THE MIMIC-Snowman University - Going to School in Japan - Fukuoka School of Music

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

My name is Micaela.
And I live in Japan.
Today, I’m going to go to school.
I always start my day by riding my bike down a big hill.
Bike (ride??) is fun!

I usually check my email while I’m waiting for the train to arrive.
And when it does, it makes a loud screeching sound.
I like the thing that that’s what makes passengers look so depressed.
So then we arrive at FSM.
It’s cool place.
And it even has an elevator.
We study all kinds of things…like basic music theory and lots of Western music.
They say the Western music has more history than Japanese music does.
We like to make ugly faces but it’s not really part of the curriculum.

And then it’s lunchtime.
We really like lunchtime.

After lunch, it’s time for guitar class.
But my favorite class is the one where we get to use the Macs and logic to create a bunch of digital music including the song you’re listening to right now.

Then because it’s the end of the week, we get together and we practice making music.
You can get pretty loud in there.

So, that’s generally what it’s like at my school.
Hope you enjoy watching and I’m really looking forward to seeing what I can do in the future with this experience.
