最終更新: tominosyou 2020年03月29日(日) 01:10:52履歴
意訳強め。ルールではないため、翻訳は当分放置する予定。「GURPS Power-Ups 3:Talents」p.17より。
Yes and no.
私たちができることは何であれ、自然な遊びを演じます。私たちは皆、同等に速く、強く、健康的で、格好良いわけではありません。 "スマート"はもっと複雑ですが、教えたことのある人ならだれでも、他の生徒よりも速く学ぶ生徒がいることを知っています――そして、私達全員がバカ者に会いました!
Nature plays a role in what any of us can do. We’re not all equally fast, strong, healthy, and good-looking. “Smart” is more complex, but anyone who has taught knows that some pupils learn faster than others – and we’ve all met dummies!
“Gifted in one particular area” is trickier still, but neuroscience has determined that structure and electrical activity vary from brain to brain, and has correlated these variations with task performance.
Nurture, too, has its place. Regardless of gifts (general or specific), study and practice can make you better at tasks. Every civilization has recognized this fact and supported it with some of oral tradition, apprenticeship, drill, and schooling. Today, education and experience constitute the basis of most hiring; you’d need remarkable talent to edge out someone better-trained.
Character traits in RPGs routinely mix the two. For instance, DX and IQ might be raw potential distinct from skills, but both increase from birth to adulthood (see Children, p. B20) and affect most skill defaults, reflecting general learning. Conversely, skills aren’t necessarily learned; high Running skill might suggest physical training, but PCs without track-and-field experience can select it as a natural propensity – or buy it with earned points for reasons of dramatic necessity. Talents fare no worse than anything else in this regard. The stance that Talents represent the aptitudes of gifted people in the real world while skills are learned is no less defensible than similar assertions about DX vs. Combat skills, Absolute Direction vs. Navigation skill, and so on.
Moreover, divisions between capabilities in RPGs veer from remarkably fine (e.g., Filch, Pickpocket, and Sleight of Hand skills for swiping things) to incredibly coarse (e.g., Biology and Physics have phenomenal depth, and IQ encompasses “creativity, intuition, memory, perception, reason, sanity, and willpower”). This arbitrary partitioning serves game balance, not realism; a game will seem broken if improving a small number of abilities makes you an adventuring demigod while some brainy background competence burns through your character-creation currency.
Here, too, Talents are no shakier than anything else. For instance, in reality, music and math are related, and math works equally well for physics and finance, so Business Acumen, Mathematical Ability, and Musical Ability are a little tangled – but no more so than skills or attributes.
In short, game traits correspond only approximately to anythingmeasurable or testable in reality, and Talents are in this boat with everything else. It’s fair to say that Talents reflect the spirit of reality (some people are more gifted than others in narrow areas), and to cut themsome slack because they serve a valuable dramatic purpose in the game.