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  1. Tomatometer=8,2 / 10 Stars
  2. release date=2019
  3. Star=Charlie Pye Jr
  4. 2hours 17 Minute
  5. USA
  6. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYmM4YzA5NjUtZGEyOS00YzllLWJmM2UtZjhhNmJhM2E1NjUxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg)
You can have your opinion on his attire, but if you dont like it, just now you dont style lmao.

So KILLMONGER and CAPTAIN MARLVEL working together now

Great book, a must read - bringing forth important issues in our modern culture that contribute to the ignorance and hatred in the USA - things that have to change if we really want to be a nation that represents freedom and justice.

Jamie foxx needs a podcast where he just tells old stories

I am a proponent of the death penalty, but ONLY in a system that's fair and seeking justice. We dont have such a system. Dont know why this film has a low rating.
This true story about a young lawyer who uncovers miscarriages of justice a from discriminating legal system in the deep south, it has a great central performance by Michael B Jordan and is backed up by Jamie Foxx, who surely should be nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar come next year. I saw "Just Mercy" a few days ago at the Philadelphia Film Festival and was blown away by the film. and I consider it to be one of the best movies I've seen in recent years. I could easily see the picture receiving several Oscar nominations- especially for acting. Imagine my suprise when I looked on IMDB and saw a score of 5.6 and some negative reviews! I am not exactly sure what this is all about and perhaps it's because there are some angry pro-capital punishment folks or some who simply hate a film with a mostly black cast. All I know is that the film is a quality production and kept my interest throughout. The story is based on the work of Bryan Stevenson, a Harvard graduate who chose to move to Alabama and work for a small salary to help examine the convictions of men on death who in some cases were not guilty at all. How could anyone NOT applaud this sort of thing? Overall, a brilliantly written film that made me sad and angry. and I love when a film effects me that way. The acting was top-notch, the story magnificent and the writing amazing. Just ignore all the negativity and see this one. you'll be happy you did. As for me, I'd consider this perhaps the best American film of the 's THAT good.
Was snoh there behind the scenes. Love this man and his talent for the gift of laughter. Are there the only stories than can be told about our people. This has got to be my favorite Ted Talk. This is the beat movie I have ever seen, this movie is a masterpiece. I just spent the last 23:41 minutes with a lump in my throat.? I am moved. Being of mixed races and having a history of experiencing?the brutality of our justice system, this was awe inspiring.? If we could ALL just ingest this talk and then act on it. I think he went to South India. There people move their head weirdly. Just Mercy is powerful I just saw it. It made me laugh, cry, mad, and inspired. Oscar worthy work. Sam had me @Oh! I'm sorry! Did I not wake up black this morning.
So he just be walking through the house with his outside shoes.

Y'all really be falling out over him lol

Is it me or were these questions kinda weak. 30years and the interviewer is surprised this man has fears and scars. He served that time physically and mentally. So glad I don't have a sleeping pattern. Get to watch Jeremy immediately ?. Agree with what Bryan shared with Brie. Her delivery was on point. The day that this uploaded on YouTube, is my birthday and i wish that this show stays for a lifetime??????????????. What did Jenna do to her beautiful face? ?. VENGEANCE IS MINE THUS SAYS THE LORD. His dimples whenever he rhaps my ovaries exploded.

This man is 52 years old. Jordan an travis scott have the same voice. Had a really high expectations with this since Jordan and fox were attach and this story is very Emotional to tell but this film is forcing the stuff so much u will forgot what it's actually trying to say.horrible writing needed a better writer. I swear, Samuel L Jackson catchphrase is “Oh Im sorry”. I am surprised Jamie Foxx did not give kudos to Tom Cruise. His career stalled after In Living Color. However, it was Tom Cruise who guaranteed that he would never be hungry again. After starring with Cruise in, his career took off. Smh. So the white man who was wrongfully convicted works on a parole board.

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  2. https://ameblo.jp/musaitsure/entry-12580903629.htm...
  3. Just Mercy
  4. https://seesaawiki.jp/heiita/d/%26%238249%3bmegavi...

Creator - Igors Moskalcovs









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