
ミニゴブリンメイジふぃーねーちゃんがいないと、とってもさみしいゴブ。だから、こっそりついてくゴブ!It's so sad without Feena here. I think I'll follow her nice and quiet!
アタチの幻惑の魔法で、ふぃーねーちゃんを助けてあげるゴブ!ふぃーねーちゃん、ご褒美はピカピカがいいゴブ!I'll use my magic illusions to help you, Feena! Just give me shiny stuff to say thanks!
セクトール我が手に勝利を!民衆には享楽を!そして敗者には名誉ある敗北か…無残なる死を!さぁ、その手で選ぶがよい!Victory is in my grasp! Let the people rejoice! And, to the losers, honorable defeat or atrocious executions. The choice is theirs!
命を賭けた仕合であればいかなる戦においても、我が勝利の輝きが等しく栄光を授けるだろう!さぁ我が声に応えよ!Putting your life on the line makes any victory that much more glorious! Now answer to me!
御言葉の天使この矢に乗せて、神の御言葉を届けるよ!With this arrow I'll make the will of the lord known!
天使の矢は凄いんだ!正しき者には天啓となり、悪しき者には裁きとなるよ!Angelic arrows are truly miraculous! They bring revelation to the just and judgment to the wicked!
ハンサそうか、キミたちはボクが美味しそうなアヒルに見えているんだね…純粋な心が失われかけているからそう見えるのさ!!So, you look at me and all you see is a tasty-looking duck, huh? That's only because your heart is losing its purity!
そう。ボクはキミたちの心を映す鏡。ボクがどう見えるかで、キミたちが神聖な場所に相応しいかを試していたんだ!!That's right. I'm a mirror into your soul. My appearance in your eyes was a test to see if you're fit to set foot on sacred ground!
戦乙女の槍掲げた先に、勝利が待つ。This spear points the way to victory.
歴戦の傭兵・フィーナおりゃあああ!無敵最強メチャカワイイフィーナちゃんの登場よ!!Beautiful, powerful, and cute to boot! The one and only Feena's here!
み、ミニゴブ!アタシについてきちゃったわけ!?あーもーしょうがないわね…!ちょっとアンタ!この子に手を出したら、超絶カワイイフィーナちゃんが許さないんだからね!Goblin Mage, did you follow me here? Now that you're here, I guess I'll just have to protect you. No one will lay a finger on you!
天弓の天使・リリエル天空城を調査してこいだの、元同僚を討ってこいだの…神様って天使使いが荒すぎるのね〜。ま、仕事だからやるけどね。Go check out the Castle in the Sky! Go smite your old coworker! Sheesh, my boss works us to the bone. I guess it's all a part of the job though!
あのね、神様からね、アナタを討ってこいって言われちゃったんだ。アナタとお別れするのは悲しいけど…仕事だから仕方ないよね。じゃあね、ばいばーい♪So my boss says I've gotta smite you. It'll be sad to see you go, but orders are orders. Time for you to say bye bye!
覇食帝・カイザフハハハ!究極の料理人には究極の食材こそが相応しい!では、始めるぞ!調理開始《コクトゥーラ・インテグーロ》!For the finest chefs, only the finest ingredients will do! Let the cooking begin! Coctura integro!
オレにとっては有象も無象も食材だ!無論、キサマもな!受けて見よ、我が最強の調理法!嵐爆のダムネーション!!Everything in this world is just one more ingredient to me, including you tasty-looking morsels! Let's see if you can stand up to my most refined cooking technique! Firestorm of damnation!
氷獄の呼び声涙も、絶叫も、等しく凍てつく。This power freezes teardrops and screams alike.
ウリエル神聖なる焔を纏った熾天使が、選ばれし者の元に降臨する。彼の身が放つ曙光の輝きは、世界に希望を齎すという。The divine flame only grants an audience to the chosen. Burning with the radiance of dawn, the holy presence grants salvation to those it favors.
聖火を纏う《神の光》は、暗澹なる世界に金環をもたらした。やがて天空に陽光が蘇り、世界には新たな秩序が誕生する。Clad in sacred flames, the angel of divine light brought a corona of golden hope to the gloomy world. Soon sunlight was restored to the heavens, marking the beginning of a new world order.
ゴブリンブレイカー・ティナもう少しだけ時間を稼いでくれる?この烈火の術を唱え終わるまで…敵の猛攻に耐えきれば、すぐに反撃してあげる!Can you buy me a little more time? Just until I finish chanting my inferno spell... If you can hold back the enemy, I'll help you turn the tables!
闇に最も近き者よ!唯一無二の烈火に包まれ、その昏き悪鬼の魂ごと焼かれなさい!そして清き心を取り戻して!Minions of darkness! My unrivaled flames will purge your rotten souls and restore your purity!
ゴブリンスレイヤー・ルシウス悪鬼ども、今までこのような攻勢に出たことはなかったが…此処で斬り落とさねば、無害な民に被害が出るな…。Never have the cursed demons crawled out of their burrows in such numbers. If they aren't dispensed with quickly, innocent villagers will pay the price.
我らの故郷を襲った悪鬼どもに…同じ苦しみを与えてやる…絶望に喘ぎ心が砕ける時まで、この剣は踊り続ける…。You demon spawn who dared to assault my homeland... I will not rest until you've tasted the same suffering. My blades will dance until every last one of you succumbs to despair.
バハムート全ての神々と居並ぶ至高にして最強の竜。高貴なる漆黒の姿を持ち、その美しさはこの世全ての創造物を圧倒する。The supreme dragon, standing with the gods themselves. The beauty of its deep black frame overwhelms all else in creation.
全ての神々と居並ぶ至高にして最強の竜。神撃の力は全てを超越し、その力と栄光を欲する英雄の伝説が彩られる。The supreme dragon, standing with the gods themselves. Unsurpassed are its divine powers, and heroes dream often of its glory.
サハクィエル空を司る可憐なる天使。あどけない表情とは反対に、聖なる力で星の杖を自在に操り、宿敵を光矢で貫く。The delicate angel reigns over the sky. Though she may look innocent, her unholy rivals quiver when she launches a flurry of light-beam arrows from her star staff.
無垢な天使が小声で討て、と命じる。高邁な天使の呼び声に応じて空の戦乙女たちが降臨し、悪しき翼を一掃した。“Attack,” whispers the pure angel. A troop of valkyries fills the sky at her command and descends to drive away the wicked.
アルティメットキャロット全ての高級食材と居並ぶ至高にして最高の人参。高貴なる赤橙の姿を持ち、その味はこの世全ての食材を圧倒する。The supreme carrot, standing with the most sublime of ingredients. The flavor of its bright orange frame overwhelms all else in creation.
全ての高級食材と居並ぶ至高にして最強の人参。美味なる力は全てを超越し、その味と香りを欲する英雄の伝説が彩られる。The supreme carrot, standing with the most sublime of ingredients. Unsurpassed is its flavor, and heroes dream often of its tastiness and aroma.


フェアリーナイト私は森の騎士。妖精と共に敵を討つのが私の使命だ!I am a knight of the woods. My duty is to battle alongside the fairies!
妖精よ、我が刃に祝福を!その翅が輝く限り、私は森の敵を討ち続けよう!Fairies, bless my sword! As long as your wings shimmer, I'll keep hunting down the forest's enemies.
フォレストスピリットそれは森を愛す者にとっては祝福の象徴であり、森を侵す者にとっては呪いの権化である。A symbol of fortune to friends of the forest and a walking curse for its foes.
それは森の意思を代弁する、深緑の精霊である。…もし、悪戯に傷付けようものなら、汝は森の呪いを受ける事になるだろう。A woodland spirit that carries out the will of the forest. If you seek to harm the forest, prepare to bear its curse.
ベビーフェルパー見て見て!こんな高いところまで登れるようになったの!このままいっぱいオトナになるの!Look! Look how high I can climb now! Soon I'm going to be a grown-up!
もっとオトナになったら、森の外に出るの!それでそれで、立派なねこむすめになるのー!Once I grow up, I'm gonna leave the forest. One day I'll be a big cat girl!
フォレストギガース森の民の求めとあらば仕方あるまい。ここは一つ、いいところを見せるかのォ!The needs of the forest dwellers can't very well be ignored. I'll show them how a gigas deals with foolhardiness!
わしとて伊達に長くは生きておらん。この森にそう易々と踏み入れるとは思わんことだ!It's not like I haven't learned a thing or two over the centuries. Don't be thinking it'll be easy to trespass in these woods!
絡みつく蔦なに、じゃれついてるだけさ。今のところはな。Don't worry. They're just playing—for now anyway.
天馬のエルフよし…命中…って、あれ?なんで死んでないの?天馬の鬣で作った弓は、邪悪なやつらをぶっ壊しちゃうはずなのに。Bam! Direct hit... Hm? The enemy still seems to be moving. Evil shouldn't have stood a chance against my pegasus-mane bow!
天馬の鬣で作った弓は、邪悪なものを決して許さない。…今度はもう外さないよ。それじゃあ、ぶっ壊れちゃってね。No foe can survive an onslaught from a pegasus-mane bow. I won't miss again. Prepare to get pincushioned!
クリスタリア・リリィそりすべりに、ゆきがっせんに、ゆきだるま!リリ、ゆきあそび大好きなの!Sledding, snowball fights, and snowmen! I love playing in the snow!
ゆきだるまって、まぁるくて面白いの!だから、もっといっぱい作っちゃうの!Snowmen are so big and silly! I think I'll make some more!
エルフの王子・レオネル君はとっても可愛いね。さぁ、僕の胸へ飛び込んでおいで。フォレストボアがごとく真っ直ぐにね…。Well aren't you a pretty one? Now run right into my arms, as straight and unerring as a forest boar.
彼らを傷付けようとするなんて、許せないな。動物たちを護るためならば、僕はフォレストドラゴンのように吼え猛るよ。Those who seek to harm the children of the woods will have no mercy from me. If I have to rage like a forest dragon to protect the animals, so be it.
剣を樹に自然の前では何者も無力だ。All are powerless before nature's might.
宝石のエルフ命の輝きは有限で、宝石の輝きは無限なの。ふふっ、どちらが優れているかは明白でしょ?さぁ、臣下たち!無限なる輝きを護りなさいよ!The light of life fades away, but the light of gems never will. Isn't it clear which is superior? Loyal subjects! Guard the eternal light!
命の輝きは有限で、宝石の輝きは無限なの。永遠を生きるエルフにとって、宝石は掛け替えのない友なの!だから、命をかけて護りなさいよね!The light of life fades away, but the light of gems never will. For the immortal elf, there's no better friend. Now go defend the gems at all costs!
マヘス戦を司る獅子の神。神域の平野を侵す者には、血の鉄槌を下す。情け容赦ない荒神の一薙ぎは、悪を両断した。A lion-headed god of war, Maahes crushes all invaders who dare to step foot within the sacred realm. With each ruthless swing, the rampaging lion cuts evil in two.
魔の軍勢と戦う獅子神の猛威は止まらなかった。昼夜を超えて戦い、悪しきを殲滅して野護神の名を轟かせた。The lion god's fearsome attacks against the fiendish army were unceasing. The battle raged throughout the day and into the night as the great lion exterminated his foes, solidifying his legacy.
セルウィンの号令鷹爪が刻んだ傷は、狩人が狙う目印となる。The wounds inflicted by the falcon's talons are convenient targets for the hunter.
古き森の白狼森緑の賢者と呼ばれた神狼。力で支配する事しか知らぬ古竜に太古の叡智を説き、森を束ねる者の使命を伝えた。A lupine god referred to as the sage of the forest. This beast provided wisdom to an ancient dragon, which knew only how to rule tyrannically, and conveyed orders to protect the forest.
外世界の侵略者たちに立ち向かう神狼。守護者たる古竜が目覚めるまで、森緑の戦士たちを束ね、外敵を阻み続ける。A lupine god who confronts intruders from the outside world. Until the guardian dragon awakens, the wolf will lead the woodland forces against all who would disrupt the forest's harmony.
飛翔する狩鳥其の嘴、神をも穿つ。The falcon's beak pierces even gods.
其の嘴、神をも喰らう。The falcon's beak devours even gods.


ブリッツランサー要塞を破壊してくればいいんですね!了解であります隊長殿!一瞬でやって来ますよ!So all I gotta do is demolish the fortress? As you wish, commander! I'll be back in a jiffy!
どんな苦境に陥っても、心配は無用です!アタシが敵将の首、持ってきますから!There's no need to worry, regardless of how tough the fighting gets. I'll just bring back the head of the enemy general! Problem solved!
ソードウィップメイドご主人様、ご心配の必要はございません。追手の魔物共には、すぐにお帰り頂きますので。You have nothing to worry about, my dear master. Once they tangle with me, the fiends in pursuit will run for cover.
ご主人様からお褒め頂けるとは…身に余る光栄ですわ。では、感謝の意を込め、我が鞭を振るわせて頂きます!To be praised by you is an honor of which I am not worthy, sir. By way of thanks, I'll wield this whip as only I can!
サムライ何人束になってこようが、俺にかかればみんな刀のサビだ!No matter how many come to challenge me, they'll all end up as rust on my sword!
俺の太刀筋はそう簡単には見切れないぜ!さァ大将、覚悟を決めたらかかってこいよ!It's quite a trick to stay a step ahead of my sword! But if you care to try, come and get me, mighty general!
シーフあーあー、どこに目ぇ付けて歩いてんだか。そんなんじゃ盗んでくれって言ってるようなもんだぜ?Whoa now, watch where you're going. It's like you're begging to get robbed.
あーあー、どこに目ぇ付けて歩いてんだか。財布だけじゃなくて命までとられないように気を付けろよ?Whoa now, watch where you're going. This time you only lost your wallet, but next time it'll be your life!
ニンジャアーツ死人に口なし。Dead men tell no tales.
蒼穹の提督・モニカフッ…この姿を見て侮るなよ?私は歴戦練磨の指揮官だ!さぁ、誇り高き戦士たちよ、私と共に大空を駆けよう!Don't be fooled by my appearance. I'm a seasoned officer tempered in the fires of battle! Now, my proud warriors, take to the skies with me!
ヴァーレリアの民のために、私は剣を執る…って、こ、こらっ!頭を撫でるなぁっ!私は飛空艇団の提督なのだぞ!?With this sword, I'll fight for the people of Valeria... Hey! Quit patting my head! I'm an airship admiral, so show a little respect!
サブリーダー・ゲルトエミリアお嬢サンは、懸命に俺たちを引っ張ろうとしてくれてるんです。その気持ちに応えられなきゃ、オトコが廃るってモンでさァ!Amelia is doing everything she can to carry this order. What kind of man would I be not to do my part?
俺たちゃみんな、エミリアお嬢サンの支えになりてぇのさ。そのためには毎日修行修行!エミリア騎士団、頑張りまさァ!All of us want to do everything we can to back Amelia up. That means training every single day! The knightly order of Amelia won't back down from any challenge!
レヴィオンヴァンガード・ジェノさぁ構えろ、若造よ。儂は《雷迅卿の騎士団》の切り込み隊長。…我が戦斧、心して受けるが良い!Attack me if you dare, youngling. There's a reason they call me the Hack and Slash Leader of the Sky Knights. Care to see?
団長を過去から解放し…未来のために歩めるようにすることが、儂の使命!阻む者は、何者であろうと容赦はせんぞ!My mission is to free the captain from the bonds of the past for the sake of a brighter future. This axe won't take kindly to anyone who stands in my way!
旋風刃敵?味方?寝ぼけたこと言ってんなよ。戦場じゃ、自分以外に必要なモンなんてないだろ?Foes? Allies? Stop talking nonsense! On the field of battle, I don't need anyone but myself!
白銀の騎士・エミリアお父様が私に遺してくれたもの…。それは、勇敢なる騎士団と、不断なる剣技。私はこの二つを持って、悪しき者と戦うわ!My father left me with two things: a brave order and ceaselessly honed swordsmanship. With these weapons I'll face my foes!
私はもう、泣いたりしない。ただひたすらに剣を振るい、前を向いて戦うわ!天の国に行ったお父様も、きっとそう望んでいるはずだから!The time for tears is over. All that's left is to brandish this sword and fight! I'm sure Father is rooting for me even now from his perch in the heavens.
ファングスレイヤー生まれた時から怪力で、お袋には迷惑かけちまった…だが巨人並みの怪力のお陰で、岩竜だろうがブッタ斬れるンだぜ!I was born with superhuman strength, and it caused all kinds of trouble for my mother. Still, packing the strength of a giant has its uses, such as being able to cut down stone dragons!
岩竜も火竜も飛竜も弱すぎンぜ!もっとデカくて強ェ巨神級の竜を連れてきな!ブッタ斬って、お袋への土産にしてやンぜ!Stone dragons, fire dragons, flying dragons... Hardly worth the effort of showing up! Bring me big, bad, god-level dragons! I'll chop 'em up and make 'em into gifts for my mother!
天空城大地を睥睨す、天空の城。超常の力を抱き、今はまだ眠る。An airborne castle that seems to scorn the earth. Untold power is held there, but the castle still sleeps.
レヴィオンセイバー・アルベールここに《雷迅卿の騎士団》の誕生を宣言する!我らに正義と栄光あれ!From this day forth, our order will be known as the Sky Knights! May justice and honor forever be our comrades in arms!
我らは秩序のために剣を振るい、暴虐と混乱への抑止力と成る!団員たちよ、雷が如く駆けるのだ!We brandish our swords to uphold order and to thwart the forces of cruelty and chaos. Let us ride like lightning, my brothers and sisters!


マナリアウィザード・クレイグくっそぉ…魔術が暴走しちまうなんて!みんな…ごめん!俺に力を貸してくれ!The magic is spiraling out of control! Sorry, everyone! I could really use a little help here!
俺一人じゃ、魔術の暴走を抑え切れない…。けど、みんなが居れば大丈夫だ!だから頼む!俺と一緒に戦ってくれないか!There's no way I can stop the runaway magic on my own. But with all of you here, things will be okay! Fight alongside me, everyone!
タイムレスウィッチ永遠ってのは退屈なんだろうな。俺が彼女に会った時は、涙が出るくらい欠伸してたぜ。―とある村人Eternity must be quite a bore. When I met the witch, she yawned so much tears streamed from her eyes. —A certain villager
あなたも永遠を生きてみる?って聞かれたから、丁重に断っておいたよ。…欠伸で涙まみれになるのは嫌だからな。―とある村人When she asked me if I want to live forever, I politely declined. No point in enduring an eternity of yawns. —A certain villager
ゲイザー俺はカッコイイ召喚獣が欲しかったんだ。だってのに、なんでこんなコトになったんだよ!―マナリア魔法学院の生徒I just wanted to summon something cool. But look at the ugly beastie I ended up with! —A student of Mysteria Academy
仕方なく一緒に過ごしてたら、なんか慣れてきちまったよ。なぁ、知ってるか?こいつって二重なんだぜ!―マナリア魔法学院の生徒I couldn't get away from the creature, but it grew on me after a while. Did you realize what a beautiful color its eyes are? —A student of Mysteria Academy
刃の魔術師魔なる者よ。貴様らは暴威を振るい過ぎた。…我らは貴様らを許容しない。我が刃にて散るが良い。You've gone too far, vile beasts. We cannot allow you to continue. My blade will be your judge, jury, and executioner.
逃げれば斬る。投降しても斬る。死こそが貴様らの運命。我らは標的を決して逃がさない。…さらばだ。Flee and be cut down or surrender and be cut down. It makes no difference to me, as your death is foreordained. Our targets never escape justice, so say goodbye.
破魔の術式この術式は特別製でね。―熟練の魔術師This is an exceptional rite indeed. —Master Mage
ディザスターウィッチアタシの城に侵入者…?ふふっ…あらそぉなの…。じゃあ、燃やしてあげましょうか!An intruder? In my castle? Well, I suppose I'll welcome them by making them comfortable... and of course warm. Immolated even!
アナタって勇敢で…そして途方も無く愚かなのね?あの街みたいに一瞬で滅ぼしてあげるわ!You're a brave one... and incredibly stupid. I once razed a city in an instant, and I'll do the same to you!
ドワーフアルケミスト小柄な見た目、華奢な体躯、しかしその身に秘めし叡智は無限。Diminutive in appearance, slight of build, and a keeper of limitless knowledge.
小柄な見た目、華奢な体躯、しかしその身から取り出されし秘法は無限。Diminutive in appearance, slight of build, and an endless wellspring of hidden arts.
神秘の探求者・クラーク古びた文献に記された黴の生えた知識に用はない。俺が求めているものはまだ誰も知りえていないような、新しい知識だ。I've no interest in musty ink scrawled on yellowed parchment. I desire new knowledge, wonders known to no man!
新しい知識を求めるのなら、部屋にこもらず外に出るべきだ。俺は、口をあけて餌を待つような小鳥にはなりたくない。To find new knowledge, it's necessary to leave all the dusty books behind and head out into the world. I'm not about to sit around waiting for wisdom, like some baby bird with its mouth agape.
ルーンの貫き将も馬も同時に討ってこそ、一流の魔術師というものよ。A real mage can fell both the rider and the horse at the same time.
プリンセスマナリア・アンあなた、マナリア魔法学院の新入生?私はアン、この子はグレア!これからよろしくね!Are you new to Mysteria Academy? I'm Anne, and this is Grea! Looking forward to studying together!
私ね、この学院が大好きなの!だから、あなたにこの学院を気に入ってもらえたら…すっごく嬉しいな!I love this academy! Nothing would make me happier than if you learn to love it too!
禁忌の研究者娘を救うためならば、私は禁忌に手を伸ばそう。例えそれが、許されざることだとしても。If it means saving my daughter, I would never hesitate to turn to the forbidden arts, even if doing so is unforgivable.
禁忌。冒涜。…神は私を許さないだろう。それでも、救ってはくれぬ神に代わって、私は娘を救わなければならないのだ!Forbidden arts. Blasphemy. The gods will likely never forgive me. And yet those same gods failed to save my sweet daughter, so I must!
エラスムスの秘儀今のはただのあくびじゃよ?―エラスムスThat was just a little yawn. —Erasmus
次元の魔女・ドロシー天地を超え、世界を置き去りにする彼女は、ことわりの外に生きる魔女。その手が放つ魔法は、万物を塗り替える。A witch who left the world far behind and lives outside the confines of nature's laws. Her magic alters the face of reality.
結界と境界を、距離と次元を、呟き一つで超越する。焔が如き緋色の瞳が見据えしは、何者も知らぬ未来の果て。With but a murmur, the witch transcends barriers and boundaries, as well as distances and dimensions. Her blazing scarlet eyes see futures others can't even dream of.


ワイリーワイバーン大人しいから狩れるかもって?やめとけよ。あいつは油断を誘ってるんだ。手を出そうものなら火を噴かれるぜ。You really think you can hunt the wyvern just because it seems quiet? Forget it. The creature's hoping you'll let your guard down. The second you go for it, you'll get a face full of fire breath.
大人しいから狩れるかもって?やめとけよ。あいつは油断を誘ってるんだ。手を出そうものなら燃えカスにされちまうぜ。You really think you can hunt the wyvern just because it seems quiet? Forget it. The creature's hoping you'll let your guard down. The second you go for it, you'll be incinerated into ash.
グリフォンナイト雲海を自在に駆ける翼騎士。王より直々に賜った由緒正しき弓を携え、蒼空の勇者としてその名を馳せる。A flying knight who navigates the sea of clouds. He wields a fine bow bestowed upon him by the king and is known far and wide as a hero of the sky.
青年の放つ矢は、雲を切り裂き魔を討つ。天翔る獣の瞳は、陰に潜む魔を逃さない。蒼き空の果て、勇者は戦う。The arrows fired by the youth pierce the clouds to seek out his foes. Beasts of darkness have no hope of escaping the gaze of his soaring mount as the hero's battle takes him to every corner of the azure sky.
ドラゴンテイマードラゴンはみんな俺の友達さ。俺は力も強くないし、すごい魔法だってぜんぜん使えないけど…ドラゴンたちの気持ちなら、なんとなくわかってやれるんだ。Dragons are my friends, every one of 'em. I'm not strong, and I don't have any powerful magic... but I always know what dragons are feeling somehow.
ドラゴンはみんな俺の友達さ。気が弱い奴も、気性の荒い奴も、みんなね。…だから、こいつらに手を出すって言うなら…俺だって黙っておけないよ。Dragons are my friends, every one of 'em—the timid ones, the short-tempered ones, and every other. So if you try to hurt my dragons, they won't be the only ones fighting back.
煌牙の戦士・キット助けを求められたら飛んで行く!求められなくたって駆けつける!それって当然だろ?Call for help and I'll fly to you! Don't call for help and I'll still fly to you! To do otherwise would just be wrong.
正義とか、悪とか、難しいことはよく分かんないけどさ…この世界が良くなるんだったら、俺は戦うよ!I don't know much about good and evil and all that stuff... But if there's any chance of making the world a better place, I'll fight!
竜爪の首飾り人の身には過ぎた代物さ。―行商人の言葉Way too fine for any ordinary person. —A merchant
ワイバーンライダー・エイファ餌、よし!手綱、よし!飛竜のご機嫌…すこぶる良し!うーん、完璧ね!Snacks, check! Harness, check! Wyvern's mood... excellent! Just perfect!
伝説のダークドラグーンも、最強のフェニックスライダーも、私たちならきっと、超えて行ける!…多分ね!We'll surpass the legendary Dark Dragoon and mighty Phoenix Rider! Well, maybe...
輝石のドラゴンおい、アンタ知ってるか?伝説の鉱石のこと!なんでもすっげー魔力を秘めているって話だぜ!―鉱夫の話Don't tell me you ain't never heard of orichalcum! Aye, it's a legendary ore! But it ain't no normal haul. There's magic powers in that bloody rock! —Prospector
伝説の鉱石ってのは鉱山の奥に眠るドラゴンの鱗のことだった…。持って帰れるわけねぇよ…儲け話はパァさ。―鉱夫の話Turns out all the legendary orichalcum we heard about was actually the scales of the dragon slumbering in the mountain deep. No way we can bring it back, what with the claws and all! So much for gettin' rich! —Prospector
オウルガーディアン愛する者を守る為、剣を取り戦場に赴いた賢者。聖なる鎧に身を包み、害為す敵へ立ち向かう。A wise owl that picked up a sword and headed to the battlefield to protect those it loves. Clad in sacred armor, the owl stands against all threats.
戦乱の中、賢者の瞳は時の彼方を見つめる。戦乱の果てにあるであろう、理想の地へ辿りつくために大剣を振るう。The owl's eyes look beyond the present into the distant future. Seeking the promised land beyond the trials of war, the owl brandishes its greatsword.
竜の闘気その時お前は知るだろう。爪を振るうのも、炎を吐くのも、単なる挨拶に過ぎなかったのだと。Only then will you realize that the slashing of claws and fire breathing were nothing more than a simple greeting.
マナリアドラコ・グレアちょ、ちょっとアン…そんなに引っ張らないで…。…えっと、あなたが、新入生?…よろしくね。Anne, quit dragging me over to the— Oh, hello there! So you're the new student. Good to meet you!
私、この学院が好きなんだ。…みんな、すごく優しいから。あなたも気に入ると思うよ。きっとね。I like this school. Everyone's just so nice. I'm sure you'll love it too!
伊達政宗異国にて訪れし天下獲りの天佑、存分に揮わせて頂こうぞ。この好機…頂く!I have come from a foreign land to seize my chance to conquer the world. I do not intend to waste it!
我が刃で断てぬものなし。今こそ雌雄を決する時!いざ…推して参る!Be it knight or samurai, none can stand against my blade! Only the child of the tiger can reign supreme. Now... on your guard!
サラマンダーブレス冬を夏に変える魔法を知ってるか?炎蜥蜴を怒らせるんだよ。You know how to magically change winter to summer? Just anger a salamander.
インペリアルドラグーン禁断の遺跡に封印されし、名も無き厄竜を解き放った騎士。亡き祖国の復讐のため、命を賭した血の契約を結んだ。The knight freed a nameless dragon of terrible power from ruins where few dared to tread. To exact revenge on those who took his country from him, the knight signed a blood pact with the beast.
復讐を終え、最後の王族たる使命を果たした竜騎士。不死の大罪を背負う厄竜と、運命を共にすべく姿を消した。The dragoon took his revenge, completing the last mission of the royal family. With that, the dragoon vanished along with the dragon to atone for crimes that could never be forgotten.


怪犬の墓守外法には外法を。墓荒し共が怪物を造るため屍を掘り返すなら、墓守である俺は猟犬の怪物でそれを撃退しよう。I believe in fighting fire with fire. If the grave robbers insist on digging up corpses to create monsters, I'll defend this graveyard by siccing my monstrous hunting hounds on them.
屍掘りは屍に。墓荒しは墓の下にて、永遠に眠るがいい…そうすれば、俺とこの猟犬たちが永遠に守ってやろう。May grave robbers sleep in graves. May those who unearth the dead join them... Once they're gone, my hounds and I will guard them for eternity.
双翼の警護者ココの見回りは、あたいの大事な役目さ!怪しいヤツを見つけたら、このナイフでサッと追っ払っちまうからね!Patrolling the Dragonarium, that's my responsibility! If I find anyone sneaking about, I'll get rid of them with these knives!
ん?アンタなんか怪しいねぇ。…あーあー、言い訳はいいよ。聞く気ないから。それじゃ、サッと切り刻んじまうかね!Hey, you seem to be sneaking about, but spare me your excuses. I'm really not interested, so let's get straight to the part where I dice you up!
闇の従者へっへっへっ…俺に手を出そうってか?言っておくがなぁ、俺のバックにはあの方がついてるんだぜ?Thinking about attacking me? You should know that there's a special someone watching my back...
あの方はなぁ、闇の主なんだよ!へへっ!どうだ、怖いだろ?あの方を呼ばれたくなきゃ、大人しく俺に魂を渡すんだな!My friend is a lord of the darkness! Sound scary? Well, hand over your soul or you'll be seeing him up close!
海賊ゾンビあー!水平線飽きたわ!朽ちた体に潮風が沁みるしよ!Ugh, I'm so sick of the horizon! And the sea breeze stings me where I'm rotting!
あー!地平線が恋しいわ!海賊やめて山賊にでもなろっかなぁ!I really miss the solid ground! Maybe I'll abandon piracy and give the life of a bandit a try!
怨嗟の声招く手は二つ、行き先は一つ。Two beckoning hands and a single destination.
ネクロアサシン生者って困るわ。静かにしてって頼んでも、息を吐いたり心臓を動かしたり…。ホント、うるさいから殺しちゃった。The living are such a bother. I tell them to quiet down, but they just keep breathing and their hearts keep beating.
やっぱり静かな方が落ち着くわね!死者のシモベもたくさん増えたし、世界を静かにするために出かけましょっか?It's so much easier to relax when it's quiet! Now that we have a bunch more dead servants, why don't we head out and make the world even quieter?
よろめく不死者教会病棟の廊下に響くのは、巨大な石を引き摺るような音。病棟の番人と呼ばれる彼女達が巡回している証である。The sound of large stones being dragged along reverberates through the corridors of the hospital ward. This is proof that the women in charge of the ward are on patrol.
病棟の廊下に響き渡る足音。新たな患者がまた一人、この悪夢に迷い込んだ。仕事熱心な彼女達は保護に走り出す。The sound of footsteps echoes through the hospital corridors. A new patient has strayed into this nightmare. The women, as devoted to their work as ever, run to offer their protection.
冥守の戦士・カムラ我らは冥府の女神・ネフティス様に仕える、死者の番人。昔人の眠りを妨げる者には死を与え、冥府へ送ってやる。We are guardians of the dead in the service of Nephthys, goddess of Amenta. We bring death to those who disturb the sleep of the departed, and send them to the underworld.
墓荒らし共め…死を冒涜した以上、お前たちの運命は決まっている!さぁ、あの方の元で魂の裁きを受けるといい!Vile grave-robbers, you've blasphemed against the dead, so your fates are sealed! Prepare to be judged by the goddess of Amenta!
死霊の手小さく、憐れで、なんと愛らしい魂だろうか。What a tiny, pitiful, and altogether lovely soul.
バロール我は《邪眼のバロール》。このまなこを見し者は、大いなる禍を受けるだろう!I am Balor. To behold my eyes is to face calamity most dire!
我が双眼にて、この戦場を地獄と変えよう!さぁ、血涙を流して息絶えるが良い!With these eyes I'll transform this battlefield into a hell on earth! Those who face me will shed tears of blood until they perish!
シャドウリーパー怨み、憎しみが寄り集まり、形を為して顕現する。其は幽鬼が如く揺らめき歩き、命持つモノを断頭する。Resentment and hatred coalesce into a dreadful manifestation. It flickers as it walks ghost-like and silent, and it takes the heads of the living.
怨み、憎しみが寄り集まり、形を為して顕現する。其は無像であるが故、妄りに追えども影を掴む事さえ叶わない。Resentment and hatred coalesce into a dreadful manifestation. It lacks a distinct shape, which makes it impossible for all but the most prepared to pursue.
冥府神との契約我を満たすことが出来たなら、汝の願いも満たしてやろう。If you can but satisfy me, I'll make your every wish come true.
ネフティス冥府の審判者たる神の一柱。生者達は最期を告げる死神と畏怖し、死者達は魂の守護神として崇めているという。A goddess sits upon her throne near the entrance to Amenta, considering how to judge those who enter. She is feared by the living as the face of their demise but worshipped by the dead as the guardian of their souls.
生在る者に《死》という安息を与える冥府の女神。この世に遺した負の感情を浄化し、霊魂を苦しみから解放する。Do not fear me, living one, for I mean you no harm. I only wish to give you the supreme gift, that of sweet oblivion. Let me wash away your melancholy and free your spirit from the agony of life.


レヴィオンデューク・ユリウス私は《雷迅卿の騎士団》の一人…とは言っても、剣術に秀でているわけではないんだ。研究を主としている学者、と考えてくれ。Though I'm a member of the order of the Sky Knights, I'm hardly skilled with a sword. Think of me as a scholar with a propensity for research.
この研究の果てに…私は人智を超えた力を手に入れるのだ。そして私は…自分の使命を果たす。…どんな使命かって?ふふっ…多くの人の救いとなることだよ。If I complete this research, I'll gain power beyond all human knowledge. And then I'll finally be able to complete my mission. Which mission, you ask? Well, to save as many people as possible of course!
ジュエルデビル・モリアナキレイな光…これが《虹宝石》の一つ…強い守りの力を持った石。ねぇ、これ…あなたにあげようか?So this is one of the prism stones. It's beautiful. The warding magic within is sure to keep anyone safe. Would you like to take it with you?
アタシ、人にプレゼントなんてしたことないけど…受け取ってくれるかな…喜んでくれるかな…?初めての友だちと一緒に見つけた…《虹宝石》。I've never given anyone a present before, but I'd like you to have this, hero. I hope you like it. It's something my first friends and I found together: a prism stone.
人狼の群れ長この辺りの森は人狼たちの縄張りだ。樹に刃や牙の跡が残っていたら離れろよ。縄張りを侵された獣は容赦が無い。The woods around here belong to wolfmen. If you see bite marks or scratches on the trees, turn back. There's no reasoning with a beast once you're inside its territory.
人狼たちは両手の鉤爪で自分らより数倍大きい魔獣でも仕留める。首を抉られて死んだ魔獣は、彼らの仕業なのさ。Wolfmen can use their impressive claws to take down monsters many times larger than themselves. If you ever come across monster carcasses with their throats ripped out, that's the work of wolfmen.
高慢なる悪魔フフフ…さぁ、ワタシに捧げなさい。そうすれば、アナタの従僕になってあげるわ。ゴシュジンサマって呼んであげるわ…。Present your offering to me, little one, and I'll obey your every command. I'll even call you master...
フフフ…アナタが従順でいる限り、ワタシはアナタに従ってあげる。契約を果たしてあげる。ゴシュジンサマ…さぁ、ご命令をどうぞ?As long as you do what I require, I'll follow you. I'll fulfill my end of our bargain. Now what do you wish of me, my sweet master?
処刑人の斧あぁ!やっと血が吸えるって斧が喜んでらぁ!Oh! This axe is delighted to finally taste blood!
吸血貴・ヴァイト眠れる女王に代わってこのボクが直々に歓迎してるんだ。跪いて口づけするぐらいの敬意は見せなよ?I have been sent to greet you in place of our sleeping empress. When you meet her, you better show enough respect to make her feel like you're kissing her feet.
キミらはボクらのエサで、殺さないのは女王の厚情なんだからな!でも、味見くらいイイよな…大丈夫、痛くしないからさ!You humans are our food. The only reason I haven't consumed you is as a favor to the queen. But you know, I think I could use a little snack. Don't worry! I'll make sure it doesn't hurt... much.
千雨の槍使い雨って素敵だと思わない?何人貫こうと、返り血を気にしなくていいの。全部、綺麗に洗い流してくれるもの。Isn't the rain wonderful? No matter how many people you run through, you don't have to worry about blood stains because they'll all be washed away...
今宵の雨は激しいわね。魔槍に取り込まれた魂が泣いているんだわ。あなたも、すぐに彼らの仲間にしてあげる!Tonight's rain is especially heavy. The souls trapped in my lance are weeping, and I think you might be just the person to go console them!
キャタラクトビーストその日、私たちは知った。巨大であるというだけで、世界にとっての脅威と成り得るのだと。―討伐隊の手記That day we learned that anything big enough can threaten our world. —Battalion report
魔獣がただ手を振るだけで、小隊が三つ消し飛んだ。その様は、戦闘というよりも天災と呼んだ方が良かっただろう。―討伐隊の手記A single swipe of the behemoth's hand was all it took to scatter three platoons. Honestly, to see it felt more like looking at a natural disaster than at combat. —Battalion report
群れなす飢餓「俺は腕!」「俺は足!」「俺は胴体!」「俺は唇!」「…唇?」―グールの群れ"Give me an arm!" "Give me a leg!" "Give me the torso!" "Give me the lips!" "The... lips?" —Group of ghouls
氷剣の戦鬼私は戦場を愛している。定命を超えて、戦い続けたい。故に私は魔なる者と契約し、戦士を辞め戦鬼となった。The battlefield is my beloved; I want to keep fighting even after my mortal days are through. So I bound myself to a demon, thus transforming the warrior I was into the warfiend I am.
頬が歪んで牙が生え、額が割れて角が生えた。しかし、私が求めるところは変わらん。戦を。永遠永劫に続く戦を!My cheeks warped as my fangs grew in, and my forehead split to make way for my horns. But these trivial changes did nothing to change what I really want: war. War that rages throughout the ages!
マステマ魅惑的な笑みを浮かべ、深淵へと誘う黒翼の乙女。その手を取れば、地上へと戻ることは二度と叶わないという。The black-winged maiden smiles seductively and glances meaningfully down at the abyss. Take her hand and you'll never set foot on the surface again.
闇への誘いを承諾すると勝利の笑みを浮かべる黒翼の乙女。その正体は、深淵を統べる誘惑と略奪の女王であった。The black-winged temptress grins in satisfaction when you assent to step into the darkness. For she is no mere maiden, but the monarch who rules the abyss...
サディスティックナイトノドのカワきがオサまらないの…。ねぇ、チョウダイ?This thirst simply refuses to be quenched... Won't you give me what I crave?
血餓の女帝其れは生きとし生ける者の生き血を喰らった。人の、竜の、悪魔の血を飲み干した。そうする度、其れの躰は変容した。知恵を得た。爪牙を得た。翼を得た。只、理性だけは失った。It consumed the blood of all living things. It drank until people, dragons, and demons alike ran dry. And each time it drank, its body changed. It gained knowledge. It gained claws and fangs. It gained wings. All it lost was its sanity.
其れは常に疼いている。常に渇いている。抑え切れない、止められない、逃れられない渇望が、衝動となって其の身に巣食う。吸血鬼らは其れを恐れてこう呼ぶ。「畏怖すべき成れの果て」と。It constantly ached. It constantly thirsted. Its irrepressible, unstoppable, inescapable thirst became an urge rooted in its very being. Vampires fear it as the fate that lies in store for those who lose themselves to the thirst.

マスターレディセージ書を紐解けば、其処には全てが有る。文字で形作られた知識を追いかけていると…日が昇り、日が暮れ、時が過ぎていく。Open a book and the whole of knowledge will present itself. But as one peruses the constituent words, the sun rises and sets, and time slips away...
私はこの書斎を出ることはない。書物は鎖。書斎は牢獄。私は知識という牢獄に囚われた、憐れな囚人なのだよ。Never will I leave this study. These books are my chains, and this study my prison. I'm trapped in a prison of knowledge, which makes me a pitiable prisoner indeed.
ソウルコレクター六百六十六の魂を集めるまでに…あと二つ、足りないの。ねぇ、だから…貰ってもイイでしょ?Just two more souls and I'll have six hundred sixty-six in my collection. Surely you wouldn't mind parting with yours.
質の悪い魂じゃ、あの方は満足なさらないの。アナタが贄に相応しいかどうか…アタシが試してあげる。My lord would never be satisfied with inferior souls. Allow me to test you to see if you're a suitable sacrifice.
フロッグクレリックケロケロ!いたいのいたいの、飛んでケーロ!…初めて使った魔法だけど、いたいの飛んでったケロ?Pain, pain, go away, hop on in another day! That's the first time I've ever tried this spell, but did your pain hop away?
ケロケロ!いたいのいたいの、飛んでケーロ!…初めて使った魔法だから、逆にいたくしちゃったらゴメンだケロ!Pain, pain, go away, hop on in another day! That's the first time I've ever tried this spell, so I hope it doesn't bring more pain hopping in!
熟達の調教師私、ちょっとした特異体質でね。ただ立ってるだけで動物を引き寄せちゃうの。凄いでしょ?I have a bit of a unique talent. All I have to do is stand around, and animals come right up to me. Pretty cool, right?
動物に好かれるのって、すっごく幸せよ?だって、この子たちってみーんなすっごく可愛いんだもの!Don't you think it's wonderful to be loved by animals? I mean, all my animal friends are so adorable!
信仰の具現化百万遍の祈りが、私の喉から声を奪った。そこで私は筆をとり、もう百万遍祈ることにしたのだ。―『祈祷書』、序文Speaking a million prayers cost me my voice. So now I'll take up my pen and write a million more. —Preface to the Book of Prayer
エンシェントレオスピリット魔を討つ使命と共に、不浄の大地へ降りた神獣。聖なる獅子の咆哮は、魔物の穢れた生を否定する力を有していた。The lion god descended to the corrupted earth to roar out its rebuke of life impure and demonic.
拘束を抜け出し、周囲を睥睨した神獣。憤怒に満ちた咆哮は、付近に存在した全ての魔物を骨へと変えた。Freed from its bonds, the divine beast glared at its surroundings. A single infuriated roar was all it took to rend the flesh from the bones of any monsters unlucky enough to be nearby.
煌翼の戦士・リノいつだって前向き、前のめり!世界を護るために一生懸命がんばるよっ!Nothing can get me down! I have to keep going to save the world!
あたしね、色んな人に護られてきたんだ!だから今度はあたしがみんなを助けるから!深い闇だって笑い飛ばしちゃうよ!So many people have helped me! So now it's my turn to help them! I'll show them that the dark's just a joke.
邪悪なる予言者・ダムスおぉ!お前は天運を持っているな!(バカめ、本当は死相が出てるのさ!)Ooh! You obviously have fortune on your side! (Not really. I can tell your time's just about up!)
おぉ!お前は本当に幸運な奴だな!(不運な奴だよ!オレと出逢っちまうとはな!)Ooh! You're incredibly lucky! (You're unlucky to run into the likes of me!)
ペガサスの結晶像神に恥じぬ作品だと自負しているよ。―水晶細工師Sculptures like mine are downright divine. —Crystal artisan
煌角の戦士・サリッサアタシは負けるのが嫌いなの。誰にも、いつでも、絶対負けたくない。敗北を認めた瞬間に心が死んじゃうからね。Losing's the worst; I'd never ever want anyone to beat me. My heart would die the moment I admitted defeat.
神サマに白馬の王子サマ…そんなモノは信じないし、頼らない。アタシは自分の力で勝利を引き寄せてみせる!I don't believe in gods. And I don't go looking to knights in shining armor. My own power is all I need to ensure victory!
ヴァルハラジェネラル天光に仇なす闇の者共よ…その暴虐なる振る舞い、許しはせん!天命の元に…貴様らを屠り、塵へと返す!全軍構え!Corrupters of heaven's light, know that you will be punished for your atrocities! We'll slaughter you and return you to the dust from whence you came. Now fall in, warriors!
勇士たちよ、我が後に続け!闇の者らを浄化出来るのは、天光の遣いたる我らをおいて他に居ない!全軍突撃!Follow me, warriors! As the keepers of heaven's light, we are the only ones who can purify the agents of the dark. Charge!
神魔裁判所オブジェックションですわ!―天使・カメリアOooobjection! —The angel Camellia
狂信の偶像神に祈りを捧げる時、人は頭を垂れ瞼を閉じる。従順さを示すため、あるいは、己が神の狂気から目を逸らすため。―『恭順と狂気』、第十二項When offering prayers to a god, humans bow their heads and lower their eyelids. They do this to show subservience or to avert their eyes from divine madness. —Reverence and Madness, Chapter 12
頭を上げ瞼を開いた時、人はようやく気付くのだ。だが、その時にはもう、遅い。人は狂った神に縋り、狂わせてくれと哀願するだろう。―『恭順と狂気』、第十四項It is only when they lift their heads and raise their eyelids that people finally notice... But by then it's too late. It seems that people rely on mad gods in the hope of becoming mad themselves. —Reverence and Madness, Chapter 14



