When Harry Met Sally... ?Online Now“


Author: Ken Hommel
Biography Former NBCU, HBO, CBS, WB. Full-time viewer, programming strategist, one-time Kenneth the page.

Genre Comedy
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Info When Harry Met Sally... is a movie starring Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, and Carrie Fisher. Harry and Sally have known each other for years, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin the friendship
User Ratings 7,9 of 10
Rob Reiner
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Kiedy Harry poznaÅ? salle de sport. Ready for the meet-cute? Sally Albright meets Harry Burns when the two of them drive from college at the University of Chicago to New York City to start their new lives. They spend the trip bickering like an old married couple. Their main point of contention? Harry's belief that men and women can't be friends because sex will always get in the way. Sally begs to differ. After eighteen hours in a yellow station wagon, they part ways in Greenwich Village. "Have a nice life! " Five years later, Sally's boyfriend is seeing her off at the airport. They run into Harry, who's on Sally's flight. While traveling, Harry and Sally get to talking?okay, bickering?about Harry's confirmed belief that men and women can't be friends, mainly, before parting ways once again… … until five years later, when they run into each other at a bookstore. Newly divorced, Harry seems a bit sadder, but also a bit nicer. He and Sally get to talking; she just ended her relationship, too. They agree to become friends. And they do. They live the ultimate friendship for a while: they can say anything to each other. They watch TV together over the phone. Harry helps Sally get a Christmas tree. They karaoke together. Basically, they're everyone's dream besties. That is, until they sleep together. Yeah, that doesn't go so well. The morning after, Harry bails, a bit freaked, and Sally's clearly hurt. The two don't talk for weeks, finally reuniting at their friends' wedding, where they get into a knockdown, drag-out, Sally-slaps-Harry fight. Looks like Harry was right?men and women can't be friends, because sex will always get in the way. Best friendship: kaput. Harry calls Sally, oh, a dozen times. He wants to apologize, but she just won't pick up the stinkin' phone. When she finally does, he invites her to be his date on New Year's, but she says no dice: "I'm not your consolation prize. " Cut to New Year's Eve. Harry's alone, and pretending he's not miserable. Sally's out with her friends and not even bothering to pretend she's not miserable. As he meanders through the empty streets of New York, Harry realizes something: he's in love with Sally. He rushes to the party, and just as the clock strikes midnight, the two reunite. Harry gives her the skinny: he loves her, he wants to be with her, and that's that. After a wee bit of protesting, Sally returns his affections and the two kiss?like ya do at the end of a rom com. No more hemming and hawing. These two get their happily ever after. Scene 1 Scene 1 Wait. Where's Billy Crystal? On screen, an old couple tells the story of how they met, presumably to an off-screen interviewer. The man was sitting in a restaurant when a beautiful girl walked in. He turned to his friend and said, "you see that girl? I'm going to marry her. " And he did. Two weeks later. "Fifty years later, and we're still married. " Ain't that nice? Scene 2 Scene 2 It's 1977 at the University of Chicago. A couple?Billy Crystal and his on-screen girlfriend?exchanges I-love-yous and starts making out... rather vigorously. A blonde in a Farrah Fawcett do?that would be Meg Ryan?pulls up in a car and ahems them to attention. The brunette introduces the blonde?Sally?to her boyfriend, Harry. Harry offers to take "the first shift, " but Sally declines and tells him to pop his gear in the trunk. Looks like these two strangers are going on a road trip. After a lovey-dovey goodbye, interrupted by a not-so-accidental honk from Sally, Harry hops in. The two drive through the gates and head out on the road. Scene 3 Scene 3 Sally says she's got it figured out. "It" being their road trip schedule. We're getting the sense she's a bit of a control freak. She's telling Harry about her plan when he starts rummaging around the backseat and pulls out a bunch of grapes. He's not exactly a neat eater, and Sally seems a little disgusted. They've got 18 hours to kill before they hit New York, so Harry wants to hear the story of Sally's life. He finds out that she's headed to New York so she can go to journalism school and become a reporter and have stuff, you know, happen to her. Harry doesn't seem to think this is the best idea. He wonders what it would be like if nothing ever happened to Sally and she dies alone in New York. Um, depressing. That's what it would be like. Harry has a dark side, it seems. Sally claims she does, too, but we can tell that's probably not true. Basically she's a happy person?so sue her. Harry's all, "do you ever think about death? " He does?for hours, days. We're betting Sally doesn't think about death, well, ever. One thing she does think is that all this negativity is going to ruin his life. Scene 4 Scene 4 A few hours later, the pair is arguing about Casablanca. We thought everyone pretty much agreed on the awesomeness of that movie, but Harry and Sally have found a point of contention: they totally disagree on the ending. Sally thinks the ending makes sense?she wouldn't want to be married to some guy who owns a bar in Casablanca, even if that guy happened to be Humphrey Bogart. Harry thinks that makes no sense. Who wants to live in a passionless marriage? Oh, wait. Harry knows why Sally likes the ending: she hasn't had any good sex in her life. Well, that's a big assumption. Sally begs to differ, and accidentally announces that fact to the diner they've just walked into. It's awkward. Harry pushes it. With whom did she allegedly have such great sex? Sheldon, that's who. Harry's skeptical that a guy with a name like Sheldon could have great sex with Sally. (Sorry, Sheldons of the world. The views expressed by Harry to not represent those held by Shmoop. Or Sally, for that matter. ) The two are interrupted by a waitress, who takes their orders. Harry wants a "number 3, " while Sally's order is a bit more… persnickety. She's got all kinds of very specific requests. Harry looks at her like she's got an elephant trunk growing out of her forehead. He wants to know why she broke up with Sheldon. After demurring a bit, Sally tells him it was because "he was very jealous, and I had these days-of-the-week underpants. " It's really only something you can understand if you watch the scene, so here you go. Scene 5 Scene 5 A few minutes later, they've finished their meal, and Sally is splitting the bill. Harry's staring at her. Uh oh. He tells her she's very attractive. At first, Sally's flattered, and then it hits her: he's hitting on her. Or at least that's what she thinks. Harry denies it. "Can't a man say a woman is attractive without it being a come-on? " He tries to take it back, but according to Sally, it's already out there. They've got to let it lie. Harry has never let a thing lie in his life. He invites her to spend the night in the hotel. Sally tells him that they're just going to be friends, but Harry says no dice. See, according to Harry, "men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way. " Surprise, surprise: Sally disagrees. She's got tons of dude friends. Yeah, who all want to sleep with you, Harry says. Guess we can't be friends then, Sally says. The next day, the two arrive in New York and part ways in Greenwich Village. They shake hands, tell each other to "have a nice life, " and that's about it. End of movie. Wait. That can't be right… Scene 6 Scene 6 We cut away to another adorable old couple. The woman tells us that they fell in love in high school. But they split up because his parents moved away. Star-crossed lovers, much? Ah, but he never forgot her. Thirty-four years later, he saw her on the street in New York City. They looked at each other, and it was "just as if not a single day had gone by. " Swoon. Scene 7 Scene 7 Five years later, and we're at the airport. Sally is making out with a handsome blonde man. Harry hustles by and recognizes… the man. His name's Joe. Sally's relieved he didn't notice her. She gives Joe the skinny on their disastrous road trip. "It was the longest night of my life. " Thinking back, she remembers what he said about the fact that men and women can't be friends. She wants to know if Joe thinks the same. As they part ways, Joe drops the L-bomb and she says it back. Looks like these two are serious. Sally's still swooning from the I-love-you exchange as she sits on the plane. Harry's head pops up over the seat as he's trying to scope her out. He can't quite place her. And then she orders her drink. It's exactly as persnickety as her diner order, and it all comes flooding back. "University of Chicago, " Harry says. He switches places with Sally's seat partner so the two can chat, much to Sally's annoyance. Harry starts to ask about her life. He knows she and Joe have been together about a month, and tells her how he knows: because Joe is still willing to take her to the airport. He wants to know if the two are going to get married. Sally demurs. But he sees an opening and he tells her that he's getting married. Sally seems frankly amazed that he found someone willing to marry him: "It's just so optimistic of you, Harry. " She's happy he's embracing life, but Harry tells her the real reason he's getting hitched: he's tired of the dating life. He's really tired of doing the "white man's overbite. " The plane lands and the two run into each other on a moving walkway as they head out of the airport. Harry invites her to dinner?just as friends, of course. Sally calls him out: didn't he once say that men and women can't be friends? Harry assures her that they can?if they're both involved in relationships. No wait, that won't work either, he realizes. So where does that leave them? Absolutely nowhere, folks. Sally says her goodbyes and hustles down the walkway. Scene 8 Scene 8 Let's meet some more old folks, shall we? The man tells us that they were married forty years ago?for three years. And then they got divorced. Then he married someone else. Divorced. Then someone else. Divorce. Then they ran into each other at a funer
Kiedy Harry poznał sally ride. These are disgusting. just a way to tell women they should be physically pretty in the norms of society to feel beautiful and acceptable. Kiedy harry poznał sally zwiastun. Kiedy Harry poznał sally mann. Here's to looking at you kid. Humphrey Bogart. Kiedy Harry poznał salle. Kiedy harry pozna c5 82 sally status. Kiedy harry poznal sally cda. Kiedy Harry poznał salle de sport. Kiedy Harry poznaÅ? sally ride. Kiedy harry poznał sally cytaty. Kiedy harry poznał sally lektor pl. Kiedy harry poznał sally cda. Tom Hanks and Wilson in Cast Away
Kiedy harry poznał sally zwiastun pl. Just found out my Joe is getting married. Kiedy harry pozna c5 82 sally lyrics. Kiedy Harry poznaÅ? sally. Kiedy harry poznał sally youtube. Kiedy harry poznał sally cały film pl. Kiedy Harry poznaÅ? salle de bain. When Harry Met Sally… is a 1989 American romantic comedy film written by Nora Ephron and directed by Rob Reiner. It stars Billy Crystal as Harry and Meg Ryan as Sally. The story follows the title characters from the time they meet just before sharing a cross-country drive, through twelve years or so of chance encounters in New York City. The film raises the question "Can men and women ever just be friends? " and advances many ideas about relationships that became household concepts, such as " high-maintenance " [1] and the "transitional person". [2] When Harry Met Sally... (1989) Trailer HQ The origins of the film were derived from Reiner's return to single life after a divorce. An interview Ephron conducted with Reiner provided the basis for Harry. Sally was based on Ephron and some of her friends. Crystal came on board and made his own contributions to the screenplay, making Harry funnier. Ephron supplied the structure of the film with much of the dialogue based on the real-life friendship between Reiner and Crystal. The soundtrack consists of standards performed by Harry Connick Jr., with a big band and orchestra arranged by Marc Shaiman. Connick won his first Grammy Award for Best Jazz Male Vocal Performance. Columbia Pictures released the film using the "platform" technique, which involved opening it in a few select cities, letting positive word of mouth generate interest, and then gradually expanding distribution over subsequent weeks. When Harry Met Sally... grossed a total of US$ 92. 8 million in North America. Ephron received a British Academy Film Award, an Oscar nomination, and a Writers Guild of America Award nomination for her screenplay. The film is ranked 23rd on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Laughs list of the top comedy films in American cinema and number 60 on Bravo's "100 Funniest Movies". In early 2004, the film was adapted for the stage in a production starring Luke Perry and Alyson Hannigan. Plot Edit In 1977, Harry Burns ( Billy Crystal) and Sally Albright ( Meg Ryan) graduate from the University of Chicago and share the drive to New York City, where Sally is beginning journalism school and Harry is starting a career. Harry is dating a friend of Sally's, Amanda ( Michelle Nicastro). During the drive, they discuss their differing ideas about relationships between men and women. Harry says that "Men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way. " Sally disagrees, claiming that men and women can be strictly friends without sex. During a stop in a diner, Sally is angered when Harry tells her she is attractive; she accuses him of making a pass at her. In New York, they part on unfriendly terms. Five years later, Harry and Sally find themselves on the same flight. Sally has just started dating a man named Joe ( Steven Ford) ? who is a neighbor of Harry's ? and Harry is engaged to a woman named Helen, which surprises Sally. Harry suggests they become friends, forcing him to qualify his previous "rule" about the impossibility of male-female friendships. Despite Harry's suggestions of exceptions to that rule, they separate, concluding that they will not be friends. Harry and Sally run into each other again in a bookstore five years later. They have coffee and talk about their previous relationships; Sally and Joe broke up because she wanted a family and he did not want to marry, and Harry's relationship ended when Helen fell in love with another man. They take a walk and decide to be friends. They have late-night phone conversations, go to dinner, and spend time together. Their dating experiences with others continue to inform their differing approaches to relationships and sex. During a New Year's Eve party, Harry and Sally find themselves attracted to each other. Though they remain friends, they set each other up with their respective best friends, Marie ( Carrie Fisher) and Jess ( Bruno Kirby). When the four go to a restaurant, Marie and Jess hit it off; they later become engaged. One night, over the phone, Sally tearfully tells Harry that her ex is getting married. He rushes to her apartment to comfort her, and they unexpectedly have sex, resulting in an awkward moment the next morning as Harry leaves in a state of distress. This creates tension in their relationship. Their friendship cools for three weeks until the two have a heated argument during Jess and Marie's wedding dinner. Following this fight, Harry repeatedly attempts to mend his friendship with Sally, but she feels that they cannot be friends after what happened. At a New Year's Eve party that year, Sally feels alone without Harry by her side. Harry spends New Year's alone, walking around the city. As Sally decides to leave the party early, Harry appears and declares his love for her. At first, she argues that the only reason he is there is because he is lonely, but he disagrees and lists the many things he realized he loves about her. They make up and kiss and marry three months later. Cast Edit Billy Crystal as Harry Burns Meg Ryan as Sally Albright Carrie Fisher as Marie Fisher Bruno Kirby as Jess Fisher Steven Ford as Joe Lisa Jane Persky as Alice Michelle Nicastro as Amanda Reese Kevin Rooney as Ira Stone Harley Kozak as Helen Hillson Franc Luz as Julian Tracy Reiner as Emily Estelle Reiner as Older Woman Customer.
Kiedy harry poznał sally. The hell? Hahaha. This is so true ! id put this to my facebook thing, but all the women would say its not true. Kiedy harry poznał sally restauracja. Kiedy Harry poznał sallys. I prefer Laney Boggs from She's All That must be on list her transformation was stunning. 0:11 - Cinema 3D glasses! XDDD. Un film extraordinar, felicitari, multumesc. One of the best movies ever... i love. Why is it that some of the trailers reveal the whole movie. I don't know where to start. I loved this film so much when I saw it in theatres back when I was in high school. I saw it several times on video and just loved the ending. I couldn't get over it and watched it over and over. Billy Crystal is fantastic as Harry Burns. Reiner did an amazing job of telling it like it is (at least in my opinion) and discussing how men and women can NOT be friends. The movie mentions many things that we know to be true but either never realize or never discuss. This was the first movie I ever bought on DVD and I still watch it to this day. Mind you, I am a 30-year-old man and the ending still brings me to tears. I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out, I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich, I love that you get this little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts, I love that after I spend the day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. and it's NOT because I'm lonely and it's NOT because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
I still think that's one of the best monologues ever. Right up there with Hank Fonda's monologue in Grapes of Wrath.
Am i the only one who felt emma roberts is looking more like andie macdowell instead of julia roberts. Kiedy Harry poznaÅ? salle de mariage. Kiedy Harry poznał salles. Who knew a couple of years later I would be watching this in a critical minds class. Kiedy harry pozna c5 82 sally new. Kiedy harry pozna c5 82 sally review. Kiedy harry pozna c5 82 sally remix.
Kiedy Harry poznaÅ? sally mann. Kiedy harry poznał sally napisy. I'm with you. This scene 'gets me' every time I see this move. Kiedy Harry poznał sally. Kiedy harry poznał sally online. LoL. 1111.









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