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duration: 1 h, 45 M. Creator: Brent Gudgel. resume: The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. genre: Documentary. God bless you all. Free Burma Rangers download free. Free burma rangers downloads. Free Burma Rangers download. 4k 00:09 Syria - March 12, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 6 4k 00:10 Syria - March 19, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS receive food in sunset 4k 00:10 Syria - March 19, 2019: Live and deceased donkey in the desert hd 00:30 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 7 hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victims boarding bus in desert 2 hd 00:09 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 4 hd 00:30 Syria - March 17, 2019: Driving through ISIS war-ravaged city 4 hd 00:10 Syria - March 15, 2019: Burma Rangers camping in the desert hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: Free Burma Ranger speaking to ISIS victims hd 00:19 Syria - March 15, 2019: Burma Ranger giving food to ISIS victims 4k 00:06 Syria - March 12, 2019: Burma Rangers protect families fleeing ISIS 3 4k 00:08 Syria - March 12, 2019: Burma Rangers camping in the desert 4k 00:15 Syria - March 12, 2019: Burma Ranger checking little girl's bandage 4k 00:07 Syria - March 12, 2019: Burma Rangers protect families fleeing ISIS 3 4k 00:16 Syria - March 12, 2019: Burma Rangers protect families fleeing ISIS 1 4k 00:09 Syria - March 12, 2019: Burma Rangers protect families fleeing ISIS 2 4k 00:12 Syria - March 19, 2019: Free Ranger prays with ISIS victims in foxhole 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Free Kurdistan Ranger with ISIS victims hd 00:11 Syria - March 15, 2019: Rangers caravan driving through desert 3 hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: Rangers caravan driving through desert 1 4k 00:09 Syria - March 19, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS gathering in sunset hd 00:28 Syria - March 19, 2019: Black smoke coming from flare 4k 00:11 Syria - March 19, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS receive electrolyte water 4k 00:10 Syria - March 19, 2019: Live and deceased donkey in the desert 4k 00:11 Syria - March 19, 2019: Man and woman volunteers jogging on desert highway 4k 00:10 Syria - March 19, 2019: ISIS victim on crutches with a child in the sunset 4k 00:09 Syria - March 19, 2019: Doctor treats ISIS victim's teeth in the dark 4k 00:16 Syria - March 19, 2019: ISIS child victims play with stuffed animals in foxhole 4k 00:08 Syria - March 19, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS hiding in foxhole 4k 00:07 Syria - March 19, 2019: ISIS victims play with stuffed animal in foxhole 4k 00:08 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS eating food rations 4k 00:16 Syria - March 18, 2019: Armored vehicles protecting families from ISIS 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 4k 00:11 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS opening food rations 4k 00:08 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 3 4k 00:07 Syria - March 18, 2019: Syrian refugee girl walking in protected camp 4k 00:17 Syria - March 18, 2019: Syrian girl with burned hand on ground 4k 00:17 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 4 4k 00:16 Syria - March 18, 2019: Man fleeing ISIS with severe leg injuries 4k 00:12 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS carrying supplies 4k 00:12 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS walking together in desert 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS sit on lowbed trailer 4k 00:12 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS doing activities in desert 4k 00:11 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS fold blankets in desert 4k 00:13 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS doing activities in desert 4k 00:08 Syria - March 18, 2019: Man fastening supplies on truck in desert 4k 00:09 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS carrying supplies 4k 00:11 Syria - March 18, 2019: Armored vehicles protecting families from ISIS 4k 00:09 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS sitting in the desert 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS standing in desert 4k 00:19 Syria - March 18, 2019: Refugee men sitting in the desert 4k 00:18 Syria - March 18, 2019: Soldier praying for men fleeing ISIS 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: ISIS baby victim crying in the desert 4k 00:06 Syria - March 18, 2019: ISIS baby victim crying in the desert hd 00:30 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS sitting in the desert 4k 00:11 Syria - March 18, 2019: Driving on highway through desert at night 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS doing activities in desert 4k 00:13 Syria - March 18, 2019: Kids fleeing ISIS holding stuffed animal 4k 00:13 Syria - March 18, 2019: Injured ISIS child victim resting in desert 4k 00:09 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS weeping in desert 4k 00:16 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS weeping in desert 3 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS weeping in desert 4k 00:11 Syria - March 18, 2019: Refugee men sitting in the desert hd 00:30 Syria - March 18, 2019: Time lapse of clouds in the desert 4k 00:07 Syria - March 18, 2019: Refugee men sitting in the desert 1 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Refugee kids sitting in the desert 4k 00:11 Syria - March 18, 2019: Soldier checking refugees for weapons hd 00:31 Syria - March 18, 2019: Mom and kids fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 4k 00:09 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus 4k 00:10 Syria - March 18, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS wait to board bus hd 00:26 Syria - March 15, 2019: SUV carrying supplies crossing floating bridge hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: SUV carrying supplies for Syrian families 1 hd 00:09 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 10 hd 00:14 Syria - March 15, 2019: SUV carrying supplies for Syrian families 3 hd 00:10 Syria - March 15, 2019: SUV carrying supplies for Syrian families 2 hd 00:11 Syria - March 15, 2019: Caravan driving through desert hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 9 hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: Desert where families are fleeing ISIS 1 hd 00:10 Syria - March 15, 2019: Trucks on highway fleeing ISIS hd 00:15 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 8 hd 00:21 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victims boarding bus in desert 1 hd 00:14 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 5 hd 00:11 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 6 hd 00:18 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS child victims doing activities in the desert hd 00:11 Syria - March 15, 2019: sitting on ground in desert hd 00:11 Syria - March 15, 2019: Desert where families are fleeing ISIS 2 hd 00:08 Syria - March 15, 2019: Transporting injured ISIS victims hd 00:28 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victim mourning death of loved one 1 hd 00:27 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victims eating in the desert 7 hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 2 hd 00:10 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 3 hd 00:24 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victim using satellite phone in desert hd 00:09 Syria - March 15, 2019: victims eating in the desert 6 hd 00:10 Syria - March 15, 2019: Driving on highway through desert at night hd 00:09 Syria - March 15, 2019: Families fleeing ISIS in the desert 1 hd 00:13 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victims eating in the desert 5 hd 00:09 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victims eating in the desert 4 hd 00:12 Syria - March 15, 2019: ISIS victims eating in the desert 3.
A Free Burma Rangers have inspired me and everyone around the world, as well as many other jounalists or reporters who risk their lives to get the reports document the events in the war zones. Unfortunately, most innocent men, women and young boys were forced to accept and live under brutal jihadi rule and their Sharia law because they trapped and couldn't find ways to escape. Besides, they had have great trauma and fear for their lives by seeing and witnessing the jihadists' atrocity and torture of their victims in public vivews, such as beheading, crucificing and displaying the their dead bodies for days, stoning women for adultery, cutting hand off for theft, burning alive of the victims in the bread ovens who were deemed as spies, throwing gays from the high building to death, and sticking the heads on spikes around the fences at the Raqqa square and inside the Raqqa stadium.
Praying for protection and success in your Iraq mission. May the lord be with you and send his mighty warrior Angels to fight and push back this aying that the captives on both sides be set free and the name of Jesus be praised. Free burma rangers download games.

Free burma rangers download free. Free Burma Rangers download page. There is no greater love than one to lay down his life for his friends. RIP Shaheen. Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U. S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real-life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world. The Free Burma Rangers was founded over 20 years ago by Eubank, in response to conflict in Burma, and now offer help, hope and love to internally displaced people around the world. They live by six principles: Love one another Unite for freedom, justice and peace Forgive and do not hate each other Pray with faith Act with Courage Never Surrender THE FILM IS PRODUCED BY DEIDOX FILMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH LIFEWAY FILMS Viewer Discretion Advised - Includes Intense, Graphic Sequences of War Violence David grew up as a missionary kid in Thailand. He has been a Corp Cadet at A&M, Army Ranger, Special Forces Detachment Commander, and Fuller Seminary grad. For the past 20+ years he has led the Free Burma Rangers, a multi-ethnic relief organization responding to those in need in conflict zones around the world. A graduate of Seattle Pacific University, Karen was pursuing a career in special education when she met Dave. As she and Dave responded to conflict in Asia, they have raised three children, Sahale, Suuzanne, and Peter all on the front lines alongside other families. Her focus on relief missions is developing and leading the Good Life Club, and program focused on communicating joy and love to women and children living in conflict areas. Sahale is the eldest of the Eubank children. She is an active participant in FBR, helping leading children’s programs, perform medical treatment, and film and document atrocities on the front lines. Suuzanne is also an active participant in relief missions with FBR. Learning to swim in Burma’s raging rivers, she helps treat wounded, distribute relief supplies, and encourages families and children. Peter, like the rest of his family, actively helps contribute to relief efforts on the front lines. All three of the Eubank children find ways of building relationships and bringing hope to others their age in conflict areas. Saw Ka Paw Say, a. k. a. “Monkey” Monkey is ethnic Karenni, and is one of the founding members of the Free Burma Rangers. A former resistance fighter in the Karenni area of Burma (Myanmar), he helped initiate FBR’s program to document human rights abuses on the front lines using film and photo to tell people’s stories. He is also a chaplain with FBR. He lives on the Thai-Burma border with his wife and children, when he isn’t traveling on relief missions around the world.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. Your family is such an inspiration to those of us serving Jesus in other assignments in safer places. Thanks Eubank family for risking all for The Name of Jesus. We love you.

We love baw kyaw also all u guy too god bless you. Free Burma Rangers download download. Free Burma Rangers download ebook. Free Burma Rangers downloads. I wish I could join with this trip with you. Free Burma Rangers. Free Burma Rangers - Free the Oppressed Free Burma Rangers “LOVE EACH OTHER. UNITE AND WORK FOR FREEDOM, JUSTICE, AND PEACE. FORGIVE AND DON’T HATE EACH OTHER. PRAY WITH FAITH, ACT WITH COURAGE, NEVER SURRENDER. ” The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to bring help, hope and love to people in the conflict zones of Burma, Iraq, and Sudan. Working in conjunction with local ethnic pro-democracy groups, FBR trains, supplies, and later coordinates with what become highly mobile multipurpose relief teams. After training these teams provide critical emergency medical care, shelter, food, clothing and human rights documentation in their home regions. Burma Conflict The situation in Burma is as complex as it is long. Over 60 years of civil war have left Burma one of the poorest countries in the world. During this time, successive military dictatorships killed thousands of their own people and displaced millions in resistance areas. The resulting power vacuum has created a situation ripe for drug cultivation, child soldiers, acts of possible genocide, and starvation. In recent years the government of Burma has taken many positive steps, including the election of a civilian government under the National League of Democracy (NLD). However, the Burmese military still retains significant political power, and they have yet to resolve many of the ongoing internal conflicts. With the world focused on the change in government, human rights abuses including rapes, murder, indiscriminate airstrikes, and kidnapping still continue to be reported in areas being attacked and occupied by the Burma Army. 8?March 2020 Dear friends, Thank you for praying all these years for the people of Burma. Your prayers have made a difference: there have been ceasefires, people have been able to move around and travel a little more, and there has been more of a process of shared governance. These are some of the good things that we have seen with our eyes and experienced. However, the military still runs the country of Burma and it is not a true democracy. Over one million Rohingya have been displaced and are not able to come home. In Arakan State this year, heavy fighting displaced over 30, 000 people. In northern Burma, over 100, 000 people remain displaced as fighting continues. In Karen State, the Burma Army repeatedly violates the ceasefire and displacement fluctuates from 1, 000 to 3, 000 with each attack. The people of Burma still need prayer. Ultimately, we hope and pray that people’s hearts would soften, and they would learn to follow the way of love. For me, that love comes from Jesus who has taken the hardness in my heart, my selfishness, and even my desire for revenge, and turned it into love, hope, and reconciliation. That continues to be my prayer ? that love, hope, and reconciliation will grow amongst all people in Burma. Thank you for joining us in that prayer. May God bless you, David Eubank, family and all of CCB Prayer and action beyond borders: Zau-Seng, Kachin medic, videographer, and follower of Jesus, gives his life in Syria Please see for show times and locations.
I Love karen. Free burma rangers download pc. Free Burma Rangers download pdf. You guys have a butifull voice. Something went wrong, but don’t fret ? let’s give it another shot. YouTube. Bless you guys! Great to see your smiling faces and doing such a great work.

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