DΨエネルギーに浸かった生物 (
DΨ使いのパーティー全体など) はおいしい餌です!
アストラル・シング (『
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi』、p. 42) のように、
アストラル・スパイダーの巣を作る場所 (おそらく「
体力 16、
敏捷力 12、
知力 12、
生命力 12、
HP 16、
意志力 14、
知覚力 14、
FP 12、
基本反応速度 6.00、
移動力 6、
よけ 10 、
受け 12、
DR 6
- 攻撃手段
- 「ディスペル・サイ」(17対意志力):Dispel Psi (17 vs. Will)
- 「オディック・バイト(16)」:Odic Bite(16)
- 「クモの巣(16)」:Webbing (16)
- 性質:「全周視覚」、「アストラル体」(「非実体化」は「実体に影響」つき)、「戦闘即応」、「壁にはりつく」、「闇視」、「ディスペル・サイ/1L」、「追加の脚/8本脚」、「脆弱/自然には存在できない」、「痛みに強い」、「爬行姿勢」、「他人に影響されない」、「負傷耐性/無生物、首がない」、「手がない」、「DΨの才能/3L」、「サイキック・センシティビティ/2L」、「地形適応/クモの巣」、「気温の変化に強い/10L/-31℃〜66℃」、「超次元視力」、「無感動」、「特殊な背景/DΨ使い」、「真空耐性」。
- 技能:〈格闘/Lv16〉、〈特殊攻撃/射出物/Lv16〉、〈忍び/Lv12〉。
- モンスタークラス:古邪/霊(異次元存在)。
- 備考:
Astral Spider
Resembling large (6’ long) spiders made of translucent crystal, astral spiders are servants of some cosmic force that maintains the structure of reality. They’re drawn to rips and portals in space and time which they bind up with their webs. As psionics damage reality, active powers aggravate the spiders. Fortunately for them, creatures that have been marinating in psionic energy (like a psi’s entire party) taste delicious!
Like the astral ghost (above) and the astral thing (Dungeon Fantasy 14, p. 42), they are difficult for substantial creatures to combat. However, to feed on substantial creatures, they must first drag their prey into the Astral Plane, which allows potential food to fight back.
Where astral spiders nest – perhaps in the yawning mouth of a portal they are industriously sewing shut – they cover the area (in the astral plane) in webbing. Anyone without Terrain Adaptation (Webs) that steps on the webbing must win a Quick Contest of ST vs. 16 or be stuck.
ST: 16 HP: 16 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 14 Move: 6
IQ: 12 Per: 14
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +0
Dodge: 10 Parry: 12 DR: 6
Dispel Psi (17 vs. Will): Targeted psionic effect is canceled. Reach C. Costs 1 FP. See Dungeon Fantasy 14, p. 5.
Odic Bite (16): 1d+1 impaling + 2 points toxic follow-up. Reach C, 1. Follow up damage ignores DR other than Psychic Armor.
Webbing (16): Binding ST 16. Ranged Attack (Acc 3, Range 10). Webs are Sticky (see p. B40). After binding a target, the spider can take a Ready maneuver to drag the victim into the Astral Plane. Roll a Quick Contest of ST; the victim becomes insubstantial for minutes equal to the spider’s margin of victory. Once a victim is insubstantial, subsequent attacks with the webs have the Engulfing enhancement (p. B40).
Traits: 360° Vision; Astral Entity (Insubstantiality has Affects Substantial); Combat Reflexes; Clinging; Dark Vision; Dispel Psi 1; Extra Legs (Eight Legs); Fragile (Unnatural); High Pain Threshold; Horizontal; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Unliving; No Neck); No Fine Manipulators; Psi Talent 3; Psychic Sensitivity 2; Terrain Adaptation (Webbing); Temperature Tolerance 10 (-25° to 150°); Transdimensional Sight; Unfazable; Unusual Background (Psionic); Vacuum Support.
Skills: Brawling-16; Innate Attack (Projectile)-16; Stealth-12.
Class: Elder Thing/Spirit (Extradimensional).
Notes: Affected by anything that influences spirits (as for Astral Thing, Dungeon Fantasy 14, p. 42). Webbing is the only attack that affects substantial and does so at full skill. Unwilling to negotiate.