Xiao Q 1280p HD 1080p Without Paying english subtitle


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release Year: 2019 Hong Kong, China 75 vote Xiao Q is a movie starring Simon Yam, Gigi Leung, and Him Law. Adapted from the Japanese novel Goodbye, Khoru, following a guide dog and his conflicted master Drama Watch Movie xiao ting. Now everyone go and Google what happened to his wife. Klo mau full day wetv VIP udh sampe 12,dan di up rabu ma kamis 1day 2epi, klo pke VIP 4epi lbh awal ok.
It was a bright sunny day in Washington D. C. The wind was light, air was fresh, sky was blue with light wisps of clouds dotting the sky. People moving about carrying on with their daily lives. This soon would change. At approximately 1400, June 28th 2020 Darkness fell over the planet as thousands of ships warped in and surrounded the planet darkening the sky to a dull grey. NORAD moved immediately to DEFCON 1, the President of the United States and Cabinet, along with all other world leaders, followed emergency protocols to get them into bunkers preparing for an exctinction level event. Deep inside the Bunkers, The President on comms with the other world leaders discussed what was happening in orbit around the planet. A good majority of the other nations wanted to launch a first strike with everything they had; a Blitzkreig, launch half of their nuclear arsenal and obliterate the sudden foe. President Castile suggested not jumping to conclusions as we did not know their intentions. Whoever they were. He was drowned out by panic, other nations leaders getting their launch codes out and aiming everything they had toward the sky. The British prime minister came on commlink stating " We must act now before its too. His commlink was interrupted. The communication link disconnected on all channels. A blank screen with the words "Acquring sattellite signal" for a few minutes, which seemed like hours to those present in the room The US team scurried around the room as IT specialists and Air Force chiefs of staff talked back and forth regarding the connection when they were interrupted. Abruptly with very high volume on all channels, all screens, every screen, every radio frequency, broadcasting in English was a figure. A blue ish tinted skin bipedal figure with a much larger upper body than lower. The figure had four arms, each hand contained two fingers with an opposible thumb. Scale of the figure was hard to make out from the screen. It identified itself as General Kaloxian of the Royal Batraxian Navy serving the planet of Batrax. Greetings to all life on Earth, please do not panic, we mean you absolutely no harm. We are from the planet Batrax from the Andromeda galaxy. We seek you as allies in an intergalactic war against a species who is dead set on our extinction. We have intercepted your transmissions. We have seen your war propaganda of many mighty species who have been smited by your great military forces. I wish to meet with your leaders to discuss how you can help us defeat the Ormoath before they destroy us. As quickly as they were interrupted, comms between world leaders came back online, a general look of confusion was on every single screen. President Castile would be the first to speak " As far as first contact goes, this is uhh interesting, anyone have any bright ideas on what war propaganda they are referring too. Britains prime minister responded, THATS YOUR QUESTION! That was your takeaway, an alient fleet surrounds the planet and that was what you got from that, we're doomed. Russia's Putin. Relax, Russia will help these aliens in the conqest, i'm sure they can respond in kind to Russian's interest" After much discussion they agreed to Summit near the capital ship around Washington D. in 18 hours. The committee sent a message to the fleet on all channels, not knowing which ones were being monitored. To General Kaloxian, The world leaders are ready to meet, we are underneath what we beleive is your capital ship. Please descend slowly and emerge from the ship unarmed and we can discuss" Within moments a small pod detached from the massive vessel in orbit and slowly descended down to the grounds in front of the Capitol. As it got closer, the scale became apparent. This transport was small. Not small spacecraft small but, borderline tiny. It was approximately the size of a large suitcase. The eight world leaders stood above with with their own presidential guards surrounding the small craft. A ramp opened and out walked the same figure General Kaloxian. It looked up and seemed unwavered by the massive size variance of the species. It spoke quite loudly given its size, asking where this discussion was to take place. President Castile offered the Cabinet room, the other leaders agreed it would suffice. Inside the Cabinet room, the leaders sat in chairs while General Kaloxian was walking around on the table. He had brought a projection orb which generated a 3D map of his system, the planets the Ormoath had capured and far off the distance was the blue spec of Earth. Kaloxian described the Ormoath as a small eight legged creatures with spacecraft that did not posess FTL capability. The Ormoath was a swarm species, they land, swarm, overwhelm repopulate and consume planets. The Batraxian people had FTL drives and thats how they were able to get to Earth to summon help. President Castile asked his burning question, what propaganda did you intercept" Kaloxian- Ah yes, your greatest victories of course. Independence Day, Starship Troopers. We know the species that you faught and repelled and they are truly vicious. This is why we know you can obliterate the Ormoath. Silence fell on the entire room, a long undisturbed silence. Chuckles, and finally full on laughter and the sheer lunacy of the occurance. The leaders talking amongst themselves. Putin, so they intercept hollywood, and now we can save them, Castile you need to explain fiction my friend" Castile spoke as his laughter subsided; General Kaloxian I don't know how to do this delicately so I will just come out and say it, what you have seen is complete fiction, none of that is real. It never happened. You are the first contact we've ever had with another species from another planet. I hate to break it to you, but I don't know how much help we can be, We haven't even left our own solar system. General Kaloxian seemed to take this in stride. I see, that is interesting and certainly something we considered until we saw these pieces featuring species we knew, we disregarded Star Trek and Star wars due to their species content that simply does not exist in our galactic records. If what you say is true, then it is by some true coincidence that these species you say you made up also exist in reality. That said, I do still feel you can be of assistance. You clearly have seen the size difference in our species, and I metioned the Omoarth are small. By your units of measurement the average diamter is one centimeter. Do not underestimate them. They carry plasma based weapons, are fast and will swarm soldiers to their death. It is our belief that as Batraxians that humans hatred towards "bugs" makes you excellent allies against the Omaorth. We do not have rules of war. We wish to survive and save our homeworlds from extinction. President Castile. We have no spacefaring ships, we have no trained soldiers for this, we do not know the atmospheric conditions of these planets. We do not have. Castile was interrupped by Putin " Little man, My country will help you. You get my soldiers there and we will slaughter your enemy, we require a share of technology so that we get these FTL drives, do you agree. China's Xiao not wanting to miss an opportunity, We also pledge our soldiers to you for technologiy sharing" Castile finding his voice again, Alright lets take a vote? Shall we; all in favor of. A Unamimous yes heard before he even finished. "Alright General Kaloxian, how many human soldiers can you fit onto your ships given our size" asked President Castile. Kaloxian "We can fit two soldiers with gear per ship in their cargo bays. Our homeworlds have similar atmospheric conditions, gravity is a little weaker air is slightly more acidic. Nothing you cannot handle. We have 8300 ships in orbit. We request 16, 600 soldiers to ready for battle immediately. Each Nation asked for Volunteers from its Militaries, there was overwhelming support and a list of volunteers that greatly exceeded the small number that would fit on the ships. Each soldier selected was from their nations Special Operations unit. They would be able to choose their own kit, weapons and rations. There was no indication any of them would come home after facing the Ormoath. As the soldiers got ready, the Batraxian Navy began to lower ships down to earth to load their precious to the size of the cargo containment area, the soldier pairs were laid down and given a sedative for their 18 hour journey in to the unknown war zone. The Batraxian Navy warped into Batraxian space and began to land, from orbit the planet was burning, huge plumes of smoke were creating their own weather patterns as they grew and consumed more of the planet. The ships descended towards the Stronghold they had against the Omoarth. This was their last stand. The last few million of their species holding against the swarm of the Omoarth. The Human soldiers were air dropped onto the front line with parachutes modified to function in the Batraxian Air as it was thinner than Earths. The first to land was Green Beret Cross. He got his bearings, detached his chute and saw what looked like an amorphous black blob headed his direction, being hit by explosions throwing shrapnel and reforming. It reminded him of a Terminator movie. It was approximately half a mile away. Airborne troops continued to land around him and assess the very same blob of black, akin to a massive black wave in the ocean. An obsidian Tsunami. Cross looked at his standard kit, M4 Battle rifle, M9 sidearm, hand grenades. It was in that exact moment thatt he was faced with the reality of how illequipt earth was for facing an enemy of this nature, we should have prepped for this he though almost laughing out loud. He wasn't sure what any of this was going to do against this type of enemy. Cross shook the poorly timed joke from his mind as an Omaorth scout leading the charge scuttled up to Green Beret Cross and fired at him with the plasma tips bionically attached to its legs. Cross
She is gorgeous and thank you thank you thank you for not giving up on her. God bless the dog's owner. By Jingnian, Canada I have followed my familys belief in the Lord since I was a child, often reading the Bible and attending services. I shared the gospel of the Lord Jesus with my mother-in-law after getting married, and from then on she no longer lost her temper when things happened or acted entirely on her own whims as she had in the past. Relationships in our family began to improve overall. Seeing the changes in his mother, my husband also began believing in the Lord in 2015, and went to church with me every week. My family was at peace after accepting the Lords gospel, and when I saw this I knew that this was the Lords grace?I thanked the Lord from the bottom of my heart. While at work one day in February 2017, a female customer saw me and became very excited. She pulled me aside and said, “You look very much like a friend of mine. Can I introduce you to her? Shes just come to Canada and hardly knows anyone, would you like to meet her and get together with her if you have time? ” I was really surprised to hear this and thought: Could such a thing happen? Does her friend really look that much like me? But I realized that the Lords benevolent will is within all things, and that lovingly helping others is also one of the Lords teachings, so I agreed to her request. A few days later, I met her friend Xiao Han, who did indeed look very much like me; people who saw us asked if we were twin sisters. I dont know if it was because we looked so much alike or because the Lords arrangements were behind things, but when I saw her, I immediately felt very close to her. We met up just a few times and became like sisters who could talk about anything. What surprised me the most was that through Xiao Han, I heard the gospel of the returned Lord Jesus in the last days. One day, Xiao Han took me to her aunts house, where her aunt shared Almighty Gods kingdom gospel with us. She had us read the words uttered by God in the last days, and fellowshiped with us on Gods will in the creation of Adam and Eve, Gods thoughts and intentions when He called on Noah to build the ark, how Gods heart ached when He destroyed the people of Noahs time, and more. She said that these mysteries are all revealed in Gods words of the last days, otherwise no one could understand them. I believed her, because only God Himself could explain the thoughts behind everything He does. If God had not come personally to speak and work, who else could fully explain Gods thoughts and intentions? I was deeply drawn in by Gods words, and decided to seriously investigate Almighty Gods work in the last days. Over the period of time I was looking into it, I raised a number of questions that I had never understood when reading the Bible, and Xiao Hans aunt gave me answers based on the words of Almighty God ?the answers were very thorough, and they were clear and understandable to me. As I read more and more of Gods words, the confusion within my heart was slowly resolved, and I came to understand that in the last days, Almighty God does the work of judgment through His words, which fulfills the prophecy in the Bible that “[J]udgment must begin at the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17. This stage of Gods work is an escalation and a deepening of the work of the Lord Jesus, and it is the final stage of Gods work in the last days to purify and save mankind. After investigating for a period of time, I became certain that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus; I happily accepted Almighty Gods work of the last days and began to attend meetings with my brothers and sisters. One morning a little over three months later, I was gathering with other sisters as usual, when suddenly my cell phone began to beep. I took a look and saw a notification that someone was trying to locate my position using my iPhone. I was very surprised and didnt know what was going on, but immediately after that, my husband sent me a WeChat message asking, “Where are you? ” I looked at the message and hesitated a bit; I remembered that, after returning from a church service over a month ago, my husband told me that the pastor had said many negative things about The Church of Almighty God, and warned the believers to be on their guard and not have any contact with people from Eastern Lightning. At the time, I was afraid that my husband would be misled by the pastor and elder, and that their rumors would turn him against The Church of Almighty God. I wanted to wait to share the gospel with him until I understood more of the truth and could clearly bear witness to Gods work of the last days, so I never dared to tell him about my gatherings with the sisters of The Church of Almighty God. With that in mind, I replied to him, “Im on my way to work. ” But when I thought about it again, I felt that something was wrong, “He never messages me at this time. Why is he suddenly asking me where I am today? Whats going on? ” When I got home from work that evening, I saw my husband sitting on the bed glowering. He had found the book of Gods words that I had hidden in the house, and he had it laid out on the desk. The sight of this really took me aback, but before I had time to give it any thought, my husband asked me, “When did you start believing in Almighty God? Theres a lot of negative stuff online about The Church of Almighty God, dont you know that? You lied to me today. You werent on your way to work this morning. Where were you? ” I replied somewhat indignantly, “So when my phone started beeping today it was you trying to locate me! ” He said, “On my break at work this morning I wanted to know where you were, so I looked up your location and discovered you werent where you said you were. ” He softened his tone and continued, “The Chinese government said online that the boundaries between men and women arent clearly maintained among believers in Almighty God, and there were all sorts of other negative things, too. Can you please not contact them anymore? It would be so much better if you just went to church services?I could go with you every week. Why are you having anything to do with them? ” After saying this he went online and found a lot of negative information about The Church of Almighty God for me to read. After reading these baseless rumors, I said angrily, “These people have never had any contact with The Church of Almighty God at all. Why are they spouting off about it? This is all completely unfounded, its hearsay. These are lies and rumors and totally lacking credibility! Over these last few months, Ive been around the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God, and what Ive seen is that their clothing is simple and in good taste, and they speak and behave in a dignified manner. There are definite boundaries between brothers and sisters and there are principles in how they interact. Theyre nothing like the rumors the CCP government and the pastors and elders spread. One of the administrative decrees for the Age of Kingdom issued by Almighty God clearly states, ‘Man has a corrupt disposition and is moreover possessed of emotions. As such, it is absolutely prohibited for two members of the opposite sex to work together unaccompanied when serving God. Any who are discovered doing so will be expelled, without exception (“The Ten Administrative Decrees That Must Be Obeyed by Gods Chosen People in the Age of Kingdom” in The Word Appears in the Flesh. God is holy and righteous, and loathes nothing more than licentious behavior. So, God has issued strict administrative decrees for His chosen people, and anyone who violates them will be expelled from the church. The brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God strictly abide by Gods administrative decrees, and no one dares violate them. This is what I have personally seen and experienced. The rumor spread by the CCP government and the pastors and elders that the boundaries between men and women of The Church of Almighty God are unclear is nothing but lies and slander! ” But no matter what I said, my husband simply wouldnt listen, and he insisted that I no longer attend gatherings with the brothers and sisters. Seeing how rigid he was being, I started to feel some negativity, because the only person close to me in this foreign place was my husband and I didnt want to fight with him. On top of that, I was afraid that he would tell my family in China and the pastor, which would only bring me more trouble. So, when he insisted that I not go to gatherings, I agreed, but I said that I wanted to continue reading Gods words at home; he agreed. And so, the storm subsided for the moment. Since I was just reading Gods words at home alone, there were many things I didnt understand. So, I used my mobile phone to contact a sister when my husband was at work, which allowed me to continue gathering with the sisters. When I told my sisters about how my husband had stopped me from going to gatherings, one of them read a passage of Gods words to me, “In every step of work that God does within people, externally it appears to be interactions between people, as if born of human arrangements or from human interference. But behind the scenes, every step of work, and everything that happens, is a wager made by Satan before God, and requires people to stand firm in their testimony to God. Take when Job was tried, for example: Behind the scenes, Satan was making a bet with God, and what happened to Job was the deeds of men and the interference of men. Behind every step of work that God does in you is Satans wager with God?behind it all is a battle. … When God and Satan do battle in the spiritual realm, how should you satisfy God, and how should you stand firm in your testimony to Him? You should know that everything that happens to you is a great trial and the time when God needs you to bear testimony” (“Only Loving God Is Truly Believing in Go
Watch movie xiao qiao. He's a damn good barber. I've done hair for over 30 years and that's exactly how you're supposed to do it. I see all these videos of stylists and barbers flailing their arms all around, cutting very jagged and crooked, so this is a very pleasant surprise to see someone who still does precision haircuts. Watch Movie xiao zhu. Watch movie xiao quartz. Awalnya tiap buka yutup selalu ada iklan film saya skip aja. Gara saran temen yg katanya bagus... akhirnya ku coba lihat 1 tiba ntah knp langsung suka dan pen nambah ke episode selanjutnya sampai gada sub indo? karna episode 4 smpek 28 lihat pake sub spanyol? dan setelah selesai ntah knp susah bet buat move on dari film ini??? Awalnya pas saya lihat masih 400k lebih krang udh 8 juta aja? Cuma dlm waktu 2 minggu... Semoga bie kpn wan peng bisa main bareng lagi aamiin. Siapa yg susah MOVE ON jg ni?.
Apa cuma gue disini yg kaget kalau pemeran fangleng udah punya istri? v. Watch movie xiao quality. 一起去繁?的上海和北京. Watch movie xiao quotes. Watch Movie Xiao q r. Watch Movie Xiao q u. Watch Movie Xiao qing. Ya la terminé de ver, está muy hermosa desde el primer capítulo, la recomiendo mucho, yo no dejaba de verla, hacen una linda pareja. Y tiene un buen final, me gustó. ???????. 想死卻又不敢….
Watch movie xiao qin. The 360 camera is actually super smart to get all angles while vlogging. Watch movie xiao qing long tang. Watch Movie xiao hui. Hey guys, I just recently finished watching the movie on Netflix, and I must say that the "Love In Shanghai" episode was amazing. The breathtaking visuals, along with the soundtrack really made it a memorable episode. I was just wondering if anyone knows the soundtrack that plays when Li Mo listens to Xiao Yu's tape (when he's an adult. I tried looking everywhere for it, but can't seem to find it. I would greatly appreciate it if someone knows what the name of that magical soundtrack is. Thanks.

10 episode berhasil bikin gue nangis, mau kelanjutannyaa napaaaaaa eps29 daaaannn seterusnyaaa

Watch movie xiao qing. Prev: One day, in early 2021, SMG4 was making memes as usual when suddenly he received a letter. And by I mean “received”, I mean the letter, duct-taped to a rock, was thrown through the castle window and clobbered him in the side of the head! Once SMG4 had recovered from the slight-concussion, he picks up the rock and tears the letter off it. On the envelope is an emblem that SMG4 hasnt seen in a long time… (Wait! Wait! Now whats about to happen next may be a bit controversial to some readers, but trust me, I know what Im doing. Its the yellow star-shaped emblem of The YouTube Rangers! After realizing this, SMG4 quickly rips into the letter which reads; Dear SuperMarioGlitchy4 Its been a while hasnt it? This letter is being sent out to all remaining members of the YouTube Rangers, as an unexpected situation as recently developed. But before that, I bring some tragic news. I regret to inform you that our founder and leader, Starman3, was killed in October 2018 at the hands of Waluigis T-Pose army. He and a bounty hunter by the name of ‘Ashley Xiao Long formed a small rebellion against Waluigi, a rebellion that was crushed almost immediately after its founding. Their base was an abandoned military site based disguised as a McDonalds that was once owned by the [REDACTED] at least thats what our sources tell us. The T-Pose army attacked without warning and both Starman3 and Ashley fought bravely. Unfortunately, Starman3 wasnt watching his back and… Ill spare you the graphic details. As far as we know, Ashley also perished in the battle. Weve known about this for the longest time, we just couldnt get in contact with any of the Rangers at the time. If you come to the location enclosed in this letter, we shall be holding an overdue funeral for our fallen leader. But Starman3s death isnt the main reason Ive called for you. Something as arrived in New Australia, but I wish to explain the situation to you in person. Please spare the time to visit us. Sincerely, The YTRs new leader, MarioMario54321; Note: Starman3s real-life counterpart was involved in a series of controversaries claiming him to be a pedophile, which is why he doesnt appear in SMG4s modern videos, not even as a cameo. However, were talking about the SMG4verse version of Starman3, who probably was a much nicer person then in real-life. After reading the letter, SMG4 is devastated, not only to hear the news of Starman3s passing, but also to learn that it happened three years prior and he had no idea! He looks deep into the envelope and finds a piece of paper reading; March 3rd. 25 Vacuo St, New Canberra, Brisbane. You may bring a plus one. Smash cut to Meggys apartment. (Note; Lets just say that in 2020, theres a splatfest arc and, no matter what SMG4 and Kevin throw at us, Meggy wins it. On Meggys trophy stand, standing proudly on the highest shelf next to a framed picture of Desti, is the large silver trophy of the 2020 Splatfest. Meggy herself is busy doing pull-ups using a sturdy metal beam propped up against the doorway that separates her living room and kitchen. She actually doing quite well, but a knock at her door distracted her, causing to come crashing down to the floor below. After getting back up, Meggy limps over to her apartment door, to find SMG4 standing on the other side of it. Meggy: Oh, SMG4. I wasnt expecting company today. SMG4: Hey Meggy… Can I come in? Meggy: she notices SMG4s sombre tone of voice* Of… Of course. Meggy moves out of the doorway to allow SMG4 inside. While SMG4 takes a seat in the living room, Meggy goes off to the kitchen and pulls two small buckets of instant-noodles from the fridge. She puts both buckets into the microwave before turning to SMG4. Meggy: So, what brings you here? Its only really Tari and Saiko that visit, not any of the boys. SMG4: sighs* Meggy? How did you do it? Meggy: she raises an eyebrow* Do what? SMG4: Desti… How did you deal with… losing her? Meggy freezes in place, its clear that shes still suffering from PTSD caused by the events of the Anime Arc. She quickly snaps out of her trance and stares at SMG4 with a look of realization and dread. SMG4: Meggy… I need your help. One Month Later… Its a normal day for the residents of Peachs Castle. Marios rolling around in spaghetti, Luigi and Shroomy are playing with their dolls, Bob and Tari are playing a nice calming game of CUPHEAD HARD MODE while Saiko just watches on, confused on how Tari can find something so infuriating so relaxing and Boopkins and Axol are drawing anime together. While in the middle of his “Important Business”, a thought strikes Mario. Mario: HEY LUIGI! Luigi: looks away from his doll* What do you want Mario? Mario: Have you seen SMG4 around recently? Luigi: he thinks for a moment* Now that you mention it, no, I havent seen him in at least three weeks. Saiko: Hey, Meggys been missing too! Tari: gasp* Thats right! Oh no, do you think something bads happen to them? Bob: PAH, FORGET THEM TARI! WERE ABOUT TO BEAT- Before Bob can finish his sentence, both he and Taris game characters are killed by Wally Warbles. Game: GAMEOVER, YEAH! Bob: GOD DAMNIT! In anger, Bob chucks his controller at a wall. The controller ricochets off the wall and flies towards SMG4s room. At that moment, SMG4 exits from the room. SMG4: Guys, I have an announcement to- SMG4 is cut short when the controller hits him in the face, sending him flying backwards, into a window and falling into the castles moat with a loud bang! The SMG4 Gang stare at the spot where SMG4 was just moments ago in complete shock. Mario breaks the silence. Mario: Oh great. We found him. The SMG4 Gang runs out of the castle to find Meggy hoisting SMG4 out of the moat with a strong rope. Before Mario and Axol can help, Meggy manages to drag SMG4 back onto sold ground on her own. Meggy: painting* You… know… Your… much heavier… then you look… SMG4: HEY! SHUT UP! SMG4 turns around to see Marios nose just inches from his own. SMG4: OH JESUS CHRIST! Mario: WHERE HAVE. YOU. BEEN? Boopkins: Yeah, we havent you two in almost a month! Saiko: WE THOUGHT YOU WERE HURT! OR WORSE! Meggy: Guys! GUYS! Im sorry, its just that- SMG4: Something unexpected has come up. Im needed in New Canberra right away! Luigi: New Canberra? But thats outside the Mushroom Kingdoms borders. Mario: AN ADVENTURE? OH BOY! Ill go pack my spaghetti! LUIGI! PACK MY SPAGHETTI! SMG4: No! Im only allowed to bring one of you, and Ive already chosen Meggy as my plus one. Everyone: WHAT? Bob: NO BIG DEAL. I DIDNT WANT TO GO ANYWAY. IM NOW GOING TO HIDE BEHIND THIS BUSH AND DO ANYTHING BUT CRY MY EYES OUT. Bob then waddles over to a nearby bush, crouches behind it and we can hear what can only be described as a dying cat. Tari: But… why did you choose Meggy? SMG4: Ma'am. *he places a hand on Meggys shoulder* this is my emotional support girl. Meggy flinches and pulls her shoulder away from SMG4, causing him to fall over. Meggy: Its personal. I want to tell you, but I dont think SMG4 would want the same thing. SMG4: Plus, Meggy has a Jeep. Everyone: Oh… Okay, I guess that makes sense. A few hours pass. Meggy had returned with her Jeep and she and SMG4 were saying there goodbyes. While Meggy engaged in a tearful embrace with Saiko and Tari, SMG4 gave Axol a list of chores that needed doing. SMG4: …and finally the castles power bill needs to be paid by Saturday. You think you got that? Axol: Of course, Glitchy, you can count on me. Boopkins: Aww… I still cant believe your leaving. Bob: YEAH. WHOSE GONNA MAKE VIDEOS ABOUT THE TERRIFIC ADVENTURES OF BOB THE GREAT NOW? SMG4: Dont worry you two. Im not leaving forever, its only for a month. Boopkins: Oh, well thats good to hear. Bob: A MONTH IS TOO LONG, GOD DAMNIT! I NEED BOB THE MOVIE NOW! Axol punches Bob in the side of his head, sending him flying to the right. Bob: AH, MY OVARIES! Axol: Dont listen to him, Glitchy. We cut to Meggy and see how shes dealing with these goodbyes. Saiko: Stay safe… Okay Megsta? Meggy: Ha! Come on Saiko, I always stay out of danger. Saiko looks unamused but Tari quickly changes the subject. Tari: Meggy, I know you can take care of yourself; Ive seen you do it. Just promise me this, she pulls Meggy into a hug* dont get yourself killed. Saiko bends down and picks both Meggy and Tari up into a tight bearhug, laughing with delight. Meggy was slightly taken aback by Saikos strength, but she quick puts it behind her and gives a tearful smile. After Saiko puts her down, Mario and Luigi walk over to Meggy. Mario: Meggy? Meggy: Yep? Meggy then notices that Mario has a plate of spaghetti in his hands. Mario takes Meggys hand and places the spaghetti upon it. Mario: For luck. Meggy looks at Mario and smiles. Suddenly, Bob appears beside them without warning. Bob: FOR GODS SAKE, JUST KISS ALREADY! Mario and Meggy turn to face Bob, disgusted. Meggy: For the last time, Bob, IM ASEXUAL! Mario: And Marios already got sixteen girlfriends! We quickly pan around to see a pile of 16 anime body pillows with pictures of spaghetti taped over their faces. (Note; Sorry Mario x Meggy shippers, nothing for you here) After saying their goodbyes, SMG4 and Meggy climb into the Jeep with Meggy taking the wheel. SMG4 leans out the window and waves goodbye to the wonderful group of friends he had made over the course of the decade. SMG4: Goodbye everyone, well see you in a month. MARIO DONT BURN THE CASTLE DOWN! Mario: Oh, come on SMG4, when has Mario ever done something so irresponsible like that? hes cross-eyed at this moment* SMG4 just shakes his head in disappointment as Meggy carefully drives the Jeep out of the castle courtyard. Everyone waves goodbye until the Jeep was out of sight. There was a long silence before… Saiko: Wanna follow them? Mario: AW YEAH. Note: In regards of the next scene, Im aiming for it to be the saddest scene in SMG4 history, so brace yourself) Music: Now on the open road, SMG4 and Meggy sat in silence as the latt
Watch movie xiao qr. Watch movie xiao quartet. Watch movie xiao questions. There's just so many Chinese dramas to watch. 24 hours a day is not enough. Every time I watch one series, I discover 5 more. ???? ?. Watch movie xiao que.
Watch movie xiao queens. Watch Movie Xiao q u e. Kesini karna the onsu Haha. Oh... i dnt want this series to get over. they luk grt toegether.
Watch Movie Xiao quiz. “?了??多?是只?我去了香港和澳?.?子啊!”. That actually is a really nice haircut lol. This makes me cry OMG thjis is so amazing. Its adorable ??. I really cried when xiao q sick and fall down ??. Hello friends. I'm Barbara Dunkelman, and this weekend I got to see my actual face in a movie we made called "Blood Fest" which premiered at SXSW, and I'm still in shock. I've been with Rooster Teeth for over 6 years now and host my own show with them called "Always Open" where we talk candidly about love and relationships. I also voice Yang Xiao Long in the animated series, RWBY. Ask me anything! Proof: Edit: Thank you everyone so much for all of your questions. I love you all. I'll be back online soon to answer more of these as they come in. And thanks for all of your support, I love you <3.
Watch Movie xiao mei. Pnasaran. Di aplikasi WeTv baru eps 24 aku tonton. ?????????????????.

Gosh, sorry but your English accents are way too strong! I cant hardly understand you

SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE. Watched the movie recently and thought there's a bit of similarity with modern day China's'Red Youth. A little boy named Xiao Xiao prepares for his first day at the Communist Youth League. Xiao Xiao learns about the national humiliation and the need to unit China and civilise the barbaric tribes surrounding it by bringing them back into the Chinese family. Xiao Xiao read a book written by the core leader to become a good socialist with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era. Xiao Xiao's imaginary friend is Uncle Xi. Uncle Xi constantly reminds Xiao Xiao about the great work that is the rejuvenation of the Chinese people and to restore China's rightful place in the world. Xiao Xiao finds a Uyghur girl hiding in his house. The Uyghur girl challenges Xiao Xiao's impression of them as terrorists, lacking civility and humanity. Xiao Xiao's mother disappeared and later emerged on national television confessing to her horrific crimes to undermine the Party. (That's all I have for now, maybe then the Allies have finally taken Beijing and Xinjiang's puppet government capitulated thereafter. The war started with Xi's invasion of Taiwan...
I decided to condense all my spread out thoughts and posts on Lucien into a similar post like I did for Gavin. For those who have read my other posts, there's gonna be overlap but I hope I bring up interesting points here too! Includes content up to Chapter 18. Plus some calls, dates, and ASMR in CN server. Again, like Gavin's post, I'm going to be using JP and CN as sources (so don't be alarmed if quotes are different. First, it's safe to say that Lucien's character is the most polarizing out of the four men and I believe this is due in large part to cultural differences and how the localization handled that. Putting aside my constant harping about subtleties being dropped, u/hecate137 's comments in the Speech Quirks post was enlightening about an aspect I didn't consider, which is Lucien's "social class. Face, social status, rank, and hierarchy are, and still is, very important to Chinese culture. Easy examples people can relate to are respecting elders and the prestige of being a doctor, banker, lawyer, etc. But I can't stress enough the reverence that is given to these "high" social statuses. How this applies to Lucien is that he comes from a lineage of literati that would place him as someone in an upper class status, in addition to his own achievements. [Lucien] was born from a scholarly family. His parents were highly talented and leading researchers. In the eyes of the public, Lucien] is a young and remarkable neurologist and a guest professor at [Loveland] University. He is serious and persistent towards his scientific research, which is how he's obtained extraordinary achievements. At 26 years old, he has already obtained achievements that most people wouldn't get in a lifetime. There is no other word better to describe him than "genius. CN Profile Translation] The English definition of literati leads you to intellectuals, but this doesn't carry the weight and history of how literati, or basically scholar-officials, were people appointed by the emperor to carry out day-to-day duties and to help govern the country. I guess the equivalent would be a noble who carries out noblesse oblige. Cultured people with scholarly achievements were very respected in historical China and also acted as role models for the common people. So, going back to Lucien, because we're in modern times and he doesn't have an overtly obvious title (to those not in his field of work) he just comes off as a gentle, unassuming, humble, scholar with an air of sophistication and professionalism from his background. Think of a noble, without any airs. This is reflected in his polite and modest speech [see: Speech Quirks, and my mentions about how he's never described as smirking until it comes to being Ares, and even that's debatable as to whether it's cold smiles and sneering over smirking. Not to mention all the descriptions about his elegance and refinement. Heck, he even has a Chinese tea ceremony set in his room, including the tools to make tea [CN "In His World" Event. Lucien's classiness, for a lack of a better word, also emphasizes the purposeful contrast of seeing him do common, mundane things. Like watching cartoons to understand humans better [CN Profile. It's like how Victor, with his more understandable poshness from his riches, would be contrasted with mundane things. But, if we were looking for another analogy, Lucien would be old elegance and Victor would be nouveau elegance. Anyway, Lucien also has another trait given to him that's a classic in female-oriented Chinese media and that's being a "black belly; 腹?. For those who are more familiar with Japanese, it's basically the same word as "haraguro; 腹黒. Black bellies are people who act nice and unassuming on the outside, but they're sly and manipulative (and at times cruel) on the inside or in secret to other people. Essentially, they're two-faced but while English has a negative connotation with this word it's normal and accepted in Asia (likely because of the concept of face. The majority of male leads in Chinese novels are all black bellies. BTW, the origin of the word comes from how you only notice their black belly after you're eaten up by them LOL. So, how this works in female-oriented media is. well, there's many combinations. For example, they can be nice to everyone, including the heroine, but secretly vicious against those who hurt the heroine. Or they're nice in public, but show their sly cunning to the heroine. Mix it however you want! They also like to tease the heroine in all sorts of ways, like leading them into verbal traps to see them flustered. There's some crossover with black bellies being abusive, cruel, or yandere towards their heroine, but it's not necessary for black bellies to be like that. Just think of these as being Venn diagram circles with overlap [example of a sweet black belly is Xiao Nai from the Chinese drama LoveO2O, also a novel. Returning to the main topic, you can easily see how this applies to Lucien. He's nice and elegant. except for when he's not. It's how he can have this gentle and refined air, but then turn around and be a massive flirt and tease with the heroine (flashing his black belly. Then he goes and turns completely black when he's Ares LOL. Now, after giving background on Lucien's character archetype, let's move onto my other sections. man of juxtapositions I wanted to call this section "man of contradictions" at first, but then I thought that might mislead people. Basically, this is all about how Lucien is a man of dualities. [Main Story 13-22] The scarred man describes Ares as being the only person who can be trusted in BS, and yet Ares doesn't hesitate to go against Hades and incapacitate him. I'd argue that this places a wrench in BS' operations, so there goes being the most trustworthy person in BS (although, granted, BS sounds like they're a writhing mess of people with their own thoughts and ideas about how it should be run. Lucien is a gentle teacher to MC, patient and taking the time to explain concepts she doesn't understand or provide novel ideas to her; however, he also gives her the worst betrayal and you can almost call this the harshest of lessons. For all his image of being an intellectual scholar, as I've mentioned in the previous section, Lucien is surprisingly "physical. CN Archery Date] shows that he's ripped and knows a taxing sport like archery, and in [Main Story 16-22] he straight up kills the goons with ice shards (even if it's in a mental arena. Main Story 8-23 & 9] bombards you with light and shadow descriptions. Actually, this imagery follows Lucien everywhere but it's most prominent in these chapters. He's always standing at the intersection of light and shadow, or light shines down on one of his sides but casts the other in shadow. [Main Story 9-14] I will be forever salty for Elex dropping the ball here, but Lucien's eyes are described to contain a sense of humanness and life. Then, in [Main Story 12-22] he is described to have an expression lacking any emotion and human warmth. Human descriptions contrasted with inhuman descriptions. Mm, you just have to love delicious juxtapositions and how it emphasizes his duality of being both Lucien and Ares. Two sides of the same coin. Once again, I didn't want to call these contradictions because I don't believe one of these negates the other. It's like how we code switch in different scenarios. You can be a nice person, but vicious when your bottom line is crossed. These sides of Lucien don't overturn the core of his character or his through line: loving the MC, ruthlessly ambitious for the sake of his goals, and naturally gentle (shown in the way he treats animals and people not in the way of his goal. But, if you do insist on seeing one side of these as lies, then Lucien once said: Besides, lies have just as much power as the truth. The true nature of things can be indirectly reflected in the world of lies. It is because these lies exist, that one can get closer to the truth. Main Story 12 Call: Truth and Fiction] reversing "good" imagery I haven't been quiet at all about how much I love the evocative imagery Lucien gets, but an interesting thing I've noticed is how "positive" imagery is twisted into "negative" imagery when it comes to him. It's brilliant. [Main Story 13-8] MC leaves the building, after interviewing the elevator Evolver man with Lucien, and dazzling light shines down on her, yet she can't feel the slightest bit of warmth. This chapter literally sets up Lucien's reveal as Ares through positive imagery turned negative. Not to mention warmth disappears into coldness. In [Midnight Date] there's a rope with thorns tightening around Lucien's heart. In [True Love Date] there is a delicate rope tightening around his heart. I will eat my shoe if this isn't a reference to the red string of fate that binds him and MC together. But, as you can see, it's causing him all the suffering in the world. [Main Story 13-19] Iridescent, the pen, was given to MC and she ends up using it to threaten her own life. Not only is it Lucien's symbol of love (more on this later) but pens aren't supposed to be violent weapons. There's the saying that pens are mightier than the sword, because pens write down ideas that are supposed to convince people peacefully. So, a symbol of something non-physical and literary is now a physical weapon of violence and force. [Main Story 8-23] Lucien tucks MC's hands back under the blanket when she's in the hospital, but MC describes a "cold sensation" touching her before she sees that it's his hands. So, Lucien has bad circulation or low temperature. Normally, in otome games, the men are supposed to have warm hands (encourages feelings of security, safety, etc. Main Story 9-18] also talks about how Lucien's fingertips are freezing, but this is probably more because of the context of the scene. To be honest, I'm iffy on the last two points about cold hands because it's a common description I see in Chinese novels, w
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