THE MIMIC-Snowman University - Lang-8 Introduction

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

One of the biggest problems about new languages is that it’s often difficult to find native speakers to practice with.
Lang-8 makes it easy to practice any languages with native speakers no matter where you live.
You can register for free and get started in just a matter of minutes.
After you all signed up, learning is as simple as three easy steps.
Sam learning Japanese.
First, you write journal entries in the language that you’re learning.
Second, native speakers of that language will correct your entries.
It’s easy to see what mistakes you’ve made, so you don’t make them again.
Third, you can get back to the community by helping others who are learning your native language.
Lang-8 makes it really simple to practice languages with native speakers by writing a journal entry every day, you’ll make new friends and get good at any language in no time.
What native speakers from over 10080 countries on Lang-8, you should find infinite languages and an infinite learning.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy our language learning community.

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