
アイボリードラゴン幼き白竜は、天に願う。千の夜を超え、万の昼を過ごし、己を育んだ父と母のようになりたいと。A youthful white dragon offers a prayer to the heavens. It prays that one day, no matter how many years hence, it shall become the equal of its parents.
幼き白竜は、天に願う。いつの日か、己を育んだ父と母のように、大いなる役目を果たしたいと。A youthful white dragon offers a prayer to the heavens. It prays that one day it shall fulfill a great purpose like its parents before it.
大嵐のドラゴン風が吹き、嵐と成る。そして…烈風の最中から、大翼の竜が姿を現した。Winds blow. A tempest brews. And then from the eye of the storm a mighty dragon emerges.
吹き荒む風が、戦場を斬り刻む。悪しき者らは、千々に乱れて、天の彼方へと吹き飛ばされた。A brutal gale cuts across the battlefield. The forces of evil are scattered towards the heavens.
ドラゴンナイト・アイラドラゴンさん…いつも守ってくれてありがとう。けど、いつまでも頼ってばかりはいられないよね。一人で戦える技を…剣術を、覚えないと…。Thanks for always looking after me, Mister Dragon. But I can't keep relying on you. I need to learn to use a sword for when you're not there.
守られてばかりじゃイヤ。私、剣術も心も、もっと強くなるよ。いつか、私がドラゴンさんを守れるようになるために…!I don't like it that you're always looking after me. I want to have a strong body and a strong soul. One day I want to look after you!
ツインヘッドドラゴン二頭を持つ双邪竜。ひとたびその力を解放すれば、天が凍てつき大地が燃えると言われている。A twin-headed dragon. Once the beast unleashes its power, the heavens will freeze and the earth will burn.
灼熱の猛火を浴びせ、絶対の冷気で凍らせる。双邪竜の放つ双極の吐息はいかなる敵も粉砕する。A pillar of incandescent flame. A blast of freezing breath. No enemy can hope to withstand this dragon's double-headed attacks.
グリントドラゴン竜にとって、それは単なる威嚇だった。だが人にとっては、砲弾の爆発にも匹敵する衝撃だった。For the dragon it was but a show of strength, an attempt at intimidation. But for the humans it was an apocalypse on a nearly incomprehensible scale.
竜の怒号は、大地を砕き、鉄をも歪ませる。それがまだ警告で済んでいる内に、逃げ帰ることだ。The dragon's wrath carved through the land, warping iron as though it were clay. Humans have no choice but to flee in fear when encountering such a force.
サンドストームドラゴン砂漠に棲む竜。その羽ばたきは風を起こし、砂を巻き上げる。それは砂嵐となり、破壊と偶然の恵みを齎すという。A desert-dwelling dragon that flaps its wings to summon sandstorms, which bring both destruction and the occasional good fortune.
竜が生み出した砂嵐は、時に砂漠に埋まる宝物をも巻き上げることがある。だが、その幸運を掴み取るためには、砂嵐に飛び込む勇気が必要だ。The sandstorms summoned by this dragon occasionally contain treasures that had been buried in the dunes—a spot of good fortune for those courageous enough to brave the storms.
海剣竜旗魚は海を翔ける。その鋭き角で、海を侵す悪しき者共を貫くために。A dragon glides through the deep, its blade ever ready to skewer evil intruders.
その角は、海の敵を斬り裂く剣である。故に、旗魚は人魚たちから敬愛を受けている。The dragon's blade is a weapon wielded against enemies of the ocean. In return for its deeds, the dragon is loved and respected by the mermaids.
スカルドラゴンそれは、死肉ではない。故に、近付くな。故に、触れるな。目覚めればお前を喰らうぞ。That isn't carrion, you know. Don't go near it. Don't touch it. If it wakes up, it'll eat you alive.
闇の力により、死をも凌駕した竜。その爪は猛毒を持ち、吐きだす煙は肉を爛れさせる。A dragon that has used the power of darkness to overcome death. Its claws secrete a venom, and it breathes a cloud of noxious smoke that inflames all living flesh.
インフェルノドラゴン古より火山に住まう炎の竜。討伐に挑んだ数多の戦士を喰らい、勇者殺しの異名をとる。A fire dragon that has dwelt inside a volcano since time immemorial. Some call it Hero's End for eating so many would-be vanquishers.
炎竜が憤怒を覚える時、その身を包む炎は、蒼く輝く。蒼炎に触れた物は全て灰と化す。When the fire dragon becomes angry, the flames surrounding its body glow an incandescent blue and turn anything they touch into ash.
ルフ鳥ルフ鳥がけたたましく鳴き始めたら気を付けろ。そいつは狩りの合図だからな。Beware of the Roc's caw. It is a sign that the beast is about to start hunting.
ルフ鳥に喰われる者は幸福だ。その身の全て…骨に至るまで丁寧に味わって喰われるのだからな。It's good luck to be eaten by the Roc. After all, it's a very neat way to go. Not a trace is left behind, not even the bones.
ファイアーリザード竜と呼ぶには少々可愛らしすぎるナリだが、触れれば火傷じゃすまないぜ?This creature's a little too cute to be called a dragon, but touch it and you'll end up with more than just a burn.
トカゲと呼ぶのがピッタリなナリだが、噛まれたら真っ黒焦げになっちまうぜ?This creature looks just like an ordinary lizard, but its bites turn people into piles of smoldering ash!
トリニティドラゴン不可侵の聖域に住まう、純白の神竜。《豊穣》《秩序》《審判》を司ると言われている。A dragon deity that dwells in an impenetrable sanctuary. It is said to be responsible for good harvests, social order, and the delivering of judgments.
《豊穣》にて緑花の成長を促し、《秩序》にて善悪の均衡を保つ。そして、悪意には《審判》にて滅びの裁きを与える。The Trinity Dragon provides good harvests by encouraging plants to grow, ensures social order by maintaining the balance between good and evil, and delivers judgments upon those who have done wrong.
氷結のドラゴン吼えるだけで、大気が凍る。踏みしめるだけで、大地が凍る。The dragon howls, and the sky freezes over. The dragon takes to the land, and the earth freezes over.
氷竜が放つ冷気は、人々の魂までをも凍りつかせ、氷結の牢獄へと閉じ込める。The chill breath of the ice dragon is capable of freezing human souls, sealing them away for eternity in a frosty prison.
竜の翼飛び立つだけで、嵐が起こる。Storms are born from the merest flap of its wings.
竜の咆哮大地を震わす、憤怒の咆哮。Its howls of fury shake the earth to its very core.
竜の力アンタはあたしの逆鱗に触れちまったのさ!Oh, you really asked for it now! You just made my baby angry!
ワイルドハント血の匂いを辿り、必ず屠る。It follows the scent of blood. And when it arrives, the slaughter begins.
ドラゴニュートプリンセス我らが一族から棲家を奪った、浅ましく卑しき人間共よ!龍脈より滾る力を受けるが良い!Wretched humans! You have destroyed the habitat of my people! Prepare to incur a wrath greater than any dragon could muster!
ははは!なんと脆弱な!所詮は劣等、我らの血統に敵うはずもないか!…今こそ、復讐の時!一族の悲願、果たさせて貰うぞ!Ha-ha-ha! Pathetic weaklings! How did you ever think you could do battle with us? The time to avenge my brethren is here at last!
グリムリーパー時は来た。我こそは死の守護者にして、絶命の託宣者。お前に残っている選択肢は大人しく従うか、力尽くで引きずられるかだ。The time is nigh. I am the gatekeeper of death and the oracle of annihilation. Your only choices are to accept your fate or struggle in vain against it.
例えこの世の神であろうとも、我が大鎌に抗うことは出来ん。死とは絶対の運命なのだから。…時は来た。灰となって永久に冥府を彷徨うが良い。Not even the gods of this world can resist my scythe. Death is ultimately faced by all. The time is nigh. Prepare to become the ash doomed to float forever around the underworld.
スカイドラコ・エチカ私まで駆り出すなんてヴァルフリートったら余裕がないのね?ま、言われなくても…私の空に相応しくない者は全部消しちゃうけどね。Walfrid must be getting desperate if he's turning to me. But I'd better let you know that I don't share my sky with the unworthy.
ヴァルフリートったら私に雑魚ばかり押し付けるんだから!あー!なんか、イライラしてきたわ!私の魔炎に焦がされて、どいつもこいつも空から堕ちてしまいなさい!Why does Walfrid keep forcing these small fry on me? Humph! It really winds me up. In fact, I think I'll go blast some fools out of the sky to make myself feel better.
リヴァイアサン大海竜は静かに眠る。その双眼が開きし時には、海は荒れ狂う混沌の魔境へと変わるだろう。The mighty sea dragon sleeps quietly for now. But when its great eyes slide open, the entire ocean will contort into a swirl of hellish chaos.
大海竜は静かに眠る。その双眼が開きし時には、混沌の大渦が大陸を、世界を、飲み込むだろう。The mighty sea dragon sleeps quietly for now. But when its great eyes slide open, a giant whirlpool will swallow first the continents and then the world.
ライトニングベヒモス雷の力を望むのならば、その竜に願うが良い。だが、忘れるな。竜の雷は、それを操る者をも焼くのだということを。This is the dragon to which you should turn if you wish to channel the power of lightning. Do not forget, however, that lightning can also strike those who seek to control it.
雷の力を望むのならば、その竜に願うが良い。だが、忘れるな。その雷は人に、神に、魔に、平等に降り注ぐのだということを。This is the dragon to which you should turn if you wish to channel the power of lightning. Do not forget, however, that lightning does not discriminate between its victims. It strikes gods, demons, and humans alike.
ドラゴンライダーデビルボクの相棒はとぉっても貪欲でね。お前如きじゃ、腹が満たされないんだよ。だから…お前が立つ大地ごと、頂いちゃうからね。This guy's all sorts of greedy, let me tell you. I mean, he could eat all of you and still be hungry. In fact, I think he's going to have to gobble down the very land you stand on.
どう?美味しかった?…ふふ、言わなくても分かるよ。まだなんでしょ?じゃ、もっともっと食べちゃおうよ。この世界が空っぽになるまでさ!How was that, boy? Tasty? Heh-heh, that's okay. I know you enjoyed it. What, you're still hungry? Well, I guess you've got to keep eating then. Eat until there's no one left!
神龍永遠を生き、神域にまで上り詰めた神秘の龍。その頭に秘めたる知恵は、神をも凌ぐと言う。A mysterious dragon that has lived for eternity and ascended to the sacred realm. Even the gods themselves are dazzled by Shenlong's wisdom.
遥かな時を積み重ね、神域にまで上り詰めた神秘の龍。無限にも等しき知性にて、遥か彼方の天界から人々を導くと言う。A mysterious dragon that has, over the course of countless millennia, ascended to the sacred realm. Its wisdom is said to be infinite, and it guides humanity from the faraway heavens.
プリズンドラゴン魔竜は洞窟に閉じ込められていた。微かな光だけを頼りに助けを求めて鳴き続けたが…空を飛ぶ仲間には届かなかった。Sealed away inside a cave, the dragon used a faint light to plead for help. But its pleas could not reach its friends in the sky.
ほの昏き洞窟の中には、永遠の孤独が横たわっていた。沈黙と静寂の毎日は、竜の強靭な心を摩耗させる。…そして。幾千、幾万の時を経て、遂に魔竜の理性は失われた。Deep inside a gloomy cave, an eternity of solitude awaited. The dragon's once-mighty heart was eroded by endless days of silence and stillness. Eventually, after countless millennia, it lost all sense of itself.
エースドラグーンふっ…友軍が戦果を上げているようだな。…我らも負けていられぬぞ。いざ…参る!Humph, it seems our allies are doing rather well. But I am not to be outdone! Come! To battle!
人竜一体!我らは今、ただ一つの武威である!この剣とこの爪牙にて、幾千の敵を引き裂かん!Dragon and human, united as one! We are the ultimate war machine! We shall tear through enemy ranks with sword and claw alike!
ミストドラゴン聖なる森に住む、霧を操る竜。その姿を見た者は居るが触れた者はおらず、存在そのものが霧の見せる幻影とも言われている。A dragon who manipulates mists from its forest dwelling. While there are those who have seen this creature, no one has ever touched it, and many believe it to be nothing but an illusion caused by the fog.
竜は霧を操り、森を隠す。絶え間なく霧を吐き続けるのはその奥に眠る真に大切なもの…愛した竜の亡骸を守るためとも言われている。A dragon who hides in the forest, producing dense mists to shroud its woodland home. Rumor has it that these mists are intended to protect its former lover's remains.
黄金竜の棲家あ、ピカピカゴブー!―ミニゴブ"Oooh! Shiny stuff!" —Goblin Mage
竜の伝令その鳴き声は万里を駆ける。Its call echoes thousands of miles away.
竜化の秘法竜の魂をその身に宿せ。さすれば汝は、大いなる存在となれるであろう。…さぁ、転ぜよ。Accept the dragon's soul into thy body, and thou shalt know power both great and atrocious. Now turn!
ドラゴニュートスカラー戦うのって、何だか野蛮じゃない?私、あんまり得意じゃないのよね…。こうやって魔法を編んでる方が向いてる気がするわ。Fighting's so brutal, is it not? I'm rather bad at it myself. I'm far more adept at weaving a little magic.
魔法を編んでると、気分が落ち着くの。だから私は、ずぅっとこのままでいるつもりよ。…戦争なんて、早く終わっちゃえばいいのに。I do find magic to be terribly calming. I really do wish I could simply sit weaving spells all day long. All this fighting's gone on long enough now. It really has.
ジェネシスドラゴン創造主ならば七日。水神竜ならば一瞬。Where others take days to create a world, this dragon takes just an instant.
創るのならば、海に命を宿せば良し。滅ぼすのならば、天地を渦流で飲み込めば良し。全ては水より出でて、水に沈む運命。In order to create, one need only entrust their soul to the sea. In order to destroy, one need only summon a whirlpool to swallow the land. Everything comes from water, and one day everything will return there.
騎竜兵戦場を彩る、美しい炎があった。振り返ることなく進む彼女の背中を追いかけて、友軍たちも疾駆する。彼女の炎は、兵を導く灯なのだ。Glorious flames decorate the battlefield as armies march forward in the wake of the wyvern cavalier. She constantly pushes ahead, never looking back, her flame a beacon for her allies.
硬い防壁も、激しい猛攻も、彼女の進撃を止めることは出来ない。戦場を貫く真紅の炎は、友軍を輝ける勝利へと導く、熱き灯なのだ。Not the sturdiest wall or the most brutal assault can stop her. Her scarlet flames scorch across the battlefield, guiding her allies to victory.
変化する魔術師俺が二本の足で立っている内に、此処を去るが良い。…去らんと言うなら、後悔する事になるぞ。You'd do well to flee while I am still me. Fail to heed my advice, and you will surely regret it.
私が呪文を唱えたら、もう後戻りはできない。貴様の心臓に我が牙を突き立てることになるだろう。…忠告はしたのだ。もう、容赦はせんぞ!Once my spell has been cast, there can be no turning back. My fangs shall sink into your heart. Well, you have been warned. There will be no mercy now!
オーブドラゴン宝玉の光は、全てを浄化し、消し飛ばす。一つの命も、一つの大地も、その大いなる輝きの前では、些末な物だ。The light of the orbs can cleanse any impurity and eradicate any evil. Human lives, human lands—all seem like trifles before its tremendous power.
宝玉竜の光輝によって、遍く天地が焼き払われる。己が命を惜しむのならば、宝玉に映し出されぬことを祈るが良い。The incandescent light of the dragon's orbs can raze the land to the ground. If you value your life, pray that you are never exposed to their glow.
ハイドラそれは、のたうつ暴威。荒れ狂う頭が大地を喰らい、吐き出される毒息が大気を侵す。A violent, writhing mass. Countless heads eating away at the world, spewing forth noxious gases which contaminate the atmosphere.
多頭の咢が大地を穿ち、ほとばしる毒液が大気を穢す。神も、悪魔も、英傑も、天も、地も、何もかも…蛇竜に喰らい、熔かされる。Huge heads thrust into the land. Poisonous gases spew out into the air. The mighty serpent dragon consumes all before it: gods and monsters, heaven and earth.
デスミストドラゴン紫煙の中に浮かび上がるは、麗しの毒姫とその使いたる魔竜。絶え間なく吐き出される猛毒の息が、一人と一匹の姿を隠す。An enchanting yet poisonous princess emerges from the mists, accompanied by her dragon. The beast exhales a poisonous miasma that hides both the beast and its mistress.
魔竜が吐き出す猛毒の息は、一人と一匹の聖域である。其処に立ち入った者は皆、皮膚が焼け堕ち、骨が朽ちてしまうだろう。The dragon's cloud of noxious fumes is a sanctuary for the dragon and its mistress. Those who venture into it soon find their skin burnt to a crisp and their bones turned to dust.
竜化の塔古の竜の骨と鱗を元に建てられた塔。祈りを捧げた者に、爪牙と二翼を授けると言う。This spire was built on a foundation of ancient dragons' bones and scales. It's said those who pray to it will be granted fangs, claws, and wings.
鳳凰の庭園それはもう一つの太陽。もう一つの理。It is a second sun in the sky, a second guiding truth.
ファフニール黄金を渇望した、奸邪なる蛇竜。悍ましき鋼の顎をもって、宝を狙う者を細断し粉砕する。An evil serpent that lusts for gold. A brutal creature, it has been known to use its steely jaws to mash into tiny pieces those who come in search of its treasures.
その身は黄金色に染まり、瞳は邪悪なる野望に爛々と光る。聖域を侵す簒奪者には、鋭き爪でもって鮮血の粛清を与える。Its body is shrouded in a golden gleam; its eyes shine with an evil greed. Those who dare intrude upon its sanctuary are sliced open with sharp claws and drowned in their own blood.
ダークドラグーン・フォルテ小賢しき白翼共め…この空は我ら黒竜と魔族が統べる処と教えてやろう!Insolent white dragons! Prepare to be taught once and for all that these skies belong to the black dragons and demonkind!
我が前で空の覇者を名乗るとは…戯れ言が過ぎる!覇者となりたければ、煉獄で成るが良い!How dare you call yourself the ruler of the skies before me! If you want to rule, I'll give you the chance to do so in purgatory!
ジルニトラ我が下に集え、愛する竜たちよ!今、お前たちを解き放つ!あらゆる生物の頂点に君臨せし、絶対なる竜の姿を見せてやれ!Assemble before me, beloved dragons! I am about to set you free! The time has come for you to return to your rightful place and regain dominion over all living things!
翔べ、強く誇り高き竜たちよ!お前の牙を、爪を、そして翼を遮る者はいない!今こそ、その秘められし力を知らしめてやるのだ!Fly, my beautiful dragons, fly! Be proud of your fangs! Your claws! Your wings! No one can stand in your way! It is time to unleash your power upon the world!
ドラゴン爪を持ち、牙を持ち、翼を持てど、慈悲はない。A beast that boasts claws, fangs, and wings—but not an ounce of compassion.
荒れ狂い、猛り狂い、暴れ狂う。竜とは即ち、全てを壊す災害である。Trampling, crushing, rampaging—dragon is just another word for destruction.
突風のドラゴン目覚めた途端、大地が割れる。その瞳に映るモノは皆、飢餓を満たす供物だ。The malicious dragon wakes, and the world is rent asunder. The beast's insatiable hunger makes it view every living creature as prey.
咢を開くと、紫電が揺らぐ。その翼に逆らう者は皆、雷に焼かれて燃え果てるのだ。The dragon opens its jaws, and a flash of lightning forks through the sky. It is a fateful warning to those who would dare to cross the beast.


スケルトンヴァイパー白骨化した死体たちは、戦利品漁りたちにとっては宝の山だ。だが、忘れるな。宝には番人がつきものなのだと言うことを。The bones of the dead are a treasure trove for those who seek the spoils of war. But you would do well to remember that every treasure has a guardian.
死してなお、奪われることを拒む者らも居る。その者らが持つ怨念は、渇いた骨に偽りの生命を与えるのだ。…そして今日もまた、浅ましき盗人が白骨の仲間に加わる。Some people refuse to die. Their malice is such that they refuse to be taken even once they're reduced to dry bones. Thieves come in search of the treasures of the dead but find themselves condemned to the same fate.
スカルウィドウ死んだら灰になるだけ?…それは子供の考えね。死んでもなお残る…それが愛よ。Things that die turn to dust? Ha! Only children believe that nonsense! Love, you see, never dies.
失っても、失っても、愛は残り続けるの。それってとても、ステキじゃない?だから、ほら。貴方も…私への愛を示してね?No matter how many times it is lost, love abides. Don't you think that's just wonderful? Now come show me that you love me!
纏わりつく亡霊その姿が視えぬ者は幸福だ。死の直前まで、畏れを感じずに済むのだから。Blessed are those who cannot see the creature, for they will be fearless until just before the moment of death.
身を震わす冷気を感じるか。お前の側には既に、死が立っているのだ。そのまま熱が奪われ続ければ、命まで奪われることになるだろう。Can you feel it—the cold that makes you shiver? Death already hovers near you. If it continues to steal the warmth from your body, it'll eventually steal your life as well.
ラビットネクロマンサーな、何よ!言っとくけどね、私に酷いことしたら、兎の霊ちゃんたちが黙ってないんだからね!Hey, I'm not going to tell you again! If you're nasty to me, I will tell the bunny spirits—and that's a promise!
一匹一匹は小さくても、くっつきあえばこぉんなに大きくなれるのよ!兎の霊だからって、舐めてると痛い目見るからね!One bunny's not much by itself, but they're strong in groups. I wouldn't underestimate these spirits if I were you!
スケルトンナイト闘いに取り憑かれた戦士がいた。戦士は闘いに身を投じる中で、魔の力によって生と死の境目を跨いだ。A battle-obsessed warrior launches himself into the fray, crossing the boundary between the living and the undead.
戦士は歓喜に震えた。骨だけの姿となってなお闘える事に。もはや生前の記憶はなく、連綿と続く殺戮に狂喜した。A warrior quivers with sheer delight. He is but bones, but he fights nonetheless! With no memories of his former life, he will spend the rest of his days engaged in brutal, blissful slaughter.
ワイト死を恐れず進め、同胞よ。その命を糧として、我が呪術が怨敵を穿つだろう。Advance, brethren, and do not fear death! Your lives shall fuel our assaults on our enemies!
怨念を残し、冥界へ下るのだ。その無念を編み、呪いとして、私が復讐を果たして見せよう。Your malice shall remain as you sink into the underworld. I shall weave your grudges into a curse and wield it in the name of revenge!
カースドソルジャー死してなお生者を妬む魂よ、この鎌に宿るがいい!我と共に命を狩るのだ!Those who are dead and who envy the living, imbue my scythe with your resentment! Let us hunt together!
苦しいか。憎いか。恨めしいか。ならば往こう。この月が赤く染まるまで…血を、命を奪うのだ!Do you suffer? Do you hate? Are you filled with bitterness? Then follow me! Let us stain the moon red with blood!
ソウルイーター悪人の魂も善人の魂も、其れを持たぬ者にとっては等しく甘露である。Virtuous souls and evil souls. They are both equally sweet to one who has no soul at all.
戦場に揺蕩う魂たちが、次々と喰らわれていく。その悪魔に囚われたが最後、生命の雫を一滴残らず奪われてしまうだろう。The souls which float above battlefields are eaten up one by one. Once this demon consumes them, all traces of life are lost forever.
スパルトイ戦いを。更なる戦いを。狂的な意志が、屍となった狂戦士を突き動かす。その剣が振るわれる度、また一つ死が増える。The crazed hunger for battle drives the corpses of fallen fanatics back into the fray, and each slash of their swords takes yet another life.
肉も、臓器も、目玉も無い。だが、培われた殺人術は、死してもなお衰えない。ただ次なる戦いを求めて、狂戦士は夜を彷徨い歩く。No flesh, no heart, no eyes—and yet the ability to kill is not diminished by death. The bloodthirsty warrior simply prowls the night, always seeking the next battle.
オルクス死とは何か。死とは餌だ。我ら、死を司る神の腹を満たす餌に過ぎぬのだ。What is death? Death is nourishment. It is our nourishment as a god of death.
我らが指を動かし、死の運命を紡げば…脆弱なる人の命など、瞬く間にこの腹に落ちる。ふふ…我が満腹であることを幸運に思うが良い。If we move our fingers to weave their fate, the weak become our prey in a matter of moments. Heh-heh, consider yourself lucky that I'm full right now.
レッサーマミーそいつは、古き呪術で動く死者さ。死兵の類だと思って、のんびり構えるなよ。あの布に絡め取られちまうと、あっという間に食い殺されるぜ。A corpse animated by an ancient curse. Do not allow the lifelessness to lure you into a false sense of security. Get tangled in the bandages and you'll be devoured.
その布で巻き取られちまえば、お前も死者の仲間入りって訳だ。…けどよ、案外悪くないもんだぜ?この包帯、結構暖かいからな。どうだ…お前もこの中に来てみないか?Once the bandages have you in their grasp, your passage to the world of the dead is assured. But is that such a bad thing? It's nice and warm inside the wrappings, you know. Maybe you should try them on for size.
スカルビースト主にもう一度抱きしめて貰いたい。死した獣の想いを聞き届けた悪魔は、獣に永遠の命を与えた。All this poor creature wanted was another hug from its master. A demon granted it eternal life in order to fulfill that final wish.
永遠の命の代償は、血と、肉と、あらゆる感情、あらゆる記憶。全てを失った獣は、主のことすら忘却し、現世に死を撒き散らした。Eternal life comes at a price: one's flesh and blood, one's feelings, one's memories. The skull beast could not even remember its old master and was condemned to spreading death for all eternity.
ギルティクーリエ無為に日々を過ごしてるヤツ、皆から迷惑がられてるヤツ…そんなどうしようもないヤツラだって、死んじまえば俺の力になれるんだぜ。魂に貴賤はねぇ。安心して逝きな。People who waste their days, people who constantly feel unwelcome—even pitiable people like these give me strength when they die. All souls are equal, so you can go in peace.
死んでありがたがられるヤツだって、世の中にゃあいるってことさ。オレはこれでも、親切な悪魔のつもりなんだぜ?お前はどうだ?世界に居場所がないと感じたことはないか?もしそうなら…オレが死という新たな居場所を与えてやる。There are plenty of people who are happy to die. I'm basically doing them a favor. Now how about you? Ever feel there isn't a place for you in this world? 'Cause I've always got a place for you.
ソウルコンバージョンどんな魂にも使い道はある。Every soul has its uses.
死への近道人間がどうやって生まれたのかは知らないけど…どうやったら死ぬのかは良く知ってるわ。I don't fully understand where humans came from. But I know quite well the ways they can die.
ソウルハントまた少し、冥府が満ちる。The underworld is starting to get a little crowded.
汚れた再生死ね。そして従え。Die. Then rise and follow me.
スケルトンファイター戦場じゃあ何が起こるかわからん。ベテランの戦士でも死ぬことはあるし、骨だけで歩き回るそいつと戦わなきゃならんこともある。No one can predict what will happen on the battlefield. Sometimes experienced soldiers die, and sometimes their skeletons keep walking onward. You have to fight them all the same.
死霊ってのはタフだからな。戦っても無駄だ…真っ先に逃げるべきだぜ。…ただ、そいつが逝ったはずの戦友だったら。そういう時は、倒してやるのが友の責務ってモンだ。Departed souls are tough, so there's no point in fighting them. The best option is to turn and run. But what if the skeleton you're facing is a friend who's supposed to be dead? It's your duty as a friend to cut it down.
デッドリーウィドウアナタの死が…私を強くする。…ねぇ、アナタ。私は大丈夫よ。一人で…生きられるから。Your death will make me stronger. But do not concern yourself with me; I can survive perfectly well all alone.
私はもう…繰り返さない。悲しみも、苦しみも。愛するアナタ…私がこの土の下で眠ったら…夢の中で会いましょうね…。I cannot do it all again—the sadness, the pain. Once I'm laid to rest beneath the ground, my love, let's meet in our dreams.
ネクロエレメンタラーこの子達の声が聞こえる?この子達はね、恨んでいるの。人の、命を。だから私は…苦痛を望むわ。傲慢なる生者たちに…苦痛を。Can you hear the voices of these little ones? They're bitter—bitter toward life and people who are alive. So I long for suffering—suffering of all the arrogant living.
この子達は、人間によって苦しめられ、殺められた。死霊使いたる私は…この子達の声を聞き、その願いを叶える義務があるの。今度は…貴方たちが痛めつけられる番よ。Humans caused these little ones to suffer and killed them. As a necromancer I listen to them, and it's my duty to fulfill their wishes. This time it's the humans' turn to suffer.
スカルライダー不死の躰とこの魔力…失った代償に得たこの力で、生ける者に一矢報いを与えよう…。Eternal life and so much power—I got a lot in return for what I lost. I think I owe the living an arrow or two by way of thanks.
我は永遠なる戦士。例え心臓を射ち貫かれようと、倒すべき敵がある限り、戦場を駆け続けよう…。I shall live for all eternity. Strike me in the heart if you wish, but nothing can prevent me from charging to the battlefield in search of my enemy.
ゴエティアメイジ汚い魔力が渦巻いているわね。いいわ。私がこの魔法書でぜーんぶ綺麗にしてあげる。Dear me! Look at all this filthy magic swirling around the place! Don't worry though. Thanks to this grimoire, I'll soon have it all in order!
もう、此処はあなたの領域じゃないわ。…私の魔力が満ちる、私の世界よ!力の差、思い知らせてあげるわ。Look, this isn't your domain, you know! This is my world! After all, it's my magic that's filling the place! I think I'll remind you which of us is more powerful.
ソウルグラットンん〜、デリシャス♪闇に染まった魂の味はやっぱりサイコーね!この味を覚えちゃったら、他の魂じゃ満足できないわ!Mmm... Delicious! There's nothing tastier than a soul that's been marinated in darkness. Once you've tasted one, nothing else can satisfy!
アラ、こっちの魂もデリシャス♪…でも、ちょっと味に濃さが足りないわねぇ。痛めつけ方が足りなかったのかしら?うふふふ!This soul's pretty tasty too, but it's lacking a certain... richness. Maybe I didn't inflict enough pain on its owner? Heh-heh-heh!
死都の女王死を畏れるな。汝らが魂は我が糧となり…我が体の内で永遠に生き続けるのだ。Do not fear death. Your souls are my lifeblood. They will live on forever within me.
死が汝らを永遠に誘う。さぁ、散らすが良い。果てるが良い。そして我に飲まれるが良い。Death is calling you—inviting you towards eternity. Come, give yourself to it. Allow me to drink deeply of your soul.
魂飢の亡霊苦しい…痛い…寒い…早く…温もりをくれ…お前の魂を…死んだばかりの…暖かい魂を…。It's so... cold... It hurts... Please give me some warmth... Give me your soul... Your toasty, fresh dead soul...
ああ…魂が…染みる…。俺の…ひび割れた心に染みて…広がっていく…。とてもいい気分だ…ふふ…今宵は更なる魂を喰いに行けそうだ…!Ahhh... Warm souls... The cracks of my broken heart, filled... The warmth is spreading... Yes... Yes! It is time to seek more souls!
ソウルグラインダーさぁ、置いて行け。…金貨ではないぞ?宝石でもない。…魂だ。魂を、置いて行くのだ。Okay, hand it over. No, not your money! That stuff tastes awful. It's your soul I'm hungry for.
…この程度の魂では、我が主は満足しない…。もっと価値のある魂を寄越せ…。そうだ。貴様の主の魂を…。No matter how many souls I eat, I never get full. I've got to find someone with a bigger soul. You might be a good start.
デュラハン命を落としてもなお、戦場を駆け続ける亡霊騎士。愛馬を嘶かせ、闇夜に剣を振る。A ghost of a knight who continues to charge across the battlefield despite having lost his life long ago. Night after night his trusty steed neighs as he raises his blade, ready for another assault.
首持つ者らを妬み、次から次へと斬首する。人々はその姿を畏れ、彼を死を招く者と呼んだ。Consumed by an envy of all those who've retained their heads, the ghostly knight continues his frenzy of decapitation. Bringing terror wherever he goes, it is little wonder he is known as the harbinger of doom.
集団埋葬地際限なく死は集まる。Death gathers, and it knows no bounds.
再生の呪印永遠は腐敗する。Eternity is rotting.
幽体化魂を希釈し、存在を希薄に。She dilutes the soul to hide the being's presence.
ワイトキングその王、死者の国を総べ、数多の屍を配下とす。傲慢なる生者の魔の手から死者を護るため、屍の王は挙兵した。全ては、死の尊厳のため。The ruler of the Land of the Dead, a king with countless underlings. He has raised an army of undead warriors to protect the dead from the arrogant meddlings of the living—all in the name of having respect for death.
命を護る者あれば、死を護る者あり。骨となっても生きんと欲す憐れなる者らを護るため、死王は生者を蹂躙する。世界が死で塗り潰されるその日まで、死王は進軍し続ける。Some believe life is sacred. Others prefer death. The wight king seeks to squash the arrogant living to defend those who would live while dead. His ambition is to fill the world with the dead, and he will not stop until he is done.
マダムリッチ人は死で涙を流します。…私にはその意味が分かりませんわ。だって、死なんてありふれたものじゃないですか。命あるものも、無いものも、皆、必ずいつかは死ぬのですよ。Why do people weep when confronted with death? I do not understand it. Death happens every day. It comes to us all regardless of whether or not we are alive.
死はいつも貴方の側に居る。死はいつも貴方に寄り添っている。…どうして怖がる必要があるんですの?…これは摂理、逃れ得ぬ運命なのです。では…定めの中で、お逝きなさい。Why fear death? It is your constant companion, always nestled up next to you. It is your destiny. Part of the divine plan. Come, accept your fate.
ファントムドラゴン渓谷に現れる幻魔竜は、その地を支配していた竜の霊と言われている。死して尚、縄張りを守り続けているという。This ghostly dragon dwells in a canyon. Long ago in life, it reigned over the region. And now in death continues to protect its domain.
渓谷に侵入した生き残りを追い、幻魔竜は王国を暗雲で覆った。以来、稲妻が降り注ぐ呪われた地となったという。To drive away the survivors among those who dared to enter its canyon, the dragon covered its kingdom in a dark cloud. Ever since, the land has been a cursed realm of constant lightning strikes.
デスタイラント腐臭に気付いた時にはもう遅い。お前は既に、死竜の胃袋に収められているだろう。By the time you notice the rotten smell, it is too late. You are already inside the dead dragon's stomach.
無限に喰らい、無限に肥える。死竜の噛み砕いた肉が、骨の隙間を通り、地に落ちた。その肉片すらも舐め取って、貪欲なる死竜は咆哮を上げた。The dragon never stops eating, and yet its hunger refuses to be sated. The meat it devours slips out of the gaps between its bones and falls upon the ground. The dragon thereupon slurps it up once more and emits a howl of greed.
デュエリスト・モルディカイ血無き体を滾らせる、終わらぬ決闘を求めて。He seeks a never-ending duel to make his bloodless body burn with passion again.
肉無き体を満たす、果てなき決闘を見据えて。He trains for an eternal duel to satisfy the cravings of his fleshless body.
悪霊の饗宴幽霊さん、いらっしゃい!一緒に踊りましょう!Hey, ghosts and ghostesses! Come on and dance with me!
ファントムハウル亡霊の嬌声が夜を裂き生者を裂く。The seductive calls of the ghosts tear apart the night and rend the living.
腐の嵐では、向こうで会おう。See you on the other side.
死の祝福右から順に、あなたの母親、あなたの父親、あなたの弟よ。…あら?逆だったかしら。Look, there's your mother on the right, then your father, and then your little brother on the left. Wait, or was it the other way around?
ケルベロス「冥界には入れないわん」「この門は通さないわん」「ってコトで、ココから先はだーめっ!死んでからまた来てね♪」"Woof! You can never enter the underworld!" "Woof! I won't let you through this gate!" "Sorry, but we can't let you go any further! Come back when you're dead!"
「外に行くわん?」「連れて行くわん?」「えっ!?私たちを地上に連れて行くつもり!?…もう、強引なんだから…ちょっとだけだからね♪」"Woof! Are you going to the surface?" "Woof! Are you going to take us with you?" "You certainly are pushy, but I guess we can follow you for a little bit!"
骸の王死界の門が開かれし時、喪われし王が甦る。…人を、天地を、代償として。When the gate to the Dead World is opened, the lost lord will be reborn. Humanity and heaven will bear the cost.
甦りし王の肉は冥府の屍に塗れ、その血もまた穢されている。されど剣のみは往年の輝きを保ち、生ある者を一振りで斬り伏せる。The lord's flesh has been smeared with the unclean blood of corpses from the underworld, but his sword continues to gleam as it has for millennia, ready to be wielded against the ranks of the living.
プルート運命により死した魔神の躰を手に入れた冥府の死神。忠実なる下僕として復活させるべく、無数の魂を捧げた。A death god from the underworld who acquired the dead body of a demon king. She has offered countless souls to revive him as her loyal retainer.
生ある者たちの魂を狩り、死した魔神に捧げた冥府の死神。ついに魔神は、死神の傀儡として復活を遂げる。The underworld death god hunted the souls of the living and offered them to her demon king. At last she has revived him as her puppet.
スケルトン死してなお戦うのは、骨となって渇いた体が、血を求めて疼くからだ。Though dead, he continues to fight. Though nothing but a bundle of dry bones, he continues to thirst for blood.
戦は死を生み、死は悪霊を生む。…それは、憎悪に染まった魂に憑りつかれた、憐れな骸。Battles bring death, and death brings evil spirits—the evil spirits that possess souls tainted by hatred, turning them into pitiful shuffling skeletons.
ミミ冥界の底まで引き摺ってやるわん!Ruff! I'll drag you right to the pits of the underworld!
ココさぁ、魂ごと喰い千切るわん!Ruff! Time to tear your soul into little shreds!



