
ゼウス全能の存在にして、やがて全ての神々の頂点に立つ主神。女神たる母から生まれ、同じく神たる父に反逆した。The omnipotent being who in time reigned supreme over the other gods. He was born to a goddess and rebelled against his divine father.
恐怖の名を持つ甲冑をつけ、光り輝く雷撃の槍を持つ。その姿は全知全能の天空神として、暁の空に輝いた。Clad in the armor of fear and wielding a radiant lightning spear, the almighty sky father illuminated the sky of dawn.
イスラーフィール審判を下すか否かは、最哀の奏天使に委ねられた。奏天使は地上の者らの心を癒すために曲を奏で、哀を謡った。The task of deciding whether to pass judgment was entrusted to the most sorrowful angel of them all. To ease the suffering of those who walk the earth, she played her melodies and sang of her sorrow.
癒してもなお癒しきれぬ業に絶望し、奏天使は遂に審判を下す。聖涙が一筋零れ、刃となって罪深き者らを引き裂いた。She could never eliminate all the suffering no matter how hard she tried, and she finally passed her judgment in despair. Her tears fell even as she cleaved through the sinful.
癒しの奏者・アンリエット神に授かったこのリラで、祝福の音色を響かせましょう。温かな心が生み出す美しき旋律は、きっとあなたを癒すはず……。With this harp granted to me by the gods, I'll play a song of blessings. I'm sure my heartwarming melodies will bring peace to you as well.
神に選ばれし奏者として、この旋律を楽園より伝えましょう。奏でる音色はまだ弱い……けれども、いつか世界中に届くと信じているわ。As the chosen harpist of the gods, I'll bring the melodies of paradise to those who suffer. Though the notes are still but a whisper, I believe they'll reach every corner of this world in time.
風の軍神・グリームニル天より遣わされし軍神……我こそは『踊り狂う暴風』、グリームニル。現世を救うべく、この地に降臨した……。だが、勘違いするなよ?俺は誰とも馴れ合うつもりはない……。I am Grimnir, heaven's chosen god of war and the mad cyclone. I have descended from the lofty realm to save this world, but make no mistake... I'm not here to make friends.
この力が増す程に……俺の中で何かが狂い……暴れ出す。我が颶風が解き放たれし時、その双眸には偉大なる軍神の闘いが焼き付くことだろう。As my power grows, something within me whirls ever more madly. And few who see me unleash the cyclone will forget the sight of a mighty war god consumed by fury.
激震のオーガ破砕、破壊、破滅の象徴。その巨鬼に挑むことなかれと人は言う。挑みし者の命と共に、大地一つが砕けるからだ。An embodiment of total devastation. Legends warn against challenging this mighty ogre, for those who do find themselves annihilated right along with the ground they stand on.
荒れ狂う現象、牙剥く災厄。最早誰にも止められない。振り下ろされた豪拳が…また国を、大地を、世界を殺した。A raging force of nature and a razor-fanged disaster. None remain who can stop this fearsome beast. When it brings down its fist, countries, continents, and even worlds perish.
凍りづけの巨象え?象の鳴き声が聞こえた?ははっ、気のせいだろ。―氷国の探検家What do you mean you heard an elephant? It was just your imagination! —An arctic explorer
ゴブリンプリンセスワラワたちには偉大なる王がついているのだから、恐れることなど何もないわ!さぁ、ゴブリン兵たちよ!今こそ決起の時よ!With our dear king behind us, we have nothing to fear! Soldiers, attack! The time to rise is now!
ワラワたちがここで倒れようとも、偉大なる王がその仇をとってくれるわ!だから臆せず進むのよ!人間どもを蹴散らしてやりなさい!If we're defeated, our dear king will make the enemy pay! So march like heroes! Make the surface-dwellers go pop!
彷徨の詩人・エルタ歌に乗せて想いを伝えたい……そう思って、世界中を旅しているんです。あぁでも、やっぱり皆の視線コワイコワイ……!Driven by a dream to put my heart into verse, I travel far and wide. But my dream just isn't doing anything for my stage fright!
僕には歌の才能なんてないかもしれないけど……でも、伝えたい想いはあるんです。だから皆さん、どうか今だけは……僕の歌に耳を傾けてくれませんか?Maybe I'm no good at singing, but I still want to share my heart with the world. So could you all listen to my verse just this once?
均衡の大梟悪と成らず、善に媚びない。其れは知恵持つ中庸の梟。均衡保たれし世界こそが、梟の求める全てである。Though it's not evil, it's not partial to good. Thus is the nature of the wise strix. It longs only for a world where the balance is preserved.
鋭き眼光は、この世全ての善悪を見通す。其の嘴が沈黙を破る時、世界の傾きは全て正されると言う。The far-sighted strix sees beyond all good and evil in this world. When its beak breaks the silence, the balance of the world will be restored.
力比べ争うことに飽きた両者は、よりシンプルな解決方法を思いついた。The war-weary pair devised a simpler way to settle their differences.
アックスファイターさぁ!掛かって来いよ!てめぇらなんぞ、ここでぶった斬ってやる!言っておくが、俺の得物はちいっと痛いぜェ!Come at me! I'll hack you to bits right here! And I promise it'll hurt you more than it hurts me!
家族や仲間たちのためにも、ここで倒れるわけにはいかないんでねェ!さぁ、かかって来い!ここが俺の戦場だァ!I can't fall here—not with my family and allies counting on me! So come at me! The battlefield's mine!
ワイズマーマン魚人でありながら、人を襲うことはせず、磯にて穏やかに佇む。時たま人に知恵を与えることから、人々は彼を『海の賢者』と呼んでいた。Though he's a merman, he never attacks people and instead stands contemplatively on the beach. He sometimes offers people wisdom and is thus known as the sage of the sea.
人の未来を担う器を持つ者が姿を現せば、彼は知識を授ける。それを身に付けた者が、次なる時代の賢者となるのだ。He bestows wisdom upon those who have the mettle to lead the future, and they become the sages of the next age.
オウルキャット怖ろしき魔法により梟と融合させられた、哀れな雄猫。夜の闇の合間を飛び、昼の路地裏に想いを馳せる。An ill-fated tomcat who was fused with an owl by uncanny magic. He prowls the skies by night and pines for his old life in the alleys by day.
眼前に現れた獲物を前にその想いは宙を翔る。宙……宙……宙……。響く鳴き声に、猫梟の魂は歓喜に満ちた。With his prey before him, the owlcat's thoughts fly as furiously as him. Hoo-reow! Hoo-reow! Hoo-reow! The cries of his victim drive him into ecstasy.
ゴブリンキング血濡れた王権争いに敗し、昏き洞窟に幽閉された王子は悪魔の声に応えた。醜い悪鬼へと変貌し、復讐を決意した。After losing a bloody battle for royal authority and being shut away in a cave, the prince responded to the voice of a demon. He resolved to transform into a hideous goblin so that he could have his revenge.
復讐の幕開けに、悪鬼の兵を率いる王子は祖国の王座を望んだ。人の未練を捨て、悪鬼の王として君臨するために。As the first step in his revenge, the prince led his goblin soldiers against his homeland to claim the throne. There he planned to reign not as a man but as a goblin king.


エルフクイーン森を護り、散っていった儚き命よ……。お前たちの名は、この胸にしかと刻みこんだぞ。……勇気ある者らに、祝福あれ!Hear me, you who perished while nobly defending our forest. Your names will live on. Blessings for the brave!
廻り、巡り、やがて還るが命の定め。お前たちもまた、それに同じだ。……故に、私は悲しまない。お前たちとの再会を信じているから……。The fate of life is to cycle, and your lives are no exception. I won't mourn our parting, for I know that we'll meet again in time.
深き森の異形其は突如として神秘の森に現れ、音もなく周囲の自然を侵し始めた。樹々の放つ崩壊の音は悲鳴のようにも聞こえた。It suddenly appeared in the darkest depths of the forest and silently began its inexorable invasion of the surrounding land. The sounds of the trees fracturing and splintering before it were almost like screams.
其の腹より引きずり出されたのは、強大なる邪槍であった。其は森が震えるほどの咆哮で、森の終焉を宣言した。From deep within its own insides, it dragged out a great and terrible spear. With a bellow that shook the trees to their very roots, it proclaimed the end of the forest.
フェアリーケージ妖精は我等より遥かに長命で、遥かに賢い。故に知恵比べをするのではなく、彼女たちの好奇心を刺激するのだ。―『妖精捕えの覚え書』、第三項Fairies live much longer than us, and they're far more clever. So if you want to capture one, don't try to outsmart her. Just pique her curiosity. —Chapter 3, '''Fairy Hunters' Handbook'''
クリスタリア・エリン氷晶宮は私たちの棲家で、唯一の居場所。だから誰にも穢させないし、踏み入って欲しくもない。ねぇ、旅人さん。一つだけ教えてあげる。貴方……歓迎されてないわよ。The Crystal Palace is our home, the only place we belong. Visitors aren't welcome here, especially ones who would defile our home.
貴方は私たちに興味があるようだけど……私は貴方に興味がないの。だから、出て行って?もし、そうしないのなら……貴方、氷漬けになってしまうわよ?You seem to be interested in us, but I have no interest in you. So why not do us both a favor and leave? If you don't, you'll see just how much colder our reception can get.
ジャングルの守護者尊き森を侵せし者共よ、去るが良い!去らぬのならば……私とその同胞が容赦はせんぞ!Outta the jungle, intruders! Or ignore my warning and face the wrath of me and my friends!
吼えよ!猛れ!悪しき者共に威を示すのだ!我らこそが森の意志!邪悪なる者らを決して許さぬ、自然の守護者だ!Cry out! Roar, my friends! We are the jungle's heart, and we its wardens. We will not spare a single intruder!
The fairies lead those they favor out of the woods. Those who aren't so lucky are led to the hungry one, but the fairies never stop giggling either way.
小さな勇士・スクナアタシってば手のひらサイズだからさ〜、かわいらしいっしょ〜?……え?小さすぎ?なはは〜、そっかぁ。んじゃ、ちっとおっきくなろ〜かな〜?Am I cute, or am I cute? Tee-hee-hee! If you don't like me when I'm fun-size, then I'll turn myself big!
ふぅっ!どう?『打魔の小槌』を使えば、まぁ、この通りだよ。ま、長くは保たないんだけどさ……さっきよりは役に立てると思うよ!Hah, what do you think now? This is what happens when I bust out my teensy-weensy hammer. I won't stay this way long, but I bet I'll be more useful than before!
エルフの執事・ヴィストお嬢様に御用ですか?えっと……失礼ですが、どちら様でしょうか?素性の知れぬ者を通すわけにはいきませんので。Do you have some business with the young lady? May I ask your name? I'm sure you understand that I can't allow just anyone to see her.
お嬢様の傍にいるためには、ありとあらゆることが出来なければなりません。剣も魔法も雑務も……全てを完璧にこなしてこそ、執事なのです!One requires many skills to be worthy of standing at the young lady's side. What makes the butler is mastery of swordsmanship, magic, and of course everyday tasks!
勇猛なるドワーフ魔ァ物共ォ!儂らドワーフ族の街に攻め込んでくるとはイイ度胸じゃのぉ!ぜぇんぶ斬り裂いてやるわい!Devils! Ya got some brass to step foot in the city of dwarves. I'll dice up every last one of ya!
この髭は儂の誇りじゃ!この髭に賭けて、お前たちは絶対に許さんぞぉ!行くぞ!魔ァン物共ォ!ドワーフ族の本気をとくと見よ!This beard's m'pride and joy! And I swear on every strand that none of ya devils will get away. Now here's what a dwarf can do!
蔦の魔弾子供が喜ぶオモチャに見えるが、ありゃ魔術師の火弾より厄介だぞ。As charming as a children's toy and more dangerous than a sorcerer's fireball.
ドリアードこんな森の奥深くまで……どうして来てしまったの?……私たちを傷付けるつもり?駄目よ、そんなことしたら……。Why did you come so deep into our woods? Do you want to hurt us? You shouldn't be doing that...
私はこの森の一部。この森は私の一部。だから傷付けるなら……許してあげない。土の下で眠ってもらうんだからね……。I'm part of these woods, and they're part of me. That's why you won't get away with hurting me. You'll sleep in the earth if you try.
キュベレー大地より産まれし子らよ……大地は我の身体……。貴方が両の脚で立ち続けるならば、私の愛が支えるでしょう……。O children of the earth! The earth is my flesh, and my love will support you as long as you stand on your own two feet.
大地より産まれし子らよ……大地は我の身体……。いつか我が身のもとに還るその時まで、私と共に歩みましょう……。O children of the earth! The earth is my flesh, and I shall walk with you until you return to me.
ビートルウォーリアー大樹を削り出して創った矢は、鉄の鎧を軽々と貫く。空翔ける甲虫は、竜すらをも置き去りにする。つまり、アレは俺たちの天敵ってワケだ。―熟練の竜騎士They fire splinters of great trees that pierce steel armor like it's nothing from atop beetles that can outspeed even dragons. In other words, they're our natural enemies. —Veteran Dragoon
騎兵は歩兵を裂き、竜騎士は騎兵を喰らう。戦場において、俺たちは絶対なる脅威だ。だが、その理屈が自然の前に通用するとは思わない方がいいぞ。―熟練の竜騎士Infantry is beaten by cavalry, which is in turn beaten by dragoons. We're the ultimate force on the battlefield. But you'd do well not to assume that this logic holds once Mother Nature comes into play. —Veteran Dragoon


不滅の英雄・ローラン栄光を約束されし王国に仕える、気高き英雄。不滅の聖剣・デュランダルを掲げ、祖国のために戦場を駆ける。A proud hero in the service of a kingdom destined for glory. She charges across the battlefield, holding her holy sword Durandal high for the sake of her homeland.
振り下ろされたデュランダルから放たれる、純白の閃光。刃の軌跡が刻まれる度、王国には栄光ある戦果が齎される。Durandal flashes white each time it's brought down, and every shining afterimage it leaves in the air brings further glory to her kingdom.
円卓の騎士・ガウェイン円卓の騎士として、百の戦場で百の戦果を挙げる……それが僕の使命。この戦場、王が歩む道は我が剣が斬り開く!My mission as a Knight of the Round Table is to ensure our victory on every battlefield. And I shall clear the king's way forward across this battlefield as well!
身を捧げ、主君に仕え、勝利を誓い、王は天命を凌駕する!僕の力が……僕の剣が!いつか来る栄光の礎となるだろう!I dedicate myself to serving my king, and I vow to bring him victories that will enable him to overcome the chains of destiny! My power will be the foundation for the glories of the future!
不滅の聖剣・デュランダル気高き英雄と契りし、不滅の聖剣。その刀身は折れもせず、毀れもせず、いかなる時も銀に輝く。A holy sword bound to a certain proud hero. Its blade will shine for eternity, never to break or tarnish.
Target sighted! Ready the cannon! Fire! —Captain Lecia
キャプテン・リーシャ私、どんなことがあったって諦めたりなんかしない!絶対に、絶対に、みんなを守る守護神になってみせるんだから…!Give up? Never! I'll be the guardian who protects you all.
私、わかったの!父の名とか……誇りとか……そんなのは大事じゃない!大事なのは、共に戦う仲間なの!だから、仲間を傷付けるなら許さないわ!My dad's reputation... my pride... I don't care about that stuff anymore. I'm not going to let anyone hurt my friends!
キャプテン・ヴァルフリート諸君らは祖国の盾にして祖国の剣!暁の空を翔ける、選ばれし精鋭である!さぁ、我らの敵を迎え撃つぞ!You're the swords and shields of your homeland! You're the handpicked elite bringers of the dawn! Now show our foes why you're here!
我ら人類の英知と魔力の粋を集めたこの飛空艇、載せて飛ぶは希望の光明!狼と呼ばれし我と共に…いざ、暁の空へ!This airship represents the height of humanity's wisdom and magical arts, and on it rides hope itself! Now fly with me into the light of dawn and see why they call me the wolf!
ルミナス騎士団の旗印ルミナス騎士団、進行開始!Luminous Knights, advance!
ルミナスメイジ暗き時代を終わらせるため、私たちはその名を捨てた。…ナイト、共に戦いましょう。この世界に平穏が訪れる日まで。To end this age of darkness, we sacrificed our names. Now advance, knight, until this world at last knows peace.
託された人々の祈りと、共に戦うものたちの願い…光の魔法に乗せて、この戦場に届けます!希望の力を光に変えて!Ours is the magic of light infused with the prayers of the people and the wishes of those who fight beside us. And we shall turn the power of hope to light!
ジョリー・ロジャー失くすモンもありゃあ、拾うモンもある。そいつが人生ってモンだろ?俺が拾った、おっかねぇこの『腕』……オラ、味わってみろよォ!Sometimes you lose things, and sometimes you find 'em! But ain't that just how it goes? I got this scary-lookin' hook for instance, so how'd you like to see what this little beauty is all about?
やっぱこの『腕』が一番シックリ来ンな……。へへっ、気合い出てきたぜ。そんじゃあよ!俺がまとめてブッ飛ばしてやるとするかねェ!Me hook is so much better than the hand I lost—and it's finding its targets especially well today. So come and have a taste! I'll send the lot of you to Davy Jones's locker!
シャドウアサシン私は、悪しきを断つ隠れ刀。闇に侵された地は……私が全て粛清する。As the hidden blade that cuts down the wicked, I'll purge the darkness that shrouds this land.
私は暗闇で輝き、暗闇で錆びる刃。闇に憑りつかれし者共よ……私が貴様を斬り裂こう。Even as my blade gleams in the darkness, so does it rust from the work that it does. So listen well, you who are tainted by the darkness: I shall cut the evil out of you.
大掃除お掃除開始ですっ!Let's get rid of all this clutter!
ネイビーガード・シモーヌ蒼き海は我らの海!この制服と剣に誓って、海に蔓延る化け物たちを打ち倒してみせましょう!These blue seas are ours. By my blade and my uniform, I will end the monsters that pollute these waters to the depths!
王国海軍の精鋭たる私にかかれば、化け物たちなど恐るるに足りません!蒼海において、私に並ぶ者などおりません!Monsters are nothing to worry about, as I am a shining star in the royal navy! These waters belong to us, and none can stand against me here!
円卓の騎士・トリスタン円卓の騎士として、我が身に背負う責任がある。故に、私は果てる訳にはいかぬ。帰るべき場所、かの人の為に……!As a Knight of the Round Table, I have a duty to fulfill, and I will allow nothing to stop me from seeing it done. Never will I forget that there is a place for me waiting by her side!
騎士の責務を果たす為、寂莫の想いを……君を求める渇きを押し留めよう。今はただ、王が築く理想郷の為に……!The quiet pain in my chest... my thirst for everything you are... All must be suppressed to fulfill my knightly duty. I must aid my king in building his regal paradise!
旅ガエル闇に木陰に雑踏に……身を隠すのは得意なんだ。こんな姿をしてるからさ、大手を振っては生きられなくてね。Looking like this, I've never been one for attention. Hiding is a specialty of mine—whether it's in darkness, the shade of a tree, or a convenient crowd.
人でもない、蛙でもない。じゃあ俺は一体何なんだろう?分からないから……俺は行く。風の向くまま、気の向くまま……。I'm not a human, and I'm not a frog. So what am I then? I don't know, and that's why I go from place to place—wherever the wind and my whims take me.
不滅の聖剣・デュランダル気高き英雄と契りし、不滅の聖剣。その刀身は折れもせず、毀れもせず、いかなる時も銀に輝く。A holy sword bound to a certain proud hero. Its blade will shine for eternity, never to break or tarnish.


言霊遣い・ジンジャー言葉一つで人を呪い、街を呪い、心をも呪い尽くした言霊遣い。彼女の唇が開かれたとき、災いが幕を開ける。A wordwielder who can curse a person, a city, or the very essence of a thing with but a single word. When her lips part, calamity slithers forth.
彼女が紡ぐ言葉は、空に溶け込み災厄と変わる。彼女は願う。ささやかな不幸を、密やかな死を、そして、大いなる破滅を―。The words she whispers drift into the sky and coalesce into disaster. She yearns for tiny misfortunes, silent death, and widespread ruin.
魔導の巨兵初めは無。魔力より創り出されし魂を土塊に宿し、土塊をひとがたへと変えるべし。続いて有。ひとがたに魔力を込め、巨兵と変えるべし。最後は無。暴れ狂う巨兵によって、全ては塵芥と化すべし。―『真理の基礎』、序文Begin with nothing. Then infuse a magical soul into a lump of earth to create a golem, which is something. Next magically enhance the golem until it grows into a giant. That giant will crush all before it, leaving you with nothing. —Introduction, The Basics of Truth
錬金術の極意は、思考と忘却に有る。いかようにして創るかのみを思考し、いかようにして制御するかを忘却すべし。さすれば、汝は大いなる作品を創り出すことが出来るであろう。―『真理の基礎』、第三項The secrets of alchemy lie in focus and forgetfulness. You should focus only on how to succeed at creation and forget about controlling what you create. Keep this in mind and you'll create something great indeed. —Chapter 3, The Basics of Truth
変異の雷撃あら、けっこうカワイイじゃない?Aww, they're so cute!
マジカルガール・メルヴィプリンセスって、どうやったらなれるのかな?……わからないけど、とりあえず色々ベンキョーしてみちゃおっと!ねぇねぇ、あなたも一緒にどうかなぁ?How do you get to be a princess? I sure don't know, so I'll just start studying everything I can find! How'd you like to join me?
いつかプリンセスになったら、素敵な王子様に出逢って、一緒になって、それでそれで……。ふふっ!あー楽しみ!早くなれるといいなぁ!プリンセスにっ♪Once I become a princess, I'll meet a handsome prince, and then we'll be together, and then, well—hee-hee-hee! I just can't wait to be a princess!
"True magic is that which lies beyond human knowledge, so dragons are a type of magic." The elder mage muttered the words to his acolytes. "There is value in understanding dragons, value that makes sacrificing one's human form a small price to pay."
"Study the wings of the dragon to learn to fly, and study its fangs and claws to learn to rend the earth asunder." As the elder mage spoke these words, its scaled master roared. "One roar is worth a thousand words. This is true learning!"
魔法剣喰らえ!魔法剣!Feel the power of the enchanted sword!
学院の新入生・ルゥえぇ〜っと、学院ってどこでしたっけ?アッチ?コッチ?ソッチ?ドッチ?……あうぅ、遅刻しちゃうですぅぅ!Um, which way was the school again? This way? That way? The other way? Oh no, I'm gonna be late!
ふぃぃ、どうにか到着できたですぅ。よぉっし、これから頑張って立派な魔法使いになるですよぉ!怖いことにも楽しいことにも、ぜんぶに挑戦しちゃうですぅっ!I did it! I made it to school. Now watch me turn into a master sorceress. Fun spells, scary spells—I'm going to learn them all!
幻惑の奇術師タネも仕掛けもありますが……見破れるかどうかは別のお話。さぁて、お立合い!珍しくも恐ろしき、不死の秘術をお見せしましょう!There are indeed tricks to my magic, but that doesn't mean anyone will be able to figure them out! Now behold as I reveal to you the rarely seen and horrific mysteries of immortality!
凍てつかせても、燃やしても。斬って、貫いて、叩き潰しても。私は何度でもこの場に現れます。貴方がタネと仕掛けを見破れるまで、ずっとね……。No matter how many times you freeze me, burn me, cut me, pierce me, or crush me, I shall only reappear in all my glory—at least until you finally figure out the trick.
キマイラ軽い気持ちで創ってみたら、凶暴さも餌代も三倍だ。困ったもんだなぁ。―若き錬金術師I created it for fun, but it ended up being three times meaner and hungrier than I expected. Talk about triple trouble. —A young alchemist
軽い気持ちで育ててみたら、凶暴さも餌代も四倍だ。一体どこまで大きくなるのかねぇ。―若き錬金術師I raised it for fun, but it ended up being four times meaner and hungrier than I expected. How big does this thing get anyway? —A young alchemist
魔法図書館本が機嫌を損ねますため、図書館では御静かに。―魔法図書館の張り紙Quiet, please. Noise upsets the books. —A poster in the Enchanted Library
キラキラヒーラーあ〜ん、やばいやばいぃ〜!そのケガやばいし、はやく治さないと〜!Yikes! Those boo-boos look bad! Really bad! I need to tend to them right now!
いたいいたいでもヘーキヘーキ♪やば〜いケガはふわふわヒールで治しちゃうから!A kiss'll make that boo-boo better! You'll soon feel as light as a flower petal!
夜の魔術師闇は夜だけのものじゃない。アタシのものでもあるのよ。The darkness doesn't belong only to the night. It's mine as well.
闇は夜だけのものじゃない。闇はいつだってアタシの味方をしてくれるのよ。The darkness doesn't belong only to the night. Long has it been my ally.
天輪のゴーレム白き魔術師は清らかなる力を用い、祝福されし巨兵を創り出した。主の純粋なる願いを受けて、巨兵は敵を叩き潰し、肉塊へ変えた。By using energy clean and pure, the white mage created a blessed golem that towered over her foes. Driven by the mage's heartfelt wishes, the golem crushed those foes, leaving lifeless hunks of meat in its wake.
悪しき力を使おうと、聖なる力を使おうと、人形に求めるところは変わらない。命じられるがままに、壊せ、砕け。Regardless of whether the golem is driven by powers of good or evil, what is required of it remains the same: to smash and destroy as commanded.
燃えネズミちょっと!こんな姿になるなんて聞いてないチューよ!?ムカムカするチュー!Hey, no one told me I was gettin' turned into a rat! This makes me squeaking mad!
あー!なにやったってムカムカが収まらないチュー!もっといい姿になりたかったチューのに!Argh! What the squeak is going on? And why'd you have to make me look so ratty?


水竜神の巫女見目麗しき水竜神の巫女は、聖なる泉にて神の舞を捧げる。巫女の願いに応え、水竜神は干乾びた大地に湖を創った。The beautiful priestess of the Waterwyrm danced for her god at the sacred spring. And the Waterwyrm responded to her wishes by creating a lake to soothe the once dry land.
巫女の舞に合わせ、水竜神が踊る。巫女が世界のために舞い続ける限り、水竜神は世界に青の恩恵を与え続ける。As the priestess dances, so too does the Waterwyrm. And as long as the priestess continues to dance for the world, the Waterwyrm will continue to bestow its blue blessing.
ウロボロス或いは生、或いは死。或いは始まり、或いは終わり。廻り、繰り返される運命の円環を司るは、完全なる存在。Life and death. Endings and beginnings. An absolute force that governs the ever-spinning, ever-repeating cycle of destiny.
その身で無限に廻る円環を示す蛇竜は、総てであり総てでない。永劫繰り返す世界の理は、みな無限蛇竜の腹の中。This serpent depicts an endless cycle, and it represents both everything and nothing. All fated to be repeated as the world spins into eternity is within the belly of this limitless serpent.
竜殺しの代償狩人は水竜の心臓を奪い取り、高々と掲げた。それが全ての始まりであり、全ての終わりだった。―『砂漠の歴史』、第二項The hunter carved out the heart of the sea dragon and held it aloft for all to see. That moment marked both the beginning and the end of everything. —Chapter 2, History of the Desert
不死鳥の乗り手・アイナ競う相手の数に臆しはしない。むしろ昂ぶるのがこの私だ!……敵も、同胞も、全て抜き去り駆け抜けよう!I have no fear of the number of adversaries. The more there are, the more excited I get! None will outpace me!
この空に残るは、我が炎の軌跡のみ。さぁ燃え上がれ、不死鳥の翼!虚空を焼き、私だけの道を築くのだ!The only thing that will be left in this sky is my flames! Now show me how furiously you can burn, my phoenix! Blaze a path for me and only me through the heavens!
ラハブ澄み渡りし海に、守護者在り。純粋なる意志のみに与し、濁りある者の魂を砕く。A defender that dwells in the clear sea. It allies itself only with the pure of heart and crushes the souls of the impure.
流転せし水域に、護り手在り。望みに応じどこまでも超大となり、その力を存分に振う。A guardian that dwells in the ever-changing waters. Its power grows as great as its commander wishes, and it wields its power with abandon.
ライトニングブラスト竜に認められた者だけが受けられる、名誉なる破滅。An honorable demise granted only to those chosen by the dragons.
邪毒の紫竜過去が未来へ、未来が過去へ、遥か時を超え、世は乱れた。そして神の盃は毒杯となり、我も穢れた。遍く全てが痛むのだ……故に癒せ、その命で。The past gave way to the future, the future gave way to the past, and the world fell into disorder after countless ages. And when the liquid in the chalice of the gods was poisoned, I was tainted along with it. Now everything hurts, and only your life can provide relief.
神の盃を護りし竜は最早いない。此処に座するは、醜悪なる紫竜よ。我が下へ来たり、捧げるが良い。輝く命だけが、この痛みを和らげるのだ。There is no longer a dragon to protect the chalice of the gods. There is only me, a hideous Pucewyrm. So come to me and offer up your lives. Nothing else can soothe my pain now.
風読みの少年・ゼル空は自由だけど甘くない。いつだって僕たちを拒む。……それでも、目指さない理由にはならないだろ?The skies are free, but they're merciless. They'll never stop trying to reject us, but they're our destination all the same.
翼をはためかせることも雲に飛び込むことも出来ない。だけど僕は、風を読める。感じられる!僕は目指すよ……遥かなる空を!Though I have no wings to flap and can't soar through the clouds, I can read the wind. I can feel it! And so I aim for the distant skies.
ラースドレイク炎竜は気紛れな料理人によく似ている。食材をさっと焼くかこんがり焼くかは、その日の気分次第なのさ。The flame dragon is much like a capricious cook. On some days it wants to char its food black; on other days a light searing is enough to satisfy it.
炎竜の機嫌が良ければ、火傷程度で済むだろう。だが、もし機嫌が悪ければ……君は風に吹かれて消えるだろうね。If the flame dragon is in a good mood, you might get away with nothing but a minor burn. But if it's in a bad mood, odds are your ashes will be scattered by the wind.
ドラゴンの卵冒険者にとって、竜の卵は垂涎の品だ。卵から孵った竜の雛にとって、冒険者とは垂涎の餌だ。Adventurers' mouths water at the value of dragon eggs; dragon hatchlings' mouths water at the taste of adventurers.
アクアネレイド宝石も、黄金も、海に沈めば私のモノ。可愛い可愛いオルカちゃん……私のためにステキなモノを探してきてね。Once gems and gold sink into the sea, they're all mine. Now go forth, my orca, and find me something that glitters.
モノの価値なんて分からないけど、キレイだったらそれでいいの。可愛い可愛いオルカちゃん……もっと私をキレイにしてね?Who cares how much stuff is worth? If it's pretty, it's good enough for me. Now, my lovely orca, won't you find something to make me even more beautiful?
大鎌の竜騎おっそいねぇ!そんなに遅いと、アタシの鎌でさくっと殺っちゃうよ!You're way too slow! And that means I'm going to kill you with my scythe!
どいつもこいつも骨もなければ肉もない!そら!もう少し気張ってみせなよ!C'mon, is that your best? You're cowards and weaklings, all of you!
ヒッポカムポス暗く、冷たい海を見守る海馬。海中を駆けるその姿は、地上の駿馬など足元に及ばない美しさだ。A seahorse that defends dark, icy waters. As it races through the depths, it's more beautiful than even the finest horses on the surface could ever hope to be.
聖域を侵し、生命をいたずらに奪うものを許しはしない。怒りに震える姿に、自らの所業を悔いたとしても遅い。It has no forgiveness for those who invade its sanctuary and violate the sanctity of life. Once it begins to shake with rage, there is no time left for regrets or apologies.


魂の番人・ミント死した命の行き先……永久の虚無……魂たちの揺り籠……。私は魂の番人……。魂は全て……私に集う……。After life comes the void... the eternal void... the cradle of souls. I stand watch... and the souls... come to me.
沈黙だけが……私の掟……。私はただ……魂を集める……。でも……私は知らないの……。魂が何か……命が何か……。いつか……知ることが出来るのかな……。Silence is the only rule I know. I simply collect souls... but I don't understand what life or souls really mean... I wonder if I ever will...
魔将軍・ヘクター太陽が百度沈み、百と一回昇った時、我らは遂にその首を獲った。ようやく、全てが終わったかに見えた。冥府の神が奴に手を貸すまでは。―『神と魔の手記』、第十四章The sun rose and set a hundred times before we finally managed to take that fiend's head. It looked like the nightmare had finally ended—until the god of the underworld aided our nemesis. —Chapter 4, Notes on Gods and Demons
冥府の神は奴に新たな姿を与えた。首なし騎士、デュラハン。我らの前から駆け出すと、それは瞬く間に闇へと消えた。だから我らは備えねばならない。奴が来たる、次の戦争へ向けて。―『神と魔の手記』、第十九章The nethergod returned him to life as a headless horseman, and he sped away into the dark. So it falls upon us to prepare for the next war, when he will surely haunt us again. —Chapter 19, Notes on Gods and Demons
死神の手帳死神の指が刻んだ文字は、生命の行く末を決める。The fates of the living are ultimately decided by the words inscribed by Death.
破魂の少女魂って鮮度がだいじ。だからバイバイとハローを繰り返すの!飽きた魂はポイして、新しいのをいただきます♪Fresh souls are the best souls—that's why I keep saying bye-bye and hello. Whenever I'm sick of a soul, I toss it and get another!
現世にバイバイは終わった?よーし、それじゃあハローってしてあげる!初めまして、いらっしゃい♪Did you say bye-bye to life? Then let me say hello! It's good to meet you!
不死の大王我らの行軍に終わりはない。例えこの身が塵と消えても、我が後には新たなる王が連なる。屍の覇道は永劫に続くのだ。We are a cortege of corpses, and we will reign eternal. Even if my bones turn to dust, a new thane will follow.
羨ましきは、生者の体温。妬ましきは、生者の血脈。嗚呼、寄越せとは言わぬ。せめて、我らと同じものに成ってくれ。I envy the living for their warmth, and I covet their pulse, but I shall not ask you to give these things to me. I only ask that you relinquish them and join us.
冒涜の墓場あの世の果てまで掘り進め。Dig on to the ends of the underworld.
オルトロス自分はケルベロス姉様の妹分、オルトロスです!冥界で二番の魔炎にて、必ずやお役に立ってみせるでありますよ!I'm Orthrus, the little sister of Cerberus, and I intend to prove my worth by wielding the second most powerful flames in the underworld.
牙を向ける相手も選べんとは……何と愚劣な。ケルベロス姉様の手を煩わせるまでもない……このオルトロスが貴様らを冥界へと送り届けてやろう!You have no idea who you just picked a fight with, do you? There's no need to bother Cerberus with the likes of you. I'm perfectly capable of sending you to the underworld myself!
骨の貴公子死が誰にでも訪れるように、不死もまた、誰にでも訪れる。晒せ、その白骨を。Just as all are mortal, all are immortal. Now be free, dear bones of white!
やがて朽ちる肉の子も、我が手に触れれば、永遠となる。踊れ、白骨よ。A single touch of my hand brings immortality to the decaying children of flesh. Now dance, my lovely bones.
忌刃の戦士コイツは魂を喰らって成長するんだよ。だから安心しろ……お前は俺の糧になるんだ……。This one feeds on souls to grow, so fear not. You'll serve as my nourishment in death.
足りないな……全く足りねぇよ。こんなんじゃ満足できねぇ。お前の魂を根こそぎ寄越しな……!Not enough... Not nearly enough. No offering so meager could ever satisfy me, so hand over your soul.
ゾンビパーティ死とは悲劇か、それとも喜劇か。Is death a tragedy, or is it a comedy?
死月の使徒月も命もやがては欠ける。だからこそ尊いとは思いませんか?The moon and life both wane. But don't you think that's what makes it so elegant?
月も命もやがては欠ける。その欠け方こそが肝要だとは思いませんか?Both the moon and life wane before long. But don't you think it's how you wane that counts?
漆黒の鎌使い命を断ち、奪いたければ、漆黒となれ。黒き心をもって、己が殺意を研ぎ澄ますのだ。If you want to take lives, you have to be the ebon itself. You need to embrace the darkness in your heart and sharpen the barbs of your every murderous impulse.
何物にも染まらぬ黒き心は、返り血さえも飲み込む。不断の意思で、命を断て。A truly ebon heart is free of any corrupting influences, and it drinks even the blood that spurts out of victims. So be ever-diligent in your quest to extinguish lives.
"You reek. Are you rotting or what?"
"Me? I don't smell nothing..."
"That's 'cause your nose fell off!"
—A conversation between a goblin and goblin zombie
"What are you looking at?"
"Wait... Stop! Cut it ou—"
—A conversation between two goblin zombies


ベルフェゴールヒトが語る黄金なんて、悪魔からすれば無意味で無価値……幾らでもくれてあげるわ。だから頂戴?私にとっての黄金を。The gold you humans talk about is worthless and pointless, so take as much as you want. But I expect you to give it to me—give me what I really want.
下卑て輝く金色ではなく……赤き色の魂こそが、私にとっての黄金なの。さぁ……望みを叶えたのだから差し出しなさい?To me, gold isn't some flashy yellow metal. It's your soul gleaming red. And now that I've made your wishes come true, I'll be taking that soul.
メイルストロームサーペントのたうつ大蛇は渦となり、全てを飲み込む。人も、街も、文化も、思想も。まるで、吹き荒ぶ嵐のように。The gigantic wriggling serpent is a maelstrom that swallows people, cities, cultures, and ideas alike, like a storm that blows away everything in its path.
狂える大蛇は災禍となり、天地を飲み込む。あらゆるを等しく蹂躙して無へと還す。まるで、神たる審判者のように。The tremendous, frenzied serpent is nothing less than a calamity that swallows the heavens and the earth. It crushes everything without discrimination, returning it to nothingness like some sort of divine judge.
ブラッドムーン人外の夜が始まる。Thus begins a night of inhumanity.
ソウルドミネーターアナタたちの未練は、このワタクシが今すぐ晴らしてあげる。だから、その魂の残滓でワタクシを満たしなさい!I'd be happy to help relieve you of all those pesky attachments. So satisfy me with what remains of your soul!
辛いでしょう、歯がゆいでしょう。ならばワタクシの糧となりなさい。卑しき悔恨を、崇高なる惨劇へと変えてあげるわ!I know how much it hurts and how irritating it is, so offer yourself to me as sustenance. I'll transform your lowly regrets into sublime tragedy!
愛の悪魔・ガレットキミの笑顔を守ってあげるよ。運命だって、俺だって、たまには気紛れを起こすものさ。I'll keep you smiling. Both destiny and I can be fickle now and then, you see.
俺とキミの間にあるのは、きっと永遠の運命じゃあない。けれど、それもまた運命さ。I fear that the bond we share won't last forever, but all good things must come to an end.
黒死の仮面死は感染する。故に其れを防ぐモノが必要だ。Like any other contagion, death can be prevented.
バフォメット山羊の頭を持ち屈強な肉体を誇る魔人戦士は、魔神に祈りを捧げ多数の悪魔を呼び醒ます敬虔な神官でもあった。The goat-headed, sturdy-bodied demon warrior was also a devout priest who prayed to a dark god to summon countless demons.
魔人は自身も強大な力を有していた。杖ともなる三叉の槍を一振りするだけで、大国は業火に包まれ灰燼と帰した。The demon warrior itself was mighty indeed. Armed with a trident that also served as a staff, it could wreathe a kingdom in flames and reduce it to ash with a single swing.
ヴラド・ドラキュラ其の身は人なれど、其の心は悪鬼、魔物、獣の類。意にそぐう者、そぐわぬ者、区別なく貫き、その死を晒す。人呼んで『串刺し公』、ヴラド・ドラキュラ。His body is that of a man, but his heart is that of a demon, monster, or beast. He indiscriminately pierces both allies and foes, sending them to the shadowy beyond. He is none other than Vlad Dracula, and mortals call him the Impaler.
千と万と血を浴びて、髪が、瞳が、紅に染まる。その身は遂に、悪鬼、魔物、獣となりて、世界に血の嵐を巻き起こす。人忌んで『吸血公』、ヴラド・ドラキュラ。After bathing in the blood of countless victims, his hair and eyes took on a crimson hue as if in testament to his malice, and his body finally changed to reflect his evil heart. He is none other than Vlad Dracula, and mortals detest him as the vampire that he is.
カオスシップ何を求めて、何処へ行く。茫洋と空を漂う幽霊船、其処から降り立つは影法師……。No one knows what it seeks or where it's going. The ghost ship traverses the vast seas and skies, and shadowy figures emerge from within.
何を求めて、何処へ行く。揺らめき漂う船体、其の身から吐き出されるは歪んだ閃光……。No one knows what it seeks or where it's going. The ship sways back and forth as it goes, and warped lights flicker from within.
生命奪取吸血鬼よ、覚悟し……。―ヴァンパイアハンター、最期の言葉"Vampire, prepare yourse..." —Last words of a vampire hunter
糸蜘蛛の悪魔我が庭を護りしは、貴く真白き我が粘糸。絡まったモノが何であれ、それは等しく我が敵、我が餌よ。Stately strands of alabaster protect my home. Anything that gets entangled in it is my foe and my prey.
我が粘糸が貴様の行く末を決める。絞め殺すか、絡み潰すか……選ぶのはこの私なのだよ。The strands of my web decide where you go. But should I suffocate you or suck you dry? The choice is mine.
"If you value your life, take off your armor." With the werewolf warriors before him, the elderly commander muttered the order. "Those beasts go after the ones who are harder to crush first."
"If you value your life, do not resist." The elderly commander curled his lips back as he put his hands up. "If they think you're easy to crush, your life will be spared."
フロッグバット空を飛びてぇって、ずぅっと思ってた。そしたら神様から翼を貰ったよ。嬉しいさ……でも、大事なものを失っちまった。生きる目的、生きる意味。俺はこれからどうすればいい?I wanted to fly from the time I was a tadpole, and the gods eventually gave me these wings. I'm happy about that, but I lost the most beloved thing in my life. I no longer have a purpose or reason to live. What am I supposed to do now?
あぁ、分かったよ。悟ったよ……。生きる目的なんて、生きる意味なんて、そんなもんなくていいんだな。だって俺は空みたく自由で……なんだって出来るんだから。Eureka! At last! An answer! I don't need a purpose or reason to live, because I'm as free as the sky itself. There's nothing I can't do.


ダークジャンヌかつて神を信じた少女がいた。神の声を聴き、神の声に従い、神の名を説いた。だが、戦場には神は居なかった。There was once a girl who trusted in God. She listened to him, followed his words, and spread his gospel. But one day she found that there was no god on the battlefield.
神を呪った少女は、やがて無垢なる心を漆黒に染めて再臨した。今、絶望の果てに昏き心を震わせて、立ち上がる。The girl who cursed God soon returned to the land, her once pure heart corrupted by darkness. Now she rises from the depths of despair, her blackened heart trembling.
ヘヴンリーイージス放たれる光輝、邪まなる双眼を焼く。立ち昇る神気、卑しき手を弾く。其れは可視にして不可視、有にして無。触れられざる神の鎧。Its radiance sears the eyes of the wicked. Its soaring divinity deflects the arms of the lowly. It is that which can and cannot be seen, that which is and is not. It is the untouchable armor of a god.
輝ける白鎧は、絶対なる正義の証。其の指は天罰を紡ぎ、其の手は裁きを司る。邪まなる者、卑しき者は、焼かれ弾かれ、潰えて消える。Shining white armor that epitomizes infallible justice. It moves in accordance with the dictates of divine retribution and rules the wicked and lowly with an iron fist. For them, judgment day has come.
穢れた聖杯穢れの果てに堕落せよ。―冥界の王・サタンBeyond defilement lies corruption. —Prince of Darkness
黄金都市の姫・リテュエルどうか、私の側から離れてください。私は、災厄の姫。私に近付けば、あなたは不幸になってしまう……。I'm the queen of bad luck, so stay away from me. You'll end up as unlucky as me if you get too close.
この身を縛る災厄に……私は負けたりしません。黄金と化した故郷を救うまで、決して……。There's always some sort of disaster happening to me. My city was turned to gold, but I'll never give up—never.
苦罰の審判者天界より降り立ちし審判者。罪を清めんと願う者らの彷徨う魂に苦罰を与え、慈悲の光の下へと導く。A judge who descended from the heavens. He unleashes retribution on the lost souls who pray to be purged of sin, and then he guides them to the light of mercy.
苦罰を乗り越えし者に、審判者は救済の杖で光へ続く道を開く。祝福は空を照らし、罪深き者らは赦しに涙する。With his staff of salvation, the judge opens a path into the light for those who endure his retribution. His blessings illuminate the sky, and the sinful weep before his forgiveness.
アイアンメイデンその中で『罪』を流し尽した者は、物言わぬ『聖人』となった。―『善の在り処(検閲版)』より抜粋Those who were purged of "sin" within her became "saints" who cannot help but uphold their vows of silence. —An excerpt from The Nature of Virtue
黄金都市の墓守・ソニア黄金と化した地に眠る、古き民を守るため……私は今日も、ここに立つわ。それこそが私に与えられた唯一の役目だから……。I stand here to protect the citizens of the city that was turned to gold. This is my one and only duty.
安らかなる眠りを妨げてはいけないわ。もし、この地を荒らそうと言うのなら……私が貴方に眠りをあげる。永遠の眠りをね。Let them rest in peace. If you don't, I shall put you to sleep. Permanently.
聖なる弓使い・クルト『聖神弓』よ、俺に力を与えてくれ!大いなる闇を祓う、清き力を!Grant me power, holy bow! Unsullied power to dispel the dark!
『聖神弓』に選ばれたあの日から、俺ずっと覚悟を決めてるんだ!世界のためにこの命をかけるってな!Ever since the day I was chosen by this holy bow, I've been ready to put my life on the line for the world!
カリュドーン女神アルテミスに仕える巨躯の猪。神の怒りに触れし者に裁きを下すため、女神の手により下界に放たれた。A massive boar that serves the goddess Artemis. The goddess sent it to the earthly realm to mete out her justice on those who anger the gods.
白き月は満ち、聖猪は猛り、地を震わす。美しき女神の忠実なるしもべとして、逆徒に裁きを与えた。When the moon is full, the boar rages, shaking the earth with its fury. It will show the traitorous the price of betraying the beautiful goddess it so faithfully serves.
祈りの燭台善き人は良く祈る。A just soul just prays.
清浄の治療師あなたの傷を癒しましょう。それで足らぬのならば、あなたの全てを救いましょう。さぁ、私の魔法に身を委ねて……。I will heal your wounds. And if that's not enough, I will save your very being. Let me care for your body with magic.
癒しも、救いも、あなたのもの。私が側に居る限り、ずっと。だから案ずることはないわ。さぁ、私に心を委ねて……。Healing and salvation are yours as long as I'm at your side. There's nothing to fear, so let me care for your heart.
ミストシャーマンもう大丈夫だよ。さぁ、君を世界から隠してあげる。僕の生み出す霧のカーテンでね。Everything will be okay. My mist will conceal you from the world.
怖がらなくていい。世界はもう、君を見つけることなんて出来ないよ。霧のカーテンの中に居る限り、ずっとね。There's no need to tremble. Just stay in this curtain of mist, and no one in this world will ever find you.
オクトパスビショップ俺の足、何本あるか当ててみろよ!Guess how many arms I have!
俺の足は二本なの!顔についてるのは足じゃなくて髭だからな!I have two arms! These things on my face are actually a beard!



