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Idi i smotri HDTVRIP


Elem Klimov Vladas Bagdonas genre=War tomatometers=8,9 / 10 Stars &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Runtime=142M. Idi i smotri watch list. Idi i smotri watch video. Idi i smotri watches. Idi i smotri watch full. Are the underwater scenes half pixelated and choppy for everyone or is it just me? I'm not sure if it's just my codec or if whoever encoded this didn't bother watching the first minute. Thanks.
The meek shall inherit the earth ; after Europeans succeed in exterminating each other. Idi i smotri watch 2.

@moleman9000 No, I thought so as well but it was another girl

I could never forget the facial expressions of Flyora... Idi i smotri watch movie. Du-te ?i vezi! / Idi i smotri / Иди и смотри (1985) - video dailymotion.

Idi i smotri watch 1. Idi i smotri watch without. Idi i smotri watch free. Share on: Share via Facebook Share via Twitter 4. 5 / 5 stars 96% 95% Read Less Released Year: 1985 Cast & Crew Florya Gaishun Glasha Kosach Director. 50 , 17 , , , , . Idi i smotri watch tv. It just hit me that the reason I love Georg so much is that I feel like I've been let in on the secret meaning of a private joke that I still don't quite get. And for that, I'm grateful. Signed, A Fan Forever (Sorry. I just rewatched his video England Explained in 10 Minutes - A Bizarre Summary which popped up in my suggested videos after watching this one...
Idi i smotri watch youtube. This was by far the most raunchy and gruesome WWII film I have ever seen. It was a fantastic microcosm of the events that took place during the Nazi's rise of terror in eastern Europe. The film depicted WWII as if it were a documentary following Russian resistance but with beautiful cinematography and direction. Emotionally the film left me stunned to the point of apathy when I finished watching it. It was a two and half hour visual and auditory assault to my eyes and ears. Despite its brutal honest depiction of the war I enjoyed the fact that this film was able to invoke this kind of emotional response on me, which I feel is very rare in films today. I also loved Flyoras transformation from a ignorant eager child into a scarred soul with the will to still keep on fighting for he's people, even after all the horror he experienced throughout the film. Flyoras story exemplifies the resilience of the Russian people to fight against the Nazi's in a very personal way that affect the audience tremendously.
1940年代のソ連にはインフラや電気が無い 家が都市部から出た地方の田舎には良くあったわ 1940年代 当時のソ連には7割の人々しか 水道や電気は使えなかった. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2015 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Come and See, also titled Idi i smotri, is a film I will never forget. I am still thinking about it and will be for a very long time. It is not "entertainment" but a history lesson, a LIFE lesson. This is a rare glimpse into the Soviet side of World War II as seen through the eyes of a 13 year old boy. The film is based on the real life experiences of Ales Adamovich, who fought with the Russian partisans against the Nazi regime 1n Belarus in were not taught about the Soviet side of WWII in my public school. I had never heard of the 600 villages and all the inhabitants being systemactically wiped out by the Nazis. Both Elem Klimov and Ales Adamovich wrote the screen play with Klimov directing. The film gives you a true sense of what this young boy not only saw but felt and even heard. While watching, I felt as if I had climbed into this once young, innocent heart and soul and experienced all he had gone acting from Aleksei Kravchenko is as if he were channeling the spirit of the dead. His acting is somewhat supernatural. I love great film and have watched many many films of this nature but have never seen anything like this particular film. It is incredibly violent, nothing is too gruesome too show. Nothing is omitted for the sake of the audience. It is a film of the horrors of war. It has something I did NOT see in Schindlers List, Platoon, Galapoli, Apocolypse Now, The Deer Hunter or even Night and Fog, to name just a few of the best. The acting, is truly incredible right down to every single extra. The lighting and music are haunting and I will never hear certain pieces of Mozart quite the same again. If you could somehow transfer the feelings of the words "Insanity, Courage, Cowardice and Hopelessness onto cellonoid you might find yourself watching either this film or have traveled back to 1943 in the mind of the boy, Flor. I would love to see this film become part of every schools curiculum. All children aged 13 and up should see this film. I can already hear mothers saying they are too young to view this much violence and how it would traumatize them. I disagree and think most of the crap kids of that age group watch are just as violent as this movie if not more so. The same goes for the videos they watch. The difference is the violence in THIS film is powerful and thought provoking enough to make young men and women think twice about the realities and consequences of any WAR. This is such an important film. I am amazed I had never heard of it until a few days ago, where I found it listed on an IMDb list of movies that deserve more recognition. It was awarded the Grand Prix in 1985 at the Moscow Film Festival but for whatever reason did not get the public attention it should have. I thank AMAZON for having this piece of history available for rent and would recommend everyone watch it at least once. Again, this is not a movie that will entertain you. It is NOT going to make you feel good about the world we live in and will make you ask yourself the hard questions we'd rather not think about. It is the absolute best film about the horrors of war, the loss of innocence, the insidious nature of human beings and a film that should not be tucked away on a shelf. I would love to see this film get the attention it so deserves. The actual archived footage of Hitler and the insanity which took hold of millions of people remind us of who we are and what we are capable of. HIstory continues to repeat itself and I believe great films such as this should be made widely available. You will never forget the last 10 minutes of this film. You will never forget the madness and agony reflected in the eyes of what was once an innocent child. Hopefully, a film such as this reminds us to Never Forget. Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2017 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase This movie is a work of art from a culture that simply no longer exists. Whatever the Soviet Union and its satellites were, and the high art it was able to produce, simply is no more. Thus we are left with a film of such power as this, looking at us like the voices and pictures of an extinct people which we can still understand. Really I cannot say anymore as this movie is beyond words as it takes an unflinching look at the dark side of human nature as it intersects with simple people who merely wish to live their lives. Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see! And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. " -- Apocalypse of John, 6: 7-8 I've watched a hell of a lot of war movies in my day, produced in many countries and shot over many decades, from the 1930s to today. I've seen cinema from Weimar, Nazi and contemporary Germany; from Soviet Russia; from America, Britain and Australia; and from other countries as well. I feel pretty comfortable in saying that I'm well versed in most of the styles in which war movies are shot, from gritty to stylized, from pro-war to anti-war, from low budget to blockbuster. COME AND SEE is the first truly "surreal" war movie I have ever personally encountered. In terms of its feel, the closest analog I can think of is the last hour or so of APOCALYPSE NOW, when the movie becomes totally dreamlike, but even that is a bit of a reach. This movie is its own horrifying, surreal self entirely from start to finish. COME AND SEE is the story of life and death in the Soviet Union while under German occupation during World War Two. The film opens with a farmboy, Florya, playing among the wreckage of an old batlefield near his home. He manages to unearth a working rifle from the dirt and decides this will gain him entry into the partisan band which lives in the forests and fight the German occupiers. He is correct, but the partisan commander, Kosach, orders Florya to remain at his farm and work against the Nazis from there. This causes quarrels with his mother, who like many under German occupation just want to keep their heads down and hope the storm of war will blow over them. While out and about, he encounters a pretty farmgirl, Glasha, and tells her of his role as a partisan; but when he returns home he cannot find his family. It turns out the German military police have "paid them a visit" and here begins the films' full descent into the nightmare world, both in terms of subject matter, writing, direction and cinematography. Florya cannot accept what has happened to his loved ones and drags Glasha into a swamp in a futile effort to locate them. Florya entually begins to grasp that his digging-up of the rifle may have caused his family's deaths, and this pushes him further into quasi-madness. The desperate, tragic situation leads to a series of horrible "adventures" where the two children extort a supposedly Nazi-friendly farmer of his cow, encounter a fellow partisan who is killed in a skirmish, and are eventually taken in by villagers who provide them with false identities. Unfortunately for the village, it lies in the path of an SS anti-partisan squad whose way of dealing with guerilla warfare is to massacre everyone in their path, whether involved with the partisans or not. This brings the film to its fiery, vicious climax, which shows what the war was really like for the Eastern peoples: a life of terror, hunger, moral compromise, random violence and, often as not, horrible death, all without rhyme or reason. COME AND SEE shows its form early, by its curious use of extended sequences in which the characters speak directly into the camera, often in ways which show they have only a tenuous grip on reality, probably due to the horror of their daily lives. German occupation was capricious and cruel, and put the ordinary Soviet citizen in an unwinnable situation where simply trying to survive was often considered "collaboration" and punishible by death at the hands of the partisans: hence the scene where the farmer is humiliated and robbed of his only cow by the guerillas. On the other hand, compliance was no assurance of safety: the villagers at the end of the film are exterminated like rats in a barn, and with less regard for their suffering than one would give vermin. This insanse atmosphere leads to a film that often appears the work of a madman: when the cow is killed -- presumably it was really killed, because the actors were using live ammunition for most of the movie -- there is an extended close-up of its eyes as it is dying which is almost unwatchable. Likewise, there is an explosion which causes Florya's ears to ring: the ringing is overwhelming and lasts so long I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to get through the scene as I already suffer from tinnitus. None of the human relationships in the story are "normal" -- Florya and Glasha act like children away from their parents, alternately quarreling, indulging in fantasy and flirting in a kind of chaste, pre-sexual sort of way. The partisans come off as feral as beasts, untrusting and pitiless, yet their leader, Kosach, alternates between the sort of humanity which allows German prisoners a chance to explain their actions -- if only to satisfy Kosach's curiousity as how men could do such horrible things -- and ordering his men to douse the prisoners in gasoline and set them alight. Everyone and everything, including the landscape, is twisted and tormented by the war, and by the lust for murder and dest
Psychological horrorfilm? Hell no, psychological warfilm. Mutual. My kids from your mom. Idi i smotri watch 2017. Hostel. Will never watch that movie again and made me want to never go backpacking through Europe. ?. A bit off topic but this is my favorite anti-war movie; The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer the best anti-war book I've ever read. I never knew that officer was supposed to be Dirlewanger. This is the best film about 2nd war in all cinema history ever. Of course made for order, but the production year 1985 is striking.?Posed a direct question: kill a defenseless child knowing what will grow from it? Damn strong.
Idi i smotri watch live. Btw neither Czechoslovakia, nor France, nor Greece were communist countries. In Greece first the Italians attacked. The Greeks said Ohi, No, and the Italians which were much more were beaten back, Then several countries. Italy, Germany, Bulgaria attacked Greece. A small country cannot oppose sevaral greater countires at once. So at Distome the Germans showed their real faces. And every country had its criminals which were recruited in the SS.
Русская версия Soviet Movies Drama War Films Come and See Original title: Иди и смотри IMDB: 8. 3 Views: 132 471 Year: 1985 Subs: Come and See with English French German Spanish Portuguese Hebrew Arabic Persian subtitles is a 1985 Soviet war drama film directed by Elem Klimov. Come and See had to wait eight years for approval from Soviet authorities before the film was finally produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War II, and was a large box-office hit, with 28, 900, 000 admissions in the Soviet Union alone. The film was selected as the Soviet entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 58th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family’s wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope. Watch online Come and See with English French German Spanish Portuguese Hebrew Arabic Persian subtitles Russian language English Dubbing Arabic Dubbing Download movie & subs Only for members with one month access or higher The movie is not available Sorry about that Come and See with English subtitles On you can watch Come and See with English subtitles online. On our site contains the best Soviet drama movies in English. All Soviet movies in English you can watch online on your mobiles (iOs or Android) and on tablets.
  • - ... ... - ... ... , ... Idi i smotri watch series. Videos Learn more More Like This Animation | Adventure Fantasy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. 5 / 10 X On a post-apocalyptic Earth, a wizard and his faire folk comrades fight an evil wizard who's using technology in his bid for conquest. Director: Ralph Bakshi Stars: Bob Holt, Jesse Welles, Richard Romanus Action Drama 8. 2 / 10 In Medieval Japan, an elderly warlord retires, handing over his empire to his three sons. However, he vastly underestimates how the new-found power will corrupt them and cause them to turn on each him. Akira Kurosawa Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao, Jinpachi Nezu Sci-Fi A guide leads two men through an area known as the Zone to find a room that grants wishes. Andrei Tarkovsky Alisa Freyndlikh, Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy, Anatoliy Solonitsyn Crime Mystery 8. 5 / 10 An executive of a shoe company becomes a victim of extortion when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped and held for ransom. Toshirô Mifune, Yutaka Sada, Tatsuya Nakadai History 8. 7 / 10 When a ronin requesting seppuku at a feudal lord's palace is told of the brutal suicide of another ronin who previously visited, he reveals how their pasts are intertwined - and in doing so challenges the clan's integrity. Masaki Kobayashi Akira Ishihama, Shima Iwashita 8. 1 / 10 24 hours in the lives of three young men in the French suburbs the day after a violent riot. Mathieu Kassovitz Vincent Cassel, Hubert Koundé, Saïd Taghmaoui War In 1948, an American court in occupied Germany tries four Nazis judged for war crimes. Stanley Kramer Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark Biography The life, times and afflictions of the fifteenth-century Russian iconographer St. Andrei Rublev. Anatoliy Solonitsyn, Ivan Lapikov, Nikolay Grinko An old couple visit their children and grandchildren in the city, but receive little attention. Yasujirô Ozu Chishû Ryû, Chieko Higashiyama, Sô Yamamura Thriller A nurse is put in charge of a mute actress and finds that their personae are melding together. Ingmar Bergman Bibi Andersson, Liv Ullmann, Margaretha Krook A man seeks answers about life, death, and the existence of God as he plays chess against the Grim Reaper during the Black Plague. Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot 8. 3 / 10 A bureaucrat tries to find a meaning in his life after he discovers he has terminal cancer. Takashi Shimura, Nobuo Kaneko, Shin'ichi Himori Edit Storyline The feature film directed by Elem Klimov, shot in the genre of military drama. The action takes place on the territory of Belarus in 1943. In the center of the story is a Belarusian boy, who witnesses the horrors of the Nazi punitive action, turning from a cheerful teenager into a gray-haired old man for two days. Written by Peter-Patrick76 () Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 17 October 1985 (Hungary) See more ? Also Known As: Come and See Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $16, 053, 23 February 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $150, 730 See more on IMDbPro ? Company Credits Technical Specs Runtime: 142 min 105 min (heavily cut) See full technical specs ? Did You Know? Trivia The director planned to have Aleksey Kravchenko hypnotized by a psychotherapist during the most dreadful and violent scenes so that they wouldn't affect his young mind. However Kravchenko turned out not to be susceptible to hypnosis and had to pretend all the way. See more ? Goofs The belted machine gun used by one of the Partisans to shoot the captured German soldiers does not eject any empty shell cases when it is fired. See more ? Soundtracks Korobeiniki See more ?.
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