体力 9、
敏捷力 12、
知力 14、
生命力 13、
HP 9、
意志力 16、
知覚力 14、
FP 15、
基本反応速度 6.25、
移動力 6、
よけ 9 、
受け 11(「
DR 0(対
Astral Ghost
Unlike most people, psis are already accustomed to weird changes in lifestyle and separation of mind and body. They can make the transition to a ghostly existence with their memories and personalities intact, becoming functional denizens of the Astral Plane.
The ghosts are still motivated by the same things they were in life, and as they were psis, this can be problematic. They remain fascinated by psionics and elder weirdness, and they are especially drawn to living psis. Astral ghosts feel they can aid psis in the material world. Using psionic powers still risks psionic threats, but the ghost has forgotten how inconvenient those used to be.
ST: 9 HP: 9 Speed: 6.25
DX: 12 Will: 16 Move: 6
IQ: 14 Per: 14
HT: 13 FP: 15 SM: 0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 11(Psychokinetic Lash) DR: 0(6 vs. psionics only)
Mind Stab (16*): See Dungeon Fantasy 14, p. 9. Malediction; resist with Will or lose margin of failure points of
either FP or HP (up to 10). Costs 1 FP.
Psychokinetic Lash (14*): 3d crushing; Acc 3, Range 10/100. Costs 1 FP to attack or parry. See Dungeon Fantasy 14, p. 10.
Traits: Astral Entity (Insubstantiality has Affects Substantial); Curious (12); Delusion (My powers are perfectly safe!); Frightens Animals; High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Mind Control 2; Mind Reading; Mind Shield 10; Mind Stab 1; Psi Talent 3; Psychic Armor 6; Psychic Sensitivity 2; Psychokinetic Lash 3; Telekinesis 12; Telesend; Unusual Background (Psionic); Weirdness Magnet.
Skills: Hidden Lore (Psi)-16; Hidden Lore (Elder Things)-15; Innate Attack (Gaze)-17; Wrestling-12.
Class: Spirit (Extradimensional).
Notes: Affected by anything that influences spirits (as for Astral Thing, Dungeon Fantasy 14, p. 42) but not by things that specifically affect undead (it’s a being of thought, not a true ghost). All psionic abilities are at -3 against material targets. Mind Stab, Mind Reading, and Psychic Sensitivity are alternative abilities of each other, as are Telekinesis and Psychokinetic Lash.
* Includes -3 to affect the material world.