THE MIMIC-Snowman University - 7 神戸港! Always with Friends! 7 Kobe Port!

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

We have arrived in Kobe and even though it’s fall, it’s insanely hot today.
Oh my god!
Luckily we are here at the port and we’re going to ride a ferry.

Good bye!
And the cool thing about this boat is that all the staff are women.

We found a store for dog clothes and isn’t this just like the cutest thing?
It's so adorable.
This is not a real dog but we think it’ll look perfect on Kit, so I don’t know maybe we should buy one I guess.
Let’s buy one!
Let’s do it!
Let’s buy one!
