THE MIMIC-Snowman University - Taking Kit to the Dog Diner

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

It’s Monday.
It’s a holiday and for like the first time in a really long time Ryuhei also has the day off, so we’re going to take my little baby who just got neutered by the way.
He just got…fixed, so he’s in a body suit.
We’re going to go out and spend a day with you.
He’s not always in this cage.
He’s just in the cage when he’s bad.
We’re trying to train him not to bite, so he goes in the cage when he’s biting and tell him to settle down.
He settled down?
He’s still biting.
Honey, don’t bite please…
Kisses …
Poor baby…
Little boy
He’s been kind of like sad ever since he had the operation, but I think I’d be sad, too if someone like chopped off my bowls….

Oh yeah!
I guess he can. He can still have sex but will he want to have sex..right?
He might not want to have sex because he does (not’ve like hormone anymore.??)
You may not have your man parts but we will still make a man out of you.
I think he’s…
So the place we’re going now is called 溶岩.
The dog café.
(It’s a great in the neighborhood.?)
(Here we are!?)
Dog diner!
The wanzoom club of the dog by the dog?
For the dog!
So food’s here and it looks so good and all we’re waiting for now is the food that we ordered for Kit.
This is the Spanish omelet in pumpkin soup for dogs.
No taste?
I don’t really like eggs, though…
It’s not bad.
It tastes like food…like you can taste like the carrots and like you can taste its egg, but I do like human food better because it has like 調味料, right?
Like it has… more like salt and pepper’s stuff.
(If this had salt and pepper, it’d taste like human food.??)
So, that was fun!
We thought Kit could make some friends but that didn’t really work out the way that we planed.
Do you have a backup plan?