感覚保護(Protected Sense)P69P
see p. B78
Remember that this trait protects against sensory overload and Sense- Based attacks, not physical damage.
For instance, Protected Vision helps against bright light, but not a splinter in the eye.
GM may permit a variant ability in campaigns that feature powers:
Protected Power:
Your power is protected against direct attacks. It gets +5 to resist Neutralize (p. 97) attempts, and you roll at +5 when you use it “burn through” Static (p. 98) with the 「
抵抗可能」 limitation. This doesn’t provide 「
感覚保護」 for the power’s sensory abilities; it only protects the power itself. 5 points/power.
For protection against chemicals in the eyes, inhaled gas, etc., take Doesn’t Breathe (p. B49),
耐性 (p. 71), Sealed (p. B82), and similar physical defenses. To armor the eyes, use
眼球防護膜 (p. B71).
■パワーアップ(Powering Up)
感覚保護」s are often part of elemental powers --Protected Vision for Darkness or Light power, Protected Hearing for Sound/Vibration power, and so on.
Biological and chi-based body-control powers sometimes grant this advantage by letting the user adapt his body.
Any power might include Protected Power.
才能 adds to Power Block attempts (see p. 168).