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Nigeria; Genre Comedy; 1hours 39 Min; Tomatometers 4,6 of 10 stars; 1691 Votes; Release year 2019.
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Nigeria; Genre Comedy; 1hours 39 Min; Tomatometers 4,6 of 10 stars; 1691 Votes; Release year 2019.
DISLIKES. Not As Well Balanced. Animation Is Decent. When the rain, when the rain falls down. Short Run Time. Is part of a simple 10 piece set.
I own a corgi, she is awesome, she would love this movie. Playmobil 3a the movie full movie trailer. This is amazing. ??. No one: Saber: thæter. Playmobil: the movie full movie full. I'm more curious about Jack Whitehall voicing the corgi. This ought to be interesting. Rip off. Blaise Hemingway (screenplay by) Greg Erb (screenplay by. Awesome rex dasher my favorite 7v7: D. 0:47 & 0:48.
Playmobil: the movie full movie cast.
Playmobil: the movie full movie cast.
Is penguin highway gonna be on your top 5 best and worst animated films of 2019 list. The Lego Movie shattered the expectations of toy-based movies with a dynamic story, great comedy, decent sequences of actions, and a balance of kids to adult audiences. While the sequels that followed took stride in their own remark, the first one really opened our eyes to quality kids animation. Enter tonight's movie, in the form of Playmobile, a similar design to the classic pegs, but with a little more movement and cost-effective price to appease the younger crowd. Tonight's movie offers the same sort of approach, hoping to get the animated holiday feature in before Oscar season swoops in. What is the verdict? Robbie K coming in, to give you insight into the next movie and determine if it's worth a trip to the theater.
A Lego Movie RIP off, indeed it is. Playmobil: the movie full movie youtube. Playmobil: the movie full movie download. Playmobil: the movie full movie hd. Frozen 2 Wins 3rd Weekend as Playmobil Stumbles at the Box Office Dec 8, 2019 STXFilms' Playmobil now has the third-worst domestic opening for a movie rolling out in more than 2, 000 theaters. Playmobil: The Movie Doesn't Stand a Chance Against Frozen 2 This Weekend Ryan Scott Dec 4, 2019 STX Entertainment's Playmobil: The Movie is the only new wide release at the box office this weekend. PlayMobil the Movie Trailer #3 Brings Epic-Sized Adventure for Tiny Toys B. Alan Orange Jul 23, 2019 STX has unleashed an all-new trailer for their upcoming animated adventure Playmobil The Movie, featuring Anya Taylor-Joy and Daniel Radcliffe. New Playmobil Trailer Introduces Daniel Radcliffe as Super Spy Rex Dasher Ryan Scott Apr 16, 2019 Studiocanal has released the first trailer for the upcoming Playmobil: The Movie, which looks to capture some of that LEGO Movie magic. Playmobil: The Movie Trailer Brings The Iconic Toys to Animated Life Kevin Burwick Dec 13, 2018 Studiocanal has released the first trailer for Playmobil: The Movie, introducing a stellar voice cast. Playmobil Movie Gets a New Title as Production Beings Sep 28, 2015 Production has started on Playmobil: Robbers, Thieves and Rebels, with Cross Creek coming aboard to distribute the movie in late 2018. Playmobil Movie Is Happening with The Little Prince Team B. Alan Orange Nov 12, 2014 ON Entertainment, Wild Bunch and Pathe will bring the worldwide toy phenomenon Playmobil to the big screen in an animated movie.
Playmobil the movie movie vlog. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie page.
WOW ?.?. Playmobil: the movie full movie watch. Xu?t b?n 19 thg 7, 2019. 1:36 thats the ending. Lame Villain For Me. Love you meghen trainer. Anya Taylor-Joy, Gabriel Bateman, Jim Gaffigan. Playmobil: the movie full movie online. Playmobil: the movie full movie 2016. Predictable and Linear. Playmobil the movie movie clips. Playmobil: The Movie full movie. Playmobil 3a the movie full movie magyarul. When he started opening the box i was like ITS GONNA BE A PUPPY I CAN FEEL IT. Playmobil the movie movie trailer. How did you get this so early? I just pre-ordered mine. Not available until November 1st 2019.
Fun Music. Playmobil: the movie full movie hindi. Action Is Rather Dull. That car looks to be either a Porsche or a Aston Martin. Writers. Whats the song playing during the second half of the trailer. SUMMARY. Playmobil: the movie full movie torrent. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie reviews. The song is very beautiful??.
Director. Playmobil: the movie full movie streaming. Now just searchlight pictures. This is the most Underrated thing ive ever seen.
Copyright © Cmovieshd. All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie. Heartwarming Story. Playmobil the movie full movie. Like many animated movies, Playmobil is very nicely designed to bring the family fun atmosphere to the forefront of the show. Smooth movement, cute design, and nod back to the days of creating worlds with the simple figure, this movie manages to bring imagination back on the big screen. Like many of my fellow reviewers have stated, this film is certainly cute, with the short run time of about 80 minutes (not counting credits) being focused on heartwarming, moral filled lessons in a nice dynamic package. It's a great lesson for the ideal audience of kids, which should bring smiles to the young faces and the parents that accompany them. Finally, like most kids films, Playmobil is ready to pump the speakers up with original music, that is toe tapping selection of catchy tunes about the morals we need in our lives.
5 seals of 's the next good year for animation. The last really good year I feel was 2016. Playmobil the movie full movie in english. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie database. Playmobil 3a the movie full movie hindi. Music Numbers Are Sometime forced. ??????im screwed up ain't I. Hahaha. Tom in infinity war blames Iron man Tom in spy disguise blames the spy Typical Tom Holland ?. A LEGO Movie ripoff that actually looks pretty good.
1:34 Cinema Sins: They survive this. I want this to be good, but I can't help but note the glaring lack of funny in this trailer, just action. Во время игры Чарли и?его старшая сестра Марла попадают в?мир игрушек. Потеряв там?брата, Марла отправляется на?его поиски. Вместе с?новым другом Делом и?спецагентом Рэксом Дашером ей?нужно добраться до?Колизея и?обезвредить императора Максимуса, агенты которого похищают людей для?участия в?гладиаторских боях. Но?добраться туда можно только через пять киновселенных: Землю Викингов и?Мир Юрского периода, Дикий Запад, Волшебную страну и?Шпионский город. Трейлеры Материалы о фильме Знаете похожие фильмы? Порекомендуйте их... Порекомендуйте фильмы, похожие на ? ? по жанру, сюжету, создателям и т. д. * внимание! система не позволяет рекомендовать к фильму сиквелы / приквелы ? не пытайтесь их искать Саундтрек Отзывы и рецензии зрителей Добавить рецензию... Все: 1 Положительные: 1 Отрицательные: 0 Процент: 100% Нейтральные: 0 Playmobil???тематические развивающие конструкторы, с?которыми можно создать целый мир После успешного ?Лего. Фильма? многих это?побудило на?создание своих фильмов по?мотивам детских конструкторов, от?Funko до?Playmobil. И?если версия 2009 года с?бюджетом в?10 млн. долларов с?историей про?пиратов, не?снискала популярности, то?разработчики во?второй раз?понадеялись на?удачу и?популярность таких фигурок, в?последнее время, на?большом экране. Самое интересное что?работая, в?подобном мультипликационном стиле, создатели добавляют живых людей. К?счастью тут?сияет Аня Тейлор-Джой. Не?каждый день можно насладиться её вокалом, особенно в?начале, когда её песни и?пляски вдохновляли на?свершения. Что?интересно, в?каком фильме, где?она бы?не появилась с?2015-го, везде погибают родители героини! Марла (Аня) слишком рановато стала ответственной и?даже закрылась от?всего, что?было дорого раньше, в?надежде защитить братишку от?опасностей. А?мир???это одна большая опасность. А?сама сестрёнка окунётся в?игрушечный мирок викингов суперагентов и?классных приключений, чтобы изменить отношение к?жизни. А?пока братишка борется с?врагами (в придачу ещё обзавелся бородой и?секирой), Марла находит новых друзей! Понравился Делл ???весёлый и?неунывающий водитель грузовичка. Своим делом, напомнил Эмметта из?первого мультфильма ?Лего?. Только жажда наживы у?него переваливает. Ну, а?на обоятельного Рекса Дэшера ( Дэниэл Рэдклифф) невозможно налюбоваться. Секретный агент, напомнил того Бэтмена, естественно игрушечного. Но?самое удивительное, что?здесь нет?любовной линии, на?которой стоит Марла. Да, дебютный проект Лино ДиСальво???до этого работавший в?озвучке голубя Винни из??Вольта? (а здесь заговорит голосом влюбчивого робота) получился увлекательным зрелищем, от?которого отрываться неохота. Он?буквально захватывает сознание, так?что этот мультфильм очаровывает. Не?только персонажи вселяют уверенность, но?главный посыл мульта: Если веришь в?чудо???то путешествия найдут тебя сами! прямая ссылка + комментарий добавить комментарий Полезная рецензия? пожаловаться на спойлер? Да / Нет 10 / 6 24 августа 2019 | 15:12.
A Lego Movie RIP off, indeed it is. Playmobil: the movie full movie youtube. Playmobil: the movie full movie download. Playmobil: the movie full movie hd. Frozen 2 Wins 3rd Weekend as Playmobil Stumbles at the Box Office Dec 8, 2019 STXFilms' Playmobil now has the third-worst domestic opening for a movie rolling out in more than 2, 000 theaters. Playmobil: The Movie Doesn't Stand a Chance Against Frozen 2 This Weekend Ryan Scott Dec 4, 2019 STX Entertainment's Playmobil: The Movie is the only new wide release at the box office this weekend. PlayMobil the Movie Trailer #3 Brings Epic-Sized Adventure for Tiny Toys B. Alan Orange Jul 23, 2019 STX has unleashed an all-new trailer for their upcoming animated adventure Playmobil The Movie, featuring Anya Taylor-Joy and Daniel Radcliffe. New Playmobil Trailer Introduces Daniel Radcliffe as Super Spy Rex Dasher Ryan Scott Apr 16, 2019 Studiocanal has released the first trailer for the upcoming Playmobil: The Movie, which looks to capture some of that LEGO Movie magic. Playmobil: The Movie Trailer Brings The Iconic Toys to Animated Life Kevin Burwick Dec 13, 2018 Studiocanal has released the first trailer for Playmobil: The Movie, introducing a stellar voice cast. Playmobil Movie Gets a New Title as Production Beings Sep 28, 2015 Production has started on Playmobil: Robbers, Thieves and Rebels, with Cross Creek coming aboard to distribute the movie in late 2018. Playmobil Movie Is Happening with The Little Prince Team B. Alan Orange Nov 12, 2014 ON Entertainment, Wild Bunch and Pathe will bring the worldwide toy phenomenon Playmobil to the big screen in an animated movie.
Playmobil the movie movie vlog. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie page.
Playmobil: the movie full movie free. Acting Is Mixed. Playmobil: the movie full movie list. Clicke here to Subscribe. Just show us the damn car already. Playmobil: the movie full movie 2015. 1:22 quando eu vo busca agua de madrugada ??. Playmobil: The Movie Theatrical release poster Directed by Lino DiSalvo Produced by Aton Soumache Dimitri Rassam Moritz Borman Alexis Vonarb Screenplay by Blaise Hemingway Greg Erb Jason Oremland Story by Lino DiSalvo Based on Playmobil Starring Anya Taylor-Joy Jim Gaffigan Gabriel Bateman Adam Lambert Meghan Trainor Daniel Radcliffe Music by Heitor Pereira Edited by Maurissa Horwitz Production company Method Animation ON Animation Studios DMG Entertainment Distributed by Pathé Distribution Release date 10?June?2019 ( Annecy) 7?August?2019 (France) 6?December?2019 (United States) Running time 99 minutes [1] Country France [2] Language English Budget $40?million [3] Box office $15. 4?million [4] [5] Playmobil: The Movie is a 2019 English-language French computer-animated musical adventure comedy film based on the German building toy Playmobil. The film is directed by Disney veteran Lino DiSalvo, in his directorial debut, written by Blaise Hemingway, Greg Erb and Jason Oremland, and produced by On Animation Studios. The film stars the voices of Anya Taylor-Joy, Jim Gaffigan, Gabriel Bateman, Adam Lambert, Kenan Thompson, Meghan Trainor and Daniel Radcliffe. The film follows a girl named Marla who tries to save her brother from a Playmobil world the two are sucked into, and becomes involved in the midst of a population-capturing scheme by Emperor Maximus. Premiering as the opener of the June 2019 Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Playmobil: The Movie began theatrical runs in France on 7 August 2019 by Pathé, in the United Kingdom on 9 August 2019 by StudioCanal, and in the United States on 6 December 2019 by STXfilms. Playmobil: The Movie was panned by critics for being a perceived feature-length advertisement; most criticism was of the poor storytelling, generic songs, and worldbuilding problems, with several negative comparisons to The Lego Movie. It was also a box-office bomb, grossing $15 million on a $40 million budget, and in the United States had the worst opening weekend ever for a film playing in over 2, 300 theaters. [6] Plot [ edit] Marla is a formerly free-spirited girl who has grown up to be responsible yet overprotective in order to care for her brother Charlie, who has grown lonely and disconnected from her after the death of their parents. One night, Charlie sneaks out to visit a toy museum with a Playmobil exhibit. After Marla arrives and scolds Charlie for running away, a lighthouse illuminates them and transports them to the Playmobil world. Marla and Charlie find themselves in the middle of a Viking battle, and Charlie helps them until he is kidnapped by some pirates. Frantic to find her brother, Marla goes to the nearest town hoping to ask for help, and runs into Del, the driver of a food truck whose client refuses to pay him over pink hay that causes the town's horses to sprout wings. As Marla tries to form a posse to find Charlie, Del gets her out of trouble when she shows Viking gold to the whole town, and agrees to help Marla find her brother in exchange for the gold. Marla and Del run into Rex Dasher, a secret agent and an old friend of Del. Rex explains that a number of characters have disappeared, and the group sneaks into a villainous spy headquarters to find information about the disappearances. Despite some issues, they successfully gather the data and escape, but Rex is later captured by the pirates. He is taken away to Constantinopolis and finds Charlie, who had been locked up with other characters by Emperor Maximus, who intends to have the prisoners fight to their deaths. Rex tells Charlie that Marla had been looking for him, which encourages Charlie to break away. However, he later allows himself to be recaptured so the other characters could escape. Del recognizes that a device used by the pirates belongs to Glinara, an alien crime lord. After meeting with her in exchange for information, Del offers to pay twice as much as he owes her. Glinara agrees and reveals that she sold the device to Maximus. However, Del is unable to uphold his end of the bargain, as Marla only had two pieces of gold left. Angered, Glinara captures them and attempts to drop them into a portal, but they are spared by Glinara's robot servant Robotitron, who hacks the portal and drops the group into a forest. Del leaves the group, upset by Marla's deception. Marla and Robotitron get lost in the forest until Marla accidentally hits a fairy godmother, who encourages her to continue her search and sends her to Constantinopolis. Arriving at the city, Marla reaches a coliseum where Charlie is about to fight a Tyrannosaurus rex. Charlie and Marla work together to fight off the T-Rex, but to no avail. Del soon arrives with his food truck, and Marla uses the last of Del's pink hay to turn the T-Rex harmless. An enraged Maximus orders his guards to arrest them, but the guards reveal themselves to be Rex and the missing warriors, who then lock Maximus inside a cage. As everyone celebrates their victory, Marla and Charlie use the T-Rex to fly back to the lighthouse and return to the real world, where it is revealed that they were missing for only five minutes. On good terms, Marla promises to Charlie that their relationship will be mended. In a mid-credit scene, one of the security guards finds a figure of Maximus on the floor next to a cage. As he places him on top of Mount Olympus, Maximus's laugh is heard. Cast [ edit] Anya Taylor-Joy as Marla Brenner. Charlie's sister, who also voices Marla's Playmobil form. Lino DiSalvo cast Taylor-Joy for the "texture" of her voice, and described her performance as "believable and emotional. " [7] Gabriel Bateman as Charlie Brenner. Marla's brother, who also voices Charlie's Playmobil form. As DiSalvo explains, "when I met Gabriel, I totally saw a kid that Spielberg would cast. " [8] Ryan S. Hill plays a 6-year-old Charlie. Jim Gaffigan as Del. A food truck driver who supports himself with several side jobs and is Marla's best friend. Daniel Radcliffe as Rex Dasher. A secret agent who helps Marla. While normally reluctant to play spy roles in films, Radcliffe accepted the part of Dasher because "there is something incredibly fun about playing an unbelievably confident, kind of to the point of being an oblivious, person who is constantly undercut by other characters who make him realise that maybe he's not as smooth as he thinks he. " [9] As he explained on The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, "Rex Dasher is a Playmobil version of James Bond. There's a ridiculous thing that will sound suitably ridiculous to your listeners, because they know that it would be ridiculous for me to play James Bond in real life. But because I have an English accent I go to America, a lot of people think and say something to the effect of, 'You should be James Bond. ' And I say, 'No, you're wrong. ' So the chance to play Playmobil James Bond was like, 'That seems a little more my speed. '" [10] On an April 2019 airing of The Graham Norton Show, Radcliffe displayed a figure of Dasher that was sent to him by the director. [11] Adam Lambert as Emperor Maximus. The tyrannical ruler of Constatinopolis. Heavily playing with Playmobil figures as a kid, Lambert stated that enjoyed playing the part: "He's an obnoxious, ridiculous, comical bad guy. [... ] He's got like Napoleon complex, he's incredibly narcissistic. He loves the sound of his own voice. He's spoiled. He's a brat. And he usually gets his way. " [12] He explained that he played the character as himself "on a really bad day, " and said performing the musical number was his favorite part of working on Playmobil. [13] Kenan Thompson as Bloodbones A pirate captain. In addition to the role's Broadway-level singing demands, the nasal-y-voiced Thompson also had to perform his lines in a guttural tone, which gave him a "headache. " [14] Meghan Trainor as The Fairy Godmother. An unnamed fairy godmother who Marla encounters in a forest. It was Trainor's childhood dream to play a fairy character, but also a very difficult task: "I’ve never smiled so hard in my life to make this girl happy and I was jumping up and down. " [15] Trainor's involvement in Playmobil: The Movie began while writing "Run Like The River" for her album Treat Myself. "I remember meeting someone who was like, this should be in the movie, " explained Trainor; and a week later, she presented the song to DiSalvo: "It looked like it blew his mind. " [15] Lino DiSalvo as Robotitron. A robot employed by Glinara. Maddie Taylor as Glinara. An alien crime lord. Kirk Thornton as Ook Ook Dan Navarro as Viking Leader Paloma Michelle as Valera, an Amazon warrior. [16] Spike Spencer [17] Production [ edit] Development [ edit] An animated feature film based on Playmobil figurines, produced by On Entertainment, Wild Bunch and Pathé, was announced in November 2014 and originally expected to be released at the end of 2017. [18] The film originally involved Bob Persichetti as director and screenwriter. The film would be the first in a trilogy of theatrical animated films based on Playmobil. Persichetti initially pitched the film to Sony Pictures Animation. Although Sony tried to buy the pitch, it fell through. He was eventually offered instead to direct the 2018 superhero film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. [19] The film was animated in On Animation's Canadian facilities. The film was also originally supposed to be distributed by Cross Creek Pictures. [20] ON Animation's producers acquired the rights for the film circa January 2016. [21] On 9 February 2016, Lino DiSalvo came on board to direct the $75?million budgeted film, replacing Persichetti. Dimitri Rassam and Aton Soumache of On Animation Studios produced the film. [22] [23] On 12 May 2016, OPlaymobil: the movie full movie english. I don't know why people are hating this one already. I think it looks interesting. True, movies based off of toys can be hit or miss at times, but with the right material and enough opportunities to get some fan projects going, it'll be worth it in the end. Works for me. Playmobil 3a the movie full movie español. Lino DiSalvo. 0:46 well played. Playmobil: the movie full movie trailer. Playmobil: The Movie Full movies. Jokes Sort Of Forced Into The Movie. Playmobil: the movie full movie 2017. Playmobil: the movie full movie video. Playmobil: the movie full movies.
WOW ?.?. Playmobil: the movie full movie watch. Xu?t b?n 19 thg 7, 2019. 1:36 thats the ending. Lame Villain For Me. Love you meghen trainer. Anya Taylor-Joy, Gabriel Bateman, Jim Gaffigan. Playmobil: the movie full movie online. Playmobil: the movie full movie 2016. Predictable and Linear. Playmobil the movie movie clips. Playmobil: The Movie full movie. Playmobil 3a the movie full movie magyarul. When he started opening the box i was like ITS GONNA BE A PUPPY I CAN FEEL IT. Playmobil the movie movie trailer. How did you get this so early? I just pre-ordered mine. Not available until November 1st 2019.
Fun Music. Playmobil: the movie full movie hindi. Action Is Rather Dull. That car looks to be either a Porsche or a Aston Martin. Writers. Whats the song playing during the second half of the trailer. SUMMARY. Playmobil: the movie full movie torrent. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie reviews. The song is very beautiful??.
Director. Playmobil: the movie full movie streaming. Now just searchlight pictures. This is the most Underrated thing ive ever seen.
Copyright © Cmovieshd. All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie. Heartwarming Story. Playmobil the movie full movie. Like many animated movies, Playmobil is very nicely designed to bring the family fun atmosphere to the forefront of the show. Smooth movement, cute design, and nod back to the days of creating worlds with the simple figure, this movie manages to bring imagination back on the big screen. Like many of my fellow reviewers have stated, this film is certainly cute, with the short run time of about 80 minutes (not counting credits) being focused on heartwarming, moral filled lessons in a nice dynamic package. It's a great lesson for the ideal audience of kids, which should bring smiles to the young faces and the parents that accompany them. Finally, like most kids films, Playmobil is ready to pump the speakers up with original music, that is toe tapping selection of catchy tunes about the morals we need in our lives.
5 seals of 's the next good year for animation. The last really good year I feel was 2016. Playmobil the movie full movie in english. Playmobil: The Movie Full movie database. Playmobil 3a the movie full movie hindi. Music Numbers Are Sometime forced. ??????im screwed up ain't I. Hahaha. Tom in infinity war blames Iron man Tom in spy disguise blames the spy Typical Tom Holland ?. A LEGO Movie ripoff that actually looks pretty good.
1:34 Cinema Sins: They survive this. I want this to be good, but I can't help but note the glaring lack of funny in this trailer, just action. Во время игры Чарли и?его старшая сестра Марла попадают в?мир игрушек. Потеряв там?брата, Марла отправляется на?его поиски. Вместе с?новым другом Делом и?спецагентом Рэксом Дашером ей?нужно добраться до?Колизея и?обезвредить императора Максимуса, агенты которого похищают людей для?участия в?гладиаторских боях. Но?добраться туда можно только через пять киновселенных: Землю Викингов и?Мир Юрского периода, Дикий Запад, Волшебную страну и?Шпионский город. Трейлеры Материалы о фильме Знаете похожие фильмы? Порекомендуйте их... Порекомендуйте фильмы, похожие на ? ? по жанру, сюжету, создателям и т. д. * внимание! система не позволяет рекомендовать к фильму сиквелы / приквелы ? не пытайтесь их искать Саундтрек Отзывы и рецензии зрителей Добавить рецензию... Все: 1 Положительные: 1 Отрицательные: 0 Процент: 100% Нейтральные: 0 Playmobil???тематические развивающие конструкторы, с?которыми можно создать целый мир После успешного ?Лего. Фильма? многих это?побудило на?создание своих фильмов по?мотивам детских конструкторов, от?Funko до?Playmobil. И?если версия 2009 года с?бюджетом в?10 млн. долларов с?историей про?пиратов, не?снискала популярности, то?разработчики во?второй раз?понадеялись на?удачу и?популярность таких фигурок, в?последнее время, на?большом экране. Самое интересное что?работая, в?подобном мультипликационном стиле, создатели добавляют живых людей. К?счастью тут?сияет Аня Тейлор-Джой. Не?каждый день можно насладиться её вокалом, особенно в?начале, когда её песни и?пляски вдохновляли на?свершения. Что?интересно, в?каком фильме, где?она бы?не появилась с?2015-го, везде погибают родители героини! Марла (Аня) слишком рановато стала ответственной и?даже закрылась от?всего, что?было дорого раньше, в?надежде защитить братишку от?опасностей. А?мир???это одна большая опасность. А?сама сестрёнка окунётся в?игрушечный мирок викингов суперагентов и?классных приключений, чтобы изменить отношение к?жизни. А?пока братишка борется с?врагами (в придачу ещё обзавелся бородой и?секирой), Марла находит новых друзей! Понравился Делл ???весёлый и?неунывающий водитель грузовичка. Своим делом, напомнил Эмметта из?первого мультфильма ?Лего?. Только жажда наживы у?него переваливает. Ну, а?на обоятельного Рекса Дэшера ( Дэниэл Рэдклифф) невозможно налюбоваться. Секретный агент, напомнил того Бэтмена, естественно игрушечного. Но?самое удивительное, что?здесь нет?любовной линии, на?которой стоит Марла. Да, дебютный проект Лино ДиСальво???до этого работавший в?озвучке голубя Винни из??Вольта? (а здесь заговорит голосом влюбчивого робота) получился увлекательным зрелищем, от?которого отрываться неохота. Он?буквально захватывает сознание, так?что этот мультфильм очаровывает. Не?только персонажи вселяют уверенность, но?главный посыл мульта: Если веришь в?чудо???то путешествия найдут тебя сами! прямая ссылка + комментарий добавить комментарий Полезная рецензия? пожаловаться на спойлер? Да / Нет 10 / 6 24 августа 2019 | 15:12.
- About The Author: TJ BROWN