
不思議の探求者・アリス不思議な世界、素敵な世界!一体どんな冒険が待ってるのかしら?うふふ!今からとっても楽しみだわ!Lands of wonders, lands of marvels! What sort of adventures could be waiting? I can't wait to find out!
世界を変えれば、私も変わる。私が大人になるためには、この世界を変えないといけないはず!だから私は恐れず進むわ!この不思議で素敵な世界をね!I'm going to change the world to change myself. I mean, I have to change the world if I'm going to become a grown-up. I'll keep going onward, and I won't fear a thing in this land of wonders and marvels!
魔海の女王我が前で誓い、我が意に跪くのならば、渇望を希望へと変えてやろう。さぁ、貴様の望みを吐き出せ。而して我が望みを飲み込め。Prostrate yourself, and vow your loyalty to me. You'll no longer thirst for what you wish for. Tell me your wishes, and then drink down mine.
貴様の願いは何処へ行く?憐れなる小石が如く、海の底へと沈むのか……揺らめく泡沫が如く、海面へと浮き上がるのか……全ては貴様の行い次第だ。Where go your wishes? Your fragile dreams? Do they sink like a stone into the abyss, or do they rise like bubbles to the surface? Your actions determine all.
ラプンツェル塔の上で、私は生きる。髪を結って、髪を解いて……きっとずっと、一人きり。だけどもし、誰かが私の下まで来てくれたら。その時は、私……。I spend my life here in this tower, braiding and unbraiding my hair. But if someone were only to come to me...
塔の上は、寂しいの。ここに来るのは、小鳥さんだけ。だけどもし、誰かが私の手を引いてくれたら。その時は、私……この塔に「さようなら」を言うわ。Here in this tower I'm lonely. No one comes to me but the songbirds. But if someone were only to take my hand, then I'd say good-bye to this tower.
白猫の賢者・スノウ私はアリスの飼い猫だけど……一流のレディでもあるのよ?だから安心して私に任せて。せ、せっせ、セクシーにリードしてあげるからっ!I'm Alice's cat, but I'm a babe too! So feel safe leaving me in charge—I'll do a babe-a-licious job!
え?なんで顔が赤いのかって?……あ、赤くないわ!照れてないわ!だ、大丈夫。ちゃんと、せ、せせセクシーに出来るはず。だって私は、一流のレディだもの!Huh, why am I blushing? I'm not! I'm not embarrassed. I can be a babe, but I'm a classy lady too!
ヘクトル神代に戦在り。戦火、空を焦がす。屍、地を埋め尽くす。戦乱の最中、立ち続ける勇将一人。卓越した才腕にて、軍勢を率いて祖国を守護する。In the age of the gods, a war scorched the skies and left the earth aflame. One intrepid warrior stood amidst the chaos to lead the military forces and defend his ancestral lands.
神代を駆ける勇将在り。敵の悉くを撃ち落とし、その名を天下に知らしめた。己が運命を貫くかの如く、剛弓に矢をつがえて彼方を睨む。In the age of the gods, an intrepid warrior charged ahead. He won fame throughout the land by striking off the heads of countless foes. Ready to fulfill his destiny, he glares down the shaft of an arrow nocked to his iron bow.
I wonder what I'll find in there! —Alice, Wonderland Explorer
歌劇姫・フェリア私は舞台に咲く一輪の花よ。鳥のように歌い、女神のように微笑んで、観客を美しい物語へと誘うの!I am the flower that blooms on stage. I sing like a bird and smile like a goddess to welcome the audience into my beautiful tale.
舞台の上こそ、私が一番輝ける場所よ!いつか私、世界の全てを表現できる最高の女優になる!なってみせるわ!On stage I shine brightest. Some day I'll be the very best actress, one able to express anything in the world! You'll see!
屈強な山岳隊長でっけぇモンに挑戦しなけりゃ、オトコに生まれた意味がねぇ!巨人?巨竜?かかってこいっ!オレの気合いはでっけぇぞぉ!No sense being a man if you don't go big. Giants? Dragons? Bring 'em on! No guts, no glory!
でっけぇモンを乗り越えて、オトコは己の価値を磨く!ビビりゃあしねぇさ、突っ込むのみよ!オレの拳はいってぇぞぉ!I got big to be a real man. I've got no fear, and I'm happy to charge ahead. Watch out, 'cause these fists are gonna hurt!
獅子の豪傑我らが領地に踏み入るは良し。だが、踏み荒らすは看過せん。去ね、牙無き者よ。Enter our territory if you will. But we'll provide no quarter for plunderers. Away, fangless one!
我は獣にあってけだものに非ず。我が爪牙は無暗に振るわぬ。故にお前は、この大斧を持って断ち切ろう。Beastfolk we are, but monsters we're not. We don't swipe our claws haphazardly. So I'm chopping you in two with this mighty axe.
卵の大爆発んほぉぉ!わ、われるぅぅ!Rrrrngg! I'm about to crack!
ダラダラ天使・エフェメラ今回のお仕事は、戦っている人のお手伝いかぁ。ニートの頃が恋し…いやいやなんでもない!しっかり働きます!喜んで!Funemployment was the best. Do I really have to help people fight now? Ah, never mind! I'll do the job with a smile on my face!
戦いって大変なんでしょうけど、いったん休みません?このカワイイ天使ちゃんに免じて……な、なんて冗談です!働きます!Fighting's hard, but it's just about break time for cute little angels. Ha-ha, I'm kidding! I'll work!
エンジェルナイト聖戦に赴く人の子よ。天界の騎士たる私が、そなたの出陣を祝福しよう。Children of men who are heading into this just war. I am a heavenly angel, and I will bless your troops.
聖戦に赴く人の子よ。正義を貫くその行い、まさに戦士の鑑なり。私も共に戦い、栄光を授けよう。Children of men who are heading into this just war. I shall help you see virtue through. I shall fight alongside you as a model warrior, and you will receive my blessings.
ゴブリンリーダーただの一匹でも逃がしてしまえば、一が十を呼び、十が百を呼ぶ。故に奴らを狩るならば、ことごとくを斬らねばならない。―ゴブリンスレイヤー・ルシウスLet one get away and it'll call ten, and the ten will call a hundred. You have to squelch them all. —Lucius, Goblin Slayer
ただの子鬼と侮るな。奴らには知恵も無いが、限りも無い。油断せず、迅速に、全てを倒すのだ。……喰らえ、白刃一掃!―ゴブリンスレイヤー・ルシウスDon't laugh at the little devils. They may not be wise, but they don't have limits. You've got to squash them all fast. Swordsweep! —Lucius, Goblin Slayer


ビューティ&ビースト嫋やかなる姫と、獰猛なる戦士。片や華、片や獣。釣り合いとれぬ身の形。然し、容貌の美醜でなく、心の美醜において繋がる二人には、恋慕を超えた絆があった。A statuesque princess and a ferocious warrior. One half of this unlikely pair is a beauty; the other is a beast. Drawn together by their beautiful hearts, the two have created a bond that transcends love.
二人を繋ぐ絆は純愛。姿形は違えども、秘めたる友愛、秘めたる純心は誠に同じ。不朽の愛を誓った二人は、世界に恥じぬ幸せを得た。These two share a bond of pure love. Though their forms may differ, their hearts and their affections are equally sincere. They feel no shame when proclaiming their love to the world.
フェアリードラゴン汝は深緑の奔流にして、力のうねり、意思の具現。矮小なる身に秘めしは、膨大する森の怒り。Thou art a torrent in the verdant depths. Thou art burgeoning might and volition given shape. Within thy diminutive frame dwelleth the forest's prodigious rage.
其のあぎとが開きし時、咆哮が木々を揺らし、虐げられし者らの憤怒が溢れ出る。汝、森穢せし者を喰らい尽くす、大いなる守護者なり。From thy maw, O dragon, doth issue a roar to shake all trees. It is the sound of the ire of the persecuted. For thou art a great protector who doth consume all defilers of the forest.
エルフの双撃「私たちの矢、避けられる!?」「試してみても構わないよ?」"Can you dodge our arrows?"
"Let's try and see!"
大魔法の妖精・リラあたしの魔法があれば、どんな相手もラクショーだよ!……まぁ、一回しかつかえないけどね!My magic makes it easy to take on any foe! The thing is, it only works once.
いーっぱい魔力をためたから、どんな相手だってイッパツだよ!……まぁ、一回つかったら、魔力も気力もからっぽになっちゃうけどね!Once I charge up my magic, any foe will be gone in one blow! But after that, my energy and magic are through.
妖精の使役者うるさく飛び回る虫ケラどもが……さっさと黙って私に従え。キサマらは所詮、害虫に過ぎんのだからな。Buzzing, flitting insects! Shut your mouths and obey me, you pests.
虫ケラどもに唯一の価値があるのだとすれば……死の間際にあげる断末魔の悲鳴のみよ。ハハハ!せいぜい私の耳を楽しませるがいい!If there's anything good about you disease-spreading pests, it's the sound of your last breath. Now let me hear it!
茨の森「きゃあ、こわい。ねぇ、こっちにこないでね?」―茨の妖精Eek! You're scaring me! Don't come any closer, okay? —Bramble Fairy
アックスガール・アビームンちゃん、お仕事よ!今日はちょっと張り切って、まき割り千本いってみよー!Hey, Bobo! Chop, chop! It's time for work! We'll cut down a thousand trees today!
ムンちゃん、いい汗かいたね!でも、まだまだ元気残ってるし、追加のまき割り千本いってみよー!Bobo, I worked up a sweat, but I still have lots of energy. What do you say we cut down another thousand?
雪原の戦士戦いで得た機知が、戦士を更なる高みへ導く。まるで森の木々が如く、彼は戦の最中で成長する。The wisdom of battle leads the warrior to new heights. Much like a tree thrives in a forest, the warrior thrives in the heat of battle.
芽生えし命を救うべく、戦士は敵に立ち向かう。その大鎚は闘気を纏い、振り下ろされる度に勢いを増した。The warrior faces off against foes to protect the fresh buds of life. Clad in furor, his great hammer grows stronger with each swing.
長老の樹古の森を見守る大樹の霊。地脈を通じて森と繋がり、森と命を共にした。動物も大樹を愛し、森の番人と慕った。A spirit of the great tree that watches over the forest. Its life force is bound to the woods through the earth's meridians. Animals love the tree, and forest guardians hold it dear.
豊潤な土地を、森の恩恵と知った人々が供物を献上した。森の番人は妙薬の花びらを咲かせ、人々と友好を築いた。Forest guardians made offerings in appreciation of the woodlands' bounty. They helped the tree's soothing flowers to bloom and brought together the people in peace.
森の音楽隊う〜ん!ステキな音楽ね!なんだか気持ちがキラキラしてきちゃう!―フェアリーOooh, this music is so nice. It makes me feel sparkly! —A fairy
フラワープリンセス私は生来よりこの姿。花弁ほどの服をまとい、花のベッドで眠るのです。……ふふ、だからといって軽く見ないでくださいませ。花に棘はつきものですから。This is how I was born. The only clothes I wear are these petals, and I sleep on a bed of roses. But please don't look down on me. I've got a few thorns too.
私が小さいのではなく、あなた方が大きすぎるのです。慎ましく咲いてこそ、花は美しく映るというもの。ニンゲンの方々も、少しは慎ましく生きてはいかが?It's not that I'm too small; it's that you're too big. My beauty's in how meekly I bloom. Perhaps you humans should live a bit more meekly too.
"Together since birth."
"Together till death."
"Two as one, what fun!"
"One as two, how fun!"
"Dee, what will today bring?"
"Loads of fun, dear Dum."
"Dee, what to do today?"
"Something fun, dear Dum."
心優しき木人「『森は生きている』。この言葉は殆どのばあい比喩であるが、ごくまれに現実を指す。」―「生命の森」、序文Normally the statement the forest lives is intended as metaphor, but on rare occasions it's literally true. —The Living Forest, Author's Preface
「昨日あったはずの森が、今朝見たら消え失せていた。そんなとき私は、地面に残った幾つもの足跡を眺めながら呟くのだ。『森は生きている』と。」―「生命の森」、第一章The forest that was there yesterday had vanished overnight. Gazing at the tracks on the ground, I muttered to myself, "The forest lives." —The Living Forest, Chapter 1
クラブソルジャー女王様はせっかちでね。急がなければ、敵より先に僕の首が落とされてしまうのさ。Hurry! Her Royal Majesty is impatient. And if she loses her temper, you'll lose your head.
女王様に逆らうのかい?勇気と無謀をはき違えると、痛い目を見ることになるよ?Rebelling against Her Majesty? This won't end well for you. You're merely brazen, not brave.
スペードレイダー女王様の命に背く者は、我が剣により断罪する。My blade will punish any who disobey Her Majesty.
女王様の命は絶対だ。逆らう者には死あるのみ。Orders are orders, especially when they're coming from Her Majesty. Death to defiers of the queen!
ハートガーディアン女王様の身を護ることこそ、我が使命。我が命の意味である。To keep Her Majesty safe is why I'm here. It's why I live.
女王様は素晴らしき支配者。我が眼の黒いうちは、何人たりとも女王様には触れさせん。Her Majesty rules! So long as there's breath in my lungs, I'll allow none to touch her.
ブリキの兵隊帽子屋曰く、「物言わぬ可愛いオモチャ」。三月ウサギ曰く、「お喋りなお茶会の友」。"A cute and quiet toy," saith the Mad Hatter. "A talkative friend for a tea party," saith the March Hare.
帽子屋曰く、「暇潰しに最適のオモチャ」。三月ウサギ曰く、「下らなく退屈な友」。"The best toy to kill time," saith the Mad Hatter. "A dreadfully boring friend," saith the March Hare.


シンデレラ素敵なドレス、綺麗な宝石、透き通ったガラスの靴。そう、私はお姫様。十二時の鐘が鳴るまでは……。A lovely dress, beautiful jewels, and clear glass slippers. Yes, I'm a princess—at least until the clock strikes midnight.
魔法はいつか解ける。いいの、分かっていたことだから。……でも、一つだけワガママを言わせて。このガラスの靴を見たら思い出して欲しいの。一夜限りの私が、ここにいたことを……。The spell will fade sooner or later. It’s all right; I understood that. But please just do this one thing for me. When you see this glass slipper, remember me and how I was for that single night.
古の英雄無数の絶望を潜り抜けた者だけが放つ、歴戦の威光、凄烈な眼光。老いてなお勇猛、古びてなお英雄。半可の技は通じぬと知るべし。In his eyes is an authority—a cutting perceptiveness—unique to those who have overcome despair time and again. Though he ages, he remains valiant. Though he grows old, he is a hero still. Halfhearted tactics hold no sway with him.
戦況を読み、賢しき策を弄するは弱者の務め。強者とは戦況を変え、ただ一刀にて策を断ち切る者なり。故に必要となるは只一つ、前進の気合いのみ。The way of the weak is to gaze upon the tides of war and puzzle out a strategy. But the strong need pay no heed to the tides of war. They can sever a foe's schemes with a single swing. Only one thing is, therefore, necessary: the will to advance.
トランプナイト招集ダイヤの奴はヘマして首を切られたらしい。They say the diamonds fellow slipped up and got his head chopped off.
赤ずきん・メイジー私、おばあさんのところにパンとワインを届けに行くの。森はちょっと暗くて恐いけど、親切な狼さんがいてくれるから大丈夫!ありがとう、狼さん!I'm off to take a basket of bread and wine to Grandmother. Good thing this nice wolf is helping me through the dark, scary woods. Thank you, wolf!
親切な狼さん!ここまで連れて来てくれてありがとう!……お礼に一瞬でカタをつけてやるよ!おっと、抵抗するんじゃねぇ。余計に苦しむことになるぜ!Thanks for taking me this far, wolf. Let me say thanks by finishing you off in just a second. Hey, why are you fighting back? You'll just suffer more!
銀嶺の秘剣士永きに渡り銀嶺に封じられてきた秘剣は、ある時一人の青年に運命を託した。秘剣曰く、『我、貴君の刃とならん』The sword was embedded within the white ridge for ages until fate entrusted it to one young man. The sword spoke to him, saying, "I am thy blade!"
青年が肯くと、銀嶺の秘剣は輝き、そして真なる姿を現した。秘剣語るに、『我は刃、我は朋。貴君に勝利を齎すものなり!』The young man nodded, and the white ridge blade shone. Having revealed its true form, it began to speak: "I am thy blade, and thou art my comrade! I shall bring you victory!"
火遁の術「針蜥蜴の体毛一本に、竜の鱗を粉末状にしたものをまぶし、一昼夜置いた後に、魔力を込めて着火すべし。」―『忍術秘伝書』、炎の項Smear the pulverized dragon scales and a single hair from a spiny desert lizard, and then leave them overnight. Enchant the mixture the following morning, and then ignite. —Book of Flame, Treatise on Arcane Ninjutsu
若き鬼狩人・モモモモの将来の夢は、じっじとばっばのような立派なオーガハンターになることでござる!My dream is to be a great ogre hunter like Papa and Mama!
モモをかわいい子供だと思ってゆだんしない方がいいでござるよ!なんせモモには、この鬼斬丸がついているでござるから!Don't let your guard down because I'm a cute little girl. After all, I wield the Ogreslayer!
お爺さんとお婆さん昔々ある所に、おじいさんとおばあさんが暮らしていました。おじいさんは山へ鬼狩りへ、おばあさんは鬼の皮を洗いに川へと向かいました。Once upon a time there lived a little old woman and a little old man. The old man hunted ogres in the mountains, and the old woman washed the ogre hides in the river.
肉は日に干し保存食、骨は砕いて粉薬、皮は洗って物入れに。「鬼に余すところなし」は二人の口癖。おじいさんとおばあさんは、幾つになっても仲睦まじく、二人で鬼を追いかけ回したそうな。めでたしめでたし。They would make jerky from the flesh, a healing powder from the bones, and satchels from the washed hide. The old man and the old woman only grew closer as they aged. Chasing after ogres, they lived happily ever after.
刃ネズミ戦場に立つ戦士たちが忌み嫌うその鼠の背には針の代わりに刃が生えている。世にも不思議な剣を食らう鼠らしい。This hedgehog is considered a dangerous nuisance by warriors in battle. The mysterious beast is reputed to gnaw on blades.
上質な刃を求めて戦場に集まる剣鼠。大繁殖した時、剣鼠の刃を踏みつけて戦線離脱する戦士も多かったらしい。The bladed hedgehog seeks battlefields where it might find quality swords. Soldiers who accidentally step on the beast have been known to desert shortly afterward.
プリンセスキス美しき姫のキスは、蛙を人に、凡兵を英雄に変える。The kiss of a beautiful princess can turn a frog into a person, or a soldier into a hero.
マスタークノイチ主に仇なす者は、我らクノイチがお相手つかまつる!闇にて忍び、闇より出でて、お命頂戴いたします!If you try to harm my liege, then I'll serve as your adversary. I've come from the darkness to take your lives!
主の敵は、我らクノイチが討ち果たしましょう!この身、この命、全ては愛しき主のものです!My life exists for the sake of my liege. I'll dispatch any of his enemies!
アックスデストロイヤー私が砕くのは、形ある物だけではないの。男だからとのぼせ上がっている、愚か者の心も砕くわ。It's not just things you can see that I crush. I also crush the spirits of fools who think they can beat me just because they're men.
さぁ、国落としの時ね!貴方の国の歴史も、文化も、民の誇りさえ……全てを砕いてあげましょう!It's the hour of conquest! Your land, your history, and your pride are all about to be crushed!
兎耳の従者あなたはコッチ、あなたはアッチ……さぁ、みんな急いでね?宴の準備が遅れたら、女王様に首をはねられちゃうわよ?You over there, and you over there! Everyone, hurry up! If we delay the banquet, the queen will lop off our heads!
あちらこちらに跳ね回って……ようやくココも片付きそうね。それじゃあ、次の仕事を始めましょう。サボってると女王様に首をはねられちゃうわ。After a lot of hopping around, we finally got this place in order. Hurry on to the next task or the queen will lop off our heads!


Longface, Fanged Beast, the Sighing Beauty, or the Crimson Rose. Call me what you will. I am the void. I am a fiction. I am everyone and no one at all.
揺蕩う虚無を信じるならば、あなたに脳をあげる、心をあげる、勇気をあげる。私は遍く真実に跪き、遍く虚偽を総べるのよ。If you believe in the flickering nothing, I will give you a brain, give you a heart, and give you courage. I kneel before truth, and rule over the nothing.
呼び覚まされし禁忌畏怖は崇拝の始まり。憎悪は愛情の続き。魔導師よ、我は汝が呼び覚ました悪夢なり。我を封ずるというのであれば、いずれ来たる解放は宿命と知れ。Fear is the first step of worship, and hatred follows love. My dear mage, I am the nightmare you awakened. Know that even if you seal me away, freedom shall be mine in the end.
縛鎖は今や、我が身そのものとなった。魔導師よ、我が衝動を知れ!我は汝らの生を実存より解放し、虚無へと返す者なり。These fetters are already part of me. You, my dear mage, shall soon be freed from the fetters of life!
ゴーレムアサルト神は己に模して人を創った。人は神を模して其れを創った。God made man in his image; man made golems in God's image.
ルナルの魔術師・プリス孤独だって構わない。好きになじって呼んだらいい。……アタシは勝たなきゃならないんだ。それだけのために生きるんだ!Being alone is fine with me. Go ahead and make fun of me, but I'm still going to win. That's my whole reason for living.
幸せに笑う奴らになんか、絶対負けたりしない!アタシは勝つ。勝ってアタシの優秀さを示すんだ!There's no way I'll lose to some grinning fool. I'll win, and everyone will see how great I am!
偉大なる魔術師・レヴィフン、俺が何者かだと?知りたければ教えてやろう。俺はこの世界で最も偉大な魔法使いだよ。Who am I? Humph! If it matters to you, I'm the greatest mage in all the world.
お前の目前に立っているのは、魔術を究め、その境地にまで到った男だ。己が命を大事に思うのならば、俺の前から去るがいい!The man who stands before you has explored the ultimate limits of magic. If you value your life, step away from me!
お菓子の家「甘いものをたんまりあげよう。だから命をたんまりおくれ?」―森の魔女I'll give you lots of sweets, so give me your sweet life. —Witch of the Woods
幻影使い「よく出来た幻は、時に本物をも凌駕する。そのことを教えてくれたのは、一人の少女だった」―『幻の魔術』、第二章The best illusions sometimes surpass the originals. One young woman taught me as much. —Illusionary Magic, Chapter 2
「幻にも命があるの、と彼女は言った。指を弾き、終わりを命じるその時まで、幻もまた命を持つのだと」―『幻の魔術』、第四章She said illusions have lives of their own, lives that could be ended at a flick of the wrist. —Illusionary Magic, Chapter 2
闇魔法の教師・ハインライン生徒諸君、闇魔法の力を侮ってはならないぞ。闇魔法は万物を破壊し、人の心を惑わす強力な魔法分野なのだからな。You mustn't, my students, discount the field of shadow magic. It's able to destroy any object and lead people's hearts astray.
諸君の中には、闇魔法の危険性を理解していない者もいるようだな……。では、私が実演してみせよう。闇魔法の恐ろしさを!It seems there are some of you, my students, who don't yet understand the power of shadow magic. So allow me to demonstrate its terrible potential!
マナリアグリモワール「静かな生徒と、騒がしい生徒が居るように……静かな魔本と、騒がしい魔本があるのだよ」―闇魔法の教師・ハインラインGrimoires are like students: some are quiet while others are more troublesome. —Mr. Heinlein
「力ある魔本ほど、騒がしく、やかましく、危険なものだ。取り扱う時は十分に注意するように」―闇魔法の教師・ハインラインThe more powerful the grimoire, the more troublesome and dangerous it can be. You can't be too careful. —Mr. Heinlein
魔女の大釜劇薬なのか、妙薬なのか、はたまた今日の昼食なのか。それを知るのは彼女のみだ。Tincture, elixir, or just today's lunch? No one knows but her.
スイーツウィッチ魔女が作ったお菓子なんて、すっごいブキミで食べたくないよね……。でも、一生懸命がんばったんだよ?A witch's treats must seem scary. You don't want to eat any, do you? But, still, these are my best work.
いつかお店を開けたら……そう思って毎日お菓子を作ってるんだ。魔女にだって、叶えたい夢くらいあるんだよ?Someday I'd like to open a shop of my own. That's why I make treats like this every day. Even we witches have dreams in our hearts.
見習い魔法剣士師より授かりし、秘伝の技!食らえ!魔法剣っ!My master's hidden arts! And this, my enchanted blade!
師より賜りし、秘伝の奥義!お前如きに見切れるものか!Your ilk could never comprehend the depth of my master's power!
マナリアカーバンクルマナリア学院の裏庭、深緑の森に暮らす小さな幻獣。額の宝石に魔力を貯めこみ、萌芽の栄養に変換する力を持つ。A mystical critter found in the emerald-green woods and gardens of Mysteria Academy. The enchanted gem in its forehead emits energy to nourish the greenery.
春の初め、幻獣は最も重要な役割をこなす。冬に貯めこんだ魔力を解き放ち、新入生を歓迎する為の花畑を造るのだ。This mystical critter has an important role in the early spring. It releases the magical energy it stored up during winter to create a flower garden for incoming students.


天窮の竜神国の栄華と繁栄は、須らく人の業に非ず。王を導き民をいざなう、天外の者の御業と知るべし。A land's prosperity and fortune are not perforce coupled to the deeds of men. Of equal import are heaven's works, which guide the leaders and move the subjects.
覇道の影、隆盛のそばに、其の者在り。翼のはためきにて啓示を齎し、炎の煌きにて未来を明示す。She is there in conquest's shadow—at prosperity's side. She who counsels with her beating wings and illuminates the future with shimmering fires.
ジャバウォック「喰らうあぎと、引き掴むかぎづめ。汝の名はねばらかなりて、唇にまとわり、離れぬもの」―『在らぬものの詩』Such vociferous jaws and grasping claws! Thy brillig name upon the lips lingereth, and never shall it vade! —Poems of Unbeing
「両のまなこは炎と似る。いぶり狂えば、炯々と。嗚呼、在りもせぬ汝の名よ。汝を知れば、混沌を整然と見間違う」―『在らぬものの詩』Thine eyes of flame so blaze! Let thy name resound, unbeing Jabberwock. And the chaos shall as order seem. —Poems of Unbeing
無謀なる戦騎士道とは時に狂気と似る。Chivalry at times resembles madness.
戯曲の竜剣士「おぉ竜よ、何ゆえ我らに牙を剥くのです!」―『屠龍物語』、第三章、主役の台詞よりWhy must you bare fangs against us, O dragon? —Dragonslayer Tales, Chapter 3, Hero's lines
「ならば王家に伝わるこの剣と盾にて、その断末魔を響かせましょうぞ!」―『屠龍物語』、第十章、主役の台詞よりSo be it! This royal blade and shield shall sound your death knell! —Dragonslayer Tales, Chapter 10, Hero's lines
赤き猛竜「見なさい、燃ゆる竜が如きあの星を。この国の行く末を示す、大いなる啓示よ」―マーリンの予言Look upon that star shimmering like a dragon's scales. It is a great revelation which foretells the fate of this land. —Merlin's Prophecy
「死を乗り越えて、勝利なさい。火の竜の星が、あなたの未来を照らしているわ」―マーリンの予言Transcend death to triumph. The star of the fire-breathing dragon will light the way to your future. —Merlin's Prophecy
ドラゴニックランス汝が翼のはためきが、この一槍に力を与える!我が友よ、いざ行かん!The beat of thy wings powers this lance. Onward, my friend!
ヒッポグリフの乗り手青天!快晴!ならば行くべし!ヒッポちゃん、飛ばすよ!Blue and clear! Let's soar! Griffy, fly out!
強風!逆風!なんのその!ヒッポちゃん、全速力で突っ切ろう!Headwinds or crosswinds, we'll still win! Blaze out, Griffy!
竜技の達人竜なりたくば流あるべし。流れるが如くのたうつ、竜の姿こそ……儂が求める武の境地よ。A dragon's always in motion, slithering and writhing on. The dragon is a state of mind, the state of mind I strive for.
竜屠りたくば隆たるべし。老いるほどに力を増すが、竜の本質。儂が極めた、武の真髄よ!To slay a dragon, one must shimmer like its scales. For the older the dragon, the stronger it becomes. One with the heart of the warrior understands.
フォートレスキャンサー「兵糧が尽き、軍は解体。傭兵を雇う金もない。あぁ、この国はこれからどうなってしまうのだろうか。誰の手でも借りたい有様だ」―『貧しき王の手記』Provisions are gone, our forces have disbanded, and there's no money left to hire mercenaries. Now what happens to the state? If only there were someone to help. —Diary of the Have-Not King
「宮廷魔術師の提案で、魔物の上に拠点を構えることにした。手を貸してくれるのならば、いっそこの際、蟹でも構わん」―『貧しき王の手記』At the suggestion of the palace mage, we've established a base atop the monster. At this point we'll take a helping hand from anyone—even a crab. —Diary of the Have-Not King
竜の石像こいつ、今にも動き出しそうだな。Looks like it could spring to life at any moment.
ドラゴサモナー開け、召喚の門よ。我が呼びかけに応え、大いなる翼よここに在れ。Open, portal of summoning! Answer my voice—may great wings beat here!
其の身は我が身、其の命は我が命。翼持つはらからよ、私と共に未来を生きよう。Your body is my body. Your life is my life. Live the future together with me, winged compatriots!
大亀の長老万年を生きる、大海の主。その髭にはいかなる宝物をも凌ぐ価値があると言う。This sovereign of the sea can live for ten millennia. Its whiskers command the greatest price of any treasure.
万年を泳ぐ、大海の主。その甲羅の欠片を砕いて飲めば、永遠の時を生きられると言う。This sovereign of the sea can swim for ten millennia. Tradition suggests that any who ingest its pulverized shell will live eternally.
漆黒の獣戦士大地に生きる我らを見下す、浅ましき竜共よ。其の翼を断ち切り、其の眼前に立ち塞がる者も在ると知れ。Contemptible dragons, gazing down on the surface dwellers! When we slice your wings off, you'll have no path left!
地を這う者と我らを嗤う、卑しき竜よ。其の首も、其の傲慢も、我が猛撃にて斬り裂こう。Contemptible dragons, scoffing at the surface dwellers! Our leonine attacks will slice off your head and your pride.


ダークアリス不思議な世界、素敵な世界……。望めばなんだって叶うのよ。だからわたしは生まれたの。アリス、あなたがそう望んだから……。Lands of wonders, lands of marvels! Anything you wish for will come true! I was born because that's what you wished for, Alice.
世界を変えれば、わたしも変わる。それってすごく恐ろしいでしょう?わたしは変えたくない、変わりたくない。だから私は、幻想のまま生きるのよ……。If the world changes, I'll have to change too. Isn't that scary to think about? I don't want the world to change, and I don't want to change either. So I'm going to stay an illusion.
災厄の屍王祭壇に封印されし屍魔の王。生無き躰を命の魔炎が包む時、世界に再び災いを齎すという。An undead king sealed within an altar. When the flames of life burn within him again, he will bring woe to all the world.
封じられし地より出でた屍魔の王。怨讐によって燃ゆる魔炎が、王に絶対の力を与える。復讐の時は今来たれり。An undead king who has risen from the earth in which he was sealed. Flames of resentment grant him insuperable power. The hour of retribution is nigh.
再生の毒林檎生者にとっては毒の味、死者にとっては蜜の味。To the living it tastes of poison; to the dead it tastes of nectar.
ブラックスワン・オディールアタシに課せられた運命を変えるのは、そうアナタよ、愛しきアナタ。漆黒の世界からアタシを救って?その口付けで……。Only you can alter my fate—only you, dear. Please save me from this world of darkness; please kiss me.
純白は光?いいえ、白とは無の色、無意味のきわみ。だからアタシを選びなさい?アタシの愛で抱き、アタシの愛で染めると誓うから…。Is white the same as goodness? No, white is the color of the void—of utter meaninglessness. Please choose me. I promise to embrace your love and let it infuse me.
ジェド・マロース迷えるお嬢さん、私で良ければ助けになろう。凍える夜闇に怯える事は無い。手を伸ばし我が手を取るがいい……。Lost young lady, I'd be happy to help. Let me show you warmth in the frigid night. Reach out your hand and take mine.
不幸なるお嬢さん、私の問いに応えし君の助けになろう。幻想と願いに素直な君を光の元へ帰してあげよう……。Poor young lady, your loyalty to wishes and illusions is admirable. You've answered my questions well, so I'll return you home by the light.
セイレーンの涙誘いの涙で船人を呼び寄せ、別れの涙と共に船人を喰らう。Sirens cry to lure in sailors. They cry again once their meal is complete.
冥河の導き手魂が溢れすぎると、カローン様が困ってしまうの。生きる価値がある者は、私が現世へ還してあげる。Charon has her hands full when there are too many souls down here. So I send back the ones who deserve to live.
そう無暗に死なれてしまうと、冥界が魂で溢れ返ってしまうの。さぁ、在るべき場所へ還りなさい。カローン様には内緒だからね?Hades fills up with souls when you're so eager to die. Now head back home. Charon doesn't need to know.
悪夢の処刑人「我らの剣は卑でなく貴。誇り高く生きるべし。然し、其の誇りに執着することなかれ」―『処刑人の心得』Our blades are sublime, undefiled. They deserve to be held with pride. One must not, however, become attached to that pride. —Meditations of an Executioner
「死に執着すれば、死に魅入られる。然らば貴は卑となり、汝は悪夢そのものとなろう」―『処刑人の心得』One who is attached to death will become entranced with death. If the sublime is defiled, you will become a living nightmare. —Meditations of an Executioner
謎かけの芋虫嘘と真、謎と答え。世界には表と裏がある。そこで問おう。お嬢さんよ、君は表を好くか?裏を好くか?Scratch the surface and you'll find another world. Which is true, and which is the lie? I ask you, young lady—which world do you prefer?
表を好けば裏に近付き、裏を好けば表に近付く。求む場所に到れぬからこそ、世界は面白いのだよ。If you prefer that world, you'll grow closer to this one. It's because destinations are never reached that life is interesting.
幽霊屋敷その屋敷の住人は、侵入者を入居者と呼ぶ。They say home is where the soul is.
デーモンイーター魔族を喰らう魔族ってのはアタシのことよ!同族だろうがなんだろうが、このアタシの糧となるなら知ったこっちゃないわ!The demon-eating demon you heard about was me. I guess we're all related, but a meal's still a meal!
今日は中々のご馳走ね!憎悪のオードブル、怨嗟のメインディッシュ、断末魔のデザートまでいただきますっと!Looks like quite the feast today! I'll be having a main dish of vengeance, hors d'oeuvres of hatred, and death pangs for dessert!
マッドハッターいかれた帽子屋に御用かね。紳士ならば帽子を一つは持つべきだが、おあいにくとお嬢さん向けのモノはないようだ!Do you have business with a mad hatter? I brought one man's hat right with me, but nothing for young ladies unfortunately.
お嬢さん、何でもない日を楽しむ事だ。それは君の住む世界にこそある!よくよく考える事だ……後悔しないようにな!Days like these are the best, miss. That's doubly true for the world you're from! Just give it some thought. You don't want to make any regrets.
スケルトンオーガ「骨よ、骨よ、重なり連なれ。元よりの形を捨て、大いなる異形へと生まれ変わるのだ」―冷酷なるネクロマンサーBones, bones, stack and form. Abandon your shape of old and into a new shape be reborn. —A heartless necromancer
「骨よ、骨よ、汝は鬼ぞ。人であった頃など忘れ、大いなるしもべとして私に仕えるのだ」―冷酷なるネクロマンサーBones, bones, forget when you were a man! You're an ogre now, so serve mightily under my command! —A heartless necromancer


邪悪なる妖精・カラボス時の流れを止めることは難しい……。だが私の手に掛かれば、たやすいことだ。永遠に美しいまま、夢を見続けるといい。The flow of time is difficult to stop for most, but for me it's so simple. Stay beautiful and dream for eternity.
不変とは死と同義。だが、それがなんだと言うのだ?永遠ほど甘美なものなど、この世界に二つとあるまいよ!Permanence is just another name for death. But what of it? In this world nothing's sweeter than eternity!
昏き底より出でる者「侵されて、破滅して、地の底へぬるりと墜つ。見渡せば暗黒、漆黒。人よ、識りて畏れよ。其処に息衝く者、罪の肉喰らい咎の骨喰らう絶望」―『奈落の底』、第二章、第四小節Afflicted and annihilated, one oozes into the ebon abyss. Look and fear, human. There lurks despair: one who preys on iniquitous flesh and the bones of the besmirched. —The Abyss, Chapter 2, Verse 4
「濡れよ、果てよ、嗚呼、嘆く声よ。遍くは飲み込まれ、暗闇の最奥へ流れていく。さぁ、永久より長く、瞬きより短き、汝の日が始まる。」―『奈落の底』、終章、第一小節Be drenched! Oh, cry out beyond the edge! All is swallowed and flows into the lightless depths. The day has begun—a day longer than eternity and shorter than a blink. —The Abyss, Finale, Verse 1
致命の刃「幽霊の手のようにしろい刃が、病のようにくろい闇を斬りさきとんだ。針が布へ沈むように、ぷすりぷすりと、突きささる」―『残酷詩』、夜の章The ghostly white blade sliced through the sickly jet darkness, running through its target like a needle through cloth. —"Night", Poems of Cruelty
デモンオフィサー・エメラダさぁ、楽しい遊戯《ゲーム》の時間よ。我が一手で敵陣の駒を殲滅し、完全なる勝利と栄光を手にするわ。Time for fun and games! The enemy forces will be wiped out at my hands, and I'll bear victory and glory.
遊戯《ゲーム》は勝者となるからこそ面白い。惜敗も完敗も、等しく価値がないわ。だから私は勝つの。勝ち続けるのよ。Games are only fun for the victor! Losing's not worth a thing whether you're trounced or knicked. That's why I'll win and keep winning.
ファントムキャット人はけものだ。答えを探してさまようけもの。まったく難儀な生きモンだよなぁ、しかたねぇからヒントをやるよ!ニャハハハ!Humans are beasts, beasts that prowl in search of answers. Such peculiar creatures! Meow-ha-ha!
答えなんてものは、探すから見つからないのさ。なぜなら答えは影がごとく、お前に寄り添うもんだからな!ニャハハハ!Answers aren't anything you find through searching. Like shadows, they're always there by your side. Meow-ha-ha!
変装の牙「業深い婆さんだとは思ってたが、ここまで毛深かったかね?」―赤ずきん・メイジーGrandmother used to be more scary than hairy. —Maisy, Red Riding Hood
緋色の剣士渇くのよ、疼くのよ、だから欲しくなっちゃうの。ねぇ、いいでしょ?全部飲み干してあげるから……。I thirst and I ache for it. You don't mind, do you? Let me drink the last drop.
赤、朱、赫、その色が私を狂わせるの狂わせてしまうの。ねぇ、いいでしょう?一口で済ませてあげるから……。Red, crimson, vermillion—these colors make me go mad. You wouldn't mind, would you? One bite's all I need!
狼少年「あるところに少年一人。生まれながらの嘘つきで、「狼来たぞ」と叫んで回る。街の者たち散り散りになり、残った少年、街を荒らした」―『虚偽の末路』、第一章There was once a born liar who cried, "Wolf! Wolf!" When the townsfolk fled in fear, he burglarized their town. —Where the Liars Go, Chapter 1
「金銀財宝盗みとり、少年一人で高笑い。遠方より蹄鉄の音、狼退治の騎馬隊あらわる。少年慌てど時遅く、狼少年その日に討たれり」―『虚偽の末路』、最終章The boy was laughing in joy when hoofbeats began to sound. Mounted wolf-slayers had arrived, and they struck the boy down where he stood. —Where the Liars Go, final chapter
バンダースナッチ「おぉ、命惜しむ者、願いたまえ。いぶり狂う顎、くだきしは無象まで。おそるるべしはバンダースナッチ」―『在らぬものの詩』Beg for your life if you value it. For these frumious jaws crush all. The terrible Bandersnatch! —Poems of Unbeing
「なにゆえ狂う、なにゆえ猛る。月光またたく合間に駆けよ、さもなくば追われ、さもなくば死す。夜に消えるはバンダースナッチ」―『在らぬものの詩』Wherefore your fury, and wherefore your cry? Speed hence while the moon shines, for if not you shall be chased, and if not you will die. Vanish with the night, Bandersnatch! —Poems of Unbeing
悪魔の鍵「そそげやそそげ、ぬらせやぬらせ、御身へつながる鍵よ扉よ。血と肉と骨、どうか御身出でたまえ」―『鮮血残書』Drip, drop, drink, drink, key to the door to carnality! Bones, blood, bodies, breath, come hither unto me! —Bloodlock Manuscript
ひねくれ者の悪魔フ、フン!あんたの役になんて立ってあげないんだからね!Humph! It's not like I care about you!
フ、フン!あんたの敵なんて、倒してあげないんだからね!……あ、あげないんだからねっ!Humph! Don't—don't get any ideas! I'm not going to help you fight your stupid enemies!
豪拳の用心棒タイクツだぜ、タイクツ過ぎるぜ!どうしようもねぇザコばっかでよぉ、ゲンコツ一個で片付いちまうじゃあねぇか!Worthless geeks everywhere! This is boring, way too boring. I'm gonna finish you with these fists.
どっかにオレを満足させるヤツはいねぇのか?この両コブシを止められたらよぉ、褒美にハンマーをくれてやるからさぁ!Can't anyone satisfy me? If you can buck these knuckles, I'll bust out this hammer as your reward.
トーヴ「ねばらかなるや、その体躯。くるりくるりと、きり穿ち、鳴くがよい、遊ぶがよい」―『在らぬものの詩』So slithy their forms! May they waltz and gimble and gambol! May their voices sound! —Poems of Unbeing
「おさなごのように邪気なく、ふらふらと踏む足よ、異形ながらに愛おしきものか」―『在らぬものの詩』Innocent as babes they pitter-patter, peculiar in shape but dearworth. —Poems of Unbeing


スノーホワイトプリンセス「雪と咲く一輪の華、その美しさを妬む者あり。悲しくも卑しき意思により、少女は深き眠りにつく。少女のまなこを開くには、王子の口付けが鍵となる」―『童話:雪華の少女』、第五章Some resent the beauty of this snow crystal. One such mean and lowly soul put the girl to sleep. Only the kiss of a prince could open her eyelids. —Snow White, Chapter 5
「すきとおる肌は、まるで雪。つややかなる唇、まるで華。おぉ、儚くも美しい姫よ。私の口付けで貴女のまなこを開きましょう」―『童話:雪華の少女』、第七章、王子の言葉Your skin is as fair as the pure, driven snow. But your breath is as chilly as the crystals. My delicate princess, may this kiss open your eyes again! —Snow White, Chapter 7
"Beat that thing up and we'll get to all the treasure inside that temple."
"Shiny stuff!"
"Hush, Goblin Mage!"
Travelogue of Feena and Goblin Mage
"Be careful. We don't know what kind of beast it is."
"Shiny stuff!"
"Don't run ahead, Goblin Mage!"
Travelogue of Feena and Goblin Mage
アリスの冒険「チョッキを着たうさぎなんて、初めて見たわ!なんだかすっごく面白そう!」―不思議の探求者・アリスI've never seen a hare in a waistcoat before! How very amusing! —Alice, Wonderland Explorer
ホワイトスワン・オデット私に課せられた運命を変えるのは、あなた……そう、あなたしかいないのです。純白の呪いから私を救ってください。どうかこの身に、口付けを……。No one but you can alter my fate—no one. Please release me from this curse of purity. Please give me your kiss.
漆黒とは闇、邪悪そのもの。だから私を選んでください。あなたの愛に抱かれ、あなたの愛に染まると誓いましょう……。Please choose me. The darkness is nothing but evil. And I promise to let your love embrace me and infuse me.
赤枝の聖騎士・ノイシュこの国を恐ろしき嵐が襲うであろう。我らは赤枝の聖騎士として立ち向かい、耐える役目を担っているのだ……。Terrifying storms will soon assail this kingdom. We knights of the Red Branch shall oppose them, standing tall forever more.
この国の行く末に祈りを捧げよう。王は正しく、民は勤勉であり、我ら赤枝の聖騎士は強靭であり続けるように……。Let us pray for our kingdom's future: May the king be just. May his subjects be industrious. And may we Knights of the Red Branch remain ever diligent.
三月ウサギのお茶会さぁこれを飲んで?中身は空だけど。さぁこれを食べて?そんなものありはしないけど。あぁ、楽しいお茶会の始まりね!Drink this up! But, mind you, there's nothing inside. Eat up now! But, mind you, this doesn't exist. Sigh, this is the perfect beginning to a tea party!
天狐ワシら狐里の一族は、友のためには力を惜しまぬ。どれ、おぬしのためにひと肌脱いでやろうかのお。We supernatural critters don't spare any effort to save our friends. We'll work our tails off!
我が身にたぎる仙力で、艱難辛苦を振り払おうぞ。友よ、ワシに任せておくがいい!The supernatural powers within me will end this mess. Just leave it to me, friend!
イーグルマンその眼は神の眼。あらゆるを見通し、危機を追う。その手は神の手。あらゆるに差し伸べ、危機から救う。その者、忠実なる神のしもべ。His eyes are the eyes of God. They see through all to track down dangers. His hands are the hands of God, and he reaches out to provide salvation from danger. He is the faithful servant of God.
神と生き、神に誓い、神に殉じる覚悟を持つ。神の御言葉に従いて、地上の者をひとしく救う。その者、友愛知る人の護り手。He lives with God, prays to God, and is prepared to give his life for God. In accordance with God's word, he aids all on earth. He is the protector of all who know brotherly love.
ハティ銀狼は漆黒の中照らされて白に融け、遥かなる天空の銀盤を睨んだ。追いかけては遠ざかる、憎き敵を。The silver wolf glared at the pale, round plate gleaming in the heavenly darkness, its most hated enemy that was always a step ahead.
白銀に融けた狼は、仇敵への静かな怒りでその身体を燃え上がらせた。すぐに捉えて噛み殺す、そう堅く誓って。The wolf, drenched in silver light, let its quiet anger rage as it solemnly swore to catch and sink its teeth into its foe.
粛清の聖堂僧侶が紐を手放すと、『救い』が落ち、『選ばれし者』の『咎』を跳ね飛ばした。―『善の在り処(検閲版)』より抜粋When the cable was released, Salvation plunged down on the Chosen One, and his Immorality was cut clean off. —Excerpted from Den of Virtue, expurgated edition
鳥飼いの使徒鳥飼いの仕事、未だにニガテ……。だって鳥って、急に動くし、飛ぼうとするし……。まぁお仕事だから、頑張るけどね。I'm still not much of a bird person. Birds move so fast and always try to fly away. I'll do my job, but, well, you know.
きゃ、きゃあ!?こっち来た!と思ったら逃げた!私の羽を見て、仲間だと思ってるのかな?大人しくして欲しいのにぃ……。Eeek, it's flying this way! Or at least I thought it was. Maybe it saw my wings and thought I was another bird. I wish they'd just stay nice and calm.
清浄の僧侶我らが信徒は美形ぞろい。祈りの効果もバツグンですよ?Our followers are showstoppers. You won't find prayers that work better than ours!
神は人の美醜など気になさらない。ですが、どうせ祈られるなら可愛い子に祈られたいでしょう?God doesn't care about people's looks. But if it's prayers you want, why not get them from a cutie?
ホワイトタイガー遠き異国、西方の地より降臨する四聖獣のひとつ。頂より耳を澄まし、大陸に降り掛かる災厄を嗅ぎ付けるという。From a land far to the west comes one of the four holy beasts. On mountaintops it listens carefully; when it comes down to the land, it sniffs out disaster.
遠き異国、西方の地より降臨する四聖獣のひとつ。聖域に厄災を寄せ付けず、永劫の繁栄を約束する。From a land far to the west comes one of the four holy beasts. It stops enemies from entering the sacred ground and promises eternal prosperity.



