汎用TRPG「ガープス(GURUPS)」について、だべったりつづったりする所。 魔法関連ルールの編集者募集中!



 The Basic Set includes hundreds ofadvantages. With the general modifiers on pp. B101-117 and pp. 99-112 - and each advantage’s special modifiers - it’s almost trivial to create vast numbers of abilities. Still, there are a few fictional and traditional abilities that these options can’t emulate.
Below are some new advantages to cover this ground.
 All of these traits are customizable by design, to make it easier to create interesting abilities . . . but some players
may be tempted to abuse this flexibility.
The GM should examine each advantage and impose whatever restrictions he deems necessary for his campaign. In particular, it’s probably wise to allow them only as part of a power.

Control P90P

You can shape and move a particular category of matter, energy, or force (your “element”). The higher your level of Control, the larger the quantity you can affect. Cost per level depends on how significant your element is likely to be on an adventure:

Common: An extremely broad or prevalent category such as Earth (including asphalt, brick, ceramic,
concrete, and rock, but not purified metals), Fire, Gravity, Light, Metal, Plastic (any manufactured structural material that’s neither Earth nor Metal, including oil-based plastics and rubber), Sound, Water (including steam and ice), or Wood (dead plant matter, but not fossils, oil, etc.). 20points/level.

Occasional: A broad subcategory of a Common element, such as Ceramics (including glass), Ferrous Metals (iron, nickel, and cobalt - and note that steel is made of iron), Ice, Steam (all hot or cold water vapor), or Stone (brick, concrete, and rock).
Most forms of energy are Common, but the GM might allow Infrared, Ultrasonics, and so on at this rarity level. 15points/level.

Rare: Any relatively specific substance not already given as Common or Occasional, such as Brick, Iron, Paper, or Rubber. 10 points/level.

The GM should price other elements by comparison, and may allow “Very Common” categories (e.g., “All electromagnetic radiation”) for 25 or 30 points/level. Control isn’t available for machinery or living beings; to create animal-, plant-, and machine-control abilities, modify advantages such as Mind Control and Possession.
Control over complex processes (e.g., chemical reactions) requires an entire power - not just a single Control ability.

Limits of Control  P90P
 The most important limit on Control is that you can only use it if your element is present. Control does nothing without your element, and doesn’t let you call your element into existence (for that, buy Create).

 For solids and liquids, you can affect up to 10 × (level squared) lbs. of matter in the form of a single object or amorphous mass. For example, Control 3 (Iron) would let you affect a 90-lb. iron ingot or even 90 lbs. of iron filings in a heap . . . but against a foe with a 3-lb. sword, 4-lb. helmet, and 18-lb. breastplate, all iron, you could only affect one target, even though the total weight is much less than your limit.

 For gases, energy, and forces - and diffuse, airborne solids, like dust clouds - you can affect a circular area with a radius equal to your level in yards.
Should height matter, the area is four yards tall. The target item must be continuous. For instance, Control 10 (Fire) would let you control a blaze 10 yards in radius, but not “all candle flames within 10 yards.”

 Finally, Control over matter doesn’t work on complex, manufactured artifacts unless they’re made almost entirely of your element. Control (Metal) could affect a sword or a revolver, but not a ray gun with only a few metallic parts.
Establishing Control
 To control solids or liquids, you must touch the target object or material.
This takes a second and requires a successful unarmed melee attack. If someone is wearing or carrying the target item, he may defend against your touch. If your touch succeeds, make an immediate IQ roll to establish control.

 To control gases, energy, or forces, you must reach into or stand within the desired area of effect. To establish control, take a Concentrate maneuver and make an IQ roll.

 If your target is already under someone else’s direct control, roll a Quick Contest. You roll against IQ; they roll against IQ if using Control or Telekinesis, their skill level if using a spell, and so on. You must win to establish control. Likewise, others can overpower your Control by winning a Quick Contest against your IQ.
Effects of Control
 After establishing control, you can reshape the target. Forming a simple shape (blob, column, sphere, etc.) requires a Concentrate maneuver but no die roll. If the result is meant to be beautiful or functional, though, the GM may deem the effort a long task (see p. B346) and require skill rolls against Armoury, Artist, Machinist, and so on. You can work without tools, but you must know what you’re doing.
You can also cause the target to elongate or flow at a Move equal to your Control level. This requires constant concentration. The target needn’t remain in contact with you, but Control isn’t Telekinesis. You can make a solid or liquid ooze, roll, or seep along the ground or a surface, and even reshape it in ways that defy gravity, but only gas or energy can actually fly through the air - and you can’t “shape” a force at all.

 For energy, each level of Control gives the effect of one two-dimensional reflector or insulator with length and
width in yards no larger than your Control level. For instance, Control 3 (Light) would let you route light around obstacles as if you had three mirrors up to 3 yards × 3 yards in size, or block light completely as if you had three 3 yard × 3 yard screens.

 For a force, each level of Control lets you adjust the force’s strength by ±10% within your radius; e.g., Control
10 (Gravity) could make everything weightless (-100%) or double all weights (+100%), with effects as described in Different Gravity (p. B350). This only affects the gross force on entire objects. To disintegrate things by reducing internal binding forces, buy an Innate Attack.

 Control includes the ability to make minor, “cosmetic” changes. For instance, Control (Light) can give a colored cast to everything in the area, and Control (Metal) can clean corrosion off metal and make it gleam. You can produce such effects incidentally when reshaping or moving your element.

 When you stop concentrating, you immediately give up control. Stable forms become permanent, while unstable ones collapse instantly.
Control in Combat
 Defensively, Control over matter lets you move or shape your element to obstruct attacks. This requires a Concentrate maneuver. Such barriers give whatever cover the material normally provides. For instance, Control (Metal) might let you shape a steel table into armor with the DR of steel by making an Armoury roll, while Control (Earth) could stir up a sand cloud, with the usual effects on vision and lasers.

 Control over energy or force is too slow to stop damage, but a Concentrate maneuver lets you eliminate -1 per level in combat penalties or add +1 per level to resistance rolls - your choice - for you and any allies in
your area of effect, as long as you can explain the effects in terms of your element.
For instance, with Control 5 (Light), you could focus available light onto all foes in your area, allowing your side to ignore up to -5 in darkness penalties . . . or throw up a barrier that gives everyone behind it +5 HT to resist blinding flashes.

 Offensively, Control is more limited.
By concentrating, you can move an existing hazard - gas, fire, radiation, etc., as befits your element - onto a foe, but this is only as harmful as the underlying substance. Nonhazardous liquids or solids merely impede his
movement, like any object of that weight. In all cases, your foe can dodge.

 Getting Tricky: If a foe is standing in an area where you control matter, energy, or a force - or if you can move matter or energy onto him - you may inflict combat penalties on him. This requires flexibility on the GM’s part: Control 3 (Sound) might give -3 to Hearing rolls (e.g., to detect a ninja sneaking up), Control 10 (Earth) might cause a mini-earthquake good for -10 to attack rolls, and Control (Gravity) would simply produce the usual penalties that go along with reduced or elevated gravity. Tricks like this require a Concentrate maneuver and an IQ or Tactics roll.
 Persistent (+40%) lets the effects of Control endure for 10 seconds after you stop concentrating. Ranged (+40%) allows you to use Control at a distance. You can’t add the Area Effect enhancement, though; to affect more of your element, buy a higher level of Control. Additional enhancements include:

 Collective: You aren’t limited to a single object or continuous area. Your ability affects all instances of your element in a circle with a radius equal to your level in yards. You still can’t affect more than 10 × (level squared) lbs. of a solid or liquid. For instance, Control 2 (Metal) with Collective lets you affect up to 40 lbs. of any one metal in a two-yard circle; in the example under Limits of Control, you could affect the sword, helmet, and breastplate. Collective is unnecessary for forces, which already work this way - a fair trade for the fact that you can’t reshape them. +100%.

 Natural Phenomena: Your element is a large-scale aspect of nature. On an earthlike world, Oceans and Weather are Common; subcategories such as Currents, Precipitation, Waves, and Winds are Occasional; and phenomena like Hail and Snow are Rare. The GM sets rarity elsewhere. This ability isn’t Create; it only works if the necessary air, water, etc. are present. Area of effect is 0.1 × level miles in radius. If your roll succeeds, every three full levels of Control let you produce effects that give -1 or +1 to rolls your element could hinder or help, relative to the prevailing conditions. You can apply this modifier to Influence rolls (to impress others), Survival rolls, Strategy rolls, and anything else the
GM allows. Be sure to describe the effects you’re producing. The GM may overrule you if the rules or common sense suggest that these conditions are outside the range of modifiers you can produce. For instance, Control 10 (Oceans) could roughen or calm seas in a 1-mile radius, for ±3 to die rolls.
In rough water that gives -4 to Boating rolls, you could specify any modifier between -1 (a little foam) and -7 (huge
breakers). +100%.
Special Limitation
 Cosmetic: You can only make superficial changes, such as tinting the color of light or putting a shine on metal. You can’t truly move or reshape your element. -80%.
 Binding (p. 42), Obscure (p. 64), and Temperature Control (p. 83) can produce similar effects without allowing
open-ended control. To do damage with an element, use Innate Attack (p. 53) - adding Malediction (p. B106) if the attack affects the element within the victim’s body. Those who can hurl objects around rather than cause them to creep or flow have Telekinesis (p. 82). Apply Environmental (p. 110) to these abilities if they depend on preexistent materials or conditions. To summon the element, get Create (below).

 Any of the above traits could have a Link (p. B106) with Control.
Individuals who can control an element precisely enough to produce several of these effects should consider Modular Abilities (p. 62).
Powering Up
 Control is an obvious match for elemental powers. It’s also standard for divine and spirit powers associated with gods and spirits that govern elements, and the cosmic powers of these entities. Adding the Natural Phenomena enhancement makes Control suitable for nature-control powers, too. Talent adds to all IQ and skill rolls to establish or use Control.

コラム Godlike Control P92P

Godlike Control
The GM may allow Control over ubiquitous, abstract elements such as Space and Time. This should cost at least 30 points/level. Detailed rules are beyond the scope of this book, but the GM who wishes to “wing it” can apply ±1 per level to any task he feels the Control could influence (see Control in Combat, p. 91), and then determine the gameworld effects by interpreting this as a modifier normally associated with the element. For instance, Control (Space) 6 might give a range modifier from -6 to +6, which corresponds to a distance distortion between ×10 and ×0.1 on the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550); Control (Time) 5 might give from -5 to +5 to time-dependent tasks, which the Time Spent (p. B346) rules suggest would be a time distortion between ×0.5 and ×30.

Create P92P

 You can create an “element” - a specific category of matter or energy - out of nothing. To do so, take a
Concentrate maneuver and roll vs. IQ.
Success means your element appears. A solid or liquid coalesces in hand or within arm’s reach, while gas or energy appears in the area surrounding you or in an area you’re touching (your choice in both cases). Failure means nothing happens. Critical failure means your element appears, but in a way that’s inconvenient or dangerous - the GM should be creative!

 Creating something out of nothing is hard. Each attempt, successful or not, requires 2 FP. There’s also a character point cost for permanent creation (see below).

 Your level of Create determines how much of your element you can conjure. Point cost per level is a function of the breadth of your ability, not the rarity of your element:

 Large Category: Solid, Liquid, and Gas let you create any matter that’s naturally in that state in your present environment. Organic and Inorganic let you create any material of the appropriate category, in the state it normally takes in your environment.
Important options for energy are Electromagnetic Waves (all EM radiation) and Physical Waves (all sound and vibration). 40 points/level.

 Medium Category: A broad subset of a single Large category, or the area of overlap between two Large categories, or a specific class of manufactured substances. Acid, Biochemicals, Drugs, Earth, and Metal qualify.
Options for energy include Electricity, Sound, Long-Wave EM (radio, microwaves, and far IR), Light (IR, visible, and UV), and Short-Wave EM (far UV, X-rays, and gamma rays). A dramatically important category that includes aspects of matter and energy is Radiation (alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, etc.). 20 points/level.

 Small Category: A narrow subset of a Large category, or a broad subset of a Medium category, or one fairly specific material that comes in many varieties. Useful examples include Ferrous Metals (iron, nickel, and cobalt), Fire (any incandescent gas), Fossil Fuels (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.), and Wood - and, for energy, things like Gamma Rays, Infrared, Ultrasonics, and Visible Light. 10 points/level.

 Specific Item: A single chemical element or compound, such as Iron, Salt, or Water, or a commonly occurring
mixture, such as Air or Brine. You can choose nasty materials such as Plutonium, TNT, and VX Gas, but you won’t necessarily be able to create a useful amount. 5 points/level.
Limits on Quantity
 There are strict limits on the amount of matter or energy you can create:

 •Solids and liquids can weigh up to 10 × (level squared) lbs. - 10 lbs. at level 1, 40 lbs. at level 2, 90 lbs. at level 3, and so on.

 ●Gases can fill an area up to one yard in radius per level.

 ●Energy appears in a quantity sufficient to do 1,000 × (level squared) kJ of useful work, released too gradually to inflict damage. The GM should limit power output to 15 kW or so. To store this energy, you need a battery or equivalent technology.

 Created matter (but not energy) is unstable. It vanishes in 10 seconds unless you use character points to “stabilize” it. Each point spent stabilizes a quantity worth 10% of the campaign’s average starting wealth. (This is just the tradeoff used for Trading Points for Money, p. B26.) The GM determines the cash value per pound of matter - a ton of gold costs more to stabilize than a ton of sand.

 Points spent to stabilize matter come from your “Creation Pool,” a number of points set aside for the purpose.
You can’t apply any modifiers to these points. Points used to stabilize matter are unavailable until reclaimed - which causes the matter to vanish. If the matter is crafted into an object, the item is unmade when the matter vanishes.
If the matter is mixed with other materials (e.g., alloyed), you must separate it to reclaim your points; this can be a tedious process. If it’s destroyed or transformed (e.g., eaten), you can’t reclaim your points - they’re gone. You can increase your Creation Pool with unspent points at any time.

 If economics are unimportant to the campaign, the GM is free to waive point costs for permanent matter.
Alternatively, he can require those with Create to start with Wealth or Independent Income - or a Vow never to use Create to produce wealth.
If your ability lets you create a dangerous element, you can opt to create a minuscule amount in combat without worrying about long-term stability. It just produces its effects and vanishes, like matter or energy projected by an Innate Attack. The following effects are possible, provided your element includes suitable materials:

 ●Corrosive solids and liquids appear in quantity and concentration sufficient to inflict 1d corrosion damage
per level, once, on a single subject.
You must immerse a victim in the substance or throw it at him to do damage.

 ●Poisonous solids and liquids appear in a dosage sufficient to inflict 1d toxic damage per level on one subject.
Method of delivery, delay, resistance rolls, cycles, and so on are as usual for the poison (see Poison Examples, p. B439). Damage is total damage, over all cycles.

 ●Noxious gases fill a circular area with a radius in yards equal to your level, to a height of four yards, for 10 seconds. They affect everyone exposed. Use the rules for noxious solids and liquids (poisonous or corrosive,
as appropriate), but total damage is 1 point per level. Convert 4 points or more of damage to dice (see p. B269).

 ●Fire and hazardous energy (electricity, microwaves, intense sound, etc.) fill an area identical to that for a
noxious gas, and inflict 1 point of damage of a suitable type per level each second on anyone who stays in the area for at least a second. Convert 4+ points of damage to dice. DR protects normally. Energy dissipates after 10 seconds, but fires it sets burn for as long as they have fuel, devices it overloads remain broken, and so on - these effects don’t vanish with the energy.

 ●Radioactive materials work as poisonous ones. Radiation fields use the rules for hazardous energy. All “damage” is in rads.

 •Explosives appear in quantity sufficient to cause a blast that inflicts 1 point of crushing damage per level,
and vanish if not detonated within 10 seconds.

 If the element would cause an effect other than damage - blindness for bright light, deafness for loud sound, etc. - treat it like an Affliction instead. The HT roll to resist is at -1 per level of Create for a single subject,
  • 1 per three full levels for an area.

 Energy or matter created as an attack is by definition of a quantity and potency that produces the above effects and then vanishes. Such rapid dispersal is totally unrealistic for substances lethal in microscopic doses . . . but no less realistic than the ability to conjure your element in the first place.
Other Restrictions
 Create lets you conjure anything in your category. This may give access to several of the options above; e.g., Create (Electricity) could charge a battery or fill an area with lightning, while Create (Organic) could produce corrosives, poisons, or explosives. You must specify exactly what you’re creating, and for what purpose, before you roll the dice. If you don’t, the GM decides what happens . . .

 If it isn’t clear which limit applies - or if more than one limit could apply - the GM selects the one that best suits your intentions and the demands of drama.

 Create produces bulk matter, not specific shapes, much less machines.
To create pre-shaped matter, buy both Create and Control (p. 90), and connect them with a Link. Such a combination can create machines; this is a long task (see p. B346) that requires skill rolls, as explained for Control.

 The GM can bend these rules as needed - but be warned that ignoring Limits on Quantity can unbalance a campaign.
 To conjure “essential” elements like those created by the Essential Fire and Essential Water spells in GURPS Magic, add Cosmic, +50%. Ranged (+40%) lets Create work at a distance, but never inside a foe. The GM might even permit attack enhancements for elements useful in combat. Area Effect and Extended Duration are off limits, however. To blanket a wider area, buy more levels of Create. To keep matter around indefinitely, use your Creation Pool. Additional enhancements

 Destruction: You can destroy your element, subject to the same restrictions on type and quantity described for creation under Limits on Quantity.
To destroy something, you must touch it (or stand amidst it, for gas or energy), take a Concentrate maneuver, and pay 2 FP. Then make an IQ roll.
Success means the target is gone. You don’t have to spend character points to do this. Destruction only affects inanimate objects. +100% if you can also create your element; +0% if you can only destroy it.

 Transmutation: You can convert existing matter or energy into another form. The quantities involved depend on your level. Work out the limits as usual for the initial and final items, and use the smaller of the two. If the product is worth more than what you started with, it’s unstable and will revert to its original form after 10 seconds unless you stabilize it with your Creation Pool - in which case point cost depends on the difference in value.
This might be why alchemists can’t transmute large amounts of lead into gold! Transmutation costs 1 FP per use. Otherwise, it works like unmodified Create. +50% per transmutation, which can be within your category or between your category and another of the same size, in one direction. For instance, Create (Metal) could have Metal to Metal, Metal to Earth, or Earth to Metal for +50% apiece; any two for +100%; or all three for +150%.
Add -100% if you can only transmute, not create; if so, you can’t also take Destruction.
 Those who just want an elemental attack are better off with Innate Attack (p. 53). To conjure complex objects (e.g., machines), take Snatcher (p. 76) with the Creation enhancement; to create images, use Illusion (below). If you can create your element with enough precision to replicate all of these abilities and more, consider Modular Abilities (p. 62) instead.

 Several magic spells work a lot like Create, including Create Air, Create Earth, Create Fire, and Create Water (see pp. B242-253). GURPS Magic offers many other options.

Powering Up
 Create is a standard part of elemental powers. There are many possible matches. For instance, Create (Gas) and Create (Air) both suit Air power . . . and with Destruction at the +0% level, either might suit a Vacuum power, too.

 Divine and spirit powers associated with entities that govern elements are also likely to offer Create. Gods themselves frequently have access to many forms of Create as part of their cosmic powers. Powerful wizards might even obtain Create through magical powers.

 Talent adds to all IQ rolls to use Create.

Illusion P94P

25 points
 You can create lifelike illusions. By default, these are constructs of light and sound that appear in a two-yard radius around you. You can always specify a smaller area; e.g., to create an illusionary gun in your hand.
Illusions lack mass and substance, and can’t affect material objects in any way besides hiding or illuminating them.

 To activate your ability, take a Concentrate maneuver. This requires no special die roll. You can create animated, three-dimensional images of anything you can visualize - in any spectrum you can see - synchronized with sounds in the frequency range audible to you. These persist for as long as you concentrate.

 Illusions serve mainly to deceive and distract. Roll a Quick Contest of IQ against the Perception of anyone in a position to notice your illusion. To save time, the GM can roll just once for hordes of foes with the same Per. If you win, the illusion seems real to that individual. The GM decides how he reacts. He might attack an illusionary monster, try to sit on an illusionary chair, and so on. Otherwise, he spots a flaw and realizes that the illusion isn’t real (although he might not know it’s an illusion).

 Illusion sometimes requires a skill roll instead of an IQ roll. In particular, to make an illusion disturbing enough to cause a Fright Check, you must win a Quick Contest of Artist (Illusion) skill against the higher of IQ or Perception for each victim. To trick someone into believing in an illusion of someone he knows, roll the lower of your Acting or Artist (Illusion) skill against the higher of your target’s IQ or Perception.

 Roll a new Quick Contest when someone you’ve already fooled suddenly changes how he’s interacting with the illusion; e.g., he attacks a monster or falls through a chair that isn’t there. If he wins or ties, you don’t simulate a believable response to his action (such as the monster dodging or the chair slipping) and he catches on.

 Modifiers: Your victim gets +4 if someone who knows about the illusion warns him, or if you critically fail in a Quick Contest against someone else. He gets +10 if you create the illusion unsubtly and in plain sight, or if he examines the illusion with a sense you can’t deceive - most often touch.
At the GM’s option, inappropriate illusions (e.g., a pack of rabid wolves in a submarine) give a further +1 to +10, while believable ones (e.g., you pull out an illusionary gun) give from -1 to -5. If the final modifier is a net bonus, halve it if the victim is aware of superhuman powers but not the details of your powers . . . for all he knows, you can summon rabid wolves!

 You can easily create babbling crowds and menacing hordes, but it’s harder to animate a convincing semblance of an illusionary person for direct, personal interaction (dueling, conversation, etc.). Multiple fake people are progressively more robotic and unresponsive; anyone rolling a Quick Contest to spot the illusion is at +4 per construct after the first.

 Believable or not, illusions obstruct vision as effectively as the real thing.
They don’t block weapons, though.
Foes aware of your location can simply shoot through your “cover” . . . and nothing prevents unbelieving opponents from walking through your illusions to reach you.
 Add Area Effect (+50%/level) to increase radius and Ranged (+40%) to project illusions at a distance. Many illusionists also have Telekinesis (p. 82), and add a Link (p. B106) to give the impression that their illusions can interact with the material world - a convincing combination good for +4 in the Quick Contest. Additional options include:

 Extended: You can fool other senses.
Extending the visual or auditory range beyond your own costs +1% per point the affected hearing and vision advantages are worth; e.g., +10% to deceive Infravision. Totally new senses (Radar, taste/smell, touch, Vibration Sense, etc.) cost +20% apiece.
Extended, Touch creates the sensation of substance, but the illusion still can’t affect the material world; for that, link Illusion to Telekinesis.

 Independence: You don’t need to concentrate to maintain your illusions.
Once you’ve created them, you can hand off control to your subconscious.
Independent illusions can respond in simple ways, but can’t change unless you concentrate. For instance, an illusionary pistol would make a menacing “click” as you cocked it, and illusionary wolves would shy from a torch or snarl if someone came close, but to turn the gun into a sword or the wolves into tigers would require concentration. In particular, illusionary people can’t converse unless you actually concentrate. +40%.

 Initiative: This improved form of Independence provides all the benefits of that enhancement (don’t take both) and gives illusionary people the semblance of free will. They can converse and move freely within your area of effect as if they had your DX, IQ, and skills. This requires no concentration. Treat these phantasms as insubstantial NPCs who are completely loyal to you, except that they don’t have thoughts and can’t carry out tasks for you - they simply react to their environment.+100%.

 Mental: Instead of creating images that everyone can see, you project illusions into the mind of a specific target.
You can affect anyone you can touch or see; the Ranged enhancement is unnecessary. Take a Concentrate maneuver and roll a Quick Contest: your IQ vs. the victim’s Will. You’re at -1 per person already affected. If you win, you seize control of his perceptions and can feed him artificial sensory impressions, including subtle edits (e.g., making a $5 bill look like a $100 bill), total fabrications (e.g., he’s standing on Mars without a spacesuit), and complete sensory deprivation (unless you have Auditory Only or Visual Only). These illusions never cause physical harm. Area of effect is irrelevant - it’s all in his head. You don’t control your victim’s thoughts, however.
If he decides that what he’s experiencing makes no sense, he can order his body to act on the last set of impressions he felt were reliable. If he can’t see the real world, he acts at -10 - but he can still act. +100%.

 Stigmata: Only available in conjunction with Mental. Your illusions are so realistic that they cause the subject to experience harmful stress or shock. To use Stigmata, you must first successfully inflict mental illusions upon your victim. Then roll a Quick Contest of IQ vs. his Will once per second. If you win, you inflict actual injury equal to your margin of victory.
Specify whatever damaging effect you like - shot, eaten by tigers, fried at ground zero of a nuclear blast, etc.
Suitable wounds appear on your victim’s body. Those nearby can see the wounds but not their cause; as far as they can tell, the victim is experiencing a stroke, heart attack, or similar distress. Should your victim fall unconscious for any reason (including the injury caused by this ability), you can no longer harm him. +100%.
Special Limitation
 Auditory Only: You can create sounds but not images. This is incompatible with Extended and Stigmata.-70%.

 Static: Your illusions are unanimated “stills.” You can’t create any effect that changes or responds to the environment.
Those who perceive the illusion get +4 to realize it’s fake if it depicts something that’s usually stationary, as the reflections and shadows aren’t right. If the illusion is of something that normally moves, the bonus is +10. Static illusions are mostly useful for concealment. Static is incompatible with Auditory Only, Independent, Initiative, and Stigmata.-30%.

 Visual Only: You can create images but not sounds. This is incompatible with Auditory Only and Stigmata.-30%.
 To conjure material creations, take Create (p. 92) for bulk matter, Snatcher (p. 76) for complex artifacts, and Allies (p. 41) with the Summonable enhancement for creatures.
If the goal is simply to generate concealment, Obscure (p. 64) is cheaper.
Powering Up
 Illusion enhanced with Mental is a common Telepathy ability in fiction.
Elemental Light power, psionic Electrokinesis, and other energy-related powers tend to generate purely physical illusions. The magical powers of fantasy illusionists can often create either kind of illusion. Even divine and spirit powers might include
Illusion, for “sacred visions” or impressing worshippers. Talent adds to all rolls for any form of Illusion.

Leech P96P

25 points for level 1 + 4
points/additional level

 Giant leeches, striges, vampires, and many other traditional and Bmovie monsters suck the life from their victims. “Psychic vampires” and evil spirits usually dispense with the traditional bite. Creepy supers sometimes even have ranged life-stealing

 To use Leech, you must maintain ongoing contact with your victim; a brief touch isn’t enough. In combat, you must grapple or pin him - which is trivial if he’s unconscious or otherwise helpless. Out of combat, options include a long handshake, hug, or more intimate embrace.

 While you maintain contact, each level of Leech lets you drain 1 HP per second from your victim. You heal 1 HP per full 3 HP you steal. You can’t raise your HP above normal, but you can continue the drain without healing yourself. The drain ends instantly if you release your victim, or if he breaks free or dies. If he survives, the stolen HP heal like any other injury.

 Leech 1 costs 25 points; successive levels cost 4 points apiece. For example, to drain 10 HP per second requires Leech 10, which costs 25 + 9 × 4 = 61 points. At the GM’s option, points of drain convert to dice as described under Modifying Dice +
Adds (p. B269); e.g., 4 HP become 1d, 7 HP become 2d, and 10 HP become 2d+3.

 Leech only affects living beings. It can’t steal HP from machines or inanimate objects. However, the GM may allow a variant ability - Leech (Mechanical) - that only affects machines. The point cost is identical.
With Steal HT, this could represent the ability of “gremlins” to cause machines to fail and break down.
Steal FP is off limits.
 To work at a distance, Leech requires Malediction 1 or 2 (+100% or +150%) on top of Ranged (+40%). Roll the Quick Contest of Will for Malediction every second (once per turn, in combat). Each victory lets you drain 1 HP per level. You can only affect one victim at a time. A few 特別増強 are common:

 Accelerated Healing: You heal 1 HP per HP stolen. Your attack doesn’t harm your victim any faster than usual, but it heals you more quickly.+25%.

 Hazard: You can combine Steal FP with one of the modifiers under Hazard (p. B104) to steal dreams (Missed Sleep), warmth (Freezing), and so on. Treat the stolen FP as if they were lost to that hazard. Any FP or HP you gain can heal your losses to
the same hazard.

 Heals FP: Every 3 HP you drain restores 1 HP or 1 FP. You can’t raise FP above normal. +60% if you can choose whether to heal HP or FP; +30% if you only heal FP when healed to full HP.

 Steal (Other Score): You steal ST, DX, IQ, HT, or FP instead of HP. ST theft reduces BL and damage. IQ drain lowers Will and Per. ST and HT losses don’t lower HP and FP, though.
Attribute losses affect skills based on those scores. Drain occurs at the rate of 1 point per level of Leech. It ceases if the victim’s score reaches 0.
Regardless of what you steal, you heal 1 HP (1 FP, with Heals FP or Only Heals FP) per 3 points drained. Your victim regains lost scores at the rate he recovers FP. Cost depends on what you drain: -25% for FP (or +50%, if you drain HP when your victim has 0 FP), +100% for ST or HT, or +300% for DX or IQ. If you can steal more than one of these, buy Leech several times with different enhancements. To use these simultaneously, add Link.

 Steal Youth: You permanently age your victim instead of stealing HP.
Each second of draining ages him by months equal to your level. See Age and Aging (p. B444) for long-term effects, and note that Unaging subjects are immune. You don’t heal, but may grow a month younger per two months stolen, if desired. This is incompatible with other special modifiers. +300% if victims regain their youth when you die; +450% if truly permanent.
 Leeches who must touch their victim’s skin have the Contact Agent limitation (-30%). The traditional vampire has Blood Agent (-40%), and must bite his victim; Sharp Teeth (p. B91) are indispensable. These options and the Ranged option discussed above
are mutually exclusive. An additional limitation is specific to Leech:

 Only Heals FP: You can’t heal HP.
You can only use the HP you drain to restore missing FP, as described for Heals FP. This is incompatible with Heals FP. -20%.
 If the goal is just to reduce the victim’s HP, FP, or attributes, consider Innate Attack (p. 53) with Malediction, or Affliction (p. 39) with Attribute Penalty. If healing is what’s important, take Regeneration (p. 70),
or Healing (p. 51) with Affects Self.

 If draining others’ HP increases your powers, buy Leech plus a set of abilities with Trigger, Leeched HP. Victims are “Common” and using Leech is illegal in most worlds, so this is a -30% limitation. Alternatively, buy an Energy Reserve (p. 119) with Special Recharge, fill it up using Leech, and use it with the powerboosting stunts in Chapter 4. To gain powers by stealing them from others, take Neutralize (p. 97) with Power Theft.
Powering Up
 Leech fits many supernatural powers.
It’s the definitive ability of socalled “psychic vampires,” who might have their own Vampirism power. It’s also suitable for sinister divine and moral powers, and for spirit powers that command “astral vampires.” With appropriate limitations, it could instead belong to a macabre biological power that lets the user derive sustenance from blood . . . like the classic vampire of Gothic horror.
Talent adds to all rolls to affect the target - including attack rolls to touch victims and Will rolls to use Leech with Malediction.

コラム:Neutralize and Static vs. Non-Powers P97P

 In some worlds, those without powers can harness certain power sources. This usually requires special skills. For example, cinematic martial-arts skills (e.g., Blind Fighting and Power Blow) and chi powers both depend on the user’s inner strength, magic spells draw upon energies identical to those tapped by magical powers, and priests channel holy might to perform miracles whether they cast spells or wield divine powers.

 For consistency’s sake, Neutralize and Static should affect these capabilities. For instance, Neutralize (Magic) should temporarily cancel out a wizard’s ability to cast spells, while Static (Magic) should work a lot like a “no mana” area. The user doesn’t forget his special skills - they just don’t work.

 The GM decides which skills (and advantages) rely on a given source in his game world. The only hard-and-fast rule is that Neutralize and Static shouldn’t interfere with “wild” advantages that aren’t associated with any power source.

 These guidelines also apply to artifacts tied to power sources. Examples include items that carry powers bought with gadget limitations (see p. B116), objects imbued with permanent capabilities by enchantment spells (see Magic Items, p. B480) and similar special skills, and superscience devices related to powers (e.g., “psi-tech”). For instance, Neutralize (Magic) would temporarily render a magic sword mundane, while Static (Psi) would block artificial telepathic beacons
and natural telepaths equally.

Neutralize P97P 

50 points
The Neutralize advantage on p. B71 is Neutralize (Psi), and just one possible version of the more generic trait below.

 This attack lets you neutralize all of your victim’s powers of a given source.
Specify this source when you buy the advantage. Possibilities include magic, psi, spirit, and anything else the GM
deems susceptible to neutralization. If “super-powers” are a distinct phenomenon with a single source, the GM might allow Neutralize against those, too. To affect powers from more than one source, buy Neutralize multiple times.

 To use Neutralize, you must touch the subject. This requires an Attack maneuver in melee combat. On a hit, roll a Quick Contest of Will. Your victim gets a bonus equal to his best Talent with any of the powers affected.
For instance, a psi with ESP Talent 4 and Telepathy Talent 2 would resist Neutralize (Psi) at +4.

 If you win, you neutralize your victim’s powers for minutes equal to your margin of victory. Should enhancements
or super-tech (such as “neutralization manacles”) generate an effect that continuously neutralizes the target, this is the residual duration after shutting off the ability or removing the item. If you lose or tie, there’s no effect - but critical failure on your Will roll cripples this ability for 1d hours.
Once you’ve neutralized a given subject, you can’t affect him again until his powers recover. Multiple attackers can use Neutralize on the same target. Use only the longest duration; their abilities don’t “add” in any way.

 Neutralize only deprives the subject of the abilities of the negated powers.
It doesn’t affect Talent, powers that don’t originate from the affected source, or advantages that don’t belong to powers (but see Neutralize and Static vs. Non-Powers, box).
 Enhancements that often appear in fiction include Based on HT (suitable for drugs that block biological or psi powers), Extended Duration, and Ranged. Specific options for Neutralize are:

 Cosmic: You can neutralize any power, regardless of source. You can only affect one source at a time, but you can attack the same victim repeatedly to affect multiple sources. You still can’t drain Talents, or advantages without power modifiers. Cosmic doesn’t automatically overcome resistance.
It provides incredible scope, but your target always gets a chance to resist. +300%.

 Power Theft: You temporarily acquire the powers you neutralize - including all their enhancements and limitations - for the duration. You can’t use Neutralize again until the “borrowed” powers wear off or you “return” them (a free action on your turn). +200%, or +300% if you don’t gain the stolen powers but may use their point value to boost your own powers temporarily.

 Precise: You can neutralize specific powers of the affected source, or even individual abilities. For instance, you
could use Neutralize (Psi) to drain Telepathy only, or just telepathic Mind Probe, or everything but Mind Probe.
To exclude or target a capability, you must know that your victim has it, and you must declare your intentions before you attack. +20%.
 Derange: You only neutralize your victim’s control over his abilities.
All affected abilities gain the Uncontrollable limitation (p. B116) for the duration. Your attack counts as “stressful,” and immediately causes the abilities to act in unpredictable ways. -20%.

 One Ability: You can only neutralize one specific ability within one particular power; for instance, just Mind Probe within the Telepathy power or just Innate Attack within the Heat/Fire power. This is incompatible with Precise. -80%.

 One Power: You can only neutralize one specific power that stems from a source that has multiple powers associated with it. The most common example is a single psi power (such as ESP or Telepathy). -50%.
 Use Leech (p. 96) to steal attributes instead of powers. Take Affliction (p. 39) with Negated Advantage to remove specific advantages regardless of their origin. To disrupt a power’s effects on you, get Static (p. 98).
Powering Up
Neutralize suits anti-powers of all kinds, regardless of source (see Anti- Powers, p. 20). Any power might be able to neutralize “opposed” powers (see Opposed Powers, p. 21). In general, a power shouldn’t be able to neutralize itself - but the GM is free to make exceptions. Talent adds to Will in the Quick Contest to neutralize powers, but not to the roll to hit the target.

Static P98P

30 points
 You radiate energies that completely prevent all powers of one particular source from affecting you. This extends to anything you’re carrying or wearing. Buy Static separately for each source you can negate.
Possibilities include magic, psi, “generic super-powers,” and anything else the GM deems susceptible to “jamming.”

 Static only interferes with attempts to affect you or your personal equipment directly. For instance, if you had Static (Psi), a psychokinetic couldn’t snatch your gun away or levitate you . . . but he could take control of a nearby sword and hit you with it, or drop a ton of rocks on your head.

 Static affects friendly and hostile abilities equally. For example, Static (Magic) prevents you from using magic items or receiving beneficial spells, while Static (Psi) blocks the psionic Healing power.
You can never possess the abilities or Talent of any power you can negate.
 Area Effect: Your Static extends into an area centered on you. The first level of Area Effect gives you a radius of a yard. Each level after that doubles this radius. +50%/level.

 Discriminatory: Your Static only interferes with hostile powers.
Friendly abilities and artifacts function totally unimpeded on you and within your area of effect (although you still can’t possess powers you can negate). The definitions of “friendly” and “hostile” are up to you, and can fluctuate from second to second. If you have Area Effect, Discriminatory replaces Selective Area. +150%.

 Switchable: You can switch your Static off to allow friendly abilities to affect you or operate within your area of effect. Turning Static off or on requires a Ready maneuver. It’s up to you whether it switches on or off when you’re knocked out, or simply remains in its current state; set this when you buy the ability. If you have Discriminatory, you don’t need Switchable. +100%.
Special Limitation
 Resistible: Your ability isn’t absolute. Enemies can “burn” through your Static and affect those protected by it by winning a Quick Contest of Will with you. If the attacking ability already requires a Quick Contest of some kind, the attacker rolls only once, but the target gets +5 to resist. -50%.
 Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of Static against those of other specialized defenses such as Mana Damper (p. 59), Mind Shield (p. 62), Obscure (p. 64), and Resistant (p. 71). Take Neutralize (p. 97) to interfere directly with a foe’s powers rather than their effects.
Powering Up
 Static is appropriate primarily for dedicated anti-powers (see Anti- Powers, p. 20). There’s no “preferred” source, although Static is most traditional for psionic powers and superpowers.
No power can have Static with respect to itself, however. Talent applies mainly to Power Block attempts (see p. 168), but also adds to Will rolls made for the Resistible special limitation.












GURPS Power-Ups 6:Quirks

GURPS Power-Ups 8:Limitations


GURPS Power-Ups 7:Wildcard Skills

















Martial Arts


GURPS Horror


GURPS Supers

Social Engineering

GURPS Social Engineering

Pyramid #3/54: Social Engineering


Pyramid #3/65: Alternate GURPS III


Pyramid #3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV

Pyramid 3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV

GURPS Template Toolkit 2: Races

GURPS Template Toolkit 2: Races

GURPS Monster Hunters Power-Ups 1

追加の有利な特徴 追加テクニック

GURPS Tactical Shooting

GURPS Powers: Divine Favor

GURPS Powers: Divine Favor

GURPS Mass Combat

GURPS Mass Combat








