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86minute Writed by Carlos Kotkin year 2017 5854 vote USA star Gina Rodriguez

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Accord rewrite the stars. The struts. The star-gazette. Did buckethead write the Star Wars theme. Who sewed the star spangled banner. The star room. Bunny the star. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I love a cozy Christmas movie, but now that I have kids I've often wished there was a quality film that portrayed Jesus' birth. I was a bit skeptical going into this movie, just because Hollywood so often butchers Bible stories, adding too much of their own agenda, but I have to admit that this one was really well done. Of course they took some creative liberties to add drama and suspense, but overall it was remarkably true to the Biblical themes of Jesus, the son of God, being born in a humble stable according to God's plan. Some Bible text was quoted directly, there were many lovely Christmas carols, and the animal characters were endearing. I highly recommend this film for the whole family! Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I really enjoyed the fact that this movie was appropriate, funny, wonderful to watch and still respectful to the birth and settings surrounding Mary, Joseph and Jesus Christ. I don’t remember there being any inappropriate parts in it. Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I’m an agnostic at best. It’s sometimes hard for me to watch Christian propaganda, but being raised a Catholic, I want my children to have some knowledge of why we celebrate Christmas from a religious point of view. Even though, historically, I believe early Christians used it as a way to cover up the pagen holiday and Jesus wasn’t born until spring... That being said... this was a cute movie. Well done, humor for adults and child appropriate. This is our second year watching it and fast becoming a tradition. If you are looking for something biblically correct this isn’t it. But if you are looking for a family friendly movie that gives the basics of Christ’s birth according to Christianity without the Bible thumping- this could be your cup of tea. Amusing, well animated, great characters and a feel good story that might even encourage you go to Christmas Eve mass... this is it. Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Not being a fan of animal centered movies, I was surprised and delighted by this re-telling of the nativity story from the point of view of the animals. There was some artistic license taken with the addition of the "villains" that were definitiely not a part of the biblical telling of events, but the way the writers used them to reinforce the real message of the birth and life of Jesus by the end of the film was very moving. That being said, this movie was adorably funny and well-casted. I wish I had children to enjoy this with but enjoyed it thoroughly watching it on my own. Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Wonderfully put together great story about the birth of Christ from the animals make more movies like this instead of blood and guts and killing all the time or vampires and zombies. Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I’ve read some negative reviews regarding this movie and I’m very surprised. This movie is darling and a perfect movie both young and adult. The Star is told from the perspective of the donkey who carries Mary to Bethlehem. Keep in mind if you are anti-Christian this might not be for you. However, I suggest giving it a try with an open mind. I loved the movie, my children loved the movie and even my husband, who sleeps through the majority of children movies, loved the movie. Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase We all enjoyed this movie. I have three young daughters who cracked up laughing at various parts. There was a couple parts that got my husband and I to laugh as well. They stay true to the main parts of the Nativity story, and then add in these fun animals. We plan to purchase it and watch it every year as one of our Christmas movies. Sure there are some inaccuracies, the wise men didn't visit Jesus when He was first born. They came later. And there is no sure way of knowing there was three of them, and of course Mary and Joseph may not have been in a stable that looked like that. Sure, all of that. But it's still a really fun movie and much better than Frosty the Snowman! Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Not horrible, just inaccurate. I know its for kids, but the modern twists and music just make it a "no" for me. Not to mention, some of the actors/actresses who are involved in this film make it that much less desirable to watch. The film "The Promise-Birth of the Messiah" is Biblically accurate, without all of the melodrama that is in this one that seems so modernized. Horribly inaccurate and silly. Just no.
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Where is the star located. The star is born film. What is the Star Cycle. YouTube. Who was the star student of Plato. When I saw the trailers and posters of it, I just thought it to be just a typical talking-funny-animal film with shoehorned celebrity voices and lame or derivative humor that we normally expect from non-Disney-or-Pixar animated features. However, after seeing it recently, it was somewhat slightly better than I thought. Not great, but just alright.
. br> First off, the idea is very potential. I mean, we are talking about the old but beloved story about the origins of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. Unfortunately, the way they handled that tales isn't that great, resulting in a rather derivative and predictable underdog plot, where donkey named Bo wants more from his life, but accidentally ends up with Maria and Joseph on a quest to arrive at Bethlehem and help them to give birth to a new king, while at the same time save the couple from a hunter with two evil dogs. But the biggest problem with the film is that it rather wants to be more of a funny-animal cartoon with goofball antics rather than a more serious story about Christ's birth. Maybe the idea of telling the story through the point-of-view of the animals could have worked. I mean, there are many good films with the talking-animal aspect, like 101 dalmatians for example. But the way it did there isn't that strong and they probably aimed it too much for children, resulting in a rather flat and lazy storyline.
Granted, it does have a huggable sense of heart when it comes to the couple and I found the ending to be rather sweet and really emotional. I also did like the humor a bit. Some scenes were worth the chuckle, but it does get rather juvenile at times like in the scenes of the cross-eyed goat and the pigeon doing some dumb and out-of-place twerking. Boy, how executive-driven it is, isn't it? I did hear the English version of it, but I only watched it entirely in Finnish dub. I feel it sounds a little better and more enjoyable than the original one, so maybe I did find it to be a bit funnier than I expected. Otherwise, the story is rather flat and sometimes childish.
. br> I personally didn't get annoyed by any of the characters, but there are way too many of them. Bo and Ruth, the dogs and maybe the villain are fine, but maybe not so terribly interesting. Mary and Joseph, on the other hand, are quite lovely and probably the most relatable, since their struggle to have a child of God is somewhat believable enough. The rest is not that important and it's so blatant that many of them are for the sake of name recognition. Dave the pigeon could be enjoyable, but I swear Bo could have figured out the things just by himself. The camels are predictably pointless and even the three farm animals, including the surprisingly talented singing horse, at the end are easily forgettable and useless. Yes, even in both original English and Finnish dub, the actors tried their best and I did enjoy their performances at times, but sadly, it doesn't save the one dimensional and many of the pointless characters in here.
. br> But I was pretty surprised how good the film looks. Yes, the budget is rather tiny compared to any mainstream animation and it may not be perfect, but still. Designs are very fine. Animals look very good, but it can get a tad generic. Humans were drawn well too, especially the couple looks really beautiful. I was even more impressed with how the lighting and textures, especially the fur of the animals, look believable and how the artists were able to create a time travel over 2000 years back of how the ancient cities and other places look newer and much lusher than now. On the other hand, the animation and the rendering aren't so strong and smooth and that goat looks honestly kinda ugly and seems to reflect too much on the budget. Even with that, the Canadian animators tried their best with the low amount of money they had.
. br> It could have been something great, but it was obviously targeted at kiddies. Sure, the animation is very nice and it has some great heart, but unfortunately, it ain't Prince of Egypt.
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