『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo』p.11より。
[[ウーズ]] -[[ウーズ]](Oozes) p.11あなたは、ファンガスやモルドがいる場所を避けれるでしょう。ゼリーやスライムは動けども遅く、あなたは容易に逃げれます。しかしウーズはそれほど大人しいものではなく、非常に不適切な方法であなたの周りを這い回ることしか望みません。また、動きが速く、追い払うことが難しいです。
体力 0、敏捷力 16、知力 1、生命力 12、
HP 12、意志力 12、知覚力 12、FP 12、
基本反応速度 7.00、移動力 8、SM0、
よけ 11、受け なし、DR 0
- 攻撃手段
- 「刺すような接触 (16)」:Stinging Touch (16)
- 侵蝕ダメージは目標の肉体部位のみに発生しますが、記録に残しておいてください。その部位の鎧は累積ダメージ 5点ごとにDR1を永久に失います。盾または武器によって「止め」または「受け」されると、それらは腐食し始めます。オリハルコン製の道具は腐食しません。この攻撃のいずれかの面で-HPまたはそれ以上にされた誰かの死を回避するための生命力判定に失敗すると、犠牲者は液化してウーズの餌になり、復活できなくなります。
- 「触るなかれ(生命力-4 で抵抗)」:Touch-Me-Not (Resisted by HT-4)
- 素肌でウーズに触れた愚か者は抵抗失敗すると、1d+1 の毒ダメージを受けます。当たり前でしょう。
- 性質:「レンズ/知的グー」、「壁にはりつく」、「戦闘即応」、「分裂増殖」(備考参照)、「手がない」、「脚がない/這う」、「HP再生/超高速/毎秒1HP回復」(「条件限定/栄養とれる表面にいる場合のみ」)、「共通性質/低粘性グー」、「触覚が繊細」(「精密」)、「低周波聴覚」、「気温の変化に強い/10L/-32℃ 〜 66℃」、「振動感覚/空中」。
- モンスタークラス:スライム。
- 備考:
- ウーズは「集合体」で、通常は広範囲の負傷をもたらす攻撃(範囲攻撃、円錐状攻撃、爆発攻撃)のみの影響を受けます。その他の攻撃(踏みつけ、武器、非爆発性の《火球》など)は効果が低く、増殖分裂するリスクがあります。そのような打撃によりウーズが生き残るための(HPが -1倍以下になった際の)生命力判定するたびに、成功すれば生き残り、失敗度3以上は死を意味しますが、失敗度1〜2(「致命傷」)は、致命的な打撃のエネルギーによって、ウーズは彼がいる表面が何であれ(地面、木、壁など)その一部を吸収し、2体のウーズに分裂できることを示します。初期HPは親の最大値の半分に相当します(HP12の生物からHP6のウーズが2体生成され、そのうちの1つからはHP3のウーズが2つ生成され……以下同様です)が、「HP再生」によりHP12まで回復できます。
- スライムを特に対象としているわけではない動物系呪文や植物系呪文の影響を受けません。
- ウーズは交渉するにはあまりにも愚かです!
Fungus and mold stay put where you can avoid them. Jelly and slime are slow enough to run from. Ooze isn’t as polite – it wants nothing more than to creep all over you in a highly inappropriate manner. And it’s fast, and hard to keep out.
Ooze is a genuine monster resembling a giant amoeba. It isn’t a smart monster, but it doesn’t simply pursue prey reflexively. In particular, oozes cooperate about as well as social insects. That last point is important, as ooze can split when damaged, whereupon the doughty delver who struck the blow has doubled his fun . . .
ST: 0 HP: 12 Speed: 7.00
DX: 16 Will: 12 Move: 8
IQ: 1 Per: 12
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: N/A DR: 0
Stinging Touch (16): 1d+1 corrosion + follow-up 1d+1 toxic (HT-4 to resist). Corrosion is only to targeted body part, but keep track of it – armor there permanently loses DR 1 per 5 points of cumulative damage. If blocked or parried by a shield or a weapon, that starts to corrode. Orichalcum gear won’t corrode. Any failed HT roll to avoid death by someone taken to -HP or worse by either facet of this attack means the victim liquefies to ooze food and is beyond resurrection. Reach C.
Touch-Me-Not (Resisted by HT-4): Fools touching an ooze with bare skin must resist or take 1d+1 toxic. Duh.
Traits: Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Division (see notes); Immunity to Mind Control; Indomitable; No Fine Manipulators; No Legs (Slithers); Regeneration (Very Fast, 1 HP/second; Only if on a surface); Runny Goo; Sensitive Touch (Precise); Subsonic Hearing; Temperature Tolerance 10 (-25°F to 150°F); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Air); Wild Animal.
Class: Slime.
Notes: Ooze is Diffuse and affected normally only by area, cone, or explosive attacks. Other attacks – stomps, weapons, non-explosive Fireballs, etc. – are less effective and risk making it multiply. Whenever such a blow causes ooze to roll against HT to stay alive (at -HP and below), success means it lives and failure by 3+ means it dies – but failure by 1 or 2 (“mortal wound”) indicates the energy of the killing blow enables it to absorb part of whatever it’s on (ground, tree, wall, etc.) and split into two oozes! Initial HP equal half of the parent’s full score (a HP 12 critter yields two HP 6 oozes, one of those gives two HP 3 specimens, and so on), but Regeneration can top it up to HP 12. Unaffected by Animal or Plant spells that don’t specifically target slimes. Far too stupid to negotiate!
Ooze is a genuine monster resembling a giant amoeba. It isn’t a smart monster, but it doesn’t simply pursue prey reflexively. In particular, oozes cooperate about as well as social insects. That last point is important, as ooze can split when damaged, whereupon the doughty delver who struck the blow has doubled his fun . . .
ST: 0 HP: 12 Speed: 7.00
DX: 16 Will: 12 Move: 8
IQ: 1 Per: 12
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: 0
Dodge: 11 Parry: N/A DR: 0
Stinging Touch (16): 1d+1 corrosion + follow-up 1d+1 toxic (HT-4 to resist). Corrosion is only to targeted body part, but keep track of it – armor there permanently loses DR 1 per 5 points of cumulative damage. If blocked or parried by a shield or a weapon, that starts to corrode. Orichalcum gear won’t corrode. Any failed HT roll to avoid death by someone taken to -HP or worse by either facet of this attack means the victim liquefies to ooze food and is beyond resurrection. Reach C.
Touch-Me-Not (Resisted by HT-4): Fools touching an ooze with bare skin must resist or take 1d+1 toxic. Duh.
Traits: Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Division (see notes); Immunity to Mind Control; Indomitable; No Fine Manipulators; No Legs (Slithers); Regeneration (Very Fast, 1 HP/second; Only if on a surface); Runny Goo; Sensitive Touch (Precise); Subsonic Hearing; Temperature Tolerance 10 (-25°F to 150°F); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Air); Wild Animal.
Class: Slime.
Notes: Ooze is Diffuse and affected normally only by area, cone, or explosive attacks. Other attacks – stomps, weapons, non-explosive Fireballs, etc. – are less effective and risk making it multiply. Whenever such a blow causes ooze to roll against HT to stay alive (at -HP and below), success means it lives and failure by 3+ means it dies – but failure by 1 or 2 (“mortal wound”) indicates the energy of the killing blow enables it to absorb part of whatever it’s on (ground, tree, wall, etc.) and split into two oozes! Initial HP equal half of the parent’s full score (a HP 12 critter yields two HP 6 oozes, one of those gives two HP 3 specimens, and so on), but Regeneration can top it up to HP 12. Unaffected by Animal or Plant spells that don’t specifically target slimes. Far too stupid to negotiate!
「[[ウーズ池>ウーズ#It_Pursooze]]」 --[[L-ウーズ池>ウーズ#It_Pursooze]](Ooze_Ponds) pp.11-12ウーズは単独で狩りをします。群れは常に戦闘のおまけです。傷ついたウーズは分裂し、結果として生じたウーズはまだ別れていません。しかし、あるエリアのすべてのウーズが時折一緒に水たまりを作ることが知られています。ほとんどの学者は、これは繁殖のためか、その地域の知識を蓄えるためだと考えていますが、一部の狂人は、ウーズは神格級古邪が召喚したものか、集合し完全体になったものが古の神(または少なくとも悪魔の王)だからだと主張します。
●サイズ修正(SM): SM0のウーズは1体で、幅は1メートル (SM-2) ですが、塊状です (SMに+2)。魔法学校の幾何学によると、ウーズ池の直径はウーズの数の平方根に比例して大きくなります。したがって、これに1メートルを掛け、サイズ・速度/距離表の「数値」列で新しい直径を調べ、「サイズ」列まで横に読み、サイズ修正に塊状であることの+2を加えます。
●知力(IQ): サイズ・速度/距離表の「数値」列で粘液の全数を調べます。対応する「サイズのボーナス」をウーズの基本知力1に追加します。ウーズの最小数は15体です。これは、知性 (知力6) が達成されるからです。意志力と知覚力は12または新しい知力のいずれか大きい方です。 知力12以上の一部のウーズは、ダンジョン内で「魔法の素質」と水霊系呪文 (特に酸系呪文) を持ち、屋外では「神の代行者/ドルイド」と植物系呪文を持ち、HPと同じ数値の「ER」を持ってそこから発動します。
●攻撃範囲(Reach): これは、「サイズ修正と攻撃範囲」を使用してSMから算出します。
●攻撃回数(Number of Attacks): これは半径に応じて増加します。ウーズの同化個体数の平方根に等しくなります。
ウーズ池は敏捷力16と基本反応速度7.00を維持していますが、打撃は素早く正確で、「脚がない/這う」は「脚がない/固定」 になり、移動力とよけは0です。ウーズ池に対する命中判定が成功すると、必ずヒットします。探索者は逃げることもできます。ただし、逃げる前に攻撃すると、池は攻撃した数と同じ数のウーズを派遣して追跡します。これには、派遣したウーズの数と同じ秒数かかり、ウーズ池は消散しません。
ウーズ池のHPを -HP以下に減らすと、特別な効果が発動します。ダメージがどのように与えられたかに関係なく (範囲攻撃、円錐状攻撃、爆発攻撃であっても)、この時の生死判定に少しでも失敗するとウーズ池は破壊されますが、攻撃した数と同じ数の生存個体が出現します。標準的なウーズのステータスを使用しますが、より「至高の目的/ウーズ池の復讐」を追加して、復讐対象の狩りと戦闘に関連するすべてのサイコロ判定に+1ボーナスを適用します。これらは常に追跡します。これらを殺すとウーズ池が消滅します。
Oozes hunt alone. A group is always the aftermath of battle: a wounded ooze divided and the resulting oozes haven’t parted ways yet. However, all oozes in an area have been known to puddle together occasionally. Most scholars believe this is either to reproduce or to pool knowledge of the region, but some crazies posit that it’s because Elder Gods summoned them or because collectively they are an Elder God (or at least a demon lord).
This is bad.
An ooze pond acts as one huge ooze. It has the same ST, DX, HT, FP, Speed, DR, and damage as a lone ooze, and most of the usual traits. There are several important changes, however.
The number of constituent oozes – always at least 15 but with no upper limit – adjusts certain stats:
SM: A lone SM 0 ooze is a yard across (SM -2) but blobshaped (+2 to SM). Magic-school geometry tells us that the diameter of the puddle increases with the square root of the number of oozes – so multiply that by a yard, look up the new diameter in the “Linear Measurement” column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550), read across to the “Size” column, and add +2 for blobbiness.
IQ: Find the full number of oozes in the “Linear Measurement” column on p. B550. Add the corresponding “Size” bonus to an ooze’s base IQ 1. Minimum number of oozes is 15 because that’s where sapience (IQ 6) is achieved. Will and Per are the higher of 12 or the new IQ. Some IQ 12+ oozes possess Magery and Water spells (particularly acid-themed ones) in the dungeon, or Power Investiture (Druidic) and Plant magic outdoors, and cast from an Energy Reserve equal in size to their HP.
HP: These rise with the pond’s radius. Multiply a lone ooze’s HP 12 by the square root of the number of oozes. Regeneration rate is 1/10 of this, dropping fractions. A pond is still Diffuse, so delvers who cannot deal enough damage to overcome this each turn – using area, cone, or explosion attacks, or lots of ordinary blows – should flee.
Reach: Find this from SM using Size Modifier and Reach (p. B402).
Number of Attacks: This scales with radius. It equals the square root of the number of oozes.
See the Ooze Table (below) for the stats of some common ponds. The detailed math is offered for the GM who wants godlike ponds . . .
While an ooze pond still has DX 16 and Speed 7.00 – blows are quick and accurate – No Legs (Slithers) becomes No Legs (Sessile), and Move and Dodge are 0. Successful attack rolls against it always land hits and delvers can flee. If they attack before running, though, the pond will dispatch as many oozes as it had attacks to pursue them. This takes seconds equal to the number of oozes sent and doesn’t dissipate the pond.
Reducing a pond to -HP or worse works specially: Regardless of how the injury was inflicted (even with area, cone, or explosion attacks!), a HT roll that fails by any amount kills the pond but causes it to spawn as many survivors as it had attacks. Use standard ooze stats but add Higher Purpose (Avenge the collective), for +1 on all dice rolls related to hunting and fighting their attackers. These always pursue. Killing
them eliminates the pond.
This is bad.
An ooze pond acts as one huge ooze. It has the same ST, DX, HT, FP, Speed, DR, and damage as a lone ooze, and most of the usual traits. There are several important changes, however.
The number of constituent oozes – always at least 15 but with no upper limit – adjusts certain stats:
SM: A lone SM 0 ooze is a yard across (SM -2) but blobshaped (+2 to SM). Magic-school geometry tells us that the diameter of the puddle increases with the square root of the number of oozes – so multiply that by a yard, look up the new diameter in the “Linear Measurement” column of the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550), read across to the “Size” column, and add +2 for blobbiness.
IQ: Find the full number of oozes in the “Linear Measurement” column on p. B550. Add the corresponding “Size” bonus to an ooze’s base IQ 1. Minimum number of oozes is 15 because that’s where sapience (IQ 6) is achieved. Will and Per are the higher of 12 or the new IQ. Some IQ 12+ oozes possess Magery and Water spells (particularly acid-themed ones) in the dungeon, or Power Investiture (Druidic) and Plant magic outdoors, and cast from an Energy Reserve equal in size to their HP.
HP: These rise with the pond’s radius. Multiply a lone ooze’s HP 12 by the square root of the number of oozes. Regeneration rate is 1/10 of this, dropping fractions. A pond is still Diffuse, so delvers who cannot deal enough damage to overcome this each turn – using area, cone, or explosion attacks, or lots of ordinary blows – should flee.
Reach: Find this from SM using Size Modifier and Reach (p. B402).
Number of Attacks: This scales with radius. It equals the square root of the number of oozes.
See the Ooze Table (below) for the stats of some common ponds. The detailed math is offered for the GM who wants godlike ponds . . .
While an ooze pond still has DX 16 and Speed 7.00 – blows are quick and accurate – No Legs (Slithers) becomes No Legs (Sessile), and Move and Dodge are 0. Successful attack rolls against it always land hits and delvers can flee. If they attack before running, though, the pond will dispatch as many oozes as it had attacks to pursue them. This takes seconds equal to the number of oozes sent and doesn’t dissipate the pond.
Reducing a pond to -HP or worse works specially: Regardless of how the injury was inflicted (even with area, cone, or explosion attacks!), a HT roll that fails by any amount kills the pond but causes it to spawn as many survivors as it had attacks. Use standard ooze stats but add Higher Purpose (Avenge the collective), for +1 on all dice rolls related to hunting and fighting their attackers. These always pursue. Killing
them eliminates the pond.
「[[ウーズ表>ウーズ#Ooze_Table]]」 --[[L-ウーズ表>ウーズ#It_Pursooze]](Ooze_Table) p.12
合体個体数 | SM | 知力 | HP | 「HP再生」速度 | 攻撃範囲 | 攻撃回数 |
16 | +4 | 7 | 48 | 4/秒 | C-3 | 4 |
25 | +4 | 8 | 60 | 6/秒 | C-3 | 5 |
36 | +5 | 9 | 72 | 7/秒 | C-5 | 6 |
49 | +5 | 9 | 84 | 8/秒 | C-5 | 7 |
64 | +6 | 10 | 96 | 9/秒 | C-7 | 8 |
81 | +6 | 11 | 108 | 10/秒 | C-7 | 9 |
100 | +6 | 11 | 120 | 12/秒 | C-7 | 10 |
121 | +7 | 12 | 132 | 13/秒 | C-10 | 11 |
Number | SM | IQ | HP | Regeneration Reach | # of Attacks | |
16 | +4 | 7 | 48 | 4/second | C-3 | 4 |
25 | +4 | 8 | 60 | 6/second | C-3 | 5 |
36 | +5 | 9 | 72 | 7/second | C-5 | 6 |
49 | +5 | 9 | 84 | 8/second | C-5 | 7 |
64 | +6 | 10 | 96 | 9/second | C-7 | 8 |
81 | +6 | 11 | 108 | 10/second | C-7 | 9 |
100 | +6 | 11 | 120 | 12/second | C-7 | 10 |
121 | +7 | 12 | 132 | 13/second | C-10 | 11 |
「[[ウーズの追跡法>ウーズ#It_Pursooze]]」 --コラム:[[L-ウーズの追跡法>ウーズ#It_Pursooze]](It Pursooze!) p.12ウーズは機先を制します。 ウーズが乗っている地面に振動を感じたり、温血動物の足跡を滑って横切ったりすると、調査します。 疑わしい場合は、12を基準値にして判定します。 「触覚が繊細」で +4、「低周波聴覚」で +1 で、目標値は17となることでしょう。 静かにしようとしている探索者たちは、グループで最も劣る〈忍び〉技能を使用してこれに対抗します。しかし、たとえ彼らが忍者の達人であっても、ウーズは足跡の熱を見つけるために 目標値16で判定します (空中にいるかアンデッドでない限り)。
ウーズは時間を無駄にしません。 移動力は8で、どんな表面でも、どんなに小さな隙間でも通り抜けることができます。 封鎖されていないドア、壁の亀裂、排水溝、緩んだ瓦礫などでも、ウーズの動きが遅くなることはありません。 密閉は、ウーズがそれらを溶かすまで追跡を遅らせます。最終的に、ウーズを阻止できるのは、オリハルコン、外気、または再生速度よりも速くウーズを負傷させるものだけです。
It Pursooze!
Ooze takes the initiative. If it feels vibrations in the surface it’s on – or slithers across the trail of warm-bloods – it will investigate. If there’s any doubt, roll vs. Per 12, at +4 for Sensitive Touch and +1 from Subsonic Hearing: 17 or less. Delvers trying to be quiet may contest this using the group’s worst Stealth skill, but even if they’re ninja masters, the ooze rolls at 16 or less to find their heat trail (unless they’re also airborne or undead).
Ooze wastes no time. It has Move 8 over any surface and through the tiniest opening. Unsealed doors, cracks in walls, drains, loose rubble, and so on won’t slow it down at all. Seals delay pursuit until the ooze dissolves them. Ultimately, only orichalcum, open air, or something that injures the ooze faster than it can regenerate will foil it.
Ooze makes the perfect wandering monster.
Ooze takes the initiative. If it feels vibrations in the surface it’s on – or slithers across the trail of warm-bloods – it will investigate. If there’s any doubt, roll vs. Per 12, at +4 for Sensitive Touch and +1 from Subsonic Hearing: 17 or less. Delvers trying to be quiet may contest this using the group’s worst Stealth skill, but even if they’re ninja masters, the ooze rolls at 16 or less to find their heat trail (unless they’re also airborne or undead).
Ooze wastes no time. It has Move 8 over any surface and through the tiniest opening. Unsealed doors, cracks in walls, drains, loose rubble, and so on won’t slow it down at all. Seals delay pursuit until the ooze dissolves them. Ultimately, only orichalcum, open air, or something that injures the ooze faster than it can regenerate will foil it.
Ooze makes the perfect wandering monster.
「[[ウーズの戦法>ウーズ#Scrapes_and_Broozes]]」 --コラム:[[L-ウーズの戦法>ウーズ#Scrapes_and_Broozes]](Scrapes and Broozes) p.12ウーズは探索者を見つけ次第攻撃します。ステータスからわかるように、〈忍び〉と〈戦術〉技能を持っています。前者は技能なし値で11、後者は技能なし値でありません。攻撃は巧妙ではありません。
ウーズは移動力8での突撃に依存しており、通常は鎧と荷物を背負った冒険者を追い抜くのに十分です。空気と地面の振動を光を必要としないほど正確に感知できるため、暗闇から出現する可能性があります (視覚に -1〜-9修正)。また、壁や天井にしがみついている場合は、角度によって、見上げていない場合は視覚にさらに -2修正が与えられます (他のすべてに気付くには-2修正)。ヒーローは、1秒前までウーズに気付かないかもしれません。
戦闘中は、光量のレベルに関係なく敵を検知できます。近接戦闘に移行し、一時的な仮足でターゲットを鞭打って攻撃します。これは「受け」ができます。ヒットすると、オリハルコン製でないものは何でも腐食します (オリハルコン製の防具は通常のDRを提供しますが、免疫はありません)。腐食によるダメージを受けた生物は、生命力-4判定するか、毒ダメージも受けます。毒に対する対策は、通常どおり追加発動に影響します。
攻撃するウーズは、ウーズが自分の上にある壁や天井にいる場合、命中に-2のペナルティを受けます。ウーズには技術的には「背面」がありますが、これはウーズが置かれている表面に対してであり、「正面」は外側を向いているため、向きは無視します。ウーズは速くて用心深く、「よけ11」で、1メートル上下にスライドする余地があれば、後退ボーナス+3ではなく+4で後退できます。命中した場合、DRはなく、「集合体」(受けるダメージは、刺しや貫通体攻撃による1HP、または範囲、円錐状、爆発攻撃以外の攻撃による2HP) と「HP再生」 (1HP/秒) に頼って生き残ります。ダメージを与える敵の「受け」を含む打撃によってウーズが分裂すると、子供のウーズはHPが完全に回復するまで「全力防御(よけ優先)」状態になります。
Scrapes and Broozes
Once ooze finds delvers, it will attack. It has the Stealth and Tactics skills its stats imply: a default of 11 for the former, no default for the latter. The assault won’t be subtle.
Ooze depends on a rush at Move 8, which usually suffices to overtake armor- and pack-laden adventurers. As it can sense air and ground vibrations precisely enough not to need light, it’s likely to emerge from the dark (-1 to -9 to Vision) – and if it’s clinging to a wall or a ceiling, the angle gives another - 2 to Vision if not looking up (for -2 to notice everything else). The heroes might not spot it until it’s a second away.
In combat, it can detect foes regardless of light level. It attacks by moving into close combat and whipping its target with a temporary pseudopod. This can be parried. Hits corrode anything not made of orichalcum (armor made from that provides its usual DR, not immunity), and living beings who take corrosion injury must roll vs. HT-4 or suffer toxic damage, too. Countermeasures against poison affect the follow-up normally.
Those attacking ooze have -2 to hit if it’s on the wall or ceiling above them. It technically has a “back,” but this is against the surface it’s on while its “front” points outward, so ignore facing. The goo is fast and wary; it has a good Dodge (11) and may retreat, with a retreat bonus of +4, not +3, if it has room to slide one yard up or down. If hit, it has no DR, relying on Diffuse (1 HP from impaling or piercing attacks, or 2 HP from others, except vs. area, cone, and explosion attacks) and Regeneration (1 HP/second) to survive. If a blow – including a damaging enemy parry – causes it to divide, the child oozes will take All-Out Defense (Increased Dodge) until they regenerate full HP.
Ooze can’t grapple or be grappled; it flows free automatically. Touching ooze barehanded is predictably bad, inflicting toxic damage.
Once ooze finds delvers, it will attack. It has the Stealth and Tactics skills its stats imply: a default of 11 for the former, no default for the latter. The assault won’t be subtle.
Ooze depends on a rush at Move 8, which usually suffices to overtake armor- and pack-laden adventurers. As it can sense air and ground vibrations precisely enough not to need light, it’s likely to emerge from the dark (-1 to -9 to Vision) – and if it’s clinging to a wall or a ceiling, the angle gives another - 2 to Vision if not looking up (for -2 to notice everything else). The heroes might not spot it until it’s a second away.
In combat, it can detect foes regardless of light level. It attacks by moving into close combat and whipping its target with a temporary pseudopod. This can be parried. Hits corrode anything not made of orichalcum (armor made from that provides its usual DR, not immunity), and living beings who take corrosion injury must roll vs. HT-4 or suffer toxic damage, too. Countermeasures against poison affect the follow-up normally.
Those attacking ooze have -2 to hit if it’s on the wall or ceiling above them. It technically has a “back,” but this is against the surface it’s on while its “front” points outward, so ignore facing. The goo is fast and wary; it has a good Dodge (11) and may retreat, with a retreat bonus of +4, not +3, if it has room to slide one yard up or down. If hit, it has no DR, relying on Diffuse (1 HP from impaling or piercing attacks, or 2 HP from others, except vs. area, cone, and explosion attacks) and Regeneration (1 HP/second) to survive. If a blow – including a damaging enemy parry – causes it to divide, the child oozes will take All-Out Defense (Increased Dodge) until they regenerate full HP.
Ooze can’t grapple or be grappled; it flows free automatically. Touching ooze barehanded is predictably bad, inflicting toxic damage.
- 「種族テンプレート/ウーズ」[252+α]
- 「体力-10」[-100]、「敏捷力+6」[+120]、「知力+1」[+20]、「生命力+2」[+20]、「基本移動力+1」[+5]、
- 「共通性質/低粘性グー」[17]+「レンズ/知的グー」[+30]、「壁にはりつく」[20]、「戦闘即応」[15]、「脚がない/這う」[0]、「HP再生/超高速/毎秒1HP回復」(「条件限定/栄養とれる表面にいる場合のみ」-10%)[90]、「触覚が繊細」(「精密」+100%)[20]、「低周波聴覚」[5]、「気温の変化に強い/10L/-32℃ 〜 66℃」[10]、「振動感覚/空中」[10]。
- 「手がない」[-30]。
- 「スライム扱いで、スライムを特に対象としているわけではない動物系呪文や植物系呪文の影響を受けない」[0]。
「グー」(Goo)とは『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy』シリーズで定義されたスライム系モンスターの総称。日本の典型的ファンタジーとの違いは、そのほとんどが知力1以下で技能もない不快で不衛生な種族だという点。菌類やカビや胞子なども「グー」に含まれている。
第1章:グー(Chapter One. The Goo) p.4
すぐにはっきりさせておきたいことがあります。賢者はグーを「菌類(ファンガス、fungus)」「カビ(モルド、mold)」「胞子(スポア、spore)」などの用語で表現しますが、生物学的な用法との類似性は偶然の一致です。『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy』では、超自然的パワーが一貫した分類を妨げ、学者は「細胞(cell)」や「真核生物(eukaryote)」などの科学的概念を欠いており、これらを改善するために必要な手段はギルドマスターの職人技をもってしても足りません。代わりに、探索者は数世代にわたって役立ってきた経験的なスキームに頼ります。「グーの用語集」 (下記) を参照してください。
To clear up something right away: Sages describe goo using such terms as “fungus,” “mold,” and “spore,” but any similarity to biological usage is coincidental. In dungeon fantasy, supernatural forces militate against consistent classification, scholars lack such scientific concepts as “cell” and “eukaryote,” and the instruments needed to improve on any of this are beyond even guildmaster artificers. Instead, delvers rely on an empirical scheme that has served them well for generations; see Glossary of Goo (below).
コラム:グーの用語集(Glossary of Goo) p.4
「[[グーの用語集>グー#Glossary_of_Goo]]」 --コラム:[[L-グーの用語集>グー#Glossary_of_Goo]](Glossary of Goo) p.4
- 菌類(ファンガス。fungus): グーが発生する場所に見られる、粘液質の動かない増殖物(伝統的に、クラッシュルームのような動く菌類(mobile fungoid)は、グーとは見なされません)。
- グロップ(glop): グーの別の語 (バーバリアンのglöppから)。
- ガンク(gunk): グーの別の語 (ドワーフの「グハンク(g’hunk)」から)。
- ゼリー(jelly): 流れが遅い透明なグーで、かさばりすぎて狭い隙間に入り込めません (電撃クラゲ(electric jelly)のような突然変異クラゲも、グーとは見なされません)。
- カビ(モルド。mold): 偶然触れたり、踏み込んだりした、動かない平らなグー。
- ウーズ(ooze): 驚くほど速く動き、平らにつぶれてドアの下にしみ込むグー。
- プディング(pudding): 固くて動きやすく、つま先で戦うことができるグー。
- スカム(scum): 水の上に浮かぶグー (ほとんどの場合、スライム)。
- スライム(slime): 突進はできないが、滴り落ちる、表面を這う半可動性のグー。
- 胞子雲(spore cloud): 空中に浮遊するグー。
fungus: Pulpy, stationary growth found where goo occurs (traditionally, a mobile fungoid – like a crushroom – isn’t considered goo).
glop: Another word for goo (from the barbarian glöpp).
gunk: Yet another word for goo (from the dwarvish g’hunk).
jelly: Slow-flowing transparent goo that’s too bulky to penetrate narrow gaps (dire jellyfish, like the electric jelly,
aren’t considered goo either).
mold: Stationary, flat goo you accidentally touch or step in.
ooze: Disturbingly fast goo that squishes flat to seep under doors after you.
pudding: Goo solid and mobile enough to engage in toe-totoe combat.
scum: Any kind of goo, most often slime, sitting atop water.
slime: Semi-mobile surface-hugging goo that can’t rush you but can drip on you.
spore cloud: Airborne goo.
glop: Another word for goo (from the barbarian glöpp).
gunk: Yet another word for goo (from the dwarvish g’hunk).
jelly: Slow-flowing transparent goo that’s too bulky to penetrate narrow gaps (dire jellyfish, like the electric jelly,
aren’t considered goo either).
mold: Stationary, flat goo you accidentally touch or step in.
ooze: Disturbingly fast goo that squishes flat to seep under doors after you.
pudding: Goo solid and mobile enough to engage in toe-totoe combat.
scum: Any kind of goo, most often slime, sitting atop water.
slime: Semi-mobile surface-hugging goo that can’t rush you but can drip on you.
spore cloud: Airborne goo.
グーの肉体(Gooey Bodies) p.4
「[[グーの肉体>グー#Gooey_Bodies]]」 --[[L-グーの肉体>グー#Gooey_Bodies]](Gooey Bodies) p.4グーは、内臓、眼球、恩義、後悔を持つ複雑な生物の弱点のほとんどを欠いています。出血、失明、病気、痛み、毒、睡眠、窒息に対して普遍的に免疫(「無効化」)があり、攻撃する重要器官も、不自由になる個別の肉体部位もありません。その不定形の内部構造は、体力1以上なら、押すのではなく持ち上げたり、運んだり、引っ張ったりしようとする際に、そのBLを4で割ることを意味します (体力0のグーはこれらのいずれもできません)。これらの詳細は、相互に排他的な2つの共通性質によって要約されます:
Gooey Bodies
Goo lacks most of the weaknesses of complex organisms that have internal organs, eyeballs, debts, and regrets. It is universally immune to bleeding, blinding, disease, pain, poison, sleep, and suffocation, and has neither vital areas to attack nor discrete body parts to cripple. Its amorphous internal structure means that if it has ST 1+, it divides BL by four when it tries to lift, carry, or pull rather than push (goo with ST 0 can’t do any of these things). A pair of mutually exclusive meta-traits sum up these details:
Goo lacks most of the weaknesses of complex organisms that have internal organs, eyeballs, debts, and regrets. It is universally immune to bleeding, blinding, disease, pain, poison, sleep, and suffocation, and has neither vital areas to attack nor discrete body parts to cripple. Its amorphous internal structure means that if it has ST 1+, it divides BL by four when it tries to lift, carry, or pull rather than push (goo with ST 0 can’t do any of these things). A pair of mutually exclusive meta-traits sum up these details:
『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo』のグーはCP計算されていませんが、有志によって非公式にCP計算が行われていたりします。『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo』では後述の「共通性質/低粘性グー」と「共通性質/海綿状グー」は相互に排他的であると述べられていますが、実際には両方に共通する以下の要素があります。
共通性質「低粘性グー」(Runny Goo)[+17cp]:
備考: 「突き」または「貫通体」による攻撃は、1回の攻撃で最大1HPしかダメージを与えません。その他のダメージは、1回の攻撃で最大2HPです。通常の傷害を引き起こすのは、広範囲の負傷を引き起こす攻撃(範囲効果、円錐状、爆発など)のみです。グーが移動できる場合、SMに関係なく、最も小さな亀裂や穴を通り抜けることができます。
Runny Goo: Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse; Infiltration, Can ooze under barriers and through tiny holes); Injury Tolerance (No Eyes, No Head, No Neck); Invertebrate.
Notes: Impaling or piercing damage inflicts at most 1 HP per attack; other damage is capped at 2 HP per attack. Only area-effect, cone, or explosion attacks cause normal injury. If the goo can move, it can flow through the tiniest crack or hole regardless of SM.
Notes: Impaling or piercing damage inflicts at most 1 HP per attack; other damage is capped at 2 HP per attack. Only area-effect, cone, or explosion attacks cause normal injury. If the goo can move, it can flow through the tiniest crack or hole regardless of SM.
共通性質「海綿状グー」(Spongy Goo)[-83cp]:
備考: 「刺し」および「巨大貫通体」によるダメージには、致傷修正が ×1/2、「大型貫通体」は ×1/3、「貫通体」は ×1/5、「小型貫通体」は ×1/10 です。その他の攻撃は通常どおり機能します。グーが移動できる場合、SMから-2して、どういった開口部を通過できるかを決定します。
Spongy Goo: Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood, No Eyes, No Head, No Neck); Invertebrate.
Notes: Impaling and huge piercing damage have a wounding modifier of ×1/2; large piercing, ×1/3; piercing, ×1/5; and small piercing, ×1/10. Other attacks work normally. If the goo can move, subtract two from SM to determine what openings it can traverse.
Notes: Impaling and huge piercing damage have a wounding modifier of ×1/2; large piercing, ×1/3; piercing, ×1/5; and small piercing, ×1/10. Other attacks work normally. If the goo can move, subtract two from SM to determine what openings it can traverse.
No Legs is also a given, but the variety – usually Slithers, occasionally Sessile, and rarely Aerial – is independent of these meta-traits. Similar thinking holds for the choice between No Manipulators and No Fine Manipulators, which depends on whether the goo can manifest pseudopodia. Many other physical abilities are fitting and common, but not universal: Amphibious (no goo can drown, but some is distressingly good at squidging through water), Clinging, Damage Reduction (see Monsters 1, p. 35), Slippery (lichen-like molds and rugose puddings are rough, however), and Temperature Tolerance.
グーの精神と知覚(Gooey Minds and Perceptions) p.4
「[[グーの精神と知覚>グー#]]」 --[[L-グーの精神と知覚>グー#]](Gooey Minds and Perceptions) p.4ほとんどのグーは知力0です。知力1以上の種類は、制御、影響、または恐怖を与えるのが容易ではありません。「無効化/精神支配」、「他人に影響されない」、「無感動」の能力を持っています。このような“賢い(smart)”グーは技能を持っている可能性があり、常に共通性質「野生動物」を持っています。これは、呪文の目的で「動物」になるわけではありません。グーは、いかなる種類の制御にもほとんど影響されません。
Gooey Minds and Perceptions
Most goo has IQ 0. The IQ 1+ kinds are no easier to control, influence, or scare; they have Immunity to Mind Control, Indomitable, and Unfazeable. Such “smart” goo might possess skills and always has the Wild Animal meta-trait. This doesn’t make it an animal for the purpose of spells – goo is rarely affected by any sort of control.
Most goo has IQ 0. The IQ 1+ kinds are no easier to control, influence, or scare; they have Immunity to Mind Control, Indomitable, and Unfazeable. Such “smart” goo might possess skills and always has the Wild Animal meta-trait. This doesn’t make it an animal for the purpose of spells – goo is rarely affected by any sort of control.
レンズ「知的グー」(Intelligent Goo)[+30cp]:
グーは、影、匂い、触覚 (うぇっ!)、振動によって脅威を感知します。関連する器官がないにもかかわらず、ヒューマノイドのすべての感覚を備えています。ほとんどのグーは、「危険感知」、「探知」(増強「精密」つき)、「振動感覚」の組み合わせによって、周囲の敵 (つまり、獲物) に反応できます。「背面」はなく、相対的な位置や光量による可視性レベルに関係なく、知覚判定で検知できるものに対してペナルティなしで戦います。視覚に依存するのであれば、「全周視覚」と「闇視」を誇ります。
Goo detects threats by shadow, scent, touch (eww!), and vibrations. It possesses all the senses of humanoids despite lacking the associated organs. Most goo can respond to enemies (that is, prey) all around it through some combination of Danger Sense, Detect (modified with Precise), and
Vibration Sense; it has no “back” and fights unpenalized against anything it can detect with a Sense roll, regardless of relative position or light level. If it does depend on vision, it inevitably boasts 360° Vision and Dark Vision.
Vibration Sense; it has no “back” and fights unpenalized against anything it can detect with a Sense roll, regardless of relative position or light level. If it does depend on vision, it inevitably boasts 360° Vision and Dark Vision.
コラム:グーのステータスの見方(Reading Goo Stats) p.3
[[グーのステータスの見方>グー#Reading_Goo_Stats]](Reading Goo Stats) p.3 [[グーのステータス>グー#Reading_Goo_Stats]](Reading Goo Stats) p.3
本来はp.3にあるコラムだが、配置的には各モンスター・データの前に置いておいた方が良いと判断し、表記位置をこちらに移している。『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo』の原書でのグーは、『Dungeons』のp.21のステータス書式式を使用しています。これらのクリーチャーは仲間や別形態としては非常に不適であり、特徴を使用して表現するのが難しい多くの能力を持っているため、CP値は表示されません。
- 体力(ST)、敏捷力(DX)、知力(IQ)、生命力(HT)、ヒットポイント(HP)、意志力(Will)、知覚力(Per)、疲労点(FP)、反応速度(Speed)、移動力(Move):
- サイズ修正(SM):
- 「よけ」(Dodge)と「受け」(Parry):
- 防護点(DR):
- 攻撃手段(Attacks):
- 性質:
- 『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy』で重要な有利な特徴や不利な特徴。簡潔にするために、「防護点」と攻撃手段は2回リストされず、“色”の性質はまったく表記されません。一部のグーが異常に魅力的で、「特異点」の影響を受けている場合は、GM は好みに合わせて調整できます (おいおい!)。
- 技能(Skills):
- モンスタークラス(Class):
- 備考(Notes):
- その他重要な事項。アスタリスク (*) や「※」の付いたステータスの説明や、記載ステータスまたはこれらのガイドラインの例外などを説明します。
The goo in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo uses the stats format from p. 21 of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons. Character-point values aren’t shown because these creatures are highly unsuitable as Allies or Alternate Forms and possess many abilities that are difficult to represent using advantages.
ST, DX, IQ, HT, HP, Will, Per, FP, Speed, and Move: These basic attributes and secondary characteristics mean exactly what they do for heroes and every other creature in GURPS. Goo with ST 0 cannot pick up objects, grapple, or be usefully grappled. Most goo has IQ 0; its actions are reflexive and it’s immune to Influence rolls, mind control, Fright Checks, and so on because it has no mind.
SM: This affects all rolls to hit the goo. Multiply the energy cost to cast Regular spells on it by (1 + SM). The stats already reflect other effects, such as increased Reach.
Dodge and Parry: Dodge is prefigured from Basic Speed and already includes bonuses for Combat Reflexes and Enhanced Dodge – don’t add these again. No goo can parry; Parry is always “N/A.”
DR: This is total DR from natural and supernatural sources. Goo cannot wear armor, but the GM may add more DR if, say, a mad druid pours an invulnerability potion into a slime.
Attacks: These are listed by attack name. For strikes and grapples, the number in parentheses is effective skill. For afflictions, curses, venoms, and the like, it’s the resistance roll, which might be a simple attribute roll or a Quick Contest against the victim’s score. Damage scores are final, and already consider bonuses for skills and advantages.
Traits: Advantages or disadvantages important in dungeon fantasy. For brevity’s sake, DR and attacks aren’t listed a second time, and “color” traits don’t appear at all.
If it matters that some goo is unusually attractive and suffers from Weirdness Magnet, the GM can adjust it to taste
Skills: Any skills possessed by all goo of this type. Most goo is IQ 1 at best – simply having skills would make it a truly exceptional specimen!
Class: Goo is nearly always Slime and thus immune to most Animal and Plant spells. Fungi count as Plant and are affected by Plant spells.
Notes: Anything else of importance – including explanations of stats with an asterisk (*) on them and exceptions to listed stats or these guidelines.
ST, DX, IQ, HT, HP, Will, Per, FP, Speed, and Move: These basic attributes and secondary characteristics mean exactly what they do for heroes and every other creature in GURPS. Goo with ST 0 cannot pick up objects, grapple, or be usefully grappled. Most goo has IQ 0; its actions are reflexive and it’s immune to Influence rolls, mind control, Fright Checks, and so on because it has no mind.
SM: This affects all rolls to hit the goo. Multiply the energy cost to cast Regular spells on it by (1 + SM). The stats already reflect other effects, such as increased Reach.
Dodge and Parry: Dodge is prefigured from Basic Speed and already includes bonuses for Combat Reflexes and Enhanced Dodge – don’t add these again. No goo can parry; Parry is always “N/A.”
DR: This is total DR from natural and supernatural sources. Goo cannot wear armor, but the GM may add more DR if, say, a mad druid pours an invulnerability potion into a slime.
Attacks: These are listed by attack name. For strikes and grapples, the number in parentheses is effective skill. For afflictions, curses, venoms, and the like, it’s the resistance roll, which might be a simple attribute roll or a Quick Contest against the victim’s score. Damage scores are final, and already consider bonuses for skills and advantages.
Traits: Advantages or disadvantages important in dungeon fantasy. For brevity’s sake, DR and attacks aren’t listed a second time, and “color” traits don’t appear at all.
If it matters that some goo is unusually attractive and suffers from Weirdness Magnet, the GM can adjust it to taste
Skills: Any skills possessed by all goo of this type. Most goo is IQ 1 at best – simply having skills would make it a truly exceptional specimen!
Class: Goo is nearly always Slime and thus immune to most Animal and Plant spells. Fungi count as Plant and are affected by Plant spells.
Notes: Anything else of importance – including explanations of stats with an asterisk (*) on them and exceptions to listed stats or these guidelines.
- ■ファンガス(Fungi) p.5
- L-遠距離防御(Long-Range_Defenses) p.6
- L-近距離防御(Short-Range_Defenses) p.6
- コラム:L-フィー、ファイ、フォー、ファンガス(Fee-Fi-Fo-Fungus) p.6
- コラム:L-ファン・グー(Fun Goos) p.6
- ■ゼリー(Jellies) p.7
- L-吸収型ゼリー(Absorptive Jellies) pp.7-8
- コラム:L-ことは待つ者のところに訪れる(Foo Things Come to Those Who Wait) p.8
- コラム:L-ゼリー・ジャム(Jelly Jams) p.8
- ■モルド(Molds) p.9
- ■ウーズ(Oozes) p.11
- ■プディング(Puddings) p.13
- L-色とりどりのプディング(A_Dish_for_Every_Occasion) pp.1-14
- L-アストラル(灰色)プディング(Astral (Gray) Pudding) p.13
- L-フロスト(白色)プディング(Frost (White) Pudding) pp.1-14
- L-マグマ(赤色)プディング(Magma (Red) Pudding) p.14
- L-ミラー(銀色)プディング(Mirrored (Silver) Pudding) p.14
- L-サンド (茶色) プディング(Sand (Brown) Pudding) p.14
- L-スワンプ(緑色)プディング(Swamp (Green) Pudding) p.14
- コラム:L-プディングの視点(Pudding Things in Perspective) p.14
- コラム:L-ちょっとした歯ごたえ(A Bit Chewy) p.14
- L-色とりどりのプディング(A_Dish_for_Every_Occasion) pp.1-14
- ■スライム(Slimes) p.15
- L-不快なスライム効果(Disgusting Slime Effects) pp.15-16
- L-スライムを吐くモンスター(Slime-Spewing Monsters) p.16
- コラム:L-スライムの奇襲(He Slimed Me!) p.16
- コラム:L-火でやっつけろ!(Kill It With Fire!) p.16
- ■胞子雲(Spore Clouds) p.17
第2章:グーの運用(2. Slimin’ It) p.19
「第2章:[[グーの運用>グー#Slimin_It]]」 -第2章:[[L-グーの運用>グー#Slimin_It]](2. Slimin’ It) p.19グーは不快なものであるべきであり、GMはこれを強調することが推奨されます。探索者は不快な場所でグーに遭遇するはずです。腐敗したムカデに覆われた切り株が点在する、よどんだキノコの匂いのするバイユー(流れの遅い小川)から、地衣類に侵食された墓石がたくさんある忘れられた墓地、その下にあるスライムが滴る地下墓地まで。これは場面を設定するだけでなく、緊張感を高めます。表面の泡(スカム)の下で動いているのは何ですか? この粘液(グロップ)は無害ですか? それとも肉を食べるものですか? あのひどい臭いは何ですか?
Goo ought to be disgusting, and the GM is encouraged to play this up. Delvers should encounter it in unpleasant places – from the stagnant, mushroom-scented bayou dotted with rotten, centipede-covered stumps, through the forgotten graveyard full of lichen-eroded tombstones in its midst, to the slime-dripping catacombs beneath. Beyond setting the scene, this builds tension: What’s that moving under the surface scum? Is this glop harmless or the kind that eats flesh? What’s that awful smell?
Here’s a little help with the answers . . .
Here’s a little help with the answers . . .
グーを知れ(Know Your Goo) p.19
「[[グーを知れ>グー#Know_Your_Goo]]」 --[[L-グーを知れ>グー#Know_Your_Goo]](Know Your Goo) p.19グーを扱う場合、認識(『Dungeons』、9 ページ)と弱点の利用(『Dungeons』、10 ページ)に必要な知識に関する技能は〈自然知識〉です。これは、これらの技能を必要とするルールで、〈生理学〉、〈心理学〉、および〈秘伝〉に代わるものです。グーは、専用の専門分野を評価するほど肉体的にも精神的にも社会的にも複雑ではありません。
グーは『GURPS Dungeon Fantasy』の標準的な湿地の脅威であるため、冒険者は認識判定(のみ)を〈生存/沼地〉に対して試すこともできます。キャンペーンで『Pyramid 3/50: Dungeon Fantasy II?』の〈生存/地下〉(Subterranean)が使用されている場合、その技能も機能します。
ただし、グーは非常に多様です。ウーズは秘術の能力を持つ池を形成します。ゼリーには 2 つの基本的な種類しかありませんが、1 つは予測できない能力を持っています。プディングには少なくとも7つの色があり、そのうち2つは珍しい色です。スライムはどれも同じように見えますが、15種類の毒を分泌します。モルドは、非定型的な標本を考慮する前に、27種類の色と質感のパターンを提供します。ファンガスは、36種類の能力の組み合わせとは無関係に、多様な形態を示します。胞子雲は、36 種類の一般的な毒の混合物と、数え切れないほどの珍しい毒の混合物のいずれかを生成します。認識判定で0〜4の成功度では、大まかなモンスターの種類 (ファンガス、ゼリー、モルドなど) が示されますが、プディングやモルドのように視覚的な警告サインがある場合のみ、詳細が提供されます。5以上の成功度では、スライム、ファンガス、胞子雲がもたらす脅威をほのめかす微妙なマーカー、またはゼリーが吸収型ゼリーであることを区別するマーカーが見つかります。ウーズ池または吸収型ゼリーが何をできるかを予測するには、《植物分析》のように機能し、「神の代行者/1L/ドロイド」を必要とする呪文である《スライム分析?》が必要です。
In dealings with goo, the knowledge skill required for Recognition (Dungeons, p. 9) and Exploiting Weaknesses (Dungeons, p. 10) is Naturalist. This replaces Physiology, Psychology, and Hidden Lore in rules that call for those skills. Goo is neither physically nor mentally nor socially complex enough to rate dedicated specialties of its own.
As goo is a standard wetlands menace in Dungeon Fantasy, adventurers can also try recognition rolls (only) against Survival (Swampland). If the campaign uses Survival (Subterranean), from Pyramid #3/50: Dungeon Fantasy II, that skill works as well.
Goo is extremely variable, however. Oozes form ponds with arcane abilities; jelly has only two basic varieties, but one possesses unpredictable capabilities; puddings come in at least seven colors, two of them rare; slimes all look alike but exude 15 different toxins; molds offer 27 color-texture patterns before even considering atypical specimens; fungus exhibits diverse morphologies unrelated to its 36 possible ability combinations; and spore clouds may produce any of 36 common toxin blends and countless uncommon ones. Recognition rolls that succeed by 0-4 give broad monster type (fungus, jelly, mold, etc.) but provide further details only if there are visual warning signs, as with puddings and molds. Success by 5+ spots subtle markers hinting at the threat that a slime, fungus, or spore cloud poses, or that distinguish a jelly as absorptive.
Predicting what an ooze pond or an absorptive jelly can do requires Identify Slime: a spell that works like Identify Plant and requires Power Investiture 1 (Druidic).
As goo is a standard wetlands menace in Dungeon Fantasy, adventurers can also try recognition rolls (only) against Survival (Swampland). If the campaign uses Survival (Subterranean), from Pyramid #3/50: Dungeon Fantasy II, that skill works as well.
Goo is extremely variable, however. Oozes form ponds with arcane abilities; jelly has only two basic varieties, but one possesses unpredictable capabilities; puddings come in at least seven colors, two of them rare; slimes all look alike but exude 15 different toxins; molds offer 27 color-texture patterns before even considering atypical specimens; fungus exhibits diverse morphologies unrelated to its 36 possible ability combinations; and spore clouds may produce any of 36 common toxin blends and countless uncommon ones. Recognition rolls that succeed by 0-4 give broad monster type (fungus, jelly, mold, etc.) but provide further details only if there are visual warning signs, as with puddings and molds. Success by 5+ spots subtle markers hinting at the threat that a slime, fungus, or spore cloud poses, or that distinguish a jelly as absorptive.
Predicting what an ooze pond or an absorptive jelly can do requires Identify Slime: a spell that works like Identify Plant and requires Power Investiture 1 (Druidic).
グーの遭遇(Gooey Encounters) p.19
「[[グーの遭遇>グー#Gooey_Encounters]]」 --[[L-グーの遭遇>グー#Gooey_Encounters]](Gooey Encounters) p.19グーの一般的な使用法は、地下や荒野での冒険にスパイスを加えることです。動かない、またはほぼ動かない種類 (ファンガス、モルド、スライム) は基本的に障害物または罠であり、通常の落石、溶岩の穴、毒ガス、流砂に変化を加えます。動く種類は、クリーチャーとの遭遇範囲を広げます。ゼリーはステルス性伏兵として機能し、プディングは優れた野獣になり、ウーズと胞子雲は優れた小競り合い相手や徘徊モンスターになります。グーは、自己満足した探索者がすべてが罠とオークだと思い込み始めたときや、ゴミの山や汚水溜め (オークにも基準があります) など、オークにとってあまりにも汚らしい場所に最適です。
The customary use of goo is to spice up subterranean and wilderness adventures. The stationary and near-stationary kinds (fungi, molds, and slimes) are basically obstacles or traps, adding variety to the usual falling rocks, lava pits, poison gas, and quicksand. The mobile sorts expand the range of creature encounters: jellies serve as stealth ambushers, puddings make fine brutes, and oozes and spore clouds are excellent skirmishers and wandering monsters. Goo is perfect for times when complacent delvers start to assume that everything is snares and orcs . . . and for places too gross for those orcs, like garbage heaps and cesspits (even orcs have standards).
That said, use goo in moderation if the delvers were led to expect hidden crossbows and stand-up fights – especially if they lack countermeasures like Neutralize Poison spells and corrosion-resistant armor. If every dark corner harbors gear- or flesh-eating gunk, the game will slow to a crawl as the adventurers prod everything with 10’ poles, purify their path with Area spells, and pause to recover the FP. If every chamber is rotten with mold and fungus to weaken the heroes and dissolve their precious stuff, and has a ceiling full of slime to dribble on them mid-battle, the adventure will become a deadly slog. And goo rarely hordes treasure proportional to its danger. Players whose idea of fun is disarming traps, battling dragons, and carrying off loot will find unforeseen goo-fests annoying.
That said, use goo in moderation if the delvers were led to expect hidden crossbows and stand-up fights – especially if they lack countermeasures like Neutralize Poison spells and corrosion-resistant armor. If every dark corner harbors gear- or flesh-eating gunk, the game will slow to a crawl as the adventurers prod everything with 10’ poles, purify their path with Area spells, and pause to recover the FP. If every chamber is rotten with mold and fungus to weaken the heroes and dissolve their precious stuff, and has a ceiling full of slime to dribble on them mid-battle, the adventure will become a deadly slog. And goo rarely hordes treasure proportional to its danger. Players whose idea of fun is disarming traps, battling dragons, and carrying off loot will find unforeseen goo-fests annoying.
グーのテーマ(Gooey Themes) p.19
「[[グーのテーマ>グー#Gooey_Themes]]」 --[[L-グーのテーマ>グー#Gooey_Themes]](Gooey Themes) p.19ただし、グーは一部の環境ではテーマになっています。ヒーローがグーを予期するよう警告されている場合 (『Dungeons』の「クエストの見つけ方?」、4 ページ、『Dungeons』の「酒場物語とカビの本?」、17 ページ、『Wilderness Adventures?』の「旅行手配?」、20 〜 21 ページを参照)、グーは冒険の主な脅威になる可能性があります。クエストには、罠の代わりに、さまざまなファンガス、モルド、スライムが登場するかもしれません。定番モンスターとして、ゼリー、ウーズ、プディング、胞子雲のあらゆる味が登場するかもしれません。ボス戦では、毒性の強い胞子雲のコロニー、強化された吸収型ゼリー、巨大なウーズの池が登場します。
グーがテーマになっているのはどこでしょうか? さまざまな場所にあります! GMの選択次第では、特定種類の場所が“標準(standard)舞台”になるかもしれません。その場合、適切な技能 (特定の〈地域知識〉は常にカウントされます) を持つ人なら誰でも、知力基準の判定を行って、これを事前に知ることができます。
● ゴミ捨て場や下水道などの不潔な場所、特に錬金術の流出がある場所: 〈都市生存術〉。
● バイユー(よどんだ流れの遅い小川)、沼地、湿地、沼地、湿地、その他の湿地帯: 〈自然知識〉または〈生存/沼地〉。
● 洪水で半分水没した墓地、建物、または都市全体: 〈都市生存術〉。
● 湿ったダンジョン、特に川や湖底の地下にあるダンジョン: 忘れられた迷宮には〈秘伝〉、巣穴には〈自然知識〉、鉱山には〈採掘〉、洞窟には〈生存/地下〉 が適切。
● 呪いに冒された荒野、死んだ動植物を餌とするグー: 〈神秘学〉。
● 巨大な菌類や絨毛が木や草に取って代わる奇怪な地形: 判定は不要!
● 古邪 (その多くは巨大で知的なグー) に関連する場所:〈秘伝/古邪〉。
不潔で平凡なもの。食料を台無しにする普通のカビ。木々に生えているものを隠す垂れ下がった苔、水中にあるものを隠す厚い藻類。刺す植物 (『Wilderness Adventures?』、33-34 ページ) や群がる不気味な這い回る生き物 (『Wilderness Adventures?』、34 ページ) が生活を苦しめます。
水に関連する脅威。 グーは湿っています。水は川や湖から来ており、不運な人を溺れさせたり (『Wilderness Adventures?』、29 ページ)、流砂や陥没穴を作ったりします (『Wilderness Adventures?』、33 ページ)。 カエル、カメ、ビッグフィッシュなどの水生生物の巨大で突然変異バージョンがそこに生息しているかもしれません。地下では、頭上の水が崩落の恐れがあります。
気持ち悪いモンスター! 環形動物(ミミズ、ヒル、跳躍ヒルなど)、クモ形動物(特にクモとサソリ)、昆虫、多足動物(ペデス)、スラッグヒーモスほどの大きさの陸生軟体動物の怪物版(『Monsters 1』、p. 27)。菌類はクラッシュルームが好き(『Dungeons』、p. 22)。毒弾スライム(『Dungeons』、p. 23)やアンデッド・スライム(『Monsters 1』、p. 32)などの非定型スライム。普通のアンデッドもいます。腐っていて、「無効化/毒」があり、グーをはねつけます。
ランダムな奇怪さ。繊毛で覆われた壁、奇妙な生物学的匂いなど。ダンジョンは「リビングルーム?」である可能性があります。『Pyramid 3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV』を参照してください。
Goo is thematic in some environments, though. If the heroes have been warned to expect it (see Finding a Quest, Dungeons, p. 4; Tavern Tales and Moldy Books, Dungeons, p. 17; and Travel Arrangements, Wilderness Adventures, pp. 20-21), it can be the adventure’s primary threat. The quest may feature a bewildering variety of fungi, molds, and slimes instead of traps; every flavor of jelly, ooze, pudding, and spore cloud as stock monsters; and extra-toxic spore-cloud colonies, powered-up absorptive jellies, and massive ooze ponds as boss fights.
Where is goo thematic? Lots of places! At the GM’s option, it might be “standard” in certain kinds of locales. If so, anyone with the correct skill – specific Area Knowledge always counts – can make an IQ-based roll to know this in advance.
Some suggestions:
• Filthy sites like dumps and sewers, especially ones with alchemical runoff: Urban Survival.
• Bayous, bogs, fens, marshes, swamps, and other wetlands: Naturalist or Survival (Swampland).
• Graveyards, buildings, or entire cities half-drowned by flooding: Urban Survival.
• Damp dungeons, particular those beneath rivers and lake beds: appropriate Hidden Lore for forgotten labyrinths, Naturalist for warrens, Prospecting for mines, or Survival (Subterranean) for caves.
• Curse-blighted wilderness, where goo feeds on dead flora and fauna: Occultism.
• Weird terrain where giant fungus and villous growths replace trees and grass: no roll needed!
• Locales linked to Elder Things (many of which are huge, intelligent goo): Hidden Lore (Elder Things).
What else will the delvers find when they arrive?
Icky mundane stuff. Ordinary mold to spoil rations. Dangly moss to conceal what’s in the trees – and thick algal scum to hide what’s underwater. Stinging plants (Wilderness Adventures, pp. 33-34) and swarming creepy-crawlers (Wilderness Adventures, p. 34) that make life miserable.
Water-related menaces. Goo is moist. The water comes from rivers and lakes that can drown the unfortunate (Wilderness Adventures, p. 29) or create quicksand and sinkholes (Wilderness Adventures, p. 33). Giant and dire versions
of aquatic creatures like frogs, turtles, and Big Fish may live in it. Underground, water overhead can threaten a cave-in.
Gross monsters! Monstrous versions of annelids (worms, leeches, leaping leeches, etc.), arachnids (particularly spiders and scorpions), insects, myriapods (’pedes), and terrestrial molluscs as big as slughemoths (Monsters 1, p. 27). Fungoids like crushrooms (Dungeons, p. 22). Atypical slimes such as the erupting (Dungeons, p. 23) and undead (Monsters 1, p. 32) varieties. Ordinary undead, too – they’re rotten, immune to poison, and repellent to goo.
Random weirdness. Cilia-covered walls, strange biological smells, and so on. The dungeon may well be a “living room”; see Pyramid #3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV.
Where is goo thematic? Lots of places! At the GM’s option, it might be “standard” in certain kinds of locales. If so, anyone with the correct skill – specific Area Knowledge always counts – can make an IQ-based roll to know this in advance.
Some suggestions:
• Filthy sites like dumps and sewers, especially ones with alchemical runoff: Urban Survival.
• Bayous, bogs, fens, marshes, swamps, and other wetlands: Naturalist or Survival (Swampland).
• Graveyards, buildings, or entire cities half-drowned by flooding: Urban Survival.
• Damp dungeons, particular those beneath rivers and lake beds: appropriate Hidden Lore for forgotten labyrinths, Naturalist for warrens, Prospecting for mines, or Survival (Subterranean) for caves.
• Curse-blighted wilderness, where goo feeds on dead flora and fauna: Occultism.
• Weird terrain where giant fungus and villous growths replace trees and grass: no roll needed!
• Locales linked to Elder Things (many of which are huge, intelligent goo): Hidden Lore (Elder Things).
What else will the delvers find when they arrive?
Icky mundane stuff. Ordinary mold to spoil rations. Dangly moss to conceal what’s in the trees – and thick algal scum to hide what’s underwater. Stinging plants (Wilderness Adventures, pp. 33-34) and swarming creepy-crawlers (Wilderness Adventures, p. 34) that make life miserable.
Water-related menaces. Goo is moist. The water comes from rivers and lakes that can drown the unfortunate (Wilderness Adventures, p. 29) or create quicksand and sinkholes (Wilderness Adventures, p. 33). Giant and dire versions
of aquatic creatures like frogs, turtles, and Big Fish may live in it. Underground, water overhead can threaten a cave-in.
Gross monsters! Monstrous versions of annelids (worms, leeches, leaping leeches, etc.), arachnids (particularly spiders and scorpions), insects, myriapods (’pedes), and terrestrial molluscs as big as slughemoths (Monsters 1, p. 27). Fungoids like crushrooms (Dungeons, p. 22). Atypical slimes such as the erupting (Dungeons, p. 23) and undead (Monsters 1, p. 32) varieties. Ordinary undead, too – they’re rotten, immune to poison, and repellent to goo.
Random weirdness. Cilia-covered walls, strange biological smells, and so on. The dungeon may well be a “living room”; see Pyramid #3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV.
グーの戦利品(Gooey Loot) p.20
「[[グーの戦利品>グー#Gooey_Loot]]」 --[[L-グーの戦利品>グー#Gooey_Loot]](Gooey Loot) p.20グーは宝物を蓄えません。気にするほど賢くないからです。それでも、グーが殺傷能力を持ち、装備を溶かす侵蝕ダメージを使わないのであれば、過去の犠牲者の所有物が近くで見つかるかもしれません。腐食性のファンガス、黄色いモルド、ウーズはほとんどすべてを破壊します。他のファンガスやモルド、そしてほとんどの胞子雲は、生きているものを殺して繁殖成長しますが、物品はそのまま残します。ゼリーは有機物のみを消化します。プディングや肉食スライムは肉を食べます。疑わしい場合は、各説明を読んでください!
ゼリーは獲物を消化し、消化できないアイテムを後ろに吐き出します。〈足跡追跡〉判定で足跡をたどることができます。これはダンジョンの半分を横切るかもしれませんが、最近手に入れたアイテムを道中に散らばらせる必要があります…… コイン、指輪、鎧を 1つずつ。同じトリックはプディングにも有効ですが、プディングは食べるために動かないため、戦利品は犠牲者ごとにきちんとした山になります。
ウーズはオリハルコン以外のほとんどすべてを溶かします。より硬い宝石 (ダイヤモンドなど) も生き残ることができます。これらのものを見つけるには、プディングと同じように〈足跡追跡〉が機能しますが、本当の戦利品は必然的にウーズの池の底にあります。
胞子雲は追跡できず、殺した獲物に住み着くことはありません。胞子が犠牲者に落とした胞子は、ある種のファンガスやモルドに成長します。 GMはランダムに判定するか、胞子雲の能力にできるだけ近い値に一致させることができます。学者たちはこの関係を解明したことはありません。ドロドロに覆われた戦利品が他のグーの近くにないのを見つけた探索者は、それを回収しようとすると胞子雲に襲われるかもしれません。
Goo doesn’t hoard treasure because it isn’t smart enough to care. Still, if it is capable of killing and doesn’t do so using corrosion damage that dissolves gear, past victims’possessions might be found nearby. Corrosive fungi, yellow molds, and oozes destroy almost everything. Other fungi and molds, and most spore clouds, slay the living to grow on but leave objects intact. Jellies digest only organic matter.
Puddings and flesh-eating slimes eat meat. When in doubt, read the description!
The location of any surviving swag depends on the goo’s mobility. Fungi, molds, and slimes will be growing on or covering their victims’ bodies and equipment. The delvers must kill the monster and then make a DX-based roll against Poisons to remove it – or against Alchemy, for weirdness like dazzler, lurker, or psychic wailer fungus, or black, blue, or red mold.
Any failure causes effects identical to the dead goo’s attack.
Jellies digest their prey and spew indigestible items behind them. A Tracking roll can pick up the trail. This might cross half the dungeon, but recent goodies should be strewn along the way . . . one coin or ring or piece of armor at a time. The same trick works for puddings, but as they stay put to eat, the plunder is in one neat pile per victim.
Oozes dissolve almost everything but orichalcum. Harder gems (like diamonds) can survive as well. To find this stuff, Tracking works just as for a pudding – though the real booty is inevitably at the bottom of an ooze pond.
Spore clouds aren’t trackable and don’t take up residence on their kill. The spores they deposit on their victims grow into some sort of fungus or mold. The GM can roll randomly or match this as closely as possible to the cloud’s abilities – scholars have never worked out the relationship. Delvers who find glop-coated loot sitting nowhere near other goo may find themselves jumped by spore clouds as they try to recover it!
Puddings and flesh-eating slimes eat meat. When in doubt, read the description!
The location of any surviving swag depends on the goo’s mobility. Fungi, molds, and slimes will be growing on or covering their victims’ bodies and equipment. The delvers must kill the monster and then make a DX-based roll against Poisons to remove it – or against Alchemy, for weirdness like dazzler, lurker, or psychic wailer fungus, or black, blue, or red mold.
Any failure causes effects identical to the dead goo’s attack.
Jellies digest their prey and spew indigestible items behind them. A Tracking roll can pick up the trail. This might cross half the dungeon, but recent goodies should be strewn along the way . . . one coin or ring or piece of armor at a time. The same trick works for puddings, but as they stay put to eat, the plunder is in one neat pile per victim.
Oozes dissolve almost everything but orichalcum. Harder gems (like diamonds) can survive as well. To find this stuff, Tracking works just as for a pudding – though the real booty is inevitably at the bottom of an ooze pond.
Spore clouds aren’t trackable and don’t take up residence on their kill. The spores they deposit on their victims grow into some sort of fungus or mold. The GM can roll randomly or match this as closely as possible to the cloud’s abilities – scholars have never worked out the relationship. Delvers who find glop-coated loot sitting nowhere near other goo may find themselves jumped by spore clouds as they try to recover it!
グー自体の商品価値(Just the Goo Parts) p.20
「[[グー自体の商品価値>グー#Just_the_Goo_Parts]]」 --[[L-グー自体の商品価値>グー#Just_the_Goo_Parts]](Just the Goo Parts) p.20グー自体が戦利品にもなり得ます。生きた標本は、それを武器として使おうとする人々をも攻撃します。死んだ標本は、扱う人にとっては危険ですが、敵に投げつけても「パシャッ」と音を立てて何も起こりません。しかし、適切な試薬があれば、町の職人はこれらの生物を毒や薬に変えることができます。
死んだグーを集めるには、毒の材料として売るのが目的なら〈毒物〉判定が必要です (侵蝕、疲労、または毒のダメージを与えるモンスターには許可されます)。それ以外の場合は〈危険物取扱/魔法〉 判定が必要です。遭遇中の各タイプのグーすべてに対して1回判定します。プディングを除いて、これらの生物は異常に不安定です。失敗するとサンプルが台無しになり、略奪者は攻撃されたかのように影響を受けます。
プディングの場合、危険はけいれんすることです。失敗すると死体が無駄になりますが、ファンブル失敗は 4d 叩きで「殴られる」ことも意味します。
成功しても誰も金持ちにはなりませんが、4 ×(グーのHP値)で売れる材料が得られます。スライム1個につき4ドル(子供たちは石でスライムを狩ります。落ちてきたからといって金持ちになれるとは思わないでください)。
- モルド: 1 平方メートルにつき 4 ドル。
- 胞子雲: 1 個につき 8 ドル(落ち着くと、ほとんど残りません)。
- ウーズ: 1 個につき 48 ドル(ただし、「ウーズ農家」は計画的に両断し分裂させることで大量のウーズを収穫できます)。
- ゼリー: 1 個につき 60〜200 ドル。
- ファンガス: 1 個につき 80〜600 ドル。
- プディング: 1 個につき 160 ドル。
非常に希少な標本 (強化された吸収型ゼリー、呪文を唱えるウーズの池、灰色のプディングなど) は、はるかに価値があります。オープンマーケットでの価格を2d倍します。クエストの目的である場合、探索者はユニークな報酬を受け取る可能性があります。
Goo can even be loot. Live specimens attack people who try to use them as weapons in their own right. Dead ones – while hazardous to those who handle them – go “splat” and do nothing if hurled at enemies. Yet with suitable reagents, craftsmen in town can turn these organisms into poisons and potions.
Collecting dead goo requires a Poisons roll if the goal is to sell it as an ingredient for poison (allowed for monsters that do corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage), a Hazardous Materials (Magical) roll otherwise. Roll once for all goo of each type in an encounter. With the exception of puddings, these creatures are unusually volatile; any failure spoils the sample and means the looter is affected as if attacked.
With puddings, the danger is twitching – failure wastes the corpse, but critical failure also means being “punched” for 4d crushing.
Success won’t make anybody rich, yielding ingredients that sell for $4 \ (goo’s HP score):
$4 per slime (kids hunt slime with rocks – don’t expect to get rich just because it fell on you).
$4 per square yard of mold.
$8 for a spore cloud (when it settles, there isn’t much left).
$48 for an ooze (but “ooze farmers” can harvest a lot of ooze by strategic halving).
$60-$200 for a jelly.
$80-$600 for a fungus.
$160 for a pudding.
Every $40 of value weighs 1 lb.
The stuff’s precise use is deliberately left vague – processing goo requires facilities reserved for guildmasters. However, if someone in town specifically needs red pudding for alchemist’s fire, slippery mold for thieves’ oil, smoker fungus for smoke nageteppo, or whatever, the delvers might be given a quest that pays their choice of the usual cash or double that in kind. For instance, that red pudding might score $160 or three vials of alchemist’s fire, while a smoker fungus gives $80 or four nageteppo.
Exceedingly rare specimens – powered-up absorptive jellies, spellcasting ooze ponds, gray puddings, etc. – are worth much more. Multiply price by 2d on the open market. If they’re quest objectives, the delvers may receive one-of-a-kind rewards!
Collecting dead goo requires a Poisons roll if the goal is to sell it as an ingredient for poison (allowed for monsters that do corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage), a Hazardous Materials (Magical) roll otherwise. Roll once for all goo of each type in an encounter. With the exception of puddings, these creatures are unusually volatile; any failure spoils the sample and means the looter is affected as if attacked.
With puddings, the danger is twitching – failure wastes the corpse, but critical failure also means being “punched” for 4d crushing.
Success won’t make anybody rich, yielding ingredients that sell for $4 \ (goo’s HP score):
$4 per slime (kids hunt slime with rocks – don’t expect to get rich just because it fell on you).
$4 per square yard of mold.
$8 for a spore cloud (when it settles, there isn’t much left).
$48 for an ooze (but “ooze farmers” can harvest a lot of ooze by strategic halving).
$60-$200 for a jelly.
$80-$600 for a fungus.
$160 for a pudding.
Every $40 of value weighs 1 lb.
The stuff’s precise use is deliberately left vague – processing goo requires facilities reserved for guildmasters. However, if someone in town specifically needs red pudding for alchemist’s fire, slippery mold for thieves’ oil, smoker fungus for smoke nageteppo, or whatever, the delvers might be given a quest that pays their choice of the usual cash or double that in kind. For instance, that red pudding might score $160 or three vials of alchemist’s fire, while a smoker fungus gives $80 or four nageteppo.
Exceedingly rare specimens – powered-up absorptive jellies, spellcasting ooze ponds, gray puddings, etc. – are worth much more. Multiply price by 2d on the open market. If they’re quest objectives, the delvers may receive one-of-a-kind rewards!
共通性質「藻の体」(Body of Slime)、呪文《肉体藻化》(Body of Slime)
植物系呪文を特集・拡張したサプリメント『GURPS Magic: Plant Spells?』には菌類を扱った呪文もある。
植物系呪文を特集・拡張したサプリメント『GURPS Magic: Plant Spells?』には菌類を扱った呪文もある。