
Verifying access request... Access granted.
Initializing Project: Core.
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Initiating auxiliary unit... Activating antigrav.
Antigrav online. Part assembly... OK.
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Assembly complete. ERROR. Repairing.
Corresponding assistance needed.
A thriving metropolis stands atop what was once a mere mountain of rubble. A single step—the goliath revealed himself before the land.
A mere mountain of rubble rests where once stood a thriving metropolis. A single step—the goliath concealed himself within the land.
ÍÃʼ¤Î½¸²ñ½êÊ󽷤˻ê¤ëÆ»¶Ú¤³¤½¡¢Í£°ì̵Æó¤Î¶¦Ä̸À¸ì¡£A roadmap that would lead us to riches: the universal language.
La-la-la! This new dance is difficult, but it's very pretty! It gets everyone teetering and tottering until they all fall down though!
"As always, her dancing gets pretty intense..."
"I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in the underworld..."
Thanks for putting all those weapons away—what better way to commemorate the occasion than a song of love and peace? Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Sonata Harmonia!
Inciting violence to defeat your enemies? Anyone can do that—instead of such vicious ways, why not spread joy in the name of love and peace? That's why I choose to shred tunes, not faces! Oh, baaaby...
Before those who continue to seek possibility, she reveals herself. Those who refuse to submit to the pain—she shall never abandon them. —The Goddess of Restoration, Chapter 2
Before those who hinder possibility, she reveals herself. Those who would usurp freedom—she shall never forgive them. —The Goddess of Restoration, Chapter 3
"That's right. I'm a mirror into your soul."
"Oho! Such meaty thighs! Such tender flesh! Now this must be some world-class quality meat!"
"Qua... You tryin' to roast me?!"
—Hamsa and Khaiza
"Wow! Such gorgeous feathers! They'd make a fabulous accessory."
"Q-quaack! Don't even think about pluckin' these feathers!"
—Hamsa and Nelcha
¥¨¥ó¥¸¥§¥ë¥·¥å¡¼¥ÈÅ·»È¤ÎÌð¤ÏÉÔµ¬Â§¤Êµ°Æ»¤Ç¡¢µ¬Â§Ä̤ê¤ËÊü¤¿¤ì¤ë¡£Angels fire arrows according to the rules, but the paths of those arrows are unruly.
A fate determined by the gods—no different than the sealing of hope. No time to wait, only to push forward. Gods above, you may think my ambition to be nothing short of senseless. But I won't stop. Not until the very end, not until my final moment!
Locked away beyond the gate, hope awaits us. Until we reach the new world, my wings will never stop. Those who seek to hinder my ambition, prepare yourselves. This magic blade rends all creation!
A blade of lightning rests in his grip. The same flash that would make the night sky tremble—it punishes the darkness and descends upon the land. When the threads of fate entwine at last, the final battle against the lord of purgatory shall begin.
The adamantine scythe destroys all that it touches; the aegis shield defends all from destruction. When the gods supreme take to arms, the world trembles.


With courage, you can do anything! The one thing that's impossible... is giving up!
Without courage, you couldn't do a thing! A sharp sword and a sturdy shield would just gather dust. The greatest weapon of all is courage!
The tendrils are the maiden's locks; the branches, her limbs; the trunk, her tender skin. She is the alluring forest itself. None with impure hearts may ever hope to touch her.
The thorns are the lady's nails; the leaves, her fingers; the blossoms, her smiles. She is the delicate forest itself. None with wicked hearts may ever hope to exit her.
Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. Robotic bagworms use technology for defensive purposes, while this elf uses it as a means to attack. —'''Veteran Researcher's Report''', Vol. 1
Your cocoon's impressively novel, but novelty isn't everything. Fruit's tastiest, after all, just before it goes soft. —Mechaclaw Elf to Robotic Bagworm
Ë­¾÷¤Îµ¨ÀáË­¾÷¤Ø¤Î´¶¼Õ¤È¤Ï¡¢Àˤ·¤ß¤Ê¤¯Âפ¯¤³¤È¤À¡£To show gratitude for abundance, receive plenty.
As the youth hurried forward in search of help, there opened before him a glade of a thousand blossoms. The gentle elf standing within—messenger of the God Tree—extended her hand to the boy. —Prostrations before the God Tree, Chapter 2
Answering the young man's cries, the God Tree made a kaleidoscopic protection bloom from the elf's outreached hand. And just as the gentle elf promised, the fairies guided the young man onward. —Prostrations before the God Tree, Chapter 3
Long ago there was a sickly boy who fell in love with a fairy. The fairy granted him protection, but a pestilence spread throughout his land as a result. The boy's eyes came to burn with hatred and rage for her.
You insist you never intended to destroy the land? It was an unfortunate coincidence? What a terrible joke! Even if that's the truth—it's too late now. I despise you. What else are you good for than this?
Even the worst ne'er-do-well plays a role in the forest. —Dryad
The witch first gave it a simple command: usurp life. He would carry out that order faithfully—quicker and more accurately.
Its thorny carapace is thick and its swinging blades are sharp: it is the usurper of life. And once again it will carry out the orders of the witch.
Core mutations have led to one new breakthrough after another. One can either eliminate enemies of the woodland or expand the forest itself. These ideas are opposed to the ones expressed by the Mechalance Elf. —'''Veteran Researcher's Report''', Vol. 2
The mechanical lance you bear is lovely enough... But enemies should be welcomed with open arms rather than expelled. They'll never leave the forest—I'll never let them. —Guard of the Machinatree to Mechalance Elf
Let's all go on an adventure. I've got snacks in my bag and a pocketful of friendship. Nothing will be scary while the three of us are together. —The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 1
The are lots of dangers out on an adventure. We might even have to fight. "Let me battle it out alone!" "No way!" The travelers argue, and cracks begin to form in their friendship. —The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 2
Where he treads, the earth blooms; where he bays, there is life. This is how the forest began. He—the steward of the primal forest—is nothing less than the cycle of life and rebirth. —Elder Lore, "Forest Beginnings"
The earth in time withered again, and his life in time ended. It was a new genesis for all. Even should the earth wilt, life and rebirth cycle for all eternity. —Elder Lore, "Forest Endings"
The fairy speaks to the young man who is brimming with hatred. Long ago she entrusted him with the ability to dispel illness, but the illness he dispelled went on to annihilate his homeland. The fairy's eyes dampen with profound sorrow and regret...
My sins, my errors are what nourished the hatred within you. I didn't act out of love. It was a selfish infatuation I simply forced upon you. But I care deeply for you. There's nothing more to it.
If this were just desire, we would've walked on by. But we did a double-take—it's love.
In the beginning he was so wild he seemed like he would tear me apart—it was terrifying. But I discovered the gentleness inside his wildness, and my fear turned to love.
I'm going to show you—show you the depth of a love that accepts everything about you. All afflictions that rain down upon you—I'll oppose and erase them.
In the beginning she was so delicate she seemed like she would fall apart—it was terrifying. But I touched the strength inside her delicateness, and my fear turned to love.
I'm going to show you—show you the intensity of a love that destroys everything before you. All obstacles you face—I'll topple and destroy them.


Into the melee at lightning speed!
Look at me! I'm going to beat 'em up! Tah-ha! Eat lightning... Aaaah! I-I zapped myself!
Rule 1. Make a cool entrance like Captain Albert!
Rule 2. Beat up the Sky Knight's enemies with lightning!
Rule 3. Be careful not to zap yourself!
—'''Lounes's Research Notes''', "Practical Maxims"
The whole reason I joined the Sky Knights was to fight alongside the super cute captain... And now I have to serve in the rear guard?
The only part of the captain I can see is his back. The only things I get a good look at are those dopey opponents. Sigh, happiness is a long way away...
It's nice going from A to B, but you've got to love the scenic route. The wind's as free a thing as you'll find. It just flutters to and fro then drifts on by. What do you say we take it as easy as the breeze?
A wayfarer rescued the captive princess. He was neither human nor frog—and he simply viewed himself as a knight. Hiding himself skillfully, this covert knight lays waste to the wicked. —A Traveler in Search of Self
To act without strategy is reckless. To act with will is courage.
"On my honor, I vow to fight fair and upright!"
Standing before the treacherous enemy, she refuses to bend. Her stance stokes the battle spirit of her students.
"We can't let that bunch of cowards harm our leader!"
"Listen, everyone! From here on, we're going elegantly!"
In response to their master's call, the soldiers push through their predicament and secure an honorable victory.
"A cheer for our leader!"
There's only one thing we need to do: light the fires of courage in our chest to cut through this battlefield!
He forcefully swings a steel axe to clear the path. Fighting resolutely in the vanguard, he fills the order members' chests with courage. —Levin Warriors, Chapter 4
One naturally expects a certain amount of honor from those who have won distinction in battle. Let honor be our guiding light. There's nothing that will keep our spirits higher in battle! —Splendid Fencer
Core mutations have led to one new breakthrough after another. If Stampeding Fortress is a weapon best suited to group combat, this blade is one that's fit for cutting down individuals. —'''War Chieftain's Report'''
This gorgeous fortress is as flashy as they come, but nowadays martial prowess isn't everything—information's an important element in the mix. But don't you think this job's a little boring? —Autoblade Patroller to Stampeding Fortress
We asked why he fights, why he's stood tall.
"The wicked forces encroaching," he answered while facing their onslaught. "Now watch me clear the way!"
His stance on the battlefield was all the explanation his actions required.
Thousands of blades, myriads of arrows, and millions of spells assaulted him. Yet he did not flee or throw his arms in the air. Trusting in his brother-in-arms, he flung aside fear and fought through to the very end. That is why we shout—to say look at these imposing shields.
"The important thing's that you just start punching, right?"
"Girls who forget the strategy will get punished later!"
"Enough chatter, you two! We're on an operation!"
—Three Levin Sisters
I am the law of the sea! I plunder as I please, show my might, and accept no limits to my seafarin'! I am the queen—she who sees o'er the seas!
"In this world—more'n anyone else—the queen does as she pleases!"
"The cap'n's mighty all right! That why I'm with 'er!"
"Alwida's out of her mind, so we never get bored!" —Alwida's band of pirates
A not-yet-champion was born into tragedy. Together with his comrades, he learned the strength of banding together. He reaches out an arm: "Devotion is our power. Into the melee at lightning speed!"
Though he cannot forgive his own sins, he excuses those of others. A frozen heart, a burning pain.
"This tragedy will not happen again—not so long as I have a hand in things!"
ÉÔµà¤Î²¦¾ë¾ë¤ÏÀï²Ð¤òÃǤġ£Ê¼¤ÏÈᤷ¤ß¤òÃǤġ£A castle snuffs out the flames of war. A soldier snuffs out sorrow.
I swore to the cap'n I'd do as I please. It's the queen I obey, but that's my own choice. Get in my way and I'll cut ya down without mercy.
A meeting on rough waters. The words spoken there: do as you please.
"Obey or not—the choice is always yours! You're the one who steers through the seaways!"
I swore to the cap'n I'd be strong. That's how I got it in my head—I'd be a thundering wave of strength. Lemme show you what me and this cannon can do!
A meeting on rough waters. The words spoken there: be strong.
"Use your own power to stand tall on the sea! Never let your strength waver!"
I swore to the cap'n I'd be chaos incarnate. I'd shatter the fetters o' the law 'n' do whatever I want on the seas! Now here's where I go my own way!
A meeting on rough waters. The words spoken there: be chaos incarnate.
"We are pirates, the wreakers of havoc! Rules and manners are meant to be drowned!"
I'm Mina, vice leader of the Sky Knights! One of my duties is to give guidance to the other members. Don't be shy—Ask for a hand any time you need it!
She's a cornerstone of the Sky Knights, as reliable as they come. Though once in a while, she can be a little rigid. —Albert, Levin Champion
I'm Mona, mage of the Sky Knights! My job's to make you feel all happy and energetic! What do you say to getting cheerful?
She has a rare ability to soothe the other Sky Knights' hearts. Though once in a while, she seems to intimidate them. —Albert, Levin Champion
I'm Mena, fighter of the Sky Knights! My role's to punch and punch up a storm! Let me handle this—I'll knock down any enemy!
Even by the Sky Knights' standards, she's an exceptional combatant. Though every once in a while, she seems to forget the strategy. —Albert, Levin Champion


Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. Rather than grow one's magical capabilities, there are now methods to improve magical efficiency... much to the dismay of a mechastaff sorcerer. —'''Research Archives of the Sorcerer's Guild''', Vol. I
I mean, yeah, it's full of magical energy and whatever, but... Mine doesn't need to only work, it's gotta be efficient! See this? I only need an ounce of magic to get it working!
—Jetbroom Witch to Mechastaff Sorcerer
The righteous mage witnessed it for himself—a bane his sword could not break. An eye for an eye, a curse for a curse. The knight's two swords seemed to bring down a curse on the accursed beasts.
The wielder shows no mercy to those who would be cut down, for the twin blades that mete out curses on the accursed beasts. The justice he believed has long perished, but his determination is undying.
They sparkle and glimmer ever so quickly... Enough to catch the eye of any cat. The sparks of the battlefield are just another plaything for that one.
—Lightning Shooter
Such a sparky, fluffy tail—and that adorable purr... Oh, I just can't! It's so cute, I could just go numb! You know what? I'm gonna hug it!
—Lightning Shooter
Ingredients: black-tail lizard, firesnake powder, bat heart
—Notes from a witch's notepad
To-do list: Get a new cauldron
—Messy scribbling from a witch's notepad
Yeah! Uh-huh! That's the spirit! I've been saving this happy little spell just for you! No way I'll mess this one up—just a little hocus, pocus, pow!
"A spell for smiles? Can you teach me how to do it too?!"
—Lou, Mysterian Freshman
"Easy, all you gotta do is swish, sparkle, and alakazam!"
—Emmylou, Smilemancer
Core mutations have led to one new optimization after another. Arcane sorcerers can be divided into two groups: practitioners of the arts, and theorycrafters. Mechanized lifeforms fall in a unique space, as they are both. —'''Research Archives of the Sorcerer's Guild''', Vol. 2
A new type of magical life-form... As a product, I suppose it is definitely marketable, but the logic behind such a creation needs to be checked out. I think I can provide a more... graceful solution.
—Mechabook Sorcerer to a Mechanized Lifeform
The culmination of millions of happenstances brought you into existence. It would only take one more to take you out of it.
Everyone loves a princess! Oh, to be a lovely princess... my beauty would drive any maiden green with envy. Maybe then I'll be able to get a little closer to them...
Ngh... Princesses aren't supposed to be spoilsports. To earn the people's love, you've gotta spread your own! So that's why I'm gonna find out what makes each and every person amazing!
"Surely you've heard of my name?"
​When asked by a great wizard, it's unwise to answer no.
​"No? Very well, allow me to introduce myself!"
​Rather than a traditional introduction, you'll most likely
receive a blast of magic to the face.
"Surely you've heard of my name?"
​When asked by a great wizard, it's unwise to answer yes.
​"Excellent! Then surely you'd be willing to help one of my
stature with very important magical research, yes?"
You'll most likely never hear the end of it.
Mysteria Academy has seen a huge increase in student matriculation lately. Fresh blood, transfers—even former dropouts are getting a second chance.
A wordwielder who would bring forth disaster. A demon who would bring forth unspeakable terror. Through their fated encounter, an exchanging of words—the birth of love. For this is Ville de l'Amour, a town brimming with the miracles of love. —'''Ville de l'Amour''', An Encounter
A wordwielder who believed not in true love. She uttered to the demon, "If your love was born of a curse, perish before my sight!" The demon fled, yet disaster remained imminent. —'''Ville de l'Amour''', A Parting
The men retreated in terror as a master of arcane spells stood before them. "Heh," the wizard chuckled with mild amusement, "this should make for a good warmup." —Ancient War Records, Recovered Fragment
The wizard's spells blew them away in a single breath. Seeing the men fall so easily before him, he sighs in disappointment. It seems he had only just begun. —Ancient War Records, Recovered Fragment
Reproduce, multiply, permeate every corner of the land! Surely even the gods would envy us. If you truly wish for this land to flourish, let us build.
—A Confident Sorcerer
(Humanity... Foolish creators. I stand before you as the manifestation of truths, born from the depths of wisdom—the absolute golem to reign supreme. Now behold, as I prove to you all the strength of my will.)
Oooo, ooo!
(Humanity... Lonesome creators. My mothers, my fathers stuck in the quagmire of reason. I have already surpassed you. Now witness, as I show the ultimate truth!)
"Love is naught but a fabrication."
With her words, love itself perished from Ville de l'Amour.
Nothing short of a miracle would return love to this place.
—'''Ville de l'Amour''', Spirits


Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. Mechafin Diver is always pursing greater depths, even when it comes to marine technological research. The mermaid is seeking additional swimming speed. —Logbook of a Seaside Research Facility 1
Diving deep is fun enough. But the faster you swim, the more sea you see! I want to deliver some great memories to the folks on the shore. —Gadget Mermaid to Mechafin Diver
Um, did you see a girl on a wyvern? One named Eyfa who rides a little rough? Huh, you mean she flew by just a second ago! Thanks... I've got to hurry up and catch her!
Eyfa's a little careless at times, but she's a trusty partner and pilot. Keep that a secret though—it would be so embarrassing if she found out what I said.
I was trekking through the mountains when a giant shadow covered me. Took it for a dragon at first, but I breathed easy when I saw it was a bird. —A mountaineer
A bird's just a bird, 'cept when it lives in the mountains of the dragons. If any of those birds ever finds me again, I'll just play dead. —A mountaineer's ghost
Once in their lives, megalorcas rush back against the violent currents. They control the water with their whole body, displaying their worth as creatures of the sea. But where do they go? To where the sea begins? —Sea Beasts and Their Tales, Chapter 2
Um, did you see a boy with glasses around here? His name's Zell, and he looks like a bit of a know-it-all. Huh, you just saw him on the ground? Th-thanks! I'd better hurry up after him!
Zell's a little stubborn and stiff and the opposite of polite... But he's a trusty partner who knows the wind better than anyone! Don't tell Zell I said this though—I'd be so self-conscious if he found out.
Core mutations have led to one new optimization after another. The greatest goal of the dragonewt is to become more dragonlike... But Wyrmcannon Dragonewt is not like the dragons they imitate. —Logbook of a Seaside Research Facility 2
Why do you imitate the dragons' flames? They're strong enough weapons, but it's important to find claws of your own. Sharpen 'em enough and you're sure to leave a mark on the enemy. —Steelclaw Wyrm Bruiser to Wyrmcannon Dragonewt
The wicked dragon's tail traces the form of a burning chain of rage. The howl of its brethren set its tail aflame.
The wicked dragon's body runs brutally along a groove of destruction. As if in response to the howl, the beast's flames become its maw.
Fighting when you're sure to win is just... barbaric and pointless. Weaving some spells would be much more worthwhile. Battles are dirty, but... the light of magic is beautiful.
If you leave me alone, then that'll be that. If you help me out, I'll teach you a spell or two. And if you get in the way, then your body will learn the true meaning of fear.
The celebrated dragon slayer was ordered to strike down another wicked beast. To him this was just a job, but to his wife it was just plain infidelity: "A-Adelle? What are you doing here?"
The dragon slayer's saga devolved into a senseless argument between husband and wife. The scorned love turned to jealousy a thousandfold. The swordsman faces off against his wife's rage: "I-I am not cheating on you! Adelle?"
Ooh, shiny stuff! Found some more! —Goblin Mage
The world's beginning can be traced to the maternal sea. The world's end will be no different. —'''Calamity's Return''', Foreword
When the world began, there was simply nothing. When the world ends, all will simply return to nothing. —'''Calamity's Return''', Epilogue
"A sword to pierce any shield," shouted the bladesmith.
"A shield to stop all swords," argued the shieldsmith.
Both were squashed by a dragon, so the truth was never known. —Fighting at the Feet of Dragons, "The How and Why"
"The sky is crumbling and falling," wept the worrier.
"What's the sense in fretting," laughed his wife.
Since all were helpless before the dragon, I could tell the wife was correct. —Trembling at the Might of Dragons, "The How and Why"
"It's okay, Mister Dragon. I'll help you guys make up."
Because she cares, because she doesn't want him to be alone—she helps bring the hearts of the two together with her gentle touch.
The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 5
The two run to the dragon. Their adventure begins here. The two are reunited and both call out at once, "Sorry!"
The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 6
"Roooar..." (Sorry for ever getting the wrong idea!)
"It's fine, Adelle. We're in love now after all."
"Grr! Groar!" (Stop, Ian! You're embarrassing me!)
—Ian and Adelle
"Hey, little baby girl. I'm ready for some time alone with you."
"Grroarr!" (Leave it to me. I'll knock this out.)
"D-don't get too carried away! Adelle?"
—Ian and Adelle
"Grooar! Rrr!" (How could you betray my love, Ian!)
"Grrrrrah!" (Sneaking into another dragon's lair—you're cheating on me!)
"Groooar!" (I'm not listening to your excuses.)
"Roooar" (All the love I felt for you is turning to rage!)
If you rub a dragon the wrong way, it'll rage and slay you. But if you make away with its hoard, it'll accept you as its master. —Pyrewyrm Commander
Wielding swords, overcoming storms, saving others, vanquishing monsters, and training diligently. The dragon finally trusts the girl as his partner. The two have bonded through friendship... Their journey begins here. —The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 7
"We're going off on an adventure!"
"Wow, the wind feels so great... I'm getting so excited!"
"Let's go, Mister Dragon! You and me and everyone together!"
—May, Moriana, and Aiela


I'll put in my hours, but don't expect me to clock in any overtime. I have things to do at home... Not that you should concern yourself over that.
I'll put in my hours, but don't expect me to clock in any overtime. What... I dropped something, you say? O-oh, that's the HaZeus fanfic I wrote! Y-you're a fan too? Omigosh, let's gush! HaZeus or Zeudes? I just can't choose my OTP!
Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. The Bone Drone seeks revenge from beyond the grave, utilizing technology in order to exact vengeance with a new body.
—'''A Necromancer's Secret Notes I'''
With the dawn of the mechanical age, the definition of an "optimal corpse" has changed. Whether it is a corpse returned by an ancient grudge, or bones which seethe with malice, the specimen will be terrifying regardless.
—Comparison of Bone Drone and Mechasaw Deathbringer
The eternity of death nourishes him to lead a legion of corpses. He is their commander—a silent king from a time forgotten. He spreads an ancient curse as silent as death itself. Rumors say that if he were to speak, his dignity would be lost to the sands of time.
A forbidden sarcophagus covers his face, and cloth swaddles his mysteries. He is the sole overseer. Yet he himself can never be seen, for a fear of the unknown secures his power. Rumors say that if he were to show his face, the facade would immediately crumble to dust.
¥Ü¡¼¥ó¥Ð¡¼¥¹¥È»à¼Ô¤Î¶¸µ¤¤Ï¡¢À¸¼Ô¤Ø¤Î¶§´ï¡£The delusions of the departed—a perfect weapon for the living.
As a shaman, her duties include relieving successors to the throne of pain and stress—with her sweet, sweet embraces and coddling.
"Just let me heal you with all my love! Huff... Puff..."
"Behave yourself... Not in front of everyone."
~"Ngh... Such strength... I... Urk!"
Core mutations have led to one new optimization after another. New methods of automation were born. The Robozombie—a way to employ the dead through machinery. So efficient that some are considering using it on the living. —'''A Necromancer's Secret Notes II'''
A corpse that moves at will through machinery... Simply brilliant. In fact, you could say it's similar to my own technique of creating corpses from the living! Did you know? The people call me the hand of God.
—Irongear Corpsman to Robozombie
"I've unraveled all mysteries!"
—Actress Feria
As the successor, I must fulfill my duty and prove myself—I'll steel my heart, my body, all of myself. Whatever it takes, I'll attain such bravery worthy of ruling the Underworld!
"Hehe... He's grown into such a fine warrior."
—Tithi, Nurturing Trainer
~"Impressive. We'll increase the difficulty for him."
—Aisha, Stern Trainer
Slash them with a blade? Burn them with sorcery? Weak! Cut your enemies down with your own fists! Burn them through real hand-to-hand combat! Your very own body is capable enough, and that's where the real thrill of battle lies!
There's a limit to how much damage a mere weapon can do! But there is one weapon, if prepared properly, capable of blowing your enemies away in a single blow—the body!
"Shorthanded? Perhaps I could be of assistance."
—Arcus, Ghostly Manager
In the grip of his hands is the great equalizer of purgatory—the blade demands veneration from all who would behold the manifestation of darkness itself.
The bringer of death incarnate usurps the light from all creation. No lightning shall ever be permitted to strike before him. When the gods supreme take to arms, the world trembles.
As the sovereign, I must prepare the successor—his regimen must be severe, for his strength must be unparalleled. Upon ascension, none would dare to deny him his rightful place on the throne.
"You've so much kindness and love to share—it's just all pent up inside of you..."
—Tithi, Smiling
"I just don't understand... What kindness? What love?"
—Khawy, Shaken
Their lingering regrets are what keep them so ripe! Fresh picked souls really are the best... Just look at them wriggle—they're so desperate to return to this world!
Maybe I'll even get seconds! A cornucopia of flavorful souls, ripe for the picking! With this many choices, I've gotta try 'em all at least once!
In the grip of his hands is the great equalizer of purgatory—the blade demands veneration from all who would behold the manifestation of darkness itself.
The bringer of death incarnate usurps the light from all creation. No lightning shall ever be permitted to strike before him. When the gods supreme take to arms, the world trembles.


Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. Armored Bats synthesized with machinery soon appeared... Just as those who would control such beasts did afterward. —Secrets of Sorcery Demystified I
Bats... Whoooa... So cool... But... I'm happy... Together... With my snakes, too... After all, they're everything... to me. —Gearsnake Tamer to Armored Bat
The wordwielder who eradicated love. The demon who returned to her side. The reason he left the town was to find the strength to resist the curse. With the power of truth, he showed her the meaning of love.
—'''Ville de l'Amour''', Reunited
"There are no falsehoods in my words: I love you."
"I...I l-love you too."
This is Ville de l'Amour. A town brimming with the miracle known as love.
—'''Ville de l'Amour''', A Union
Abnormal figures take form in the shadows. They mimic the living, taking form through negative emotion. Even now, they lay hidden within the gaps.
Some evils simply cannot die. As the demons we carry within ourselves take form once more, malice and despair writhe and wriggle into existence.
When bewitched by a succubus, your fate may vary: some lose consciousness, some lose their hearts, some lose their lives.
Good thing you didn't come across a real vampire, nasty creatures they are. You'd be devoured—body and soul. Lucky for you, I'm the generous type. I'll even show you a dream of divine... pleasure.
"If I studied super hard in a dream, I might even be able to pass!"
—Lou, Mysterian Freshman
"I mean, I'll just devour it in the end..."
—Nightmare, Dreameater
Core mutations have led to one new optimization after another. The Metal-Blade Demon, for example, arms its body and binds itself with steel. Some others cover their kin in iron and force them to serve.
Secrets of Sorcery Demystified II
Losing yourself to rage and swinging your strength about? There once was a time when I did that too. It's different now with children in my life. But it isn't so bad. I've grown rather fond of the little ones.
—Mechaforge Devil to Metal-Blade Demon
Using pain as a tool to oppress the people? Utterly preposterous. This is merely a bit of good old-fashioned torture as decreed by the heavens, indeed.
—Heretic Priest
If you have pride in your heart, you must hunger for downfall. Because you can be nothing but powerless while bound by the rules of gods... In the depths of depravity and downfall, your pride will shine as never before.
Falling on account of so-called morals and ideals... Pathetic! Those too afraid to choose the fallen path themselves are doomed to constant change. But a proud soul like mine is wholly eternal!
Tragic tales of lost love, romance between beast and lady—it is but words that bind their passions. Young romps take to the skies of blue, a couple's ardent devotion, fated life-long loves! As a watchful guardian over their love, I must see all stories through to the end.
There's nothing quite like it... The joy of shared bliss, the pity of a missed connection.
Those two... They're together! They're a couple!
Oh, I musn't engage, but my feelings of passion must be heard! Ah... Love! Wonderful, bittersweet love!
She values her friends and wants no harm to come to them. If only she were to fight alone, the others wouldn't need to get hurt.
"May... Leave this to the grown-ups!"
The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 3
She's their valued friend, so they don't want her to be all alone. And if everyone fought together, she wouldn't need to be.
"You're a nincompoop, Moriana!"
The Path to Adventure with Three, Plus One, Part 4
"That vanilla stuff? A little boring, don't you think?"
One look into her eyes is all it takes to fall into the hells of romance.
"You can have it... a passionate love more intense than anything you've ever felt."
"I've lost my taste for those sweet, happy endings."
The incarnation of beauty itself smiled bewitchingly, her prey completely enraptured.
"But you'll give me what I really want, right? All I need is a taste of that bitter, delicious despair."
Upon tragedy, a new hope is born. Upon betrayal, a new hand takes hold of power. Only through his determination was he able to cut off the bonds that held him back.
"Consorting with allies is but a crutch for the weak—only the powerful reign supreme on their own!"
Regardless of the people's ignorance of truth, I shall continue down this path. An unstoppable rush of power fills my body... Gone is my former powerless self.
"A tragedy is about to begin... I'll take the throne with my very own hands!"
Avert your eyes. Seal your breath. Even the ends of the heavens are unsafe from its grasps. Before you is a wretched garden, whose thorns prey on the skin of the ignorant. Turn around, and the voices of despair shall call you once more. —The Abyss, Chapter 3, Verse 6
His arm, in the deepest depths of its organs. Within the screaming throat, darkness blooms. The nightmare becometh real, bringing forth a new life. Ah... To be born with sin. A new song echoes.
The Abyss, Finale, Verse 5
Before you lay the opening from where no light may enter. Now touch it. Revere it. A darkness in the lowest of depths from which no voice may leave. —The Abyss, Chapter 1, Verse 5
You awaken to a deafening roar. Gasping for air and shivering with fear, you shall witness the truth. For beyond... your punishment awaits. With trembling arms and eyes bewildered, feel it for yourself— ah, yes... the warmth of despair. —The Abyss, Chapter 4, Verse 2


Get injured on the battlefield and this ungraceful young woman will visit you. She has a firm voice, a harried step, and a bad attitude. "You there! You're hurt again!" ¡½Diary of a Warrior
Although she complains, she'll heal you gracefully. Say thanks and the bunny will cheerfully whisper, "You're helpless without me!" ¡½Diary of a Warrior
Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. Prayers to God will serve as further salvation for both people and birdfolk. Ironknuckle Nun received new arms, and he received new wings. ¡½Notes from a Priory, Vol. 1
What's important is to save everyone you can reach. But there's nothing wrong with flying. You go quick, and the view's great! I don't know why I fly! I've just got the spirit! ¡½Steelwing to Ironknuckle Nun
"That scar? Got it way back... was on the wrong side of a divine beast." The wounded bandit curled up his lips.
"He had claws like razors and fangs like nails—a monster in every sense of the word."
The listeners imagined a most terrifying creature.
"Once it readies its weapons, everything's over."
The bandit proudly pointed to his old wound.
"They're ancient armaments... If they lock onto you, there's no hope of escape."
The listeners shuddered at the thought of such terror.
A bird in flight doesn't leave a trace. A messenger of the gods doesn't give a warning or leave a trace.
Core mutations have led to one new optimization after another. Robofalcon attempts to save others on its own; she, meanwhile, hopes to evoke ever more salvation from God. ¡½Notes from a Priory, Vol. 2
Salvation from the sky is nice enough, but a precant like me can save everyone from the ground! H-how do you use this thingamajig anyhow? ¡½Robowing Precant to Robofalcon
"Heretic" sure has a nasty ring. On what basis are you questioning our god? Who can prove the god you believe in is the correct one?
We no longer need to discuss anything. Seen from my perspective, you are the skeptic; you are the heretic. Surely you have no complaint at being judged before my god?
It's true that faith takes many forms. But keep none other than the one God before you.
"Kel, are you hurt?"
"Sure am! But I've blown them away with double the pain!" ¡½Conversation between Elana and Kel
"Something tells me why there's always a conflict."
"Don't sweat it! I'll buff up and wipe this fight out!"
"That's not what I meant, but... Oh, dear God..." ¡½Conversation between Elana and Kel
This body is a pair of heavenly scales, the cornerstone of peace. You can leave your judgments to me. Put your flesh and mind on the balance of righteousness.
Imbalance is the source of errors—a strong flesh and weak mind or the opposite are naturally the same. Learn your own weakness, disturber of the scales.
You mean I get to ring this one too? Ding-dong, ding-dong! —Bellringer Angel
When a believer offers a Prayer, the divine shows his form. Having propagated the faith through mantras—now branded as heresy—he now announces the Good News. The mantra praising the divine is now a part of History. —Den of Madness, Expurgated Edition
When a believer offers sacrifices, the divine shows his form. Having propagated the faith through mantras—still branded on the heretic's mind—he announces the world's end. —Den of Madness, Unexpurgated edition
"Elana, are you still praying?"
"Yes. Because I might be tiny, but if my prayers reach God..."
¡½Conversation between Elana and Kel
"You oughta pray we kick the bad guys' butts!"
"Um, I think that it's better if no one gets hurt."
"You've sure got a good head on your shoulders."
¡½Conversation between Elana and Kel
The warrior entreated heaven for the power to save the weak. Receiving it, he spoke as a holy messenger:
"Human, do not forget the extravagance of this power."
When the warrior forgets God, the wings on his back will carry him to heaven.
The warrior saved an uncountable number of the wretched. And they worshipped¡½not him, but the name of the lord God.
"Human, do not throw thyself into empty deeds."
The warrior continues to battle so long as he believes.
Speak your praise, mortal. For there is no god but me. —Inscription on a statue


Cat Cannoneer?
I don't appreciate being lumped together with her, ya meow! Her cannon's totally lacking on paw-er, see what I mean? This is a brand-new original creation, the Paw-Cannon!
"Hey! Your Paw-Cannon's totally ripping off mine!"
"It's not a rip-off, it's, uh, an homage!"
—Cat Cannoneer and Cat Gunner
I don't know where I am. I don't know who anyone is. If something happened, I wouldn't know about it. I don't know what this sound is supposed to be. All I know is I must keep on going and going and going... I cannot stop. I mustn't stop. —A Dead-eyed Citizen
"We'll traverse a cave! We'll cross a river! There's no end to this march... So let's keep on going and follow the path, wherever it goes!" —Hamelin
Core mutations have led to one new discovery after another. We set out to create a prototype soldier— instead, a different beast was born. At times it takes the form of man. At others, a monster. We had no way of predicting it. —Mechalab Sound Archives (File 001)
With the dawn of the mechanical age, the definition of the "optimal figure" has changed. Whether a creation takes form as a skillful man or powerful beast, either one shall serve its purpose effortlessly. —Comparison of Mechanical Mammoth and Prototype Soldier
"This is my stage, where I play my part!"
The puppet speaks with pride as the puppeteer grins.
"Yes, yes, very good. But your role is already over."
All creations have their own purposes—those which must be fulfilled... And I too, shall play my part. Zahnrad, the grace of your wings shall make life dance.
No matter how many times it breaks, no matter how many times it rusts, I will always repair it. After all, there is nothing sadder than a purpose unfulfilled. Now, my gears, serve your purpose.
"Yup! Once the final product's ready, I'll be able to fly as far as the sun!"
—Icarus, Sunbound Wing
"W-wait, you're telling me this is just a prototype?!"
—Mech Wing Swordsman
"Once I finish the final design, you can have this one too!"
—Icarus, Sunbound Wing
"You're just giving me your hand-me-downs?!"
—Mech Wing Swordsman
One could say these blueprints are like a letter from an era gone by. The author's fervor is palpable from the design alone.
—Studious Engineer
The artifacts, they do not speak. One therefore shouldn't rely on language when dealing with them.
The veteran technician's actions communicated this to us.
Specialist Records, Chapter 6
(The artifacts speak. Every circuit in them tells an eloquent story. I don't talk to them because there's just no need—and, well, I'm the quiet type.)
Core mutations have led to one new advance after another. While the Mechagun Wielder and her gun commanded a great range, this machine gained a way of instantaneously closing a great distance. —Mechalab Sound Archives (File 002)
With the dawn of the mechanical age, the definition of an "optimal distance" has changed. Whether your objective is to overwhelm at close range or lay waste from a distance, the result is swift destruction regardless.
—Comparison of Aerial Craft and Mechagun Wielder
Well, aren't you good? Yes, very nice! Fine and great! Just excellent, yes!
I am Vier! We are ALTERNATIVE! Now show us, show us! Show us your strength, your resolve... your very worth!
Come on, show me! And the next me! And the next me, and the next me!
I am Vier! We are Vier! And we are one! Allow us to thank you right away by taking your life!
Core mutations have reached their zenith. On one hand, a mighty roar to govern all: Gullias. On the other, life breathes through an ancient warrior once more within a creation of steel. —Mechalab Sound Archives (File 003)
"So you command this machine... A very impressive display! However! Valor is as equally important as power! Now witness, as the dawn of a new age rises—Magnaaa... Giaaant!"
—Magna Giant to Gullias, Silverbeast Lord
Fear. Rage. Hatred. Affection—no, it's useless. I can't express all my heart feels for you. But I wonder... What do you make of me now?
—Orchis, Linked Heart
From near and far, she sought a heart. The purpose of her creation. Her purpose in this world. Seeking the knowledge for herself, she continues her journey. As the answers are revealed, her heart beats on.
I was spiteful. I was jealous. I wanted to erase you—surpass you.
But... I don't know anymore. Are we even enemies? What are we? I... I wonder what to even make of you anymore.
—Zwei, Resonant Heart
From within her heart, she sought the answers. The folly of humanity. The righteousness of humanity. Seeking to witness them herself, she continues her journey. As the answers are revealed, her heart beats on.
What is the heart? What is its color, its shape, its taste? A man sought the answers to these questions maniacally, nay, pathologically. He created a doll with a heart—a human without a heart.
Power comes from the heart—even a synthetic being could wield its potential. But ask yourself—are those without hearts without power? Let's find out together! Those with hearts, with strength, we'll hunt the dolls and see for ourselves! —ALTERNATIVE Voice File



