
Who gives a rat's ass what I steal? Listen kid, if you wanna survive on the streets of Rivayle, you either get busy livin' or die tryin'.
Everybody and her mama is poor as sin. Life's about as cheap as a bullet. That's why you gotta live full speed ahead. You stop and you're a sittin' duck for somebody else. So you be thankful now. I'm sendin' you off to a better place.
"Why do I travel, you ask? To experience the thrill and joy of adventure, of course."
"I doubt the varmints you encounter think the same."
"Some of 'em tag along with me on the road, but don't you lump me in with 'em." —Wasteland Journal, Interview 1
"Rumors speak of him fighting as a mercenary in the desert. Wearing shining armor and riding a white steed, he often gazes longingly at the horizon. His thirst for adventure never runs dry."
Wasteland Journal, Interview 1 Follow-Up
Mrg! This savory blend of spices is hot, hot, hoooot!
Gourmet Emperor Khaiza
"Why I roam about? It's my job to explore the frontier."
"With scales for skin, isn't it tough riding a horse?"
"That's why I ride one of these instead. Their stone-cold skin and fiery temperament are a good match for me."
Wasteland Journal, Interview 2
"Perk up your ears as you walk along the path of tumbleweeds. If you catch the distinctive hum of a harmonica, consider yourself lucky. The melody from this inhuman adventurer is sure to enliven your travels."
Wasteland Journal, Interview 2 Follow-Up
Bzzt! Zing! Cracka-boom! You getting a kick outta my supercharged rock yet? Huh? You think I'm a talentless grandstander? No way, buddy—I'm the real deal!
Doodley, doodley, dee... Gotta get in more practice if I'm gonna play a tune right... But just you wait—I'll knock your socks off with real music instead of electrical shock one day!
"Why am I always out and about, ya ask? Don'cha hear the ingredients callin' out to me?"
"We heard you'll brave any danger for quality cuisine."
"Bwahaha. Can't cook up much of a meal if you're afraid of a lil' fire." —Wasteland Journal, Chef's Interview
"There's a nondescript cart that houses one of the finest food stalls round these parts. If yer ever lucky enough to run into it, I recommend their scorpion skewers—desert-hot BBQ, grilled to perfection."
Wasteland Journal, Chef's Interview Follow-Up
I'm not too fond of my husband's violent handling of the power struggle. It only leads to more bloodshed when we should be focused on choosing a successor.
Being overwhelmingly strong may work for now, but if you fancy yourself a true king, then you'll help me choose the ideal match for our daughter!
Hehe, it's time we saw a true fairy tale in this world! It won't be long now before I—huh?
Marcotte, Heretical Sister
The gods pride themselves on their immortality, always brimming with hope and promise. But that arrogance will be their undoing. An apocalypse is coming, and I will be the one to lead it.
I subsist even as I fall beneath the mortal world. If the gods should remain as they are, then I shall one day climb out of this infernal abyss and purge the heavens of all pride. No matter how far up you go, there is no paradise among us.
Exultation of God, True Phantasm, Lightning Incarnate.
We call you by many names, awaiting the seven trumpets.
Show us the way, God willing.
Song of Revelation, Overture
Keeper of Souls, Herald of the End, Bolt from the Blue.
You do much for the heavens, but we implore you:
Show us the unbridled truth of this mortal coil.
Song of Revelation, Finale
Though not a thoroughbred mount by any stretch of the imagination, those who've traveled through the wastelands have found a valuable companion in this horse.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Wherever it is you've gotta go, this bad boy will get you there.
An abode, a shelter, and a means of transportation—you're getting three in one here. Bring one of these for a trip through any harsh terrain, and you're all set.


Eek! Who knew they'd make their move on my watch?! So that's where the squirrels have been stashing their acorns!
Whoa! I didn't think this would happen during my night patrol! The fairies are spinning the squirrels' acorns like tops! Kinda mean, don't you think?
All right, everybody! Have you got your bags and tongs? If you need gloves, just let me know! All right, move out! We're going to make this forest sparkle!
A lot of folks are leaving their trash in the forest. Tsk-tsk. But on the flip side, there are so many kindhearted friends of the forest! Thank you for your hard work, everybody!
Some stranger was commenting about the "fashionable scarecrow" out by the ranch. What's he doin' in this one-horse town? For his sake, I hope he's not here to rustle the cattle. That cactus'll do more than just spook him. —General Store Shopkeeper, Jessop Village
He doesn't eat or sleep. I reckon he's the perfect lookout; he ain't a bad shot, either. Don't waste your time feelin' sorry for trespassers—this town's prosperity comes from the ranch, after all.
General Store Patron, Jessop Village
˪¤Î½±Íè¿©ÍѤˤâ¤Ê¤ë¤·¡¢ÌôÍѤˤâ¤Ê¤ë¤·¡¢»à°ø¤Ë¤â¤Ê¤ë¡£A source of food, medicine, and death—hornets truly are versatile creatures.
I'm so boooored. Hey, why don't we play a game? How about hide-and-go-seek? Or tag? Either way, we're gonna play until we both break! Kyahaha!
I'm just a tool, so I can keep playing until I break! Until then, I'm gonna smash and smash and smash! It's easy-peasy and so much fun!
Oh, he's so cool and handsome. But is it true he used to be a ruffian? Well... This town was poor and desolate in the beginning. Look at him now, though—a respected hunter. Just seeing him in action makes me want to swoon!
Saloon Waitress, Jessop Town
This town used to be nothin' but sand and rocks. We had cattle, but they attracted some nasty critters. Enter the hunters. As the town grew, so did the jobs. It's because of the ranch that town and hunter both got a fresh start.
Saloon Doorman, Jessop Town
The forest is a battleground. The creatures that dwell within fight root and branch, weeding each other out so that only the strong may bloom beautifully under the sun. Do not enter lightly, lest you be caught in the crossfire.
Those giants don't frighten ya, huh? Well, they are all gentle as lambs. Grass don't grow so well in these parts, but the giants grow it on their backs and then let the cattle graze.
Stagecoach Driver, Jessop City
New around here, huh? I get why some grown-ups'd be scared. But we kids grew up playin' on the pasture, so we're all right. Then why ain't I workin' on the ranch? I wanted to try somethin' new. The spare change don't hurt, either. —Shoeshine Kid, Jessop City
Yup yup, I'm small and that's A-OK! At least, that's what my gut tells me. It's also telling me this is the right way to go!
...Whoopsie. It was a dead end.
With one whack of my teensy-weensy mallet, I go from fun-sized to serious-sized! Now that my instincts are working properly, let's see... All right, we're supposed to go the opposite direction! I just know it!
ÍÅÀº¤Î³«²Ö¿¹¤Î³èµ¤¤¬¡¢ÍÅÀº¤òÍÛµ¤¤Ë¤·¡¢¤ä¤¬¤ÆÍðÃÔµ¤Áû¤®¤È¤Ê¤ë¡£The verdant vitality of the forest fills the fairies with good cheer. It isn't long before their cheer careens over into mayhem.
"Ready to play with the mousey, Shama?"
"Meow-wow! Better start running, little mousey!"
"Meow-wee! It's a lot more fun that way!"
"Mrow-wow! It's coming your way, Shamu!"
"Mrow-wee! It's really giving us a good chase!"
"We'll play with you until you can't even stand!"
"We're good, hardworkin' folk now." "I was a mean varmint." "That danged cactus, hunter, and them giants..." "Got me real good." "You're way too strong." "He didn't just capture me that day; he captured my heart."
Hardworking Citizens of Jessop State
I ain't here to tie you down, brother. This lasso here ain't a weapon; it's a handshake that binds us together. So take my hand and let's get to work. We'll turn this wasteland of dust and gravel into our new home.
Loxis K. Jessop
Though flowers scatter, their scent remains. That lingering fragrance is a precious, soothing balm to me. I long to greet the blooms again next season, and that is why I cannot fall!
A flower's beauty lies in its transience. The more we mourn their fading, the more pathos we feel. I must cull the weeds before the next season comes. I wonder what scent '''you'll''' leave behind as you're severed from your stem!


A thousand practice swings and then a thousand more in training matches—today. If you can't handle that, then don't bother going to the front lines. A soldier without training is a monkey without a tail.
Losing so many recruits in my early days as an instructor made me realize that proper and adequate training is paramount to survival. But you've all proven your worth! I declare you fit for battle!
Bounty: 5000 gold per head
Offenses: Organizing crime, attacking saloons
Notes: Have standard uniform, look mean as hell
Must be alive.
Known to employ group tactics, always looks for the high ground.
Avoid their boss. She is NOT wanted.
Ninja Art: Guaranteed Strike Jutsu!
Hehe... That feint should give me enough time to get out of harm's way!
Ninja Art: Sheep-Counting Jutsu!
Hehe... Now to lie like a sleeping dog, then strike when they least expect it!
You there! Either gimme your money or gimme your life! Better yet, just gimme both!
Bounty: 10,000 gold
Offenses: Theft, smuggling, etc.
Notes: Seen frequenting the watering hole
Dead or alive. Information that leads to stolen articles will be rewarded.
Streetwise and evasive.
Misses all her shots.
Everyone ridiculed his weapon as antiquated and inefficient. But he was adamant, asserting that in a situation where there aren't enough doctors to go around, every rock is a formidable weapon.
Swords were broken, arrows were depleted. Firearms, gunpowder, and even magic were all spent. As dire as the situation seemed, he remained resolute, racing across the battlefield with rocks in hand.
·àŪ¤ÊűÂàűÂà¤È¤ÏÇÔË̤ǤϤʤ¯¡¢¼¡¤Ê¤ëÀï¤Ø¤ÎÁ°¿Ê¤Ç¤¢¤ë¡£We retreat not because we lost, but to advance to the next battlefield.
Hero and leader of Rudelwolf, a newly formed organization of condemners. Often referred to as the Immortal Wolf, he fights with a thirst for a more ideal world.
The infernal sigil embedded into his body grants him immortality in exchange for eternal pain. This ravenous warrior stops at nothing to achieve his ideals.
Bounty: 50,000 gold
Offenses: Sticking up polite folk, theft, potential escape from Hell
Notes: Suspected of pilfering treasures untold
Wanted dead as dust.
Peerless shot. Do not engage alone.
Few accounts on record. High chance of possessing means of travel.
Your miserable lives deserve a beautiful end at the very least!
Rapier Master
Welcome to Rivayle, where folk are poor and lives are short. It's eat or be eaten, and that's the way it's always been. But there's tell of a couple of bandit lords who look like haze and fight like hellfire. People call 'em Bunny and Baron. And they're gonna change this here world.
"We're Bunny & Baron. And we're gonna tip the scales."
"Yep. Gotta even out the odds."
"Then let's hop to it, Bun'."
"Damn skippy, Bar'!"
"We're gonna get everything back!"
The Titan of Force is true to her title. She's the villain of Rivayle, a coldhearted tyrant who keeps her side of town eating out of the palm of her hand. Better to obey the Cursed Queen than be "boxed" by her magic.
"That woman is terror incarnate. Loves to coffin her prey 'bout as much as she loves the smell of fear. She's got no interest in governing this land; she'd just as well see it burn."
Vincent, the Peacekeeper
The time has come to draw our swords. We face a grave threat, but have no fear, for our combined might is certain to see us past any adversity. Let us show the skies the power of our unity!
Many have given their lives to protect the oppressed and to defend their country. It is on us to carry the torch and lead the way. Let us brandish our swords and show the true worth of an airship crew to all under the skies!
"No way they'll hit us while we're cruising in Val. She's equipped with arcane tires and dequipped with the stock limiters."
"Pfft, who cares what makes her tick... Do you feel this wind, this speed?! Ol' Val's got the hustle for our bustle, and I love it!"
Why yes, I do love myself a heaping helping of fear. And what of it? Don't y'all see the utter ecstasy in a shiver or a tremble? Alright. I'll show you then. Open up them jowls, and let's hear a scream—otherwise I'll box you right up.
"We're gonna get everything back!"
"Damn skippy!"


"Read up, spring chicken. You're the newest piece of crap we've hired, which means you're responsible for upholding the law now. You best not ignore a single word of this handbook, you hear me?"
—'''Deputy's Handbook''', First Page
"This whole town's a dung heap. And the criminals are the cattle doin' the dungin'. If you want to clean up the mess, you best forget everything you know about justice. Let's just hope you can stand the smell long enough to make a difference!" —'''Deputy's Handbook''', Second Page
There's no one better than me when it comes to mirror magic. Even if there were, I'd just flip things around with a spell.
Did you know that my mirror flips depth perception instead of left and right? Distant objects appear closer, and vice versa. Want to see what trick I bring to the fore?
I used to carry a crystal ball everywhere back when I was still a fortune-teller. But seeing all the tragic fates that lie ahead just made me blue...
This crystal sword's my best friend now. And it's what I'll use to carve my own path toward the future. That's right—by acting rather than seeing, I'm taking responsibility for my own destiny.
ÂçÃϤγèÍÑÂçÃϤȤϡ¢ÊɤȲ°º¬¤Î¤Ê¤¤¼Â¸³¼¼¡£The earth is, in essence, a laboratory of limitless size, unbound by walls or ceilings.
She does amazing work, just oozing with creativity. Though I'll admit she's not exactly the nicest person. First time I met her, she actually said I've got the face of a lizard. Ugh, the nerve.
Peddler of Magic Paintings
Dancing stars, floating castles, flying fish—she has a real flair for the fantastical. Thing is, she even does pieces on reptiles sometimes. Whenever I tell her those are hard to sell, she somehow takes that as a compliment.
Peddler of Magic Paintings
"When you work in an outhouse, you'll attract flies. Some of the worst buzzers we've got on the force can't even pick their own nose. But, hey, it's not all bad—we can shoot up the whole horizon, and get paid for it!"
—'''Deputy's Handbook''', Third Page
"Word of advice: don't ever hesitate. None of these criminals will give a fart about you, so you can't be too careful, hear? I know we ain't friends, but I don't want you dying on me. The whiskey won't taste as good when I gotta drink it alone." —'''Deputy's Handbook''', Fourth Page
Don't cross swords in front of her. In fact, don't start anything around her. Otherwise don't be surprised if things start exploding in front of you.
"The fact that you've read this far shows you take this job seriously. Listen—if you plan on sticking it out in this stinkin' hellhole, I've got your back. I'll keep you safe till you're able to hold your own."
—'''Magical Gunslinger's Diary''', Page 5
"Seriously, this job is total bullcrap. It sure as hell ain't worth dying for, especially not for a straight arrow like you. Why don't you go sip on some milk while I clean up the mess here?"
—'''Magical Gunslinger's Diary''', Page 6
The past is naught but a graveyard of desire. The longing, the thirst, the want... It all leads to the present! Continue on this path to pave the way to the future!
Desires borne in our heart may not always come to fruition. But what of it! A thirst too easily quenched becomes a relic of the past! Continue longing for whatever it is you desire! For that is what will bring out your true potential!
Just as today's seeds are tomorrow's trees, today's children are tomorrow's heroes. Likewise, today's incantation is... Oh, it's just another ol' magic spell.
Ahh, good ol' Rivayle. I know she's got her share of crooks, and most people 'round these parts don't have a pot to piss in, but I love her just the same! And after I catch me some bandits, she'll be an even nicer lady than she already is! Alrighty, Maiser—get your hiney on patrol!
I get it. I truly do. The world don't change just 'cause you ask nicely. But I love the people of this city, no matter their lot in life. And that's why you're comin' with me—Accelerate!
The Titan of Order is true to his title. He's the heavy hand of the law, a fair tyrant that keeps the criminal element of Rivayle in check. Better to obey the Peacekeeper than be commanded by his words.
"Order, justice... Y'all see any of that 'round here? I suppose, given his proclivities, one might say he's a thrall to such lofty ideals. What he don't understand is this: the world would break itself if it knew it could make a dime."
Iceschillendrig, Gilded Autocrat
That thing in the periphery of my vision. Is it a light? A color? An afterimage? It matters not, for she will consummate me. Ah yes, I see it now—the truth of all magic.
Soiled Scrap of Paper
The light, color, and form remain vivid in my mind.
She filled every part of me—smashing me, thereby making me whole.
Soiled Scrap of Paper
Accelerate... Load...
Rapid Fire!
Peace, justice—those are just hollow words. Hollow words that the world had best never forget. For I am the law. And I shall not want for order in my jurisdiction. Now if you understand—silence thyself.


Hello there, friendly seafarers! Follow me and I'll guide you to the bluest of sparkling waters. I'm sure the beautiful sights will make this a voyage to remember!
Hello there, abominable seafarers! Follow me and I'll guide you to the darkest depths of the ocean. I'm sure the abysmal sights will make you regret your wicked ways!
Soo, in other words the client wants bolts that can be magically heated up? And they want them strong enough to withstand a dragon possibly stomping on them? Huh. Am... Am I really up for this?
—'''Reggie, Peerless Artisan's Blueprint No. 1'''
Ta-da! Behold my Flamebolts! They're made of an alloy I created from fire wyrm scales and dragonite! They react to magical energy by creating heat. Here, let me give you a demo for marketing purpo— Aiyeee!
Delivery No. 1 for Reggie, Peerless Artisan
Once upon a time, a very hungry dragon appeared before two rival villages. One village, seeking to wreak havoc on the other, tried to tame the dragon with pumpkins. But as it turned out, the dragon was a compassionate creature and went off with the pumpkins as a gift.
The delicious gift from the dragon brought peace to the villagers' hearts and soon, peace between the villages. And tonight, on the anniversary of that fateful day, we celebrate by exchanging fresh produce and clothing native to our respective lands.
Weather in the mountains is prone to sudden changes. This is especially true in mountains where dragons dwell.
Yes, red flames do burn hot. But can you guess what's even hotter? That's right! Blue flames! Now, let's see if you can stand the heat!
Red burns hot and blue burns even hotter. What would you get if you combined them? That's right! Violet flames! Now, let's see if there's anything left of you when I'm through!
Tools sharper and tougher than a dragon's claw? I see the utility in making them lightweight, but will they even work if they're that light? Hrngh? Who said anything about not being able to pull it off?!
—'''Reggie, Peerless Artisan's Blueprint No. 2'''
The blade's crafted from cloven azurewings and ornamented with cloud dragon motifs—my finest work yet. I call these tools Dragon Claws. Well, my work here is done. Still... What're you hoping to make with them?
Delivery No. 2 for Reggie, Peerless Artisan
We received the wisdom of the divine dragon. And at the same time, we lost the freedom to choose.
Blessed with purifying powers and unparalleled beauty... I am a gift to you all. You may sing songs of praise in my name... Eek?! Wh-why are you staring at me so boorishly?! Wh-wh-what is wrong with people these days?!
Your tears will make a delightful soup stock! You may donate them in the name of my new recipe! —Khaiza, Radical Gourmand
Your feathers will make stunning accessories! You may give them up in fashion's name! —Fashionista Nelcha
Fastenings and guards made from orpiment steel? The steel ore is made in a dragon's belly and can withstand heat and pressure. Most craftsfolk'll tell you it's impossible to work the metal—lucky for you, I'm not most craftsmen.
—'''Reggie, Peerless Artisan's Blueprint No. 3'''
It's been a good while since I've used my wrench for work like this. It truly was an honor. These Dragonscale Guards are pretty but tough. If you ever come this way again, let me know what you used them for.
Delivery No. 3 for Reggie, Peerless Artisan
Fish are attracted to the bobbing hook. They, on the other hand, are attracted to the shadow of bobbing boats.
'Tis a twisted abomination that roams the skies, devouring dragons as it goes. Its first victim swam through a sea of clouds and straight into the creature's maw. The beast sprouted four limbs and began shifting into something grotesque. —Abominations & Taboos, Law
It devoured a fire-breathing dragon; it now breathes fire. It devoured a wise dragon; it is now clever. It devoured a divine dragon; it obliterated an entire continent. Though its form shifts, its appetite remains as voracious as ever.
Abominations & Taboos, Folly
The Flamebolts in the rotating mechanisms make radiating heat possible. They hold together the Dragon Claws, effectively making nine tools into one. Finally, we have the Dragonscale Guards to reinforce it all. And that's how it's done! —Reggie, Peerless Artisan
I chased away some nasty dragons so the mines could open, ripped a gang of thieves a new one, and dug a well to get water to this parched land. But I'm good at more than just throwin' down. I'm gonna use this here tool to forge a bright future for us all!
There once was a noxious dragon who terrorized the land. To appease its bloodlust, the people offered sacrifices. Amid this grievous situation came a red-caped holy knight. He swore that the people would lose not a single treasure more to the dragon.
The knight effortlessly repelled the pernicious dragon's arsenal of attacks. With spear in hand, the knight chastised all in his path and struck down the dragon. The people were overjoyed and sang songs of praise to the great dragonslayer, Georgius.


Hatred is a form of love, don't you think? They're both powerful emotions directed at someone. Trying to distinguish one curse from another is kind of lame, in my opinion. By the way, there's a real cutie floating around your shoulder.
Grudges are extremely complicated things. It's hard to pin down the details, much less the emotions behind them. Hehe... When I die, you'll be the first to know.
Wood? Leather? Metal? No, no, no, those won't do! The discerning man only wears the latest fashions on the battlefield—and this season, it's all about head-to-toe bone!
There's nothing like vintage bones; they look better each time they're worn! When I die, I hope someone makes good use of my sturdy frame too!
Dreams have withered, warmth has fled; all that's left is a lone skeleton. The rhyme and reason of existence have fallen away with his flesh, yet he still digs at the river bottom—and at the bottomless fog of memories.
Tyneagh Mine Log, One XXXXXX: Beginnings
After days of fruitless scavenging in the sand, a missive comes on the wind. The skeleton throws away his meager grains of gold and mounts his trusty steed. A newly discovered gold mine awaits.
Tyneagh Mine Log, One XXXXXX: Beginnings
Don't try to pry money from the hands of the dead. The dead won't relinquish it and the money won't relinquish you.
The dead are attracted to shiny things and their greed overrules grudges or regrets. The skeleton melts into the crowd of corpses and allows himself to be ruled.
Tyneagh Mine Log, One Skeleton's XXXX: Next Steps
Countless corpses are worked beyond the bone and tossed aside by a greedy necromancer. Fueled by a more powerful desire, the skeleton escapes this fate. He heads deep into the mines, where noxious gases permeate the air. —Tyneagh Mine Log, One Skeleton's XXXX: Next Steps
These remnants of the unmourned are a hodgepodge of insecurities and brashness. At night, they crawl from their graves and run amok.
What makes the wraiths truly frightening is not their form or their voice, but the possibility that perhaps you too will share their fate after death.
Well now, this is a surprise. You're not breathing and your heart's not beating, so how come you're even louder than before?!
Arriving at last, the skeleton realizes that someone has beaten him there. Unaffected by the noxious fumes, the corpse sees the skeleton as a threat to its interests. Swinging its greatpick, it rushes at him.
Tyneagh Mine Log, One Skeleton's Dreams & XX: Upset
The moment the pick shatters his skull, memories come rushing back. The gritty taste of poverty. Dreams of gold spurring him from his hometown. His soul is set free and mingles with the magical and noxious fumes.
Tyneagh Mine Log, One Skeleton's Dreams & XX: Upset
Thoughts are souls without vessels. Damaged books are corpses of knowledge. And while there's nothing stopping a corpse from reanimating, they may also revive themselves via possession... Ah, I see. This is this essence of necromancy.
A library is a graveyard of knowledge and I am nothing more than a grave robber. Let us acknowledge shame and move beyond it, for life is a pale glimpse of a vibrant afterlife. Besides, the thirst for knowledge never dies and this is what I live for.
Telling the dead to "act their age" seems a little pointless.
"Hey, hey! The death of the party has arrived! Whaddaya think of my sweet decorating job?"
"Cease this foolishness! Can't you see you're destroying the aesthetic balance?!"
The skeleton who chased his dreams becomes a dream himself. Soul fused to the mines, he and its wealth are inseparable. Freed of his physical cage, his soul clings all the tighter to dreams of gold. —Tyneagh Mine Log, One Skeleton's Dreams & Failures: Endings
In a village far from the greed-haunted mines, a rumor is carried on the wind of a lone skeleton who never gave up his dreams of gold. Remember, dear dreamer: gold's only useful if you can spend it. —Tyneagh Mine Log, One Skeleton's Dreams & Failures: Endings
"Crouching corpse, lurching zombie! Hyaaaah!"
"Can you escape my ghostly grasp? OoooOOo."
"You'll never get past my wall of bandages."
"Invincible monster trio, assemble!"
"I'll leap up from my grave and hit 'em with my wandering soul palm!"
"We shun the sunlight and stubbornly cling to life..."
"Our bond is as tight as my bandages! It will never fray."
"We're the invincible monster trio!"
Let the parched earth teem with life and rejuvenation course through the land. All flows from the river and at its head is the deity of Duat. Love shall spill from her chalice and its grace shall bless the people.
Benevolent Aset, upon thy brow sits the sun disk and horns, the shining crown of Sirius. As water always flows from high to low, so do blessings flow from your throne to the people. And just as life and death course eternal, so too does your divine protection.


My supersonic attacks can rend darkness itself—but this is just child's play. You sure you don't need to stop me? To be fair, I guess you can't—you'd actually have to catch me first!
My supersonic attacks are now at full throttle! Couldn't stop me after all, huh? Not that I expected you to. If you had a hard time seeing me before, I'm practically invisible now!
Pain? What pain? I'm so pissed I forgot I'm even hurt! Oh, I'll cool down—after I punch a hole through your freaking face!
Reason? Hell if I know. I'm so mad I forgot why I'm mad! Maybe pounding your face in will jog my memory!
Oh, is this your first time at the casino? Welcome! I do hope you enjoy your stay. Will you bet on red or black first? Or will you risk it all on one number? Either way, I'll give you a tip: don't look away. Now, let's give the wheel a spin! —Diamond Casino, Topaz Floor
Your straight-up bet paid off. Good job on spotting my little trick, too! My gaze determines into which pocket the ball will fall. This time I cajoled it from one to ten. Yes, cajoled. Didn't you know the ball is alive?
Diamond Casino, Topaz Floor
»åÃØéá¤ÎÊü¼Í±¿Ì¿¤ÎÀÖ¤¤»å¡£·ë¤Ð¤ì¤ì¤Ð¡¢ÀÚ¤ì¤ë»ö¤Ï¤Ê¤¤¡£Once the red threads of fate are tied together, there's no undoing them.
Ah, so you're the standout rookie. You won on the Topaz Floor, did you not? Well, let's start with your come-out roll. Ah, but the rules here are a bit different: watch how your opponents handle themselves. Think you can win?
Diamond Casino, Sapphire Floor
Seven out! Congratulations. Your instinct is as sharp as your eyes. Just as a photographer calibrates their lenses, the player throwing the dice calibrates their throw. Getting the measure of it all is the key to victory.
Diamond Casino, Sapphire Floor
They know that fashion is about novelty. That's why their caps are frequently dyed—and only the freshest blood will do.
They know that fashion is about hype. That's why they share dyeing tips—and information on where to extract the brightest red.
You're going to die anyway—you may as well amuse me.
Bloodhungry Matriarch
Well, well, look what the catfish dragged in! Will you call the bet? Raise the stakes? We're all breathless with anticipation! Remember: the real trick isn't in the cards. Now, show us what you can do!
Diamond Casino, Ruby Floor
Fifth street! Oh, my. I do admire a player that can keep their cool! And you even realized the entire table was in on the trick! Gambling is all about teamwork; being psychic helps too!
Diamond Casino, Ruby Floor
Just as fools desire change, sinners desire transformation. Equilibrium is the true keeper of the peace. If you wish to open up new possibilities... then you must pay the price. Are you prepared? My twin blades of dark and light will test your resolve.
The world is a cradle, or a small box garden; merely a toy meant to lull us into a sense of peace. Yet those who came before spilled blood and shed tears to build it. If you would still forge ahead... then you must show me your resolve by overcoming this trial.
·ÀÌó¤ÎÈêʸ·ÀÌó¼Ô¤Î¿È¤¬¹ï¤Þ¤ì¤ë¤¿¤Ó¡¢ÈêÀФϿ·¤¿¤ÊÌóÄê¤ò¹ï¤à¡£For every wound borne, the agreement which binds the pactseeker and the epitaph grows stronger.
Ah, my fledgling star. Welcome. You have been selected as a candidate to become the newest casino manager! You just have to put it all on the line—position, wealth, life! Now the true gamble begins!
Diamond Casino, Diamond Floor
Hah! This gamble was not a test of your prowess! It was all lies! I let you win from the very start! Well, you wagered your life and now it's time to collect! Bon appetit!
Diamond Casino, Diamond Floor
The other half that I lost is restored. It doesn't change the fact that, in the end, I'm a pitiful demon. If you'll let me stay by your side, though... I'll help you in any way I can!
I'm imperfect, but your encouragement kept me going. I might not be worthy of you, even with both my wings. But... if you're okay with it, I'll stand by you until both wings are no more!
They pursue me relentlessly. They rack me and slice at my flesh. I desire naught but love and peace. I do not wish to fight. Devils, O foul devils, begone. Why will you not leave me be?
Without warning, they are racked and sliced; there is no time to wail or gnash teeth. Their tormentor calls them devils while begging for mercy; all the while his hands are never idle. He is the devil, a diseased soul trapped in a victimhood of his own making.


The stones are giving off a foreboding aura. Enemies must be approaching. This calls for a magical transformation!
I am Holy Gem, stalwart envoy of the gods! You evildoers will know justice! Get ready for the cleansing of a lifetime!
I don't know how this armor works, but having it on is so invigorating! I could fight for days!
Holy Armor Chronicles, Day One
We must not falter, everyone. As long as there are lives depending on our protection, we must fight till our hearts stop beating.
Holy Armor Chronicles, Day Seven
It was my fault for looking away... I value my black, roly-poly puppy more than I value my own life. Please, O Lord, won't you help me find him?
Eidos Church Confessional 1
We're looking for a black puppy that's been missing for two days. Dispatch our eagles to assist with the search. Meanwhile, I will pray that it survives the savage wilds.
Anvelt, Eidos Church Minister
¥«¥¤¥ó¥É¥Ö¥é¥¤¥È¿®¶Ä¿´¤Î̵ͭ¤³¤½¤¬¡¢Á±¤È°­¤È¤òʬ¤«¤Ä¤â¤Î¡£It is the presence of faith that separates good from evil.
I must confess my hate for that man. No thanks to him and his hired goons, I hardly see any more customers in the shop. Ah, please forgive my worldliness and avarice...
Eidos Church Confessional 2
We're looking for a band of would-be thugs and their employer, likely drifters. They've been robbing the church of potential donations... Brand them with the mark of the church as punishment.
Anvelt, Eidos Church Minister
An anthropomorphic god with a jackal face who governs protection and blessings. He grants his favor to devout merchants and watches over them.
A mysterious man wearing a jackal mask has been putting the hurt on outlaws. Partly due to his superhuman speed, no one has gotten a clear look at his face. Outlaws have begun banding together in pursuit.
À¶¤­Å¾ÊÑ¥â¥Î¤Ë¤Ê¤ì¤Ð¤â¤¦¶ì¤·¤Þ¤Ê¤¤¡£¿À¤Ï̯°Æ¤Î²¸Ãþ¤òÍ¿¤¨¤¿¡£"Lose your humanity to end your suffering."
The gods have come to me with a most unusual proposal.
I was duped into giving up our private vineyard. Perhaps it was a message from God, as I'm not exactly getting any younger. But I can't hold back the tears when I think on the times my late husband and I spent building it together... —Eidos Church Confessional 3
We're looking for a mafia family's top brass and a stolen deed to a parcel of land. Because a member of the church was lost, the sheriff's department will be assisting us. Details are in the letter... May God be with us.
Anvelt, Eidos Church Minister
Relish the pain you are about to feel. Punishment must come before absolution. Embrace the fire and brimstone, and you may be pure once more!
Allow me to assist in your torture. Embrace the mortal agony, and a tidal calm shall wash over you. If a vision of the Almighty should flash before your eyes, that means your absolution is complete.
À¶¾ô¤ÎÎΰè¿À¤ò°¦¤¹¤ë¸Ê¤ò°¦¤»¤è¡£»ü°¦¤È¤Ï¡¢Â¨¤Á¼«°¦¤Ç¤¢¤ë¡£Love yourself as you love God. Compassion must start with oneself.
"Gods, shadowed are thy names, but we are thankful for thy bread and thy blessing." All right, that's enough prayin'—time to dig in. Now, I know Rivayle's a big, stinkin' pit, but you gotta walk above it all. Stay on the high road, and one day, you just might reach the gods.
"Gods, shadowed are thy names, but the world teems with wickedness." You sinned, friend, and now you gotta pay penance. What's that? You're scared of dyin'? Oh, you wanna try beggin' for mercy now? Well, beg louder—maybe the gods'll hear you.
They burned down the houses and dragged around the elderly. They shot down innocent bystanders as if the village were a shooting range. I ask you, God, to rain divine judgment upon them. Perhaps then my daughter will know peace... —Eidos Church Confessional 4
The oppressed cry out for justice. As God's instruments of divine judgment, we shall answer the call. Train yourselves and prep your cannons. We must be ready to act when their cries crescendo into a eulogy for the heavens. —'''Anvelt, Judgment's Cannon'''
My divine protection is on a whole nother level, so I hope you're ready for this! One flick of the wrist and I could end up piercing whole rows of baddies. Okay, here goes—don't blink!
Is my divine grace something else or what? I was born with so much of it! I aim to make use of my God-given gift by punishing evildoers. Here, I'll show you how I get the job done!
Ignite... Load...
Haven Fire!


You can't see the string, can you? I call it Stealth Yo-yo—a fun little trick I just happen to know. People see these things as children's toys, but if you know what you're doing, they can be so much more.
Toys are never just toys. Take the time to tinker with 'em and really figure 'em out, and you open up a whole new world. 'Course there's always room for improvement; that's why I never rest on my laurels. Check out my ultimate technique: Beam Nest!
You there! Do you know how expensive making puppets can be? But then I had a brain wave one day—as long my puppets can pass for puppets, it doesn't matter what I use to make them!
I wrap some yarn round and round long enough, and I've got myself a puppet! How about that? Just think of the savings on fabric! Only problem is... now they've raised the price on yarn!
Quick enough to bypass the threat of wandering Wretches, magitrains propel the hopes of desperate riders across the desolate wasteland. Their development is key in the settling of new frontiers.
Magitrains for Nimwits, Page 1
Where did you come from? And where are you going? If you want to travel across the land—and avoid death by wretched claws in the process—there's only one method of transport for you: the magitrain.
Magitrains for Nimwits, Page 2
µ¡´ï¤Ë¤è¤ëÀ߷׿ͼêÉÔ­¤Ï²áµî¤Î¤³¤È¡£Lack of manpower's a thing of the past.
My insignificant life in this tiny capsule... how meaningless. Interfacing with the system only makes me envious of how free other life-forms are. But none of this matters. I'll probably fade out of existence soon enough anyway.
I'm more than just a tiny existence in this miniature capsule! It matters how I feel and what I want to do! And I... I want to get to know you all better! To become friends!
As the trains race across the country, these lupine mechanisms can be seen loitering near the tracks. They maintain the integrity of the rails twenty-four hours a day. It's thanks to their support that transportation is reliable.
Magitrains for Nimwits, Page 3
Many trains are equipped with sleeping cars to make your journey more comfortable. Open the window, and the night sky will accompany you on your ride. By the time you wake up, we'll have arrived at your destination.
Magitrains for Nimwits, Page 4
One person's trash is another person's treasure—an adage that's oh-so-true for puppeteers.
You think you can just climb out of hell? Unfortunately, your misdeeds have finally caught up to you. Give it up. Stop resisting and let me do my job.
I was created to serve the darkness, in opposition to the light. Though I bring chaos to the world, there is something else that takes precedence. Master, Master. Use me as your sword...
Magitrains are well-equipped to meet safety needs. They feature engineers with certain augmentations that truly connect them to their work. This allows magitrains to blast past any would-be wasteland bandits.
Magitrains for Nimwits, Page 5
The steam whistle blows; passengers look up from their magazines. An arrival message plays over the intercom, and the train comes to a halt. With souvenirs in hand, the passengers disembark and reunite with their families on the platform. It's what makes our work worth it.
Not content with either light or darkness, you now desire both? Splendid! Most splendid!
They said I was a fiend... They said they'd send me back to hell, then they filled me with bullets. And when I rose from the dead, they didn't call it a miracle... but a curse. Tell me... just what am I?
When I am shot, it hurts. But when those I love are killed... it feels like getting shot a thousand times over. Yet, you won't put down your weapon. Why? Is it because we look different from you, think different from you? Well, the way you think... it makes my blood run cold.
The Titan of Prosperity is true to his title. He's the de facto ruler of Rivayle, a man of commerce whose mastery of the railways ensures his dominance. Better to obey the Gilded Autocrat than suffer his ghastly audit.
"That pissy sonuvagun's touch is spread throughout Rivayle, so of course he rules the roost. One word from him and the poor get fed dust while the rich get fat off lies. In my opinion, sugar, that's the cruelest witchery of all." —Nahtnaught, Cursed Queen
The people have chosen to open the floodgates of discovery, turning their backs away from this paradise. I must deter them from this foolishness and see that they have a change of heart.
Only despair lies beyond the locked door. Though many wish to pass through, the scales of balance will not suffer a new world. Those intent on pursuing this path should ready themselves for condemnation by my hand.
Dear me, these iron horses are near perfect for life in the wild lands. Oh, thank the heavens for Lord Iceschillendrig.
Syndicate Employee
Seat reservation is very simple. The quality of your seat, the speed of your car are determined by your intrinsic value. Your intrinsic value to me.
There are proper ways to doin' things—precepts which must never be broken. But here you've gone, like some common ingrate, and broken the most important one: never piss me off. That'll be 100,000 gold, the full value of which I will receive immediately.
What is this pain which grips my chest? Is it anger? Confusion? Are... are you my prey? Why can't I remember?



