
インペリアルマンモス巨獣が一歩踏み出すと、百の兵が吹き飛んだ。When the great beast took its first step, a hundred soldiers were dispersed like leaves in the wind.
巨獣が二歩目を踏み出すと、千の兵が逃げ出した。When the great beast took its second step, a thousand soldiers were scattered like startled birds.
レイジングエティン月夜に跋扈する双頭の巨人。鋼の如き肉体は、刃を折り矢を弾く。The twin-headed giant runs rampant under the moonlit sky. Blades shatter against its steel-like hide, and arrows bounce harmlessly into the dirt.
鋼の上に鋼を纏い、双頭の巨人は夜を闊歩する。返り血に染まった鎧が、月夜に妖しく煌いた。Clad in armor of steel, the twin-headed giant stalks the night. Its blood-stained armor gleams with a dark promise beneath the moon.
死の舞踏その舞踏に喝采は上がらない。There is no applause for the dance of death.
魔術書の解読魔術を修める近道は、魔術書を読み、知識を得ることです!Sure there's a shortcut to learning the magical arts! Read tons of spell books to pick up knowledge!
ユニコーンの踊り手・ユニコユニコの踊りを見てください!きっときっと、元気になりますから!Check out my dance! It'll make you smile!
ユニコ、踊るのがだーいすきなんです!あなたもユニコと一緒に踊りませんか?Dancing is my life! Come on! Dance with me!
ハンプティダンプティどうじゃ、ワシってダンディじゃろ。…え、美味しそうだって?…むむむ!These duds are slick! Huh? You're looking mighty hungry...
わはは!これでもワシをバカにできるか?ワシの光にぴかーっと包まれるのじゃ!Ha-ha! Look who's laughing now. Have a taste of my searing light, pal!
烈火の魔弾我が魔弾…受けてみますか?Let's see if you're still standing after a taste of this.
アークエンジェル・レイナ更なる高みを目指す貴方に、私から特別なチカラを授けます!さぁ…受け取って下さい!If you seek new heights, I can help. Embrace my power, and become who you were meant to be!
私のチカラが、貴方を更なる高みへと導きます!さぁ、参りましょう!私たちの勝利を信じて!With my power guiding you to new heights, our victory is all but assured. I know you can do it!
忌むべき悪魔の像選ばれし双勇がその力を示せし時、大いなる魔像は覚醒する。Only when the chosen pair demonstrates true power does the great demonic simulacrum awaken at last.
新たなる力、新たなる姿を求めし者にのみ、大いなる魔像は力を貸すだろう。The demonic simulacrum shares its power only with those who seek new strength and the form to go with it.
ダークエンジェル・オリヴィエ混沌の地に舞い降りた、新たなる同胞を歓迎しよう…。我ら一族が神を討つために、貴公の戦果を期待しているぞ!I welcome you, my new brethren in a world of chaos! Our clan's victories on the battlefield will surely be a blow to the gods.
闘いの中に生きる、新たなる同胞たちよ…。闘争の果て、遥か地平に待つ新たなる世界を求めて…今こそ旅立つがいい!Today, my new brethren, we embark on a journey that will start with bloodshed but will one day lead us to a new world!
オーディン神々の頂点に立ち、戦を司る軍神。アースガルズの宮殿から世界の全てを手中に収めることを望んだ。Odin, the greatest of the gods, presided over matters of battle. From his lofty palace in Asgard, he sought to conquer the world.
神々の頂点に立ち、戦を司る隻眼の軍神。神々の黄昏を迎え、黒光る甲冑と神槍を手に決戦の地ヴィクトリドに挑む。As the twilight begins to fall for the gods, their one-eyed father fought in the battle at Vigrid, clad in jet black armor and armed with a peerless spear.


パフュームドワーフこの匂い、かいでみて下さいよ!どうです、いい匂いでしょ?…あれ、そうでもない?Hey, have a whiff of this! A marvelous aroma, isn't it? Hey... What's with the sour face?
むぅ…次こそステキな香りを生み出してみせますよ!まずはドワーフの汗を入れてぇ…それから蝙蝠の血を…。The next batch will smell stupendous! First comes the dash of dwarf's sweat, and then the dollop of bat's blood...
エルフバードその詩に引き寄せられて、妖精たちが現れる。Fairies flutter into the grove, attracted by the bard's song.
その詩に惹きつけられて、妖精たちが踊り出す。Fairies begin to dance, enraptured by the bard's song.
癒しのエルフ大変…!しっかりして!すぐに助けてあげるから、もう少しだけ頑張って!Oh no! Snap out of it! I'll give you the help you need, so hold on just a little more.
この癒やしの泉の水を体に浴びて!そうすればきっと、あなたのケガも治るから!Here, let me sprinkle this spring water on you. Soon your wounds will heal!
森隠れの獣人木を隠すなら森の中!アタシのこと、見つけられるかなー?Try as you might, you'll never find me. The brush is best for hiding!
隠れてこっそり、ガォー!えっへへ、どう?びっくりしたでしょ?First I hide in the underbrush, nice and sneaky... And then I pounce! Pretty terrifying, right?
深緑の守護者平穏を望み、深緑を護る者。優しく、暖かき言葉にて、森の民を導くという。A forest guardian who yearns for peace and guides the forest denizens with a warm, gentle voice.
安寧を望み、深緑を護る者。森に害為す者あれば、森護る友と共に迎え撃つ。A forest protector who cooperates with allies to drive away any threats to the forest and preserve the peace.
翅の輝き森で道に迷った時には、まずは目を凝らしてみることだ。小さくも優しい森の民らが、きらきらと輝いているはずだから。If you ever get lost in the forest, open your eyes and just look. You're sure to see the gentle little forest dwellers glittering in the shade.
千年妖狐・ユエル永き時を生きる妖狐。囚われし友を救うべく、紅蓮の狐火を操り闇を浄化する。憤激の炎は誰も逃さなかった。Driven to free her captured ally, Yuel commanded will-o'-wisps to banish the darkness. No foe could escape her fiery wrath.
友を救うべく、闇の中で狐火を躍らせる。灼熱の炎は襲い来る敵を裁き、その紅蓮は闇を隅々まで照らしだした。In the darkness Yuel's flames dance, warding away the evil that threatens to overtake her companion. The embers flicker, each capable of incinerating an entire forest.
太古の森神太古の昔、自然は世界の全てだった。しかし知恵ある者らが自然を切り拓き、自然を侵した。Once, long ago, the world was nothing but nature. But then the defilers came, armed with their infernal knowledge, and nature wilted before them.
太古の神は森の中心で咆哮をあげる。自然に害為す者らを消し去り、世界を元の姿に還すため。From the heart of the forest, the Master of the Canopies bellows his rage. He goes forth to annihilate the defilers, and to restore the world to its former pristine state.
エルフキング・ヴァルト我らが森のため、今こそ立ち上がるのだ!森の民よ、私に力を貸してくれ!We go forth now to destroy those who would see our forest burn! Dwellers of the forest, lend me your strength!
たとえ窮地に立たされようとも、希望は必ず芽吹くだろう!森の民よ、希望のために戦うのだ!No matter how infertile the soil, hope is a plant that always finds a way to sprout! Today, dwellers of the forest, we fight for hope!
エルフの弓術護るべき者の数だけ、矢をつがえる。There's an arrow to protect each person in need.
エルフナイト・シンシア森の平和を守るのが、護衛騎士たる私の役目。私は王の剣であり盾…全ては我が主のため、騎士シンシア、推して参ります。The woods must be protected. I am both the sword and shield of the king, and it is in his name that I now act.
森の精よ…我が呼びかけに応えなさい。汝らもまた、我が主の剣であり盾…。輝けるその翅で、勝利への道を照らすのです!Hear me, dryads, for you are the swords and shields of our king as well. May your shimmering wings light the path to victory!
グランドアーチャー・セルウィン悪いが…これが俺の役目なんでな。さぁ、大人しくして貰おうか。It's nothin' personal. I'm just doin' my job. Now hold still.
既に狙いは定めているぞ。お前の命運、ここに尽きたな。My arrow's aimed right at you, so you're as good as dead.
エルフの少女・リザ私、森のみんなの助けになりたいんだ。だって私、この森がだーいすきだから!I love this forest, and I want to help all my friends there!
だいすきな物のためなら、いくらでも頑張れちゃうんだ!だからみんな、もっと私に頼ってね!You can count on me! I'd do anything to help out my friends and forest!
クリスタリアプリンセス・ティア氷に閉ざされた城の最奥に住む、氷晶族の姫。人と神の間に立ち、氷晶の輝きを見守っている。Deep within a castle encased in ice resides the princess of crystals. There, between the worlds of gods and men, she watches over the ice crystals' shine.
永き時を生きる、氷晶族の姫。彼女が持つ歴史と記憶の全ては、氷晶の中に記録されている。Long lived is the princess of crystals, her every memory forever captured in a crystal of ice.
クリスタリア・イヴ氷晶宮に立ち入りし者よ。我らが姫に仇為すのならば、容赦はせんぞ。Heed my warning, trespasser. We have no mercy for those who threaten the princess.
黙って立ち去るのならば、それでよし。刃向うのならば…貴様に氷結の洗礼をくれてやろう。If you turn back now, I can promise your safety. If you draw your blade, I can only promise an icy grave.


スウィフトペネトレーター音も無く貫いてやろう。我が剣こそが貴様の墓標だ。Silently I'll strike, and my blade will be your grave marker.
音も無く貫いてやろう。貴様への手向け…我が剣だけで十分だ。You'll never hear me coming. An attack from me is a better going away present than you deserve.
勇敢なる旗手勇敢なる戦士たちよ!我が旗の下に集うがいい!Fearless warriors! Rally to my flag!
勇猛果敢なる戦士たちよ!我が旗と共に突き進むがいい!Come to me, my brothers and sisters! Under my flag, we march onward to glory!
アサルトコマンダーこの戦の果てには、輝ける勝利が待つ!故に進め!ただ前だけを見て!Glorious victory awaits us at the end of this battle. But to get there we must advance! Advance!
この戦の果てに、安寧の日々があると信じて!進軍せよ!振り返ることなく!If we prevail here, trust that peace will come. So advance, and never look back!
アドバンスブレーダー先陣は私が切り拓く!皆、我が後に続け!Time to open a way! Stay right behind me, everyone!
この大剣の冴えを見よ!我が前に立つのならば、覚悟することだな!Your armor can't stop this sword! Consider yourself warned if you'd stand in my way!
ミラージュディフェンサー私は王国の番人。悪しき者よ…この城門に立ち入る事は許さんぞ!I take pride in guarding my kingdom, and, as long as I stand, none shall pass through this gate!
敵軍の攻撃が止んだ、今が好機!皆の者、準備は良いか!今こそ反撃の時だ!Their attack has faltered. Now's our chance! Steel your hearts, for now we strike back!
師の教え愛しき我が子よ。お前に、この過酷なる世界を生き抜く強さを。そして、あらゆる過酷から仲間を護る、優しさを…。My precious child. May you always have both the strength to survive in this cruel world and the kindness to protect your allies from its evils.
ガンナーメイド・セリエ私の仕事は姫様のお側にいること!旅に出てしまった姫様を放ってはおけないわ!My job's to stay at your side, Princess. I can't very well let you travel on your own!
姫様、きっと困っているはずよ。…私、姫様の元へ行くわ!この銃で、姫様をお守りしてみせる!Something tells me that she's in trouble. I'm on my way, Princess. Me and my rifle can keep you safe!
冷酷なる暗殺者命じて下さるのなら、迅速にお応え致しましょう…。Just give the order, and the target will be disposed of immediately.
いつの世も、汚れ役は必要とされるもの。いいですわ…血を浴びるのは嫌いではないですから。There's always dirty work to do. Luckily, I don't mind getting a little blood on my hands.
コウガクノイチ我が術、我が技、見切れるか?見切れぬのなら、死あるのみだ。If you can't evade my attacks, death is all that's left for you.
我が分身は、影であり影にあらず。この双刃にて、今宵に紅を添えようぞ。My bunshin clone is like a shadow, but the pain it inflicts is very real. I'll paint the night red with these twin blades.
渾身の一振り我が一刀で、戦場を斬り拓く!I'll rend the field asunder with a single swing!
ホワイトパラディン聖堂騎士は、神に仕えし聖女を護るのが役目。聖女に危機あらば、我らは剣を持ちて参じよう。As white paladins, we have sworn an oath to serve the gods and protect the mistress. We shall answer any threats to her with our steel.
我らが居る限り、聖女には一片の汚れも与えない。この命に代えても、聖女を護り抜くと誓おう。As long as we stand, none shall touch the mistress. We shall defend her to the last, with our lives if necessary.
レオニダス王の役目は、生きて功績を残すだけにあらず。死してなお兵を鼓舞してこそ、真なる王なり。A true king is not measured by his achievements in life but rather by his ability to inspire his soldiers in death.
槍が折れれば剣で、剣が折れればその拳で。万軍を蹴散らし、王は吼える。例えその身が果てたとしても、彼の雄姿は語り継がれる。He fought with his spear until it snapped, his sword until it shattered, and finally with his fists. The king bellowed as he scattered legions. Even if he'd fallen, his people would have spoken of him long after his death.
盗賊の極意息を殺し、気配を殺し、獲物を殺す。Hold your breath, still your body, and take your prey.
アレキサンダー広き大陸を手中に収めるべく起った、野心を持つ青年王。常人には扱えぬ竜を軍馬代わりとし、戦車を牽かせた。The ambitious young Alexander rose up to conquer a vast continent. In place of war horses, dragons of exceptional cunning pulled his mighty chariot.
王の軍勢は大陸を進軍し、その広大な領土を持つ国は《帝国》と呼ばれ、彼は唯一の《征覇王》と呼ばれた。The king's army marched across the continent to consolidate an empire stretching from ocean to ocean. Alexander alone would sit on its great throne.
シールドガーディアン降り注ぐ矢は、この重厚なる盾で全て跳ね除けてやろう!With this slab of shield, arrows will never reach me!
鍛えられし我が身とこの盾で魔弾を防ぎきってやろう!My brawn and my shield stop magic cold!
レオニダスの遺志そして兵は聞くだろう。今は亡き王の号令を。The great king has fallen. And yet his army continues marching to the cadence of his commands.


水晶の魔撃手未知に挑みし者にのみ、その水晶は力を与える。The crystals lend their strength only to those bold enough to face the unknown.
貪欲に学び、貪欲に求めよ。さすれば水晶は輝くだろう。The crystals glitter for those on a relentless quest for knowledge.
ベビーウィッチ・エミルアタシが考えた魔法、試してみないっ?この間はちょっと失敗したけど、今度は大丈夫だと思うから!おねがいっ☆You gotta try out this new spell I invented! It wasn't working the other day, but this time'll be the charm. I promise!
アタシが考えた魔法、試してみないっ?この間やっと成功したんだ!だから安心しててね!それじゃ、いっくよー☆You gotta try out this new spell I invented! I just got it to work the other day, so you have nothing to worry about! Okay, let's do this!
グランドガーゴイル魔術教会に鎮座する、有翼の獣像。その体の一片に到るまで、強い魔力で満ちている。An almost palpable magic infuses the winged gargoyle enshrined at the temple.
魔術教会に鎮座する、有翼の獣像。外敵が現れた時、秘められし魔力が解放される。A vigilant winged gargoyle watches over the church. Its hidden magic is unleashed at the first sign of intruders.
くず鉄の練成あり合わせだけど、ないよりましでしょ!Sure it's thrown together, but it's better than nothing!
炎熱の術式知恵無き獣は炎を畏れる。知恵有る魔術師は炎を操る。The flames are a threat to thoughtless beasts but a weapon for thoughtful wizards.
魔女の雷撃痺れるくらいじゃすまないかもね?This is sure gonna sting.
デュアルウィッチ・レミラミ私の中にはもう一人の私がいるの。すっごく怖い私が。…だから、酷いことしないでね?There's another girl who lives within me. She scares me. Please don't do anything to wake her.
アタシとレミを傷付けるヤツは、神様だって許しゃしない!アタシの可愛いオモチャたち…この旋律で踊りなさい!I'd never let the gods lay a hand on Remi or me. Now, my toys, dance to my melody. Dance!
シャドウウィッチあなたって醜いわ…。その姿の方がお似合いよ。You're repulsive! This new form suits you better.
やっぱりあなたは醜いわ…。そのまま消え去ってもらえるかしら?You're just so repulsive! I'll do us both a favor and put you out of your misery.
連続実験質より量!なーんてね!Quantity over quality! Am I right or am I right?
氷像の召喚意思持たぬ氷塊に、一夜限りの命が宿る。This soulless creature of ice has just enough life within it to last one night.
古き魔術師・レヴィホッホッホ…お若いのよ、ワシがただの老いぼれに見えるか?アヒャヒャ!その通りじゃよ!ワシは年老いた、しがない魔法使いじゃ!Think I'm an old fool, you little whippersnapper? Well, you're right... I'm an ancient mage, and miserable to boot!
ふむ…老いぼれにはこれが限界かのぉ。じゃが、逝く前に、ちとカッコつけていかんとな。…ハァッ!我が敵よ、去ね!I guess I'm getting a little too old for this, but I can at least go out with a bang. Ahem... Brace yourselves, villains!
白霜の風魔女の吐息が吹雪となった。The witch's breath coalesced into a bitter snowstorm.
破砕の禁呪連なり、重なる万軍の雄叫びに、魔術師は呟きだけを返した。Though the armored horde bellowed, the wizard needed only to murmur.
太陽の巫女・パメラアタシの舞でアンタの背中を押してあげる!だからバッチリ勝ちなさいよねっ!If you're looking for some motivation, check out my dance! Of course, now that you've seen it, you better win!
しょーもない敵なんかボッコボコにしてやんなさい!…え?口が悪い?…ごめんなさーい。If any fools give you lip, give 'em a beatdown! What? You think I should watch my mouth? Well, I suppose you might be right.
紅蓮の魔術怒ると火を噴くのは、竜だけじゃないのさ。Dragons aren't the only ones who breathe fire when they're angry.
ジャンクゴーレム掻き集められたくず鉄が、体を軋ませ動き出す。This haphazard pile of scrap metal moves with an ominous screech.
掻き集められたくず鉄が、主の敵を打ち倒す。This mountain of scrap metal slays the foes of its master.
フリーズゴーレムひとときの夢に似た、儚き命。しかし、その体は夢よりも鉄よりも強固である。The golem's life is fleeting, like a glimpse of a dream. But its body is more unyielding than any steel or midnight reverie.
ひとときの夢に似た、儚き命。いつか熔け行くその時まで、主のことを護り抜く。The golem's life is but a passing dream. It briefly defends its master and then melts into nothing.


鉄鱗の竜人竜の鱗は、あらゆる刀剣を弾く硬さと…あらゆる刀剣を凌ぐ切れ味を持つ。The scales of the dragon are hard enough to deflect any sword and sharper than any blade.
竜の鱗は、己が身を護る鎧であり…己が敵を倒すための刃でもある。The dragon's scales serve as both armor to protect the beast and blades to cut down foes.
ムシュフシュ同胞の怒りに呼応して、悪しき蛇竜は吼え猛る。Incited by its allies' fury, the foul serpentine dragon roars with animosity.
同胞の怒りに連なって、悪しき邪竜は暴れ狂う。Goaded on by the fury of its allies, the serpentine dragon loses itself in its rage.
荒牙の竜少女暴れられればいいやってのがアタシのモットーだけど…たまには真面目に働こうかな。I mostly just rage, but a hard day's work couldn't hurt either.
頭使うのってやっぱ苦手。それじゃ、得意なことしよっかな。やっぱりアタシに向いてるのはこっちだよね!I'm a punch first, think later kind of girl, which is really too bad for you!
アイランドホエール無人の島を背負い海を往き続ける巨鯨。かつて海神の棲む島であった巨鯨の背には今、海風のみが漂い続けている。A tireless whale with a deserted island on its back. The island, once inhabited by a sea god, is now visited only by the ocean breeze.
主を亡くした島を背負う巨鯨は、時折飛沫を上げて大きく跳ねる。今は亡き友を呼ぶ声を、遠くに響かせながら。The whale, now carrying an island without a master, occasionally leaps from the sea, shaking the distant waves with its cries for its fallen friend.
クイーンサーペント荒ぶる波、渦巻く水流。深き海の底より、猛き海竜とその眷属が現れた。The fierce sea serpent and her kin emerged from the depths of the ocean, cutting through the turbulent waves and swirling currents.
海を覆うかの如き巨躯が揺れ、巨大な波が引き起こされる。海竜の領域に近付きし者は、等しく海の藻屑と消えるだろう。The sea serpent sways her vast body, kicking up waves that block the sun. To approach her watery domain means a one-way trip to the depths.
竜の知恵竜は価値無き物を認めない。Dragons have no use for the worthless.
変異の巨竜呼び覚ませ。汝が内に潜む野性を。研ぎ澄ませ。汝が内に眠る牙を。Awaken the savagery hidden within you, and sharpen the fangs that sleep there.
吼えよ。汝が思うまま、望むままに。飢えよ。汝が求める物、全てを喰らえ。Howl with the ferocity you once suppressed, and feast on all that you crave!
ジークフリートかの歌曰く、その者、万夫不当の英傑。ニーベルンゲン族の聖剣、バルムンクを携え、大いなる邪竜に挑む。A certain poem describes him as a mighty warrior who could take on legions. Armed with the Nibelung holy sword Balmung, he faced a great dragon.
かの歌曰く、その者、竜殺しの英雄。死闘の末、大いなる邪竜を打ち倒し、その武功を世に知らしめた。A certain poem calls him a dragon slayer. After a desperate struggle, he vanquished the great serpent, and was soon famous for his exploits.
ノクシャスロアードラゴン砂の渦巻く廃墟に棲む暴竜。その口からは炎も光線も発せられることはない。禍々しき咆哮のみが、暴竜の武器だ。A vicious dragon that resides in sand-choked ruins. No flames or rays of light spew forth from the creature's maw. Instead, the beast attacks with only an ominous roar.
徐々に侵略を進め、暴竜は遂に人里へと行きついた。響き渡った無慈悲なる咆哮で、街は一瞬で滅びた。The dragon relentlessly advanced across the countryside, obliterating with a cruel roar the settlements it passed.
ドラゴニュートフィストはぁ、また雑魚の相手?Great, more cannon fodder.
ネプチューン海の楽園を見守る、麗しき女神。新たな海の命を導くべく、神獣を従えて海域を跨ぐ。A beautiful goddess who watches over the paradise of the deep. She guides the noble sea beasts and their progeny through the depths.
海の楽園を統べる、麗しき女神。全ての海獣は女神を海の皇姫として敬い、母のように慕った。A lovely goddess who rules the paradise of the deep. The sea creatures great and small sing of her as their queen, and love her as their mother.
連なる咆哮重なり合う咆哮が、天地を震わせる。The cacophony of roars shakes the heavens and the earth.
竜巫女の儀式捧げるのだ。汝が力を求めるならば。If you seek power, then worship the dragon.
竜呼びの笛竜を呼び寄せる、大いなる旋律。A melody to summon dragons from the ends of the world.
オルカ大いなる存在に付き従う海獣。柔らかなる体躯に、硬質の牙を隠し持つ。A sea beast that does the bidding of larger creatures. Though its body is soft, its fangs are hard.
大いなる存在と共に生きる海獣。柔らかなる体躯をくねらせ、獲物目掛けて駆け抜ける。A sea beast that lives in harmony with larger creatures. It nimbly maneuvers its soft body to swim circles around its prey.
ヘルフレイムドラゴン赤き竜は空を翔ける。The red dragon soars in the sky.
赤き竜は怒号を放つ。The red dragon unleashes a bellow of fury.


ダークコンジュラー君は禁忌の先を求めるんだね?そのお手伝い、してあげようかな♪So, you want to go beyond taboos? I'd love to help you out with that.
君は禁忌の先を求めるんだね?だったらもっと殺さないと!この夜を血に染めないと!So, you want to go beyond taboos? Then you need to kill! To drown the night in blood!
死を追う者死を追う者は、死につきまとわれる。そしていつか、その身さえ滅ぼす。Those who chase death are in turn haunted by it. And their bodies eventually succumb to decay.
死を追う者は、死につきまとわれる。だけど…滅ぶと分かっていても、求めずにはいられないの。Those who chase death are in turn haunted by it. But not even the prospect of decay could ever deter me.
マリスゴースト悪意と殺意を呼び覚ます、憎悪と狂気の化身。An incarnation of hatred and madness that awakens malice and bloodlust.
意思持たぬ、憎悪と狂気の化身。それに憑りつかれた者は、悪意と殺意を駆りたてられる。An epitome of loathing and insanity that is devoid of will. To be possessed by it is to be ruled by malice and bloodlust.
デストロイヤーズコマンダー黄昏を守護せし、無貌の怪異。数多の死を喰らい、その身を肥ゆらせる。A faceless apparition that commands the twilight. It feasts on death to gain strength.
黄昏を守護せし、無貌の怪異。無情の鎌にて命を刻み、冥府の底を肥ゆらせる。A savage phantom that commands the twilight. It reaps souls with its cruel scythe to increase the stores of the underworld.
スパルトイソルジャーその戦士、死してもなお王墓を護る。A soldier who guards the royal tombs even after death.
その戦士、肉を失えど誇りは失わず、その役目を果たし続ける。The soldier continues to hold his post, stripped of flesh but not pride.
死の一閃あなたの命、刈り取ってあげる。I'll reap your little soul.
カローン冥界の河は死者しか渡れないのです。ここから先は通れませんよ?Only the dead can cross the River Styx. You can't go any further.
うふふ、どうしても通りたいんですね?仕方ないですね…それじゃ、死んでもらいましょうか♪You really want to cross, don't you? Since you're so eager, I suppose I'll help you die.
アンドラス其は静かな帳の体現。喚声に応え地に降りては、憐れなる者に必滅を与える。Andras is an embodiment of silence. When he appears in our world, drawn by screams, he brings death to those unlucky enough to be caught in his path.
其は冷たき闇の遣い。憐れなる命を冷刃で凍てつかせ、永遠に残る彫像とする。Andras is a harbinger of the icy darkness. All touched by his blade of frost are doomed to spend eternity as statues.
ボーンキマイラ死者の骨を二人分。獣の魂を二つ分。生まれ出でしは、凶暴なる骨の合成獣。The bones of two corpses and the souls of two beasts... Add a little dark magic and you have a brutal chimera.
死者の骨を二人分。獣の魂を二つ分。断ち、砕けども、形を変えて蘇る。The bones of two corpses and the souls of two beasts... No matter how many times it's cut down or shattered, this bizarre fusion shudders back to life in a new form.
死者の帰還あぁ、死んだ死んだ。それではまた戦おう。Oops, guess they died. Let the next battle begin!
ケリドウェンウフフフ…生も死も、美も醜も、全ては私の思うがまま。ぜぇんぶ私の物なのよ!Life and death, beauty and ugliness... I control them all. They all belong to me!
私は私のためだけに生きる。私以外の全ては、私の奴隷に過ぎないわ!フフフ…さぁ、あなたも私の物になりなさい?I'm the only one who matters. All others are nothing more than my thralls... And you'll soon be just one more of my playthings.
魂の再利用命に無駄は無い。故に、何度でも利用出来る。A life is never truly wasted. It can be recycled over and over.
死霊の宴あなたはこの夜を生き残れるかしら?Will you live long enough to see the morning?
蝿の王気高き冥府の王。邪悪なる凶虫を侍らせ、主に害為す者を容赦なく喰らう。A noble lord of the underworld, served by grotesque vermin that devour any who would harm their master.
築き上げた髑髏の山に坐し、王はゆったりと食事を続ける。焦る必要は無い。冥府には無限の魂が在るのだから。Seated upon a mountain of skulls, the lord calmly partakes of his meal. There's no hurry. After all, the souls of the underworld are countless.
A speedy fiend summoned by the warped buzz of wings. It constantly hungers for the taste of souls.
A high-velocity fiend summoned by the crazed buzz of wings. Its fangs constantly glisten with fresh blood.
A virulent fiend summoned by the warped buzz of wings. The poison in its stinger melts flesh and bone alike.
A lethal fiend summoned by the crazed buzz of wings. The poison in its stinger can melt even the purest soul.
An armored fiend summoned by the warped buzz of wings. Its chitinous shell deflects the wishes of the living.
An impervious fiend summoned by the crazed buzz of wings. Its chitinous shell deflects the hopes of the living.


享楽の悪魔むむ?楽しそうなことをしているな?わらわも混ぜるがよいぞ!Hey, that looks like fun. Lemme in on it!
ふはは!雑魚の命で遊ぶのは実に愉快じゃ!どれ、もっと楽しませてもらうかの!Your lives are my toys! Who should I play with next?
ソウルミニデビルみんな光って、きれいだな。人間の魂みたい…。They're all bright and pretty like people souls...
エヘヘ、わたしも光って強くなったよ。やったね、やったね。Now I'm strong and sparkly too. Hurray...
デモンスラル下級の悪魔は、鎖に繋がれて戦場に召喚された。その圧倒的な暴力の前には兵士もぼろ切れと化す。The lowly demon was summoned to the battlefield bound in chains. Even soldiers were reduced to shreds before the creature's overwhelming violence.
鎖を千切り、獣の悪魔は自由となった。主の命に従う奴隷ではなく、己が本能の奴隷となった。The beastly demon broke its chains to taste freedom at last. No longer a thrall to its master's orders, the demon was instead bound by its feral instincts.
サーペントチャーマーワタシの蛇は狂暴なの。変なコトしない方が身のためよ?Snakey's a wild one. You don't want to mess with her.
ワタシの蛇は狂暴なの。変なコトしたら噛み殺しちゃうからね?Snakey's a wild one. Don't let her put the squeeze on you!
ソウルナビゲーター僕と契約したいんだ?ふふ…いいよ。君が対価を支払う限り、僕と僕の眷属は君に力を貸そう。You want to make a deal with me? Okay, if you say so. As long as you hold up your end of the bargain, my associates and I will help you out.
魂の契約は絶対さ。僕と僕の眷属は君に忠誠を誓うよ。ふふふ…君が対価を支払える限りね…。Sure, a deal's a deal. My associates and I pledge our loyalty to you. As long as we keep getting our dues, of course.
鮮血の口付けその先に待つのは破滅か、あるいは永遠か。What promise does the vampire's kiss hold? Oblivion or immortality?
ラビリンスデビルアタシは惑いの悪魔。迷宮に潜み、迷い込んできた冒険者たちを次々と道に迷わす、イタズラ好きのカワイイ悪魔なのよ。I'm a devil. An adorable devil who gets adventurers like you lost so I can toy with them.
迷い、疲れ、飢えて…冒険者が絶望した時、アタシはソイツの命を奪う!そう、アタシたちにとって、絶望は最高のスパイスなのよ!Confusion, exhaustion, and finally starvation. When adventurers despair, I take them out of their misery. To us, despair is the most delicious spice there is!
ジャガーノート小さき者!我が前に立つ意味を知れ!我は破滅の神!創造のための破滅を撒く者だ!Pathetic weaklings! Know why you stand before me. Without destruction there can be no creation!
我が振り撒く破滅の幸福に打ち震えるがいい!貴様の身も魂も存在も、全て消し飛ばしてやろう!Tremble in awe before the destruction I sow! Soon your body and soul will be no more!
貴き血牙貴き血を注げば、影は眷属と化す。When precious blood is offered, creatures of the night spawn from the shadows.
メドゥーサの魔眼泣いたって許さない!石にしてあげるんだから!Your tears can't save you. Turn to stone!
アザゼルこの魂が堕つる事に為ろうとも、脆弱で矮小な人間どもに頭を垂れることなどない…。我が意志は貴き誇りゆえ。Though my soul may fall, I shall never bow my head to such weak, stunted creatures as mortals. I still possess a measure of pride.
時は満ち、堕天せし僕たちは欺瞞の神々に鬨の声を上げた…。反逆する旗の担い手として、我の内なる声に従え。When the time came, we sounded the battle cry against the gods that deceived us... As fellow traitors, you are now compelled to follow me.
吸血姫・ヴァンピィこらー!ヴァンピィちゃんのけんぞくぅをいじめたらダメなんだからね!Hey! It's not nice to mess with my bloodkin!
ヴァンピィちゃんが来たからもーだいじょーぶ!ヴァンピィちゃん、最強ですので!I'm here now, so everything will be okay! 'Cause I'm the best there is!
吸血鬼の古城無数の眷属に取り囲まれる、漆黒の古城。重なり合う羽音の中には、時折人間の悲鳴が混じっている。An ancient fortress of the darkest black surrounded by countless creatures of the night. Occasionally, screams can be heard through the din of flapping wings.
ブラッディ・メアリー血って、情熱的で…刺激的。…アナタも染まってみたい?Blood is so very hot and stimulating. You really should try coloring yourself with it.
傷付けて…痛めつけて…にじみ出る血ってステキ。だから…もっと染めてあげる。鮮血で…。Injury, pain, seeping blood... I simply revel in them! I'll stain you in blood again and again.


天界の忠犬ソイツは神殿の守護者さ。基本的には無害だが、周りに浮かんでる鏡の破片には気を付けろよ?ザクッといっちまうぜ。The hound is a temple guardian. He's generally harmless, but watch out for the mirror shards floating around him. They'll come right at you!
ソイツは神殿を荒らす盗人には容赦ないぜ。睨まれたら最後、鏡の球体がどこまでも追いかけてくる…ってわけさ。The hound has no mercy for temple robbers. If he turns his eyes on you, his mirror shards will chase you to the ends of the earth.
スカイスピリット雲上に棲む風の精霊。優しき風で、清き者の背を押す。A wind sprite who lives above the clouds. She pushes the pure of heart onward with gentle winds.
雲上に棲む風の精霊。厳しき風で、悪しき者らを吹き飛ばす。A wind sprite who resides above the lofty clouds. She blasts the wicked with brutal winds.
ホーリーフォックス・グリモー暗闇を照らす、輝きの聖狐。その毛の一本一本に、聖なる力が宿っている。A shining fox that banishes the darkness. Each strand of its fur is infused with holy power.
暗闇を晴らす、煌めきの聖狐。その美しき毛皮の下には、獣の獰猛さが隠れている。A radiant fox that illuminates the darkest nights. Beneath its beautiful fur lies bestial ferocity.
翼の王子清き者よ、汝がために羽ばたこう!風よ、我が祈りを運ぶのだ!My wings beat for you, O pure of heart! May the wind carry my prayers aloft!
清き者よ、汝がために飛び立とう!風よ、我が敵を斬り裂くのだ!I take to the skies for the pure of heart! O mighty wind, rend my foes asunder!
詠唱:神鉄の翼舞い落ちた羽根が、大地に突き刺さる。Each feather that falls from the great bird pierces the earth.
僧侶の聖水私の祈り、受け取って下さい。Hear my prayer.
スレッジエクソシストこ、ここは神域ですのよ!皆さんが来ていい場所じゃありません!この《浄化の槌》で魂まで砕いて差し上げます!You're on sacred ground! And it's certainly no place for the likes of you! My hammer of purity will crush you right down to your soul!
や、やりすぎてしまいましたわ!神域の天井まで壊れるなんて!皆さんが弱すぎるのがいけないんですのよ!Looks like I've overdone it! I can't believe I destroyed the ceiling! It's all your fault for being so weak!
レディアンスエンジェル今日も地上では迷い惑い悩める人間で溢れている…。このままでは闇に飲まれるか…。仕方ない、標を与えよう。Today the world is full of people who have lost their way. Ignored, they will be swallowed by the dark. I must offer them guidance.
私が与える標は答えではない…。だが、人間が自ら道を切り開くための手助けとなろう。それが私の仕事だ。My guidance is not an answer, but perhaps it can help people to find their own way. Assisting in this way is my duty.
詠唱:獣姫の呼び声誇り高き獣姫の呼び声で、大いなる爪牙が目覚める。The call of the proud beast princess awakens magnificent talons and fangs.
詠唱:禁じられた儀式邪神様は死を求めておられる。ならば我らはそれを捧げるのみだ。The dark gods demand death, so let us give it to them.
カグヤたとえうつしよに恋焦がれても、永久に寄り添うゆめは叶いませぬ。想いはうたかたのゆめ、そうお思いになって…。No matter how dear this world may be, dreams of abiding here are only dreams. Know that love is nothing more than a fleeting fantasy.
たとえ深き想いを告げようと、こころとからだは共にあるもの。天上の世界と地上の世界、共には居られませぬ…。I would express the depths of my love, but the body and heart must always be one. And the heavens and the earth can never be united.
天空の守護者・ガルラ全ての鷹の長にして、天空の祝福を受けし黄金の翼神。誰よりも高き空を求めた気高き翼の魂を天界へと誘う。A golden winged god who rules over the falcons and has been blessed by the sky. He calls winged souls in search of the greatest heights to the heavens.
天候を操り世界の均衡を保つ翼神。その瞳が見つめるのは、偏く全ての翼ある者たちのための秩序ある楽園のみ。A winged god who controls the weather and preserves the balance of the world. He wishes only to build a paradise of order for all winged beings.
エイラの祈祷わ、私がみなさんを元気いっぱいにしてさしあげます…!I'll give everyone the s-strength to carry on!
封じられし熾天使失われた荘厳なる都に崩れ落ちた石像があった。だが禁断の地に立ち入る者はなく、姿を知るのは小鳥だけだった。There was once a shattered statue sleeping in a lost capital. But only the birds saw it, as no man ever entered that forbidden land.
アダマントバード二度と狩られぬよう、二度と滅びぬよう、神はその鳥に金属の羽根を与えた。The gods blessed the great bird with feathers of metal so that it would never be hunted or perish again.
二度と狩られぬよう、二度と滅びぬよう、神はその鳥に大いなる知恵を与えた。The gods blessed the great bird with intelligence so that it could outwit both hunters and death itself.
うたかたの月空に還りても、ひととして生きた日々は忘れませぬ。想いを忘れぬ限り、寂莫の夜空に月はいつも輝くでしょう…。Though I return to the sky, I shall never forget the time I spent as a person. As long as I hang on to these feelings, the moon will always shine in the lonely night sky.
目覚めし熾天使その石像は、人々を護る為に戦った、伝説の天使の姿をしていた。その伝説に人々は祈りを捧げ、忘れずにいた。The statue depicted a legendary angel who once fought to protect humanity. There were those who offered their prayers to this angel, and kept her in their hearts.
蘇りし熾天使積年の、無垢なる人々の想いによって、邪眼の拘束は消えつつあった。もはや天使は栄光の姿を取り戻していた。Over the course of many years, the prayers of the innocent gradually weakened the hold of an ancient curse on the angel, slowly restoring her to glory.
栄光のセラフ・ラピス人々の純粋なる善き心と無垢なる願いに呼応して、無名の熾天使が新たに甦る。それは世界を導く祝福の光となる。The nameless seraph will be resurrected by the pure hearts and innocent prayers of humanity. She will be a radiant light to guide this world.



