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Genres: Comedy / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTg3YThjOWUtMGExNi00NzYyLTkwY2MtYmI1YTFiNjVlNDhjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQ0NzcxNjM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) / Rating: 97 Votes / ratings: 7,4 of 10 Star / Directors: Jack Henry Robbins / Abstract: This bizarre retro comedy, shot entirely on VHS and Beta, follows 12-year-old Ralph as he accidentally records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents' wedding tape.
This is Ron Stoppable,best friend and Best sidekick well She got ONE of those right. These are by far the worst South African accents Ive heard in some time. Only problem is his hair is different from the original.
When shayne swore and they didnt bleep it out, I literally died. Damien just flexing his memory and catching abilities here. Wird in der Folge der neue Fast and Furious Trailer besprochen.
Zoey is such an underrated actress. Very powerful footage The death of Christopher Levy is tragic and surviving so long with a bullet in the head shows he was truly a warrior. I don't feel at home in this world anymore feel. The trailer had me sitting on edge. Whenever a South African based story releases part of the fun is just watching the actors get the accent so wrong XD The default is always Australian which sounds nothing like an Afrikaans or White South African accent XD.

This has to potential to be as dumb as Swiss army man

Tino, bester Mann. Its been a while since i saw elijah wood on screen for a while. Sean Giambrone is a great actor(especially as Adam Goldberg and Jeff) and he does an ok job here too, but Will Friedle will always be the best Ron Stoppable (and Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond. SPOILER ALERT everyone dies at the end. even the director.

Published by: Enzian Theater
Info: Enzian Theater is Central Florida's only full-time, nonprofit, community-supported alternative cinema. Producer of @FloridaFilmFest. Home of @EdenBar.

9.6 / 10
Votes: 887









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