知覚されにくい」 is a flexible advantage that can represent many fictional abilities -- some of which are unobvious by design. When customizing 「
知覚されにくい」, the first step is to specify what senses it affects, and how:
超感覚」: 「
知覚されにくい」 usually blocks one sense, whether the observer examines the affected area in person or remotely. A supernatural or superscience “anti-power” might specifically prevent all remote sensing without affecting any mundane senses.
知覚されにくい」 (「
超感覚」) often has Extended for 「
探知」, Divination, or 「
超レーダー」 (+20% each) and Limited, Psi (-20%).
Detect: An effect that actively jams a specialized sensor should have 「
知覚されにくい」 against the equivalent 「
For instance, 「
知覚されにくい」 (
探知 Magnetic Fields) would work against magnetic anomaly detectors. Other forms of 「
知覚されにくい」 might affect supernatural versions of
探知 --imagine a demon with 「
知覚されにくい」 (
探知 Evil)!
Divination: 「
知覚されにくい」 (Divination) is legitimate, and affects all attempts to gather facts from within the area through such means as Information spells and 「
サイコメトリー」. Use 「
知覚されにくい」 (「
超感覚」) to disrupt remote viewing.
Hearing: This might represent a magical stealth spell, white noise, or ultra-tech sound cancellation. Regular hearing, Subsonic Hearing, Ultrasonic Hearing, Sonar, and 「
振動感覚」 are all “related” for the purpose of the Extended enhancement.
知覚されにくい」 (Subsonic Hearing) and (Ultrahearing) suffice to evade geophones and ultrasonic motion detectors, respectively. Discriminatory Hearing, Parabolic Hearing, and so on aren’t unique senses; they merely make hearing more useful. Those who have such traits have no special ability to ignore 「
走査感覚」: Treat Radar and 「[イメージング・レーダー]]」 as the same sense for the purpose of 「
知覚されにくい」. Other 「
走査感覚」s require separate versions of 「
知覚されにくい」. These varieties of 「
知覚されにくい」 nearly always represent jamming of some kind. For the purpose of the Extended enhancement, Ladar is related to all kinds of vision, while Sonar is related to 「
振動感覚」 and all types of hearing. In most settings, 「
超レーダー」 is related to 「
超感覚」 and 「
Vision: This could be darkness, blinding light, fog, smoke, or a magical blurring spell. Regular vision, 「
赤外線視覚」, 「
紫外線視覚」, and Ladar are all “related” for the purpose of the Extended enhancement. 「
知覚されにくい」 (「
赤外線視覚」) also interferes with heatseeking missiles and infrared motion detectors. Microscopic and 「
望遠視覚」, 「
広視界」, etc. aren’t unique senses; they just make vision more useful. Those with such
有利な特徴 have no special ability to ignore 「
Penalties for 「
知覚されにくい」 also apply to any form of 「
遠隔通信」 (p. 81) that uses the same type of signal as the blocked senses, if the sender or receiver is inside the area of effect.
赤外線通信」 works like 「
赤外線視覚」, 「
レーザー通信」 works like Ladar, 「
電波」 works like Radar, and so on. It’s up to the GM whether 「[転送]]」 works like 「
By default, 「
知覚されにくい」 is a detectable jamming field (e.g., darkness, electronic noise, or white noise) or cloud (anti-laser aerosol, radar-defeating chaff, smoke, etc.) around the user.
Without special modifiers, it impedes signals crossing it in either direction.
There are two common exceptions to these assumptions:
忍び Field: A subtle effect that prevents detection of the user and the field itself is standard for magic and psionics, and common for superscience cloaking. This requires
忍びy (+100%). Supernatural versions rarely inconvenience the user, and also have Defensive (+50%). Ultratech devices generally block the user’s sensors, too.
Weapon: Many supers and vehicles shoot beams or projectiles that cause these effects at a distance; e.g., flares for 「
知覚されにくい」 (「
赤外線視覚」) or smoke bombs for 「
知覚されにくい」 (Vision).
Give such abilities 「
離れた地点に効果」 (+50%).
Don’t add
忍びy to anything that’s supposed to work as a decoy or distraction.
知覚されにくい」 creates an effect within which anyone could hide. A hero who makes only himself less detectable has Cameleon (p. 43), 「
透明」 (p. 56), or 「
音を立てない」 (p. 76).
An 「
特殊効果」 (p. 39) with an enhancement such as Disadvantage (Deafness) or Negated Advantage (「
赤外線視覚」) can knock out someone else’s senses. Combined with 「
範囲に効果」, 「
放射」, and 「
感覚に依存」, this simulates a deafening noise, blinding flash, etc. better than
Those who can block senses with images --physical or mental --should take 「
幻影」 (p. 94).
■追加特別限定(New Special Limitation)
Limited: You can only block a sense that occurs as part of a power. An entire power source (e.g., magical or psionic) is -20%; a specific power (e.g., ESP or Telepathy) is -40%.
■パワーアップ(Powering Up)
知覚されにくい」 suits nearly any power that isn’t completely internal. Most elemental powers can create clouds or fields of their element to block senses (e.g., Heat/Fire power might produce “hot smoke” to impede vision and 「
赤外線視覚」), supernatural powers frequently include the capability to hide from related powers (e.g., 「
知覚されにくい」 (「
超感覚」), for Antipsi power), and so on.
才能 benefits Power Block attempts (see p. 168) and adds to rolls to hit with 「
離れた地点に効果」 abilities.