Pillars of Eternity 日本語 Wiki - 実績



解除できる Steam 実績:45
Completed Act IYou have completed Act I.
Completed Act IIYou have completed Act II.
Completed Act IIIYou have completed Act III.
Won the Game!!!Congratulations! You have completed the game.
ExpertComplete the game on Expert mode.
SoloComplete the game without taking any companions after Cilant Lis.
Path of the DamnedComplete the game on Path of the Damned mode.
Trial of IronComplete the game on Trial of Iron mode.
Triple CrownComplete the game on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes.
Triple Crown SOLOComplete the game on Expert, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned modes without taking any companions after Cilant Lis.
No Rest for the ProComplete the game with fewer than 10 rests.~10回未満の休息でゲームをクリアする。
Zero KnockoutsComplete the game without any party members hitting 0 Endurance.~パーティーメンバーが一度も気絶せずにゲームをクリアする。~レンジャーのペットの気絶は気絶回数にカウントされない。