
ミノタウロス我は醜き者。人は我を化け物と呼ぶ。我を目にした者はその顔を背け、悲鳴を上げて逃げる。誰一人、我に救いを与える者はいない。故に…我は力を求めた。自らを護るための力をな。"Ugly," they called me. "Monster," they screamed as they fled from the sight of me. No human would deign to help a beast like me. And so I sought power—the power to protect myself.
我の振るう暴威は、己が身を、心を、護るためのもの。我を蔑む心無き者から、己が心身を守り抜くためのもの。…我を謗る者共よ。この剛勇の前に、砕け散るが良い!Violence is my armor. It shields my body, shields my mind against the slings and arrows of those heartless scoundrels who revile me. Look at me, slanderers—behold my valor as you crumble before it!
デザートライダーアタシたちの任務は、この砂漠を視察すること。国の皆が砂漠を渡る前に、危険が無いかどうかをくまなく調べるのさ!さぁ、相棒!行こうか!It's our duty to inspect this desert. We need to make sure it's safe before people start to cross it! Now come on—let's head out!
日差しに焼かれ、砂塵に巻かれ、それでもアタシたちは止まらない。だって、アタシたちは国の皆の期待を背負って走っているんだから!相棒、アタシとアンタで皆を導こう!The sun's relentless, and we're covered in sand, but we can't give up. The people are relying on us! Now come on—how about you and I lead the way?
シールドエンジェル幾千の矢が襲い掛かろうと、我が光の盾は貫かれません。闘う者たちが傷つかぬよう、我が盾でお守りしましょう!Thousands of arrows have been fired towards it, and yet my shield of light has never been penetrated. Allow me to use it to protect the combatants from harm!
降り掛かる全ての厄災は、私が受け止めましょう。いかなる絶望に襲われようと、希望の光が灯り続けるように!I will stand in the way of all disasters and keep you safe from harm! No matter how deep the despair that assails us, I will keep the light of hope shining!
ヒーリングエンジェル戦場で傷ついた体を、私に託してください。天より遣われし癒し手として、私が必ず、その痛みを和らげて差し上げます…。Bring me the brave warriors injured in battle. I am Heaven's own healer—there is no pain I cannot ease.
戦い疲れた戦士たちに、愛の癒しを与えましょう。さぁ、目を閉じて。この光に身を委ねれば…貴方の体には、再び勇気の炎が灯るでしょう。You war-weary souls, come to me; rest in the healing light of love. Close your eyes. As light bathes your body, feel the flame of courage ignite in you once more.
研磨の魔法研ぎ澄まし、全てを断て。A sharper blade to cut through anything!
天上の楽曲天なる者にしか奏でられぬ、勇気の調べ。A melody of bravery that only the divine can play.
デモンストライク契約の下、汝が敵を撃滅せん。By our pact, I will eradicate thine enemy.
ベルエンジェルリーンゴーンリーンゴーン!えへへっ、幸せの鐘の音、キミにも届いた?ほら、目を閉じて心を澄ませると聞こえてこない?Ding-dong! Hee-hee! Can you hear that? That's the sound of the bells of joy! Try closing your eyes and let it sink deep into your heart!
幸せの鐘の大合唱だよ!鐘の音はね、時間を知らせるためにあるんじゃないんだよ。祝福をもたらす愛のうたなのよ!It's time to ring the bells of joy! These are no ordinary bells, you know! They play a song of love that blesses listeners' souls!
リザードマン魔物の中にはな、ちぃっとばかし賢い奴もいる。例えば、奴らなんかがそうだ。奴らは仲間のために戦い、種族を護るためなら命も捨てる。ただのトカゲだと思ってると泡喰っちまうぜ。Some monsters are rather more intelligent than others. Take the lizardmen, for example. These creatures fight for each other and for the survival of their species. Thinking they're just dumb reptiles would be disastrous.
奴らに多少の知恵があって、こっちの言葉が通じるからって、交渉しようだなんて考えるなよ?賢かろうと魔物は魔物、人間の敵には変わりねぇ。こっちのコトを教えちまうと、裏をかかれるぞ。You think you can negotiate with lizardmen just because they speak a few words of human language? Think again. Any information you give them is sure to be used against you one day.
ギルガメッシュ神々をも凌駕する強大な力を持った半神半人の英雄王。その力は留まること無く、世界の全てを支配した。The demigod-king Gilgamesh was in some ways more powerful than the gods themselves. His strength was irresistible, and he held dominion over the entire world.
神々をも凌駕する強大な力を持った半神半人の英雄王。逃れえぬ死の運命を越え、冥界神に死の秘密を求めた。The demigod-king Gilgamesh was in some ways more powerful than the gods themselves. Desperate to overcome death, he descended to the underworld in search of the secret of immortality.
ゴブリンマウントデーモン「働け働け!オマエはマヌケな筋肉バカなんだかラ、オイラの言う事聞くんだヨ!」「ウィ!」「急げヨ!日が暮れたラ危険なんだヨ!ノロマは鞭でビシバシやっちゃうんだヨ!」「ウィウィ!」"Get to work! G'wan, you brainless meathead! Put your back into it! You hear me?" "Urg!" "Hurry it up! If we're out here when the sun rises, we're finished! You'll feel my whip until the job's done!" "Urg, urg!"
「ヤバいんだヨ!囲まれちゃったヨ!どうしヨ!」「ウォオオオオ!」「オマエ…助けてくれたんだヨ!アリガトヨ!」「ワタシはアナタに惚れてますから」「そういう趣味かヨ!?…ってカ、しゃべれたのかヨ!?」"Curses! We're surrounded! It's the en—" "Rouuuurggh!" "You... You saved us!" "It—it'sh becaush I lovesh you, shir." "Wait, you can talk?"
エンジェルスナイプ放たれた一矢は光となり、悪しき者の胸を貫く。One loosed arrow becomes a light that pierces the heart of an evildoer.
エンジェルバレッジ放たれた矢は幾筋もの光となって、悪しき者らの胸を次々と貫いた。Loosed arrows become lights, piercing the hearts of evildoers one by one.
エクスキューション呪いは万倍になって己が身に返ってくると言う。だが、その対象が絶命すればその限りではない。They say your curses come back to haunt you many times over. But that's not always so when their target's dead.
光の道筋木漏れ日が、明日を照らす。The light that filters through the trees will bring us a brighter tomorrow.
ウルズ変わらぬ過去…定められし宿命…全ては運命の理…。ですが…忘れないで下さい…摂理を超えし者にこそ、奇跡が訪れるのです…。The past cannot be changed, and destiny cannot be altered. Everything has been set in stone. Still, you must not forget: miracles are only visited upon those who overcome this divine providence.
我が力で、運命の理から…未来を解き放ちましょう。絶望に囚われぬ、希望の未来を…自由なる明日を…さぁ、その手で掴むのです…。I shall use my powers to free the future from the yoke of destiny. Do not become a prisoner of despair, for a hopeful future can be yours—a future of freedom. Go ahead and grasp it.
風神風の道を通りし者たちに、そよぐ風の加護を与えよう。風が護りし聖域…その新たなる守護者、選ばれし者たちに祝福を!Those who follow the path of the wind shall walk in its divine protection. Blessed be the newly chosen guardians of the wind's sacred land!
天空と地上、世界を一つに繋ぐ風を生み出そう。我が産んだ嵐は全ての邪悪を吹き払い、そよ風は全ての子らを癒すだろう!Let us whip up winds to bind heaven and earth together as one. With my tempests I will lay waste to evil; with gentle zephyrs I will breathe life back into the children of the world!
天翼を食う者絶望を孕んだ断末魔こそ、我が力。天使たちよ、その純白の羽根を、一枚残らず毟ってやろう!Yes, let me bathe in your screams of agony and despair. I am coming for you all, angels, and I will pluck every snow-white feather from your wings.
天使たちよ…喜ぶが良い。貴様らは、高貴なる我の糧となれるのだ。咽び泣いて、地獄に沈め!Are you not honored, angels, to become prey for such a noble being as I? Go on now. Cry your last tears as you sink into hell.
アテナ勇猛果敢なる戦士よ。我が盾が、襲い来る苦難と敗北を防ぎましょう。さぁ、終わりなき戦いを駆け抜ける術を貴方に!Come, brave warrior. My shield shall protect you from harm and shall ward off the specter of defeat. I shall give you the ability to overcome endless conflict!
我が智慧は、天運と宿命を超えた栄誉を約束します!選ばれし戦士よ…私と共に悪しき者を討ち果たしましょう!今こそ、勝利の栄光を貴方に!My wisdom promises blessings greater than those of divine providence or earthly destiny! Come, you have been chosen! Fight alongside me against the forces of evil! The light of victory is set to shine upon you!
冥府への道死は誰にでも平等に訪れる。Death comes for everyone just the same.
新たなる運命さて、次の運命を始めよう。Let's see what our next fate will be.
ガブリエル神の言葉を抱きし、偉大なる四大天使の一人。慈悲深き微笑みは、人を大いなる高みへと導く。One of the four mighty archangels who serve as divine messengers. Gabriel's benevolent smile will lead humanity to ever greater heights.
天に舞う白き羽根と共に降臨せし、純白の大天使。彼女は神の代行者として、選ばれし者に新たなる力…伝説の聖剣を授ける。The archangel Gabriel's soul is as pure and white as her wings. As a divine representative, she presents the chosen one with new power in the form of a legendary sword.
ルシフェル神の遣いとして、私は多くの生命の繁栄と幸福のために尽くしたい。人も神も魔も等しく、光ある生を送るために私はこの力を振るおう。I wish to serve God. I wish to do all in my power to bring joy and prosperity to all. Humans, gods, and demons are equal, and I will use my powers to bring light to their existence.
神に仇なす者として、私は終わりなき虚無にこの身を捧げよう。傲慢なる神々に…破滅と絶望を。さぁ今こそ…反逆の時だ。I have acted against God. Banishment to an endless void awaits. Ha! Haughty gods, prepare yourselves for destruction and despair. My rebellion starts now!
サタン神に反逆せし者は地の底に降り、獄炎をまとって再臨した。冥界の王は、神々と生者全てに血塗られた戦を挑む。かくして黙示録は訪れた。The would-be usurper of Heaven, cast into the pits of Hell, has risen again in a cloak of flame. Soon this underworld king shall spark an apocalypse that paints all mortals and gods in blood.
冥界の王の元へ集いし闇の軍勢は、黙示録の日に歓喜する。破壊と混沌が狂喜乱舞し、世界を絶望の鈍色に染め上げた。The king of the underworld and his gathered armies of darkness reveled in the coming of the day of revelation. Chaos and destruction tore through the world in a dance of madness, staining all in despair.
サタンズサーヴァント罪深き魂が凍り付く、地獄の第九圏。罪過に塗れた者らを裁くのは、大いなる氷獄王の僕。In the Ninth Circle of Hell, treacherous souls are trapped in ice. I am the lord of this frozen Hell, entrusted with judging those stained by guilt.
嘆きの川に囚われた者は、久遠の罰を、無限の粛清を与えられる。慈しみによる赦しも、死による解放も、そこにはない。Those imprisoned in the river of grief must be purged of their guilt, and the purge must continue for all eternity. This is no place for pardons or for the merciful release of death.
沈黙の魔将漆黒の迅雷、戦場に墜つ。白翼持つ者らは皆、一瞬の内に寸断された。Jet-black thunderbolts pounded the battlefield, tearing the white-winged to pieces in an instant.
千の羽根を毟り取り、万の天輪を叩き斬る。なお収まらぬ衝動に、魔将は高らかに咆哮した。The wings of a thousand angels were clipped, the servants of the heavens were torn to shreds, and yet the demon general only bellowed, his rage unsated.
ディースの裁き我が終焉の一刀によって裁かれよ。My fatal blow will be the judge.
アスタロトの宣告命運は尽きる。Your fate's reached the end of its thread.


ベビーエルフ・メイ自然と共に生きるコトが、エルフ族の決まりなの。でも、オトナになれば外の世界に出ていいんだって。すっごく待ち遠しいの!Elf rules say we've gotta live as one with nature, but grown-ups get to go out into the world! Pffft, I can't wait till I'm bigger.
故郷の森はだーいすきだけど…外の世界も知りたいんだ。だから、あのね…冒険に出ようかなって思うの!もう立派なオトナだし…大丈夫だよね?I mean, I really like the forest! It's my home! But I wanna know what's out there so bad. So, um, I was thinking of going on an adventure! I mean, look, I'm so grown-up already, right? It'll be fine!
ブレイブフェアリー森を魔の手から守るために、私は戦う!もう二度と…仲間の命は奪わせない!I fight to defend the forest from the forces of darkness! I will not allow any more of my friends to be killed!
もう泣くのはやめたの!力が無くても、私は戦える!勇気があれば何でもできる!妖精の盾よ…私に力を貸して!I'm not going to cry any more! I'm going to keep fighting even if I don't have any strength left! Courage makes anything possible! Shield of the pixies, lend me your strength!
ダンジョンフェアリー旅人サン、もしかして道に迷っちゃったんですか?ならお任せください!私がぱぱーっと外までご案内しちゃいますよ!You there, traveler—have you lost your way? Well, you've found the right fairy! I'll show you the way out in a flash!
ほ、ほら外ですよ!ね?ね!?…え?ずいぶん迷った?じ、実は一本だけ道を間違えちゃって…。あ、お、怒らないで!次は頑張りますから!だから…どうかまた、私に道案内させてください…!Look! We made it outside! Woo-hoo! Isn't this great? Huh? Me, lost? Heh, a-actually, I might've made oooone wrong turn. Ack, no, don't get mad! Look, I'll get it next time! J-just let me show you the way!
フェアリーブリンガー妖精さんたち…お願い!私の光に集まって!貴女たちの力で、邪悪を払って欲しいの!Pixies, come! Assemble in my light! You have the power to drive away the forces of evil!
妖精さんたち…集まってくれてありがとう!さぁ!私と一緒にこの森を護りましょう!Pixies, you have answered my call! Thank you! Now come! Let us defend the forest together!
アーチャー森の住民はみーんな仲良しなの!だから、私一人だと思って侮ってると痛い目見るからね?We forest dwellers all stick together. Don't think you can mess with me 'cause I'm alone!
ふふ!どう?一人じゃどうにもならない敵でも、森のみんなの力を借りれば倒せちゃうんだから!Hee-hee! See? If everyone from the forest lends a hand, we can take down enemies you'd have no hope against alone!
沼の精旅人さん、お疲れのようね。私の水で喉を潤したら?うふふ、お礼なんていいのよ。本当にね。You seem tired, stranger. Would you care for some water? Hee-hee! Oh, there's no need to thank me...
え?体が動かないの?…あっはは!そうでしょうね!だって私は毒沼の精だもの!苦痛に満ちたその顔…さいっこーに面白いわ!What? You can't move? Oh! Didn't I tell you that I'm the spirit of a poisoned fen? Hee-hee! I do love watching humans struggle.
ワンダーエルフメイジ戦の瘴気にあてられて、この森は穢れてしまった…。ああ。神樹さま…どうかこの森を元の姿へと戻してください…!Our home has become polluted with the miasma of war. Mighty God Tree, we beg of you! Please restore this forest to its rightful state!
まだか細いけど…確かに聞こえる…神樹さまの声が…!森はまだ生きている!きっと、神樹様の力が瘴気を祓うでしょう!It remains faint, but it can be heard—the voice of the mighty God Tree! The forest lives yet! Now come, let us use the tree's power to drive away this evil!
フェアリーキャスターお帰り、僕の可愛い妖精さん。森の様子はどうだった?…そうか。やはり瘴気のせいで魔物が増えているんだね…。早く何とかしないと。Welcome back, pretty little pixie. How are things in the forest? Hm? More and more monsters on account of the miasma, eh? Something has to be done! And quickly!
妖精さんたちが力を貸してくれたお陰で、森の瘴気を浄化できたよ。さあ、避難している森の仲間たちを迎えに行こう!The forest's been cleansed of that evil miasma thanks to the pixies who live there. We should go and share the good news with the ones who evacuated!
放浪するエルフ森の仲間を攫った者たちめ…ようやく追い詰めたぞ!幾ら城塞に籠ろうとも、無駄なことだ!みんな、待っていてくれ!今すぐ、助けに行くぞ!Finally I have you cornered! You abducted my friends, and now you must pay the price! Do not believe yourselves to be safe in your stronghold! Friends, I am coming for you!
城塞攻略は一人の力では成し得ない…確かにその通りだ。しかし、私は一人ではない!攫われた仲間たちの残り香が、この城塞への侵入経路を確かに示していてくれたのだ!I cannot storm the stronghold by myself. That much is certainly true. But I am not alone! My friends are waiting for me inside, and their fragrance shall lead me to them!
妖精の楽園ニンゲンさん、一緒に遊ぼうよ!Hey, silly human, come play with me!
まどろみの森木々のざわめきが、暖かな日差しが、人を安らかなる眠りへと誘う。Hear the whispering trees. Feel the warm sunbeams. Let them lull you into a gentle sleep.
自然の導き木々の声に従い、森の者らは帰還する。Heeding the trees' call, the forest-dwellers return.
妖精のいたずら手の鳴る方には、悪戯な混迷。Pranks and chaos every which way.
義賊の流儀悪い言い方をすりゃあ、「よってたかって奪い取る」ってとこだな。Well, sure, you could call it organized robbery, but why put such a negative spin on things?
精霊の呪い森の主は寛大だ。命までは奪わない。The lord of the forest is quite generous. He won't go so far as to take your life.
フェアリーサークルみんなおいで〜!侵入者さんとあそびましょ〜!C'mere, everyone! Come play with the trespasser!
エレメンタルランス燃えてぶっ飛んで凍って弾けろ!Burn! And fly away and freeze and explode too!
ワルツフェアリー妖精にとって、ダンスパーティーは出会いの場なのよ!ふふ…今夜は誰と出会えるかしら!I love these grand dances. A fairy just never knows who she may meet! Tee-hee, I wonder who'll dance with me tonight.
皆と一緒にはしゃいで、騒いで…パーティってとっても楽しいわ!今夜は踊り明かしちゃおっと!Just look at it all—the merrymaking, the laughter, the joy! Tonight let's dance until dawn comes!
ブレスフェアリーダンサーはい、ワン・ツー!ワン・ツー!!あなたも一緒に、ワン・ツー!楽しいことはカラダいっぱいで楽しむのが一番です!一緒に踊りましょう!Now then: one, two, three, one, two, three—you there, stay in time!—two, three. Come on now! If you're enjoying this, put your whole body into it! Let's do this dance right!
なんてったって今日はお祭り!みんなで踊って楽しめば、つらいことも!吹き飛んじゃいます!さあ、いきますよ!全軍突撃!All right, it's festival day! As long as we all dance together, we can drive all our worries away! Now here we go! All together!
タムリン侵入者よ、早々に立ち去るが良い。ここは妖精王の森だ。守り人たる私の言葉を聞き入れないというなら…悪いが、排除させて貰うぞ。You'd be wise to leave quickly, trespasser. This forest belongs to the fairies. Should you fail to heed my words, I'll be forced to remove you.
妖精に魅入られ、この森に囚われて幾星霜…。もちろん、最初は人里に還りたいと願ったが、今はこの森こそが守るべき故郷だ。さあ、妖精王より賜りしこの力、受けるがいい!So many years ago, I wandered into this forest under the charms of the fairies and was captured. Of course I wanted to go home at first. But now I know in my heart that I must protect this forest. Witness the power the fairy king has bestowed on me!
カニバルフラワー密林に咲く、魔性の花。一度咲いたら最後、周囲の養分を根こそぎ奪い取ると言う。A magical flower which grows deep within the forest. Once it blossoms, it consumes all life around it, stripping the area bare to fuel its own growth.
魔性の花が喰らうのは、大地だけではない。その蔦に絡め取られた者は屍もまた、養分と化す。It is not only the fruits of the land that are consumed by this carnivorous plant. Humans and other creatures caught within its vines are all gobbled up without mercy.
エルフプロフェテスこの森の行く末を視通し、民を護るが我が勤め。その身に危機が迫りし、その時には…私が必ず、導いて差し上げましょう。My duty is to foretell the fate of this forest and to protect those within. Should danger threaten the forest dwellers, I shall guide us through.
私の瞳は、未来を視ます。ですが…運命とは移ろうもの。変わるもの。例え、この双眼に苦難と困難だけが映ろうとも…私は決して諦めません。These eyes see what the future holds. That future, however, is ever changing. Shifting. Even if I see naught but strife and misery, I will never abandon hope.
エルダートレント森の主である大樹が知性を宿した姿。雪の重みに軋む木々を支え、寒さに凍える草木を励ます。The great, wise tree that serves as lord of the forest. It supports the trunks that creak beneath the weight of snow and encourages the shrubs that freeze in the frost.
辛い冬を乗り越えれば、芽吹く春が待っている。妖精に導かれた森の主は、森の各所を訪れ、命溢れる季節を楽しんだ。Once cruel winter passes, the buds of the new spring await. The king of the fairies' forest visits each spot anew, basking in the vigor of the new season.
フェアリービースト獣王より遣わされた、心優しき妖精族の守護者。その背に生える翼は、傷付いた森を癒すと言う。A kindly beast dispatched by the Beast King to watch over the fairies. Its wings are said to heal the injured forest.
妖精たちからの感謝の祈りを受け取り、守護獣の翼は輝きを増す。敬愛と信頼を力に変えて、守護獣は悪しき者らを打ち払う。Infused with the fairies' prayers of gratitude, the wings of the guardian glimmer brightly. It draws power from respect and trust, and with that strength it strikes down evil.
エルフプリンセスメイジ刹那に咲く命を奪う…悪しき者たちよ。神樹さまは、あなた方の行いに嘆いておられます。…その邪まなる魂、私が払ってみせましょう。You'd steal such a fleeting thing as life? Pathetic villains. The God Tree grieves for your actions, but I will cleanse your wicked souls.
森に響く木々の嘆きは、負の魔力を生み出します。それは根と根に伝わり…神樹さまを苦しませるのです。安心なさい。森は罪深き者の死体も…新たなる木々への糧としますから。The lamentations of the trees carry a hurtful magic energy that passes from root to root and causes the God Tree to suffer. But do not worry—even sinners like you can become food for the forest.
マナエルク牡鹿の翼がはためく。巻き起こった疾風が、弱き者の背を押し、力を与えた。A mighty stag flaps its wings, stirring up a whirlwind that emboldens and empowers the weak.
牡鹿が生み出す疾風は、力無き者を鼓舞し、前へ踏み出す勇気を与えた。The stag summons forth a whirlwind that stirs courage in the hearts of the powerless, giving them the strength to press onward.
フォレストジャイアント群れからはぐれた巨人の子どもは、森の大樹の恵みで育ち、いつしか森の番人と呼ばれるようになった。自らを育てた母なる木から削り出した杖を持ち、一撃で侵略者を粉砕する。A young giant was separated from his herd and raised in the grace of the great trees until one day he found he'd become the forest's watchman. He now carries a staff cut from his mother tree and pulverizes invaders with a single blow.
排除された侵略者は、巨人に逆襲すべく人々を扇動し、兵を挙げさせた。しかし、軍勢を上回る程の動物たちが、巨人に味方した。巨人は頼れる仲間と共に、侵入者たちを打ち払った。Routed by the giant, the invaders roused a band of soldiers to counterattack. But the giant, a friend of the forest, was aided by enough animals to overcome the militia. With his trusted friends, the giant turned back the trespassers once more.
フォレストアケロウ深緑を背負いし森神は、ただ一鳴きで侵略者の戦意を奪い、世界に平穏を齎した。This woodland god bears an entire forest on its back, and with a single roar it robs invaders of their will to fight. The peace is thereby restored.
その巨躯は、見上げることすら叶わない。畏れ、慄けば良し。もし、立ち向かおうとするならば…大自然の怒りを受けることになるだろう。So massive is the beast that all one can do is tremble and quake in fear. To defy it would be to face the incredible wrath of nature itself.
収穫祭豊穣に感謝を。Let us give thanks for this bountiful harvest.
森の聖域心優しき草人族は、力を持たぬ者に森林の祝福を与えると言う。The kindly weedfolk are said to bestow their blessings upon those too weak to defend themselves.
ペタルフェンサー花園を荒らすようなやつは、あたしがこの剣でこらしめてやるの!チクっとさせて、おいはらってあげるんだから!You think you can just trample all over my flower garden? You're gonna learn a lesson at the tip of my sword! Get ready to be driven back by a flurry of stings!
『『花園を荒らすようなやつは、あたしたちがこの剣でこらしめてやるの!チクチクっとさせて、おいはらってあげるんだから!』』You think you can just trample all over our flower garden? You're gonna learn a lesson at the tip of our swords! Get ready to be driven back by a flurry of stings!
リノセウス始めは小さな存在に過ぎなかった。魔女に出会い、力を与えられることで…その姿は膨らみ、全身を覆う殻は厚くなった。It was a small enough creature at first. But when granted new power by a witch, it began to swell, its carapace growing thicker...
鈍く光る両目に感情はなく、その耳には断末魔も届かない。魔女に操られし邪悪なる牙は…ただ悪戯に破滅を撒き散らす。Its dully glowing eyes betray no feeling, and even screams of agony cannot reach its ears. Controlled by a witch, the creature uses its wicked horns to make a game of wreaking havoc.
ノーブルフェアリー悠久の時を生きる、母なる妖精。永き時の中で知識を蓄え、森の民を導く。彼女は争いを嫌い、秩序を好み、長き平定を齎した。The eternal mother of all fairies. She uses the wisdom she has gleaned over the course of her long life to act as the leader of the forest. She hates conflict, enjoys order, and has long been a force for peace and stability.
彼女はまた、冷徹な審判者でもある。厄災を招く者に裁きを下し、秩序を乱す者に粛清を与える。This noble fairy is a calm and impartial judge in all matters. She brings justice to bear on those who seek to cause conflict and drives away those who disturb the social order.
エンシェントフォレストドラゴン悠久の時を経て、森緑の守護者となった古の竜。森の調和を保つため、妖精たちに慈愛を与える。An ancient dragon who has stood guard over the forest since time immemorial. It has bestowed its love on the fairies so as to protect the harmony of the woods.
深緑を知り尽くす古き竜は、森の意志の代弁者だ。古竜が紡ぐは、森の叡智。その言葉を聞き届けるために、妖精たちは月下に集う。The old dragon knows every twig and root of the forest, and it speaks the wisdom of the woods themselves. The fairies gather in the moonlight to hear its words.
ロビンフッド白壁の城より深き森に移り、人々の力となった英雄。彼が住まう森に一歩でも立ち入った者には、すぐさま矢が突き刺さったと言う。A heroic figure who has come to the forest from a white-walled castle in order to act as a source of strength for the people. Robin Hood does not hesitate to fire an arrow or two at those who dare intrude in the forest.
森の主、弱き者の護り手、緑の義賊…人々は数多くの名で彼を讃えた。気高き誇りと熱き血、燃ゆる思いを胸に湛えて、彼は今日も弓を引く。Master of the forest, defender of the weak, principled thief—Robin Hood is all things to all men. Proud and passionate, this outlaw will not put down the bow while the flames of the struggle continue to blaze within.
ティターニアの妖精郷麗しき女王が君臨し、色鮮やかな翅たちが溢れ、永遠の神秘が眠る場所。This is where our dazzling queen reigns. Where radiantly colored wings abound. Where eternal secrets sleep.
森の意志悪しき者らを土へと還せ。Go back to the ground from whence you came, evildoers.
白銀の矢翠を束ねる、粛清の銀。Go, my silver; cleanse this green land of evil.
根源への回帰在るべき場所、母なる者の懐へ。Return to where you belong—to the one who gave you life.
フェアリープリンセスここは妖精たちの庭。清き心持つ子らの楽園です…。貴方も同じ澄んだ心を持っているのですか?輝きに導かれた人…。This is the garden of the fairies, a peaceful place for the pure at heart. You were led here by the twinkling lights, weren't you? Is your conscience clear enough to let you in?
月の輝きも…森の木々も…ほら、妖精たちも貴方の事を祝福しているわ…。さぁ…この美しき月の下、私と共に踊りましょう?Here, don't you see? The glimmer of the moon, the trees—look, even the fairies themselves bless you. Come now, won't you dance with me beneath this radiant moonlight?
エンシェントエルフ森と命の巡りを見守るのが、我々古きエルフの役目。若き人の子よ…貴方も巡りの一つならば、私の力をお貸ししましょう。We old elves watch over the cycle of life and the forest. You're part of that cycle too, human child. I'll lend you a touch of my power.
森と命を巡る、遠き未来への旅路はまだ始まったばかりです。いつか、私たちは種族の壁を越え、争わぬ道を見つける事が出来るでしょう。The long, long journey that turns through life and the forest toward the future has only just begun. Surely someday we'll all live in peace.
ローズクイーン薔薇が咲き、真紅の花びらが貴方を誘うわ…。逃れえぬ色彩の誘惑に、貴方に流れる真紅の脈動は抗えるかしら…?そこに棘があると…傷つくと知ってなお求めてしまう…悲しき人の性ね…。See the roses blooming? The deep red petals beckon to you. Such an intoxicating color. Can the pulsing crimson within you resist? Even knowing the thorns will wound you, you still come. How sad you are.
無碍に咲く孤高の美しさを、全身で体現する薔薇の花…。ただ美しくありたい私たちを汚すなら容赦はしないわ…。貴方たちに…ただ在りたいがために咲く薔薇を手折ろうとする権利はないことを…思い知らせてあげる。See us grow so beautifully, proud, and unhindered? We only want to be beautiful—and if you would mar us, expect no mercy. I'll teach you that you have no right to pluck a flower that grows only to be beautiful.
薔薇の一撃綺麗な華には棘が有る。Every rose has its thorn.



