O Conto da Princesa Kaguya ★HDTVRIP★

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Author: Aves peladinhas
Bio: É o que, ma? Discotecária e aspirante a gente.

Writed by Riko Sakaguchi. Family. tomatometers 8,3 of 10 stars. Japan. audience score 30784 Vote. Directed by Isao Takahata. O filme foi feito totalmente a mão. Kaguya-hime no monogatari Dublado Esta animação é baseada no conto popular japonês "O corte do bambu". Kaguya era um minúsculo bebê quando foi encontrada dentro de um tronco de bambu brilhante. Passado o tempo, ela se transforma em uma bela jovem que passa a ser cobiçada por 5 nobres, dentre eles, o próprio Imperador. Mas nenhum deles é o que ela realmente quer. A moça envia seus pretendentes em tarefas aparentemente impossíveis para tentar evitar o casamento com um estranho que não ama. Mas Kaguya terá que enfrentar seu destino e punição por suas escolhas. Ano de produção: Nacionalidade: Gênero: Duração: 2h17min Com: Dirigido por: Áudio: Português.
Mais um trabalho fantástico! Parabéns pelo ótimo vídeo.

Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya Download full article

Î? Î?Ï?Ï?οÏ?ίΠÏ?ÎÏ? Î?Ï?Î?Î?κίÏ?Î?Ï?Ï?ÎÏ? Kaguya Download full article on maxi. Amei essa animaçao na epoca que assisti e quando assisti, eu tive uma sensação de como se eu ja tivesse lido aquela historia em um livro daqueles infantis que lhe dão uma bela lição. Mas de qualquer forma nao deixa de ser tão bela, emocionante e fofa a animaçao. Já tava com saudades de seus vídeos hahaha ótimo como sempre. The music was so beautiful. I feel like nostalgic my chillhood moments. When my grandpa was still alife until he died T^T. I fouth that this was Kaguya from Naruto :D.
Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya Download full review. Î? Î?Ï?Ï?οÏ?ίΠÏ?ÎÏ? Î?Ï?Î?Î?κίÏ?Î?Ï?Ï?ÎÏ? Kaguya download full. Hello is 2017 now anyone watching like me? damm I hope Isao will make next season to help kaguya, and the woman in moon happy this bad ending make me obsess 2 year. I think this flim not win oscar because it so sad. Its a great sadness that Isao Takaha has passed away, because his wonders of thought and imagination will no longer see the light of the day but never the less he has left this plane with wonderful pieces of arts that will remain in Japanese history books as a memento of their unwitting pacifist nature and embracement to cultural progress.
Eu conheci o ludoviajante por esse vídeo, não importa quantas vezes eu o reveja, ele sempre continua a me tocar. Eu sinto que passará um, dois ou três anos e nada irá mudar. Sua delicadeza me conquista. Î? Î?Ï?Ï?οÏ?ίΠÏ?ÎÏ? Î?Ï?Î?Î?κίÏ?Î?Ï?Ï?ÎÏ? Kaguya Download full article on foot. A movie that will be strong throughout time. This movie was based on some Japanese myth. I believe if I'm not mistaken. Such a heart wrenching and beautiful masterpiece.
You know. I just watched it an hour ago. So it may be just my raw emotions miss leading my judgement but. I really don't understand... I don't understand how a generic CGI movie like Big hero 6 got an oscar over this beautiful. Unique. Piece of art that took 8 years to make... I don't get it... Me lembrou Okami.
I love this movie. They did such a good job animating kaguya. This films so sad?. Sinopse: Sinopse: Esta animação é baseada no conto popular japonês “O corte do bambu”. Kaguya era um minúsculo bebê quando foi encontrada dentro de um tronco de bambu brilhante. Passado o tempo, ela se transforma em uma bela jovem que passa a ser cobiçada por 5 nobres, dentre eles, o próprio Imperador. Mas nenhum deles é o que ela realmente quer. A moça envia seus pretendentes em tarefas aparentemente impossíveis para tentar evitar o casamento com um estranho que não ama. Mas Kaguya terá que enfrentar seu destino e punição por suas escolhas. IMDb: YouTube: Assista ao Trailer Duração: 02h 17min BD-RiP x264 [1. 00GiB / MKV] Cultura+Legenda BluRay-RiP 720p x264 [5. 49GiB / MKV] Cultura+Legenda BluRay-RiP 1080p x264 [8. 74 GiB / MKV] Cultura+Legenda.
Ludoviajante e Quadro em Branco, 2 melhores canais...
Ultimas Lançamentos Popular Mais Assistir O Conto da Princesa Kaguya Dublado Online Gratis [HDRip] No filme O Conto da Princesa Kaguya: Com base no bem conhecido antigo conto popular japonês "The Tale of the cortador de bambu", é outra nova obra-prima pelo premiado Studio Ghibli. Na história, Kaguya era um bebê quando ela foi encontrada com um cara simples, em uma haste de bambu brilhante.... HDRip Dublado Comentarios Filmes Aleatorios Ultimos Lancamentos Ultimas Atualizacoes.
Î? Î?Ï?Ï?οÏ?ίΠÏ?ÎÏ? Î?Ï?Î?Î?κίÏ?Î?Ï?Ï?ÎÏ? Kaguya Download full article. Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya Download full.

Î? Î?Ï?Ï?οÏ?ίΠÏ?ÎÏ? Î?Ï?Î?Î?κίÏ?Î?Ï?Ï?ÎÏ? Kaguya Download full review. Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya download full version. Hauaha na minha cidade o povo ia demorar demais pra se tocar que não tem animal nenhum lá ?? #melhorideia. Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya Download full version. Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya download full.
While I have not seen Song of the Sea yet, from personal opinion The Tale of the Princess Kagua was the best of the nominees. It is a stunning film and, while the Ghibli films since Spirited Away are all worth seeing at least once(with only Tales from Earthsea disappointing somewhat) and as great as Howl's Moving Castle and The Wind Rises are, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is the best since Spirited Away without being one of Ghibli's very finest.
It has and will alienate some viewers though, it is long, goes at a slow pace and elements of the story- for those unfamiliar with the old Japanese folktale it's based on- have gone and will go over people's heads. Neither of those however bothered me at all. The best things about The Tale of the Princess Kaguya are the animation and the music. The animation is just exquisite, Ghibli's best-looking since Spirited Away in which all their films since is the animation's the most consistently good asset of all of them, with everything looking so colourful and delicate and with an animation style quite unique to what's been seen before. Joe Hisaishi's music score is stirring, haunting and beautifully elegiac, it fits perfectly with the film's mood and is a wonderful score on its own, one that is guaranteed to have people rushing to find the CD if available and buy it. The story is divisive but to me it worked just fine. It seems simple structurally but the film does much with it that it doesn't feel simple, what occurs is engaging, thought-provoking and incredibly touching while not trying to make things too complicated. What stood out was the ending, one that was completely unexpected but also one that is beautifully melancholic and emotionally heart-breaking. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya's thoughtfully scripted, has some elements of whimsy and flows well and while the characters are archetypal they still engage. The voice acting is very good, with the Japanese version even better than that. In the English dub, which for this viewer wasn't bored-sounding at all, Chloe Grace Moretz voices with a lot of spirit, James Caan is authoritative and Mary Steenburgen is sympathetic and dignified with her Narrator being the stronger of her two roles. Overall, a stunning film, may alienate some but as seen will captivate most. 10/10 Bethany Cox.
Î? Î?Ï?Ï?οÏ?ίΠÏ?ÎÏ? Î?Ï?Î?Î?κίÏ?Î?Ï?Ï?ÎÏ? Kaguya download full version. Assim... assim... assim...









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