
At OPP rule, Puyo Puyo is difficult game by rule: five colour and rush attack from enemies.
You are expected to be able to improvise to cope with frequent incidents.

Diffensive Stack

It is one way to increase the exposed area.

But higher shape is more difficult to set up lethal chain. To be higher is to decrease available columns.
Usually garbage amount of rush attack in OPP speedrun is about 1 or 2 rows.


This is Quintus Death Tower. Tower is expected to shorten time of speedrun but it is weak to the jabs. Only one garbage can bury trigger point of Tower.
So, to make shape defensive,

extend chain upwards. The chian having I-shaped-linked trigger is defensive form.

Circular Chain (to make multiple triggers)

Circular chain has a few triggers so that the chain is very flexible form. Circular chain can be dealt with not only rush attack from enemy but also pieces of five colours.
The core of circular chain is from Middle Template(ÃæÈ×Äê·Á¡¢Click to another JP page) , Middle Template is made up of about three chain.

Example of Middle Template

This three types of 3 chains can be triggered from three points.

From here, Let's make this chain extend by 4th colour, purple.
Front Extension
Back Extension

Only using purple, there are 6 patterns of chain extension!
This is very flexible, because you can change where you start increasing the chain according to the actual situation.

Multiple Chain

Multiple chain is one of stable chain triggering.
Usually, Multiple triggers are added to about 3 chains. This 3 chains preferer to be circular chain, but it's OK if it is like a normally stair stack.

Set Up From Edge

This is a template of Chihaya Style's multiple triggers.
This form has 3 colour triggers from yellow, red, blue.

As shown in the image on the right, you can keep double triggers.
The merit of stacking from edge is that you can have a space to set selections of triggers at the other end.
Setting from edge is easy to select triggering colour, but the chain is hardly a circular chain.
Such a setting triggers is famous for Chihaya Style player.

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Reference Video of Chihaya Style: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33564815

Set Up From Center

The merit of stacking from center is easy to set up circular chain.
For example, when you set up from left side, it is easy to trigger from right side. but also it is hardly to trigger from left side.

Central Stack can hold space at both side so that any side can be triggering space.

Example of Central Stack (From base of Magic Square)


This has very very variable chains from many triggers.
Each link has multiple roles so that there are many convertings.

Reference Video of Central Style: https://youtu.be/smf4rDEBOZI






