, only that they believe her. Cast [ edit] Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly Nicole Kidman as Gretchen Carlson Margot Robbie as Kayla Pospisil (a composite character) John Lithgow as Roger Ailes Connie Britton as Beth Ailes Rob Delaney as Gil Norman Mark Duplass as Douglas Brunt Liv Hewson as Lily Balin Allison Janney as Susan Estrich Brigette Lundy-Paine as Julia Clarke Malcolm McDowell as Rupert Murdoch Kate McKinnon as Jess Carr Katie Aselton as Alicia Nazanin Boniadi as Rudi Bakhtiar Andy Buckley as Gerson Zweifac Michael Buie as Bret Baier P. J. Byrne as Neil Cavuto D'Arcy Carden as Rebekah Bree Condon as Kimberly Guilfoyle Kevin Dorff as Bill O'Reilly Alice Eve as Ainsley Earhardt Spencer Garrett as Sean Hannity Ashley Greene as Abby Huntsman Tricia Helfer as Alisyn Camerota Marc Evan Jackson as Chris Wallace Brian d'Arcy James as Brian Wilson Richard Kind as Rudy Giuliani [5] Amy Landecker as Dianne Brandi Ben Lawson as Lachlan Murdoch Josh Lawson as James Murdoch Jennifer Morrison as Juliet Huddy Mark Moses as Bill Shine Ahna O'Reilly as Julie Roginsky Tony Plana as Geraldo Rivera Lisa Canning as Harris Faulkner Elisabeth Röhm as Martha MacCallum Stephen Root as Neil Mullen John Rothman as Martin Hyman Brooke Smith as Irena Briganti Holland Taylor as Faye [6] Alanna Ubach as Jeanine Pirro Robin Weigert as Nancy Smith Madeline Zima as Edie Anne Ramsay as Greta Van Susteren Lennon Parham as Beth¡Çs Employee Jon Gabrus as Sound Man Production [ edit] Development [ edit] On May?18, 2017, shortly after the death of former Fox News founder Roger Ailes, it was announced that Annapurna Pictures was in the early stages of developing a film centered on the allegations made against Ailes by female employees, including Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson. Charles Randolph was expected to write the film's screenplay. [7] On May?22, 2018, it was announced that Jay Roach had been hired to direct the film. [8] On August?1, 2018, it was announced that Roach, Randolph, Beth Kono, AJ Dix, and Margaret Riley would act as the film's producers and that Denver and Delilah Productions would serve as the film's production company. [9] On October?9, 2018, it was announced that Annapurna Pictures had dropped out of producing the film, reportedly due to concerns over the film's growing budget. At the time of the announcement, it was confirmed that Bron Studios was staying on and that producers were looking at Focus Features, Participant Media, and Amblin Entertainment to help finance the film. [10] The following week, Lionsgate began negotiating to join the production after Focus Features and Amblin Entertainment passed on the project. [11] By the end of the month, Lionsgate was reported to be closing a deal to distribute the film. [12] In December 2018, it was reported that Theodore Shapiro would compose the film's score and that Barry Ackroyd would serve as the film's cinematographer. [13] [14] The film was given the working title Fair and Balanced, before being announced as Bombshell in August 2019. [15] Kelly later stated that she had no involvement with the film. [16] Casting [ edit] Alongside the directing and writing announcements, it was reported that Charlize Theron had entered negotiations to portray Kelly in the film. [8] On August 1, 2018, it was reported that Nicole Kidman had begun negotiations to star as Carlson and that Margot Robbie was in talks to play a composite associate producer at the network, with Theron confirmed to star. [9] [17] Later that month, it was announced that John Lithgow had been cast as Roger Ailes. [18] In September 2018, it was reported that Allison Janney had been cast as lawyer Susan Estrich and that Kate McKinnon had been cast to play a fictional producer. [19] [20] In October 2018, it was announced that Malcolm McDowell, Mark Duplass, and Alice Eve had been cast as Rupert Murdoch, Douglas Brunt, and Ainsley Earhardt, respectively. [21] [12] In November 2018, it was reported that Brigette Lundy-Paine and Liv Hewson had been cast as two fictional characters [22] and that Alanna Ubach, [23] Elisabeth Röhm, Spencer Garrett, Connie Britton, Ashley Greene, Brooke Smith, Michael Buie, Nazanin Boniadi, and Bree Condon had been cast as Jeanine Pirro, Martha MacCallum, Sean Hannity, Beth Ailes, Abby Huntsman, Irena Brigante, Bret Baier, Rudi Bakhtiar, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, respectively. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] In December 2018, it was announced that Rob Delaney had joined the cast of the film in an undisclosed role and that Ahna O'Reilly had been cast as Julie Roginsky. [30] [31] In June 2019, Robin Weigert announced she had joined the cast of the film. [32] Filming [ edit] Principal photography for the film began on October?22, 2018, in Los Angeles, California. [33] [34] Release [ edit] The
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