
ゴブリンまぁ、見た目はちっとばかし驚くが、中身は大したことはねぇ。所詮は魔族の下っ端だし、力もなけりゃ、知恵もねぇな。…だが、凶暴な所には気を付けた方がいいぜ。You think I look pretty scary, huh? Well, there ain't nothin' to me really. I'm kinda the lowest of the low. I don't got no strength, no wisdom. I don't think you'd like me when I get angry though.
多少なりとも心得のある者なら、恐れる必要もねぇ、三下の魔物だ。とはいえ、武装してる奴らには注意しろよ。ちっぽけな小剣だって、当たりゃあ血はでるんだからな。You don't gotta be scared of me. Everyone knows I'm just a little goon. Still, you shouldn't mess with folk who've got weapons. This sword's kinda tiny, but it still hurts.
ファイターこの争いだらけの世界で頼れるものがあるとしたら、自分の力だけだ。だから俺は勝ち続ける。絶対にな。In this world of conflict, the only thing a man can truly rely on is his strength. That is why I must continue to fight, continue to win. I simply must.
この争いだらけの世界で頼れるものがあるとしたら、自分の力だけだ。この剣で切り開く未来こそ、求めたものだ。In this world of conflict, the only thing a man can truly rely on is his strength. With this sword I shall carve out a future for myself!
流浪の傭兵…魔物退治の依頼?もちろん、報酬は弾んでくれるんだろうね?貰うモンもらえるんなら、期待以上の成果を持って帰って来てやるよ。So you want some demons slain? Well, if you're good for the coin, I'm good for the killing. As long as I get what's mine, you'll be more than happy with the results.
貰った分はキッチリ働く。報酬に見合った戦果を上げる。それがアタシの流儀だ。それじゃあ、仕事を始めようか…。魔物共!かかってきな!アンタたちの命が、明日を生きる糧となるのさ!Work Hard for Your Pay—that's my motto. Hire me and you'll get exactly the fight you hoped for. All right, time to clock in! Come on, demons, your heads will put food on my table!
ゴリアテ足踏み一つで、大地が震える。巨兵が一歩、一歩と進む度、街は軋み、悲鳴を上げた。人々はその巨体に怯えることしか出来なかった。Slowly the titan of a soldier approached. His every step was a mighty quake that sent rattles and groans through the buildings. The villagers could only watch in horror.
嵐の如き猛威の前には、何もかもが無力だった。瞬く間に街は壊滅し、物言わぬ瓦礫の山となった。巨兵は足元を一瞥すると、次なる獲物を求め、地響きと共に姿を消した。Weapons, walls, pleas—nothing could halt his tempest of destruction. The village was reduced to rubble in a blink. The titanic soldier glanced down and then moved on in search of more prey.
天剣の乙女ここが、地上か。闇がはびこる世界とは聞いていたが…確かに、死と破滅の匂いが漂っているな。だが、問題は無い。主より与えられた使命の下、この大地を照らして見せよう。This is the surface? I'd heard the shadows were rampant here, but I didn't expect it to stink of death and destruction like this. No matter though. By my lord's order, I will bring light upon the land!
主は、こう仰られた。如何なる闇の中にでも、必ず希望の光はある…と。ならば、我は自らの剣と自らの生を持って、主の正しさを証明せねばならん!今こそ、光を齎す時だ!My lord once said that even the darkest shadow holds a light of hope. I've dedicated my sword—and my life—to showing everyone the truth in these words! The time has come to illuminate the world!
運命の泉今を生きる者よ、汝に祝福を。Blessed be thou who livest in these days.
ツインプリズナー・フラム私はね、自分のしたことに後悔はないの。だって、私が焼き尽くさなかったなら、きっとグラスが殺されちゃったから。I have no regrets. If I didn't burn Mother to death, Glass would have been killed!
ママはグラスのことが嫌いだった。だからグラスを産まずに殺そうとしたんだ!でも、私はグラスが欲しかった!だって、グラスは…私の大切な片割れだから…。護りたかったんだ…。Mother hated Glass and wanted to kill her, but I couldn't let that happen! I wanted to know Glass! She's a part of me after all. I had to protect her.
ツインプリズナー・グラス私はこうなるの、わかってたよ。私が凍らせなければ、きっとあいつはフラムに酷いことをしたから。仕方なかったの。I knew what I'd become. But I had to freeze Father, or he would have hurt Flame. I had no choice.
父様は母様を殺したフラムを憎んでいた。だけど、愛してもいた。だから、私がフラムを護らなければならなかった…フラムに父様まで殺させるわけにはいかなかった。Father loved Flame—he only hated that she killed Mother. That's why I had to watch over Flame. I couldn't let her kill Father too.
フラム=グラス我は二人にして一人。我が半身よ…もう二度と、離れることはないぞ。神と魔…分かたれしこの世界…我のように一つにまとめてくれよう。We are two and we are one. May we never be separated again. May this world—riven into gods and demons—be united again.
矛盾せし、破壊と再生。希望と絶望。愛情と憎悪。全てを混ぜ合わせ…我は今、此処に生まれた。さぁ、焼き尽くされたいか?凍りつきたいか?…それとも、その両方か?The world is full of contradictions. Destruction and rebirth. Desire and despair. Love and hate. I am a mixture of all these things given form in the present. Now would you like to be burned? Or frozen? Or both?


ウォーターフェアリー妖精はとっても寂しがり屋だから、いつでも友達と一緒ナノ!ワタシに痛いことしたら、ワタシの友達がぷんぷんしちゃうノ!Fairies get lonely, so we always stick together. If you hurt me, they won't be pleased!
ワタシにイタイコトする人は、悪い人ナノ!悪い人はみんなに言いつけちゃうノ!でも、仲良くしてくれるなら、妖精はニンゲンの味方ナノ!If you try and hurt me, we'll make you regret it. But if you're a good friend, the fairies won't forget it!
フェアリーウィスパラー妖精さん、今日も見回りありがとう!森の様子はどうだった?そう、いつも通り平穏なのね!Hey there, little fairy! Thanks for patrolling the forest again. So how was it? Peaceful as usual today, huh?
妖精さんたちが居てくれる限り、この森はずぅっと安全ね。でも、無理はしちゃ駄目よ?貴女たちも、この森の一部なんだから!Now I know you fairies keep the forest safe, but remember to take care of yourselves! You're a part of the forest too, you know.
大狼森の奥深くに住まうという、白き狼。森の民の願いを背負い、自然を害する者に牙を剝く。A white wolf said to live deep in the heart of the forest. She carries with her the wishes of the forest dwellers and bares her fangs at those who would harm the wild.
その瞳は悪しき起こりを見つけ出し、その爪は邪まなる存在を引き裂く。白狼が居る限り、悪意ある者は森に近付くことさえ叶わない。Her eyes pierce through to the heart of evil; her claws rend wickedness in two. As long as the white wolf lives, none with evil in their hearts dare even approach the forest.
エルフガード他の種族に比べれば、私たちエルフ族はとても非力な存在よ。だけど、私たちには絆が有る。協力し合う、団結の心が有るわ!We elves are practically powerless compared to other species, you know. But there is an unbreakable bond between us. When we work together, our hearts become one!
森は私たちの聖域よ。悪しき者は絶対に近付けさせないわ!もし、自然に仇なすと言うのならば…私たちエルフ族が相手になるんだから!The forest is our holy land. We cannot allow the forces of evil to enter it! Those who wish to do harm to nature must first do battle with the elves!
トレント純粋なる願いに突き動かされ、樹人は森を彷徨い歩く。森の民の祈りにより、その幹は太さを増し、その体躯は強靭になるという。Called to action by the pleading of the pure-hearted, this creature prowls the forest. The prayers of forest dwellers swell its trunk, causing it to grow ever stronger.
森の民が祈り続ける限り、樹人はその力を発揮し続ける。だがもし、願いが絶えたその時には…樹人は荒れ狂う亡霊と化すだろう。As the forest dwellers continue to pray, the creature grows ever stronger. Alas, when the praying stops, it turns into a wild and vengeful spirit.
ダークエルフ・フォーレ別れを告げてもなお追って来るとは、おせっかいな連中だ。私の事は放っておいてくれ。私は閉じた円環から抜け出した者なのだから。Tsk, don't you ever get tired of chasing after me? I told you I was leaving. Leave me be—I slipped out of that circle.
いつか来る滅びの日を、ただ座して待つ事など出来はしない。だから私は森を捨て、この剣を執った。…揺り籠に護られる日々は、おしまいだ。今の私は、新たなる道を歩む者だ。I just can't sit around and wait for the day I finally die. That's why I left the forest behind and took up the sword. No more lying safe in my cradle. I walk my own path now.
エルフトラッカー逃がさない!私の故郷を荒らしたこと、後悔させてあげるわ!私から逃げ切りたいなら、この矢よりも早く走って見せなさい!I won't let you get away! You're going to regret the mess you made in our home! You really think you can outrun these arrows? Ha!
覚悟なさい!私に背を向けた時から、貴方達の運命は決まっているの!怯える必要はないわ。苦しまないように、一瞬で仕留めてあげるわ!Prepare yourselves! Turn your back and your fate is sealed! Don't worry though. I won't let you suffer.
森荒らしへの報い葉の一枚で、傷一つ。枝の一本で、骨一本。One leaf, one wound. One branch, one bone.
マグナボタニスト最初はね、植物の成長を促進させる薬から始めたの。研究と実験を何度も何度も繰り返して…今ではどんな成長効果も自由自在よ!Well, of course, it began as just a teeny little chemical to help my dear plants grow. But the more I tinkered and toyed and experimented... Well, let's just say that now my dear plants grow however I want them to!
植物に携わる者として…私には森の民を護る義務があるわ!さぁ皆、私が作った秘薬を飲んで!口にすればたちまち、力が漲ってくるわよ!With this gift for plants, I've got a duty to protect the forest dwellers! Now then, everyone, come drink this secret medicine! One drop and you'll be bursting with power!
メタルエルフメイジ母なる大地を離れ、我が手に集え…鋼の元素!鉱物の大量にある洞窟の中ならば、私の力を最大限に引き出せるわ!さあ、ここは私に任せて!Atoms of steel, heed my call! Leave your Mother Earth behind and gather here! A cave this full of minerals will let me draw out my full power. Leave this place to me!
鋼の元素よ…我が敵を貫きなさい!ふふ!ざっとこんなもんね!元素魔法は形が大事!フォームの美しさと正確さ…それにファッション!魔法使いらしさが整えば、元素の流れも整うのよ!Atoms of steel, pierce my enemies! Ha! That's about right. With elemental magic, form is everything—it's got to be elegant, precise, and stylish! The more witchy you look, the better the elements will flow!
ローズガーデンキーパーこの薔薇の庭園には誰も通すな、と言われておりますの。立ち去っていただけませんか?手荒な真似はしたくないのです。Beg your pardon—I was told not to let anyone pass through this rose garden. Would you be so kind as to leave? I'd prefer not to use force.
聞き入れて貰えないのなら、容赦は致しませんわ。薔薇の茨に包まれて…息絶えなさい。醜く愚かな貴方でも、薔薇園の肥料にはなるでしょう。My warnings go unheeded then. A shame. Would that I could show you mercy. Do not struggle against the thorns now. Foolish and ugly you may be, but at least you'll serve to fertilize the garden.
フェアリー森。泉。花畑。妖精たちは何処にでも居る。その姿が見えないのなら、心が汚れてしまっている証拠だ。ほら、今も…すぐ側に。There are fairies in forests fountains flower beds and everywhere else. If you can't see them it's because your heart is impure. Look there's one right next to you!
気紛れで、気分屋で、悪戯好きで、お転婆。だが、妖精はどんな種族よりも情が厚い。仲間や棲家を護るためならば、彼女たちは喜んでその命を投げ打つだろう。Trickery moodiness mischief—while these are all aspects of fairies' characters what's most important is the strength of their feelings. They are highly emotional and will sacrifice their lives to help their friends and families.


クイックブレーダーはっ、鈍いな。そんなスピードじゃ、一生かかったって俺には追いつけねぇぜ…!Let's speed things up! I ain't got all day to wait for you to get good.
ふん…うすのろ共が。囲んだって無駄なんだよ。瞬きの間に斬り裂いてやる…!You didn't seriously think surrounding me was gonna work, did you? I got news for you then—this next part isn't gonna go well for you either.
オースレスナイト前線を支えるのは我らの役目だ!同志よ、行くぞ!我らが剣技で、活路を開こう!Brothers and sisters, let steel and blade do the talking today! The front lines belong to us!
戦場に果てはなく、戦争に終わりはない。ならば我らは、この身が朽ちるまで戦い続けるのみよ!A battlefield knows no bounds; war invariably begets war. Submit to this verity, and fight until you can fight no more!
アセンティックナイト鍛え抜かれた剣よりも、命を護る甲冑よりも、信頼出来る仲間の方が大事なんだぜ。Think nothing of my swordsmanship. Pay no heed to my armor. But malign those whom I call friends at your peril.
一人じゃないから、助け合える。一人じゃないから、高め合える。信じられる仲間がいたから、俺はここまで生き抜いてこれたのさ。Safety is found in solidarity, and from it is born unparalleled power. Yes, comradeship trumps all, and I am living proof of it.
ホワイトジェネラル剣を掲げよ!我ら騎士団の威信と誇りにかけて、要塞内の魔物を蹴散らすのだ!Men, give me your swords! With pride and dignity in our hearts, we knights shall drive the monsters out of this fortress!
窮地に立たされた時こそ、信念が試される!全ての魔物を排除するまで、前進するのだ!It is in times of difficulty that a man's faith is truly tested! Come, men! We cannot rest until the monsters have been eradicated!
ニンジャマスター古語に曰く、死人に口なし。故に、我が幻遁の術…語りし者は未だになし。Dead men tell no tales, so the saying goes. It's true enough, in my experience.
死人に口なし。だが、我が忍びの技の恐ろしさは、貴様の屍が全て物語るであろう。The dead may not speak, but your corpse will let the world know what I'm capable of—make no mistake.
クノイチエッグあんな奴と一緒にしないでよ!アタシは里でも有望なクノイチ…の卵!半人前と思って甘く見ていると痛い目に遭うよ!さぁかかってき…ちょっと!話聞きなさいよぉ!こらぁ!Please! I, not her, am this village's number one kunoichi! You'd do well to remember it, too... All right, let's do thi—Hey! Are you even listening to me?
もう怒ったわ!そんなにアイツと比べたいならアタシも本気を出してあげる!クノイチの最強の武器、お色気の術で…な、なによ、その反応!アタシの方がアイツより絶対優秀なんだから!You want proof I'm a cut above her? Fine! No one can resist my feminine wiles, you'll see. What? What do you mean, "No thanks"?
疾風怒濤無数の蹄音が、無限の勇気となる。Innumerable hoofbeats, infinite courage.
武装強化へへ、一丁上がり!One hot blade, comin' right up!
フローラルフェンサーアタシは華麗なる華の騎士!…ちょっと、何よその顔は!甘く見てると怪我するわよ?Ever seen a knight more ravishing than me? Wait, what do you mean "Yes"? You, sir, will regret that!
ほらね?言ったでしょ…舐めてると怪我しちゃうって!綺麗な華には棘があるのよ!うふふ!Told you. My beauty runs deeper than you can ever imagine. Perhaps next time you won't be so quick to dismiss my good form, hm?
セージコマンダーでは、始めるか。新兵たちよ、畏れることは無い。私の言葉を信じ、全力を尽くして戦えば、必ずや勝利は訪れるだろう!Battle awaits, recruits. Fear not what lies ahead, for victory is ours for the taking!
勝利はもう確実のようだな。わかるのか、だと?美しい戦とは始まる前から勝敗が決しているものだよ。こたびもまた、それに違わず…だ。Victory is already ours. How can I be so sure, you ask? Simple. Every battle is won or lost before it's ever fought, and this one is no exception.
王家の御旗この旗に仇なす者は皆、反逆者である!All who dare speak ill of our flag are traitors!
ナイト僕には守りたいモノがある。守りたい人がいる。だから僕は剣を取ったんだ。ねぇ、君はどう?I have chosen the way of the sword because there are things and people I wish to protect. Well, friend? Why have you chosen this path?
僕には守りたいモノがある。守りたい人がいる。皆が笑って暮らせる世界を作るために…命ではなく、悲しみを断ってみせるよ。I have chosen the way of the sword because there are people and things I wish to protect. I wish to create a world where people coexist in harmony. It is sorrow I wish to destroy, not life.
ヘヴィーナイト敵に囲まれた?へへっ、上等じゃねぇか。逆に一網打尽にしてやるよ!We're surrounded? Heh-heh! Wonderful! We'll take them all out in one go!
そらそら、どうした!そんなもんで終わりかよ!だったら今度は、こっちの番だぜ!What! Is that all you've got? Very well. Now it's my turn.
スティールナイト鋼の騎士とは我のこと。主への忠誠心もまた、何者にも砕けぬ鋼の如し。They call me the Knight of Steel, and my loyalty to my master is as firm and unbending as that metal itself.
我が信念もまた、曲げることかなわぬ鋼の如し。心に抱く闘志は決して折れぬ。My faith is as hard and unwavering as steel. My will to fight shall never falter.


ルーキーマジシャン・サミーよってらっしゃい見てらっしゃい!この大魔術師様のあっと驚く素敵なマジックショー!どう?ビックリした?お友達に宣伝してよね!Come one, come all, and prepare to be amazed by the greatest magic show the world has ever seen! Be sure to tell your friends!
一、二の三で…はい、この通り!どう?アタシのマジック、楽しんでもらえたかしら?次回も、お楽しみにね!One, two, three—abracadabra! Well? What did you think? If you liked that trick, you'll love the next one!
知恵の光知恵ある者に、知識は集まる。Knowledge comes to the wise.
マジックミサイル編み、放ち、また編む。I weave, I fire, I weave again.
ゴーレムの練成真理よ、命となれ。汝が死と化すまで。Truth, take living form. Move through this world until you must die.
ウィンドブラスト始めは微風。気付けば暴風。It starts as just a gentle breeze. Then before they notice, fwoosh!
サモンスノー自然界において、季節は巡るもの。魔術師にとって、季節は生み出すもの。In nature we simply watch the seasons pass. In magic we create them.
二重練成左手で一つ。右手で一つ。命を生み出すのはかくも容易なことだ。One with my left hand, one with my right. Creating life is so simple.
炎の握撃撫でれば焦げて、掴めば灰に。A single caress burns, but an embrace turns you to ash.
フレイムデストロイヤーまた一つ、退魔の鎖が弾け飛ぶ。それは、破滅の封印が解ける合図だ。Come hither and hearken well. The sound of my shackles shattering heralds the beginning of the end.
封印から解き放たれし魔物は、真なる姿を露わにする。その迸る怒りに任せて撒き散らされる炎は、世界の全てを焼き払った。With rebirth comes metamorphosis. Pity none shall be left to see it once my rapturous flames have scorched this earth.
デモンフレイムメイジ破壊神の胎動が、魔なる者に着火する。The god of destruction quickens, scorching foul creatures one and all.
弾ける魔炎が、愚かなる物共の身を焼いた。As the flames surged forth, no abomination was spared.
ライトニングシューター空に溢れる雷雲が、私に力を与えてくれる!紫電よ、我が指に宿りなさい!Stormy clouds on high, let me be your elemental conduit!
雷光よ!風を裂き、雲を割り、敵を貫け!私が放つ迅雷の矢、見切れなければ黒焦げになるわよ!Feel my thunderous fury as I fry you to a crisp!
クレイゴーレムンゴー!(がんばります!)Ooooo! (Let's do this!)
ンゴゴ!ンゴー!(いっくぞー!とつげきー!)Ooooooo! (Let's go! Chaaaaaarge!)
スノーマン雪で出来てるのにどうしてマフラーをしているのかって?…意外と寒がりなんだろうさ。Huh? Why am I wearing a scarf if I'm made of snow? Humph! Even snowmen get cold, you know!
雪で出来てるのに、どうして服を着込んでいるのかって?…オシャレを気にしてるんだろうさ。Huh? Why am I wearing clothes if I'm made of snow? Humph! Are snowmen not allowed to be interested in fashion now?


ドラゴンライダーオレとコイツは二人で一人!オレ達の絆を甘く見てもらっちゃ困るな!どんな相手でも相棒となら逃がさねェぜ!My dragon and I act as one! Don't think you can underestimate the bond between us! No one can escape our wrath!
優しいだけじゃ相棒に喰われちまうぜ!強さを求める者だけが、誇り高きドラゴンに相棒として認められるのさ!You think he likes me because I'm nice? Ha! He eats nice guys for lunch. No, if you want to be partners with a dragon, you've got to show that you're tough enough!
ディザスタードラゴン大いなる者は、己の行為に理由を持たない。ただ、進むがままに進み、喰らうがままに喰らう。The great need no reasons for their actions. They simply move and eat as they wish.
大いなる者は、己の行為を省みない。在りたいように在り続けることは、即ち強者の証である。The great need not reflect on their actions. They simply exist as they wish to, which is proof of their strength.
デスドラゴン腐食の毒沼に、心臓なき屍竜が徘徊する。爪も牙も鋭さを失い、鱗に腐臭をまといながら。Deep inside a morass of corrosive venom, an undead dragon prowls. It lost its heart long ago, its claws and fangs are blunt, and the putrid stench of rot clings to its scales.
屍竜はただれた体に死の息吹を宿す。臓腑で燃える炎が、死したる体に偽りの命を与え続ける。The undead dragon's toxic breath brings death in its wake, while the fire that blazes within its entrails reanimates corpses with an unnatural life.
ドラゴンガード我こそは天空の番人。空を穢す者たちよ、貴様らの好きにはさせんぞ。I am the guardian of the skies. Those who come to despoil them shall not have their way.
我こそは天空の番人。この空を侵したくば、我を地に堕としてからにすることだな。I am the guardian of the skies. It is my duty to cast potential intruders back down to the world below.
古の飛竜封印から解き放たれた、古の飛竜。失われた時を取り戻すかのように、天を駆ける。An ancient flying dragon sealed away for generations but recently released. Determined to make up for lost time, it soars directly towards the heavens.
羽ばたく度、古き記憶が蘇る。己が使命を想起した飛竜は、空を護るため疾駆する。With each beat of its wings, the flying dragon calls up its ancient memories. Remembering its original duty, it rushes to defend the heavens.
竜の託宣知竜の言葉は力を生み出す。The wise dragon's words bring strength.
ブレイジングブレス魔術師は呪文を唱え、魔法陣を編み、炎を生み出した。竜はそれに、ため息だけで返答した。The dark mages chanted their incantation, drew magic circles, and brought forth flame. The dragon responded with only a fiery sigh.
竜の怒り此方から彼方までを焼く、怒りの熱線。A searing ray of fire burns all near and far.
ドラゴンウォーリア竜族の戦士が息を吸い込むだけで、人間たちは悲鳴を上げて逃げ出した。それがただの息で無いことを知っていたからだ。The sound of a dragon warrior drawing breath is enough to send humans scattering in terror, for they know that this is no ordinary respiration.
肺より出でる息が、大木が如き喉で加熱され、蒼炎となる。それは、憐れなる人間たちの背中を焼き、灰に変えた。The dragon warrior exhales, and its breath emerges as a stream of blue flames. The conflagration ignites the pitiable humans from behind, turning them to ash.
ドレッドドラゴン天空を斬り裂く、炎の爪。巨竜の黒き翼は絶望をまき散らし、抗う者らを苦も無く葬った。Claws of flame that tear through the skies. Black wings which spread despair. Those who dare defy this dragon are eliminated with minimum ceremony.
無造作に振るわれる爪によって、いとも容易く命が潰える。空が血に染まり、大地が血の雨に浸されても、巨竜の猛攻は止まらない。A casual swipe of these mighty claws can result in countless casualties. The skies turn red, and blood rains down on the world below. The dragon's wrath can never be contained.
灼熱の嵐熱線が、世界を焼く。The very world burns in its rays of flame.


スパルトイサージェント憐れなる躯に、魔竜の血を一滴。悪神の力により、死兵が屍兵となって甦る。その胸に宿る意志は、ただ一つ。血と、死を、主に捧げよ。A drop of dragon's blood falls on a woeful carcass. The evil god's power has resurrected the dead soldier as a soldier of death. In its skeletal chest is but one wish: to offer blood and death to the master.
竜が如き牙で、悪神に逆らう者らを引き裂く。誇り高き戦士は今や、討つべき敵の傀儡の一つ。また命を失うまで、屍兵は死を積み重ね続ける。The sergeant's dragon-like fangs tear through anyone who defies its evil god. Prideful warriors are but playthings for this creature, which seeks to kill until it perishes once again.
スペクターアタシ、さみしいの。…ここはとっても寒いから。だから…お願い。アタシと一緒にいて?I'm so lonely, and it's so cold here. Can you stay with me? Please?
アタシのこと、怖がらないで。アタシはただ、誰かと一緒に居たいだけなの。だから、お願い。…アタシと一緒に逝きましょう?Don't be scared of me. I just want to be with someone, that's all. Please, will you go with me into the beyond?
ルーキーネクロマンサー死が積み重なって生になる。この言葉の意味が分かるかしら?As death accumulates, life is formed. Do you understand?
悲しみ、嘆き、苦しみ、怒り。躯になりし者が私に囁くの。命持つ者らに、復讐せよとね!Sadness, grief, pain, and anger... Tell me of all these feelings you harbor within you. Whisper them to me, and I will ensure that you are avenged!
エルダースパルトイソルジャー死せる者が、死せる者を増やす。そうして世界には、死がゆっくりと蔓延していく。Death brings only more death. And so it takes a hold on the world, spreading like a disease.
からからと響く音。呼び集まって群れと成れば、聖者では最早止められない。Hear well the rattling, for it is a call to arms. Once the dead have gathered in numbers, they cannot be stopped by the holy.
グレイブウェイカー私を葬るつもり?…無駄よ。私の体に刻まれた呪法が、私をエイエンにしてくれるから…。You intend to bury me? Forget it. The markings carved into my flesh grant me eternal life.
肉が熔け、骨が朽ち、それでも動き続けるの。とってもとっても…ステキじゃない?Scorch my flesh and break my bones—still you cannot stop me. Isn't that wonderful?
ゴーストライダーかつて騎士には、愛すべき者が居た。騎士はその者を護るため、全てを捨てた。金も、地位も、名誉も、己の命でさえも。Once upon a time, a knight fell in love. He sacrificed everything to protect the object of his affections: money, status, reputation—even his own life.
妖精に恋した憐れな騎士は、毎夜、毎夜、森に立つ。…もう、護るべき相手がいなくとも。…己が何者であるかさえ忘れても。Night after night the pitiable cavalier who fell in love with a fairy prowls the forest. But the object of his affections is no more. She does not even exist in his memory.
消えぬ怨恨肉は腐り、骨さえ朽ちた。残ったのは怨みだけ。The flesh has rotted away, and even the bones are dust. All that's left is resentment.
深淵への誘い暗闇よりも深き場所へ。And now to a place deeper than any darkness you've ever known.
悪戯なネクロマンサーおばあちゃんにならった降霊術…うまく出来るかな!?よーっし、いっくよー!My grandma taught me a little necromancy! I wonder if I can pull it off? Well, here goes!
おいでませ!ゴーストさん!…やった。やったー!二人も来てくれちゃった!あなたたち、これから私のお友達!仲よくしてよね!Yes! I did it! I summoned two ghosts! Two new friends for me! Hee-hee!
地獄の解放者久遠に封じられし万魔の王よ…僕の声が聞こえるかい?今こそ、目覚めの時だよ。僕を喰らい、供物とし…その眼を開いてくれ。King of Demons, can you hear me? You have been sealed away too long. It is time for you to rise. I offer myself to you. Feast upon me and awaken.
幾万の魂を君に捧げた。もう、この国には何も残っていないよ。…この、僕以外にはね。この身こそが最後の供物だ。存分に味わってくれよ!I have offered you millions of souls. Indeed, there are none remaining in this land... only my own. Here it is. My final offering. Savor it, dear master!
アンデッドキング国は亡び、宮殿は崩れ、民は全て死に絶えた。だが…王たる我とその家臣は、未だ健在なり。Kingdoms fall, palaces crumble, entire populations perish. And yet true royalty always prevails.
王の帰還を称えるが良い。我らは死を超越し、永遠を携えて、現世へと舞い戻った!…では行くぞ、臣下共よ!もう一度、我らが王国を創るのだ!Your king has returned and must be praised! We have cheated death, achieved immortality, and returned to the world of the living! Now come, my subjects! It is time to rebuild our kingdom!
ゾンビ俺はな、誰の下にもつかねぇ。好きなように生きるんだ。…どうせ死んだら、死霊術師にコキ使われるんだからな。―酒場の若者Ain't no one gonna be the boss of me. I'm gonna live the way I like. God knows when I'm dead some necromancer will be working me to the bone. —A Young Man at the Tavern
こんな所でクダ巻いて、朝から晩まで飲んだくれてちゃあ、生きてる死体と同じようなもんだ。そら、両手を前に出して歩いてみな。良く似合ってるだろうぜ。―酒場のマスターAll you do is drink from morning till night, grumbling into your cups. You're like a living corpse. Why don't you try walking with your arms held straight out in front of you? Bet the look would suit you! —Barman at the Tavern
ゴースト冥府の底より湧き出でる、悪意の塊。An evil soul rising forth from the very depths of the underworld.
冥府の底より湧き出でる、憎悪の塊。A hateful soul rising forth from the very depths of the underworld.
リッチ復活を望む声が呼び水となり…地の底より、悪意と憎悪が這い出でる。Roused by the clamoring voices of those who wish to be restored, evil and hatred rise up from beneath the ground.
棄てられた骸がさらに集い、筋と骨とが繋ぎ合わされ、骸と憎悪で躰が創られた。その姿…は死者と生者の間に立つ、歪んだモノだった。Abandoned bodies are assembled, bone and sinew fused together once more—a new body formed from corpses and pure hatred, a twisted existence neither living nor dead.


ナイトメア夢の中でまでつらいコトを思い出すなんて、かわいそうな子…。アタシがその呪いごと、アナタの夢をじっくり食べてあ・げ・る!You poor thing. It must be terrible to be haunted by your fears even in your dreams. I know! I can feast on those pesky dreams while you sleep!
夢の中でまで怖いコトに悩まされるなんて、カワイイ子…。アタシがその悪夢を、優しく美味しく食べてあ・げ・る!大丈夫、もう何も残らないけど、苦しむ必要もなくなるんだから…!How dreadfully delightful—consumed by the horrors of your own dreamscape. Why don't you let me devour your delicious nightmares? I won't leave anything behind, but at least you won't suffer anymore.
スィートヴァンパイア今晩は何を頂こうかしら?私の飢えを満たすのは、人間の生き生きとした…ふふ…分かる?What shall I have for dinner tonight? I think it's going to have to be a human. A real live human. That's the only thing that'll satisfy my hunger. Hee-hee!
そう…輝きに満ちた人間の命ほど、素晴らしいご馳走はないわ…!明日への希望、人を愛する気持ち…全部食べてあげる…!Nothing tastes better than a human! So full of light! So full of life! All the emotions like love and desire! It's all so delicious!
狂気の処刑人もっとだ…もっと狩らせてくれ!こんなんじゃ足りねぇ…!体の熱が収まらねぇ!誰か死刑囚を連れてこい!処刑人はここにいるぞ!More, I tell you! More! Heads will roll until my axe turns blunt, and then I'll chop some more!
死刑囚がいねぇ?ははっ、そんな訳ねぇだろうが!人間なんて生きてることが罪なんだよっ!全員、俺が裁きを下してやるぜぇっ!You're out of people to execute? You filthy liar! All humans will answer for the crime of existing, and I will be their judge, jury, and executioner!
インプランサー革命?謀反?イイじゃない、そういうの!私はね、混乱が、混沌が大好きなの!始めましょう?出来る限り迅速に…出来る限り陰惨に!Revolution? Rebellion? Simply delightful! I just live for chaos! May you be the first witness to my swift and ghastly reign of terror! Well, don't just stand there. Help me!
戦争ってステキ!敗残兵ってサイコーよ!未来永劫語り継がれるくらい悲惨で凄惨な戦にしましょう?ねぇ、早く!早く私に暴れさせて!?War is just wonderful! Nothing beats the sight of fallen soldiers! Let's make this battle so gruesome they'll talk about it for ages. Well, come on! Hurry up and let me do my work!
ダークジェネラル我らが闇の同胞よ!脆弱なる人間どもから《かの地》を取り戻すぞ!いまだ胸に燃ゆる怒りが、我らを勝利に導くのだ!Hear me, allies. Our time has come to retake our place from the vile mortals! May our fury lead us to victory!
闇の者たちよ!血杯の月は満ちた!愚者を一掃し、我らが統べる世界を取り戻せ!今こそ全軍侵攻せよ!隔絶されし世界を…我らが手に!Allies one and all, the moon drips red for us! Tonight we purge the world of this human scourge and reclaim our blood right!
血の契約血は知へ。Blood becomes knowledge.
鋭利な一裂き私を…本気にさせたな。もう、誰にも止められんぞ…この、私にさえもな!Just remember, you've made me do this. Not even I could stop me now!
真紅の粛清真夜中に咲く、真紅の薔薇。A crimson rose blooms in the dead of night.
アビスビースト暴れる度、その体に鉄鎖が食い込む。締め付けられる痛みが、炎の如き怒りを生む。憤怒により、巨獣はまた、暴れ出す。With every cry of rage his chains grow tighter, and every squeeze of the cold metal against his raw wounds feeds his anger. And so the cycle of torment continues.
高まり続ける巨獣の憤怒は、遂に鉄鎖を引き千切った。永遠かと思われた連鎖から解き放たれた巨獣は、己が身を縛った者への復讐を遂げるべく、冥界の闇を疾走する。Eventually the chains were unable to contain his fury. Set free from his purgatory, he rampaged through the underworld in search of those that shackled him.
ワードローブレイダー美しく、強く在りたい!…その願望を叶えてくれるのが魔装の鎧よ。相手の血肉を取り込む度、美しく、華やかになるの!Strength, beauty—these are my desires, and it is only the magic armor that can fulfill them. With each drop of blood it absorbs, it becomes more glowingly beautiful!
足りない…まだ足りない。魔物に、竜に、天使…もっとたくさんの犠牲が必要よ。美しく、強くなるために…世界よ、私にその血肉を捧げなさい!No, it's still not enough. More sacrifices must be made! Monsters, dragons, angels—everything must be sacrificed in the name of strength and beauty! I pray for the blood that will make me beautiful!
デモンストーム嵐と共に、血の雨が降る。Tonight blood will rain from the skies.


スネークプリースト蛇神さまのおわす場所には…誰一人…虫一匹…近付けさせはしませんわ…。ふふ…。No one is allowed to approach the King of Serpents. No humans, no snakes! Hee-hee!
踊り…踊り…私は蛇神さまと一つになる。何たる光栄なのでしょう…。この儀式…誰にも邪魔は出来ません…。うふふ…。When I dance I become one with the King of Serpents. It is the greatest honor of all. And no one can disrupt this ritual!
大修道女主よ…どうかこの者をお救い下さい。冷たき戦で傷付く、憐れなる子羊を…。Father, please offer salvation to your flock. They are but hapless lambs marching to the slaughter.
主よ…どうかこの者をお救い下さい。激しき戦を駆け抜ける、勇敢なる戦士を…。Father, please offer salvation to this brave warrior who has overcome the trials of a brutal war.
詠唱:聖獣への誓い心身を尽くし、神に絶対を誓った者にのみ、聖獣は力を与える。The sacred beast will grant its power only to those who devote the whole of their body and soul to the divine.
詠唱:天馬召喚天空を拝せよ。さすれば天馬が舞い降りん。Bow down to the sky, or my pegasus will swoop down upon you.
詠唱:白竜降臨供物に選ばれし者は幸いだ。最も気高き者に触れることが叶うのだから。It's an honor to be chosen as an offering—if only to come in contact with such a sublime being.
気高き教理崇高なる教えを聞き、迷いを晴らせば、自ずと祈りの道は拓けるだろう。Hear his grand teachings, and cleanse yourself of doubts. Surely your path of prayer will open.
漆黒の法典紐解けば、病魔があふれだす。Just open the book, and out come the demons of disease.
破邪の光闇を打ち消す、聖なる光。A holy light drives away shadows.
高位プリースト人の世を揺蕩う者たちよ…私の言葉を聞くのです。…汝の隣人を愛しなさい。ただ、信じなさい。さすれば答えが見えるでしょう。Those who dwell in the human realm, heed my words: love thy neighbor, and have faith. Faith is the path that leads to all answers.
愛なき世に、光は在りません。愛ある世に、闇は在りません。我々はこの世界に広がる闇を打ち祓うためにも…隣人を愛さねばならないのです。A world without love is a world without light. A world filled with love is a world without darkness. To battle against the encroaching shadows, we must all love our neighbors.
鉄槌の僧侶神に逆らう愚か者共よ!悪行はそこまでじゃ!キサマの正体…この目でしかと見破ってやろう!Your evil deeds end here. You have defied God himself and there is no place to hide! I see your true form!
見えた!ワシの目には貴様の弱点、ビシっと見えたぞ!その頭部!頭部じゃな!このメイスでその頭、砕いてくれるぞ!There it is! I see your weakness! My mace shall pummel it into a pulp!
詠唱:二対の炎聖火を灯せ。救いの炎が来たる、その時まで。Light the sacred flame. Until the fires of help arrive, we carry on.
ホーリーフレイムタイガー聖火に導かれし炎虎。その炎に抱かれた者は、肉の一片さえ残さず浄化される。A fiery tiger guided by a holy light. Its incandescent flames consume their victims, leaving not a scrap of flesh on the bone.
清き灼熱が、あらゆる闇を焦がし、祓う。炎虎が纏う聖炎は、天界への送り火だ。A tiger ablaze with pure, incandescent flames that illuminate and purify even the deepest darkness. It is said that the tiger's flames burn to guide the departed to heaven.
ペガサス蒼空を拝せし者を助く、有翼の白馬。A winged white horse that comes to the aid of those who worship blue skies.
天に選ばれし英雄を助く、純白の天馬。その優雅なる羽ばたきで、蒼空を疾駆する。A pure white horse that comes to the aid of heroes chosen by heaven. It soars through the skies, propelled by the beats of its mighty wings.
大翼の白竜敬虔なる乙女の命が、白き大翼を呼ぶ。The souls of devout maidens call out for the mighty dragon with angelic white wings.
乙女の命を糧として…白竜は咢を開き、咆哮を上げる。光の教理に背く者らは、その大いなる後光に竦むのみ。Driven by the souls of the purest maidens, the white dragon opens its jaws and lets out a mighty roar. Those who have turned their back on the way of the light cower in fear.


Welcome to the city of hopes and dreams—where dolls and humans live in harmony! I just love it when they smile. Enjoy to your heart's content!
Welcome to the city of nightmares and despair—where time for humans has run out! I just love it when they scream. Let me enjoy it to my heart's content!
Behold, and see! My beloved puppet dances with delight, almost as if it lives!
Oh, my beloved puppet... it seems that I've not bestowed upon you enough life. Hmm... Yes, of course—let's simply take theirs!
Whoa there! Hey, tough guy! Just wait 'til my comrades get here—I bet you won't be feelin' so tough then, will ya?
A tenacious one, aren't ya? You've left me no choice—I'm going in alone! My comrades will be here in no time to finish you off. Chaaarge!
The biggest casualty of war is human life—fitting for the cheapest piece to fall in the greatest numbers. —Mechanical Doll Essentials, Prologue
Mechanical Dolls have far surpassed the limits of man. Easy to operate, they can destroy without being destroyed. —Mechanical Doll Essentials, Chapter 1
My mission has only just begun—this flesh of iron will be your end!
My mission continues—you will not survive, for I am black iron incarnate!
Do you know my master? I see. In that case, say goodnight!
Where is my master? Is it you? Hm. Maybe. Prove it to me!
Grr... Roar! (Beat it, kid! My master has no interest in punks like you!)
Rra... Rawrgh ! (You still here? You're not worth a second of my master's time! Worthless! Worthless, I say!)
Get on my dimension.
To unravel the secrets of life, it is only logical to dismantle all lives. That is what master has requested—what master wishes for.
This body of steel simply seeks the essence of life—to fulfill master's order, and to one day create a life for master.
A celestial unsuited for the underworld below, and a demonic wing unsuited for the heavens above—an outcast, bound to the earth between.
Too pure to be a demon, and too corrupted to be an angel. Torn between heaven and hell, wield your power—in the name of the outcast.
I thought I'd make you a puppet of my own, but you seem to resist the idea. Do you value your freedom so much? Very well then—I suppose I'll have your life instead.
Scrutinize and analyze, to fulfill the purpose of its creation. Discover meaning from naught, for it is none other than yourself.
Scrutinize and analyze, to fulfill the purpose of its creation. Before you, a purpose is born from naught.
What makes one human? In pursuit of the answer, it was crafted.
What completes a human? The answer was never found. Regardless, they continued to multiply.



