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1 interesting, others make my veins pop. HW exec; hey, lets make a remake sequel of a sequel remake remake sequel. Free full underwater movie. Free full underwater movies. Underwater full movie free. ?? Linda música ?. Free full underwater animals. Free full underwater video. Free full underwater photos. Free Full underwater photography. Free full undertale. You can use * to search for partial matches. Logical Operator Operator Open Access Article 1 School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 2 Xi’an Modern Control Technology Research Institute, Xi’an 710065, China * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Received: 10 January 2020 / Revised: 6 February 2020 / Accepted: 8 February 2020 / Published: 11 February 2020 (This article belongs to the Section Hydraulics) The evolution of interfaces for underwater gas jets is the main morphological manifestation of two-phase unstable interaction. The high-speed transient photographic recording and image post-processing methods are used to obtain the interfacial change in a submerged gaseous jet at different stages after its ejection from the Laval nozzle exit. The relationship between the pressure pulsation in the wake flow field and the interfacial change is further analyzed by combining the experimental results with computational results. A theoretical model is employed to address the competition dominant mechanism of interface instability. The results show that the jet interface of a supersonic gas jet gradually changes from one containing wave structures to a transition structure, and finally forms a steady-state conical jet. The fluctuation of the jet interface results in the pulsation of the back-pressure. The dominant mechanism of the interface changes with the development and distribution of the jet, from Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability beyond the nozzle exit changing to Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) instability in the downstream. 1. Introduction Underwater supersonic gas jets are widely used in underwater propulsion, the chemical industry, and metallurgy [ 1, 2, 3]. In an aqueous medium environment, the flow field structures formed by high-speed jetting differ from those in air. As the density of water is more than 800 times that of air, the inertia of water shows a greater effect. After the high-speed gas is ejected from the nozzle, the gas flow will be blocked by water, and flow field parameters will decay rapidly, resulting in complex phenomena such as interfacial changes and vortex motion [ 4]. The evolution of the gas-liquid boundary and interface instability are the main morphological manifestations of two-phase interaction. Research into its changing characteristics is important to understand the shock-wave-induced pressure oscillation in the wake region of underwater supersonic jets. Previous studies on gaseous jets in liquid are mostly applied to chemical gas-liquid jet reactors and condensing equipment [ 5, 6]. The velocity of gas is subsonic, and the flow pattern is a scattered bubbly flow. With increasing the Mach number of the gas, the jets become supersonic, and the flow pattern changes from bubbly flow to jetting flow. Labotz et al. [ 7] and Lu et al. [ 8] performed simulations using a zero-dimensional spherical model and found that the large peak pressure of the wake at the initial moment will lead to the generation and continuous disturbance of shock waves in the nozzle expansion section. Loth et al. [ 9] found that the same shock structures in the wake of a sonic jet underwater. Wang et al. [ 10, 11], Shi et al. [ 12, 13], and Tang et al. [ 14, 15] found that expansion, necking, and back-attack are fundamental phenomena in underwater gas jets. Tang et al. [ 16, 17] considered phase transitions and the buoyancy effect of gaseous jets for underwater propulsion systems through numerical simulation, and found that the thrust shows different orders of frequency attributed to the oscillation in wake. Zhang et al. [ 18] observed the development of jet shear vortex under water flow conditions through water tunnel tests, and found that larger vortices are formed when the main body of the jet evolves downstream and mixes with the jet shear layer. Fronzeo et al. [ 19] divided the jet stabilizing structures based on simulation results, and separated it into a non-viscous core area, a mixing area, an intermittent bubbly area, and the unstable jet wake. The central non-viscous core region shows large momentum characteristics. With the radial and axial attenuation, the gas-liquid interface at the radial interface is accompanied by a more intensive gas-liquid mixing phenomenon. The outer layer of the mixing region and jet wake area undergo intermittent bubbly overflow and diffusion, where the kinetic energy is reduced, and the turbulent mixing phenomenon becomes more significant. Due to the large density gradient and velocity gradient between the gas and the surrounding fluid water, the jets will be governed by Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) instability and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability. Chawla [ 20, 21] studied the K-H instability of the sonic gas jet underwater. He found that pressure disturbance, liquid viscosity, and surface tension affect the stability of the interface. Shadloo et al. [ 22] used a smooth particle hydrodynamic method to study the K-H instability between two layers of liquid, and concluded that the value of Richardson number (Ri) controls the growth rate of K-H instability. Wu et al. [ 23] studied the spike structure formed by the R-T instability of the three-dimensional gas-liquid interface and its changing characteristics. Much research has been conducted on the interfacial changes in different types of liquids; however, in the field of underwater gas propulsion, the theoretical research into the stability of the interface between gas and water still warrants further analysis. It is necessary to evaluate the evolution of the water medium gas jet interface to understand the jet wake field structure and pressure pulsation. The dynamic fluctuation of underwater jet structure, especially at the gas-water boundary, is an important factor influencing jet instability. In this paper, the interface evolution mechanism of underwater supersonic gas jets is analyzed through underwater jet tests and image post-processing methods. The relationship between interfacial changes and pressure fluctuations in the wake field is analyzed on the basis of numerical simulation results. The mathematical model is used to obtain the gas-water interface at each stage as it changes in the competitive dominant mechanism of instability. 2. Experimental and Numerical Methodology 2. 1. Experimental Apparatus The experimental apparatus used to test underwater gaseous jets is shown in Figure 1. The water vessel is designed to sustain a simulated water-depth of 1?300 m by air inflation at 0. 11 to 3. 10 MPa. In this study, five different water depths are tested: 1 m, 100 m, 150 m, 200 m, and 300 m. The total pressure of gas p 0 at the inlet of nozzle is 6. 7 MPa. High-speed photography (Phantom VEO 410 L) is adopted to record the evolution of interface of gaseous jet, and the frame rate is 2000 to 10, 000 fps. The expansion ratio (area of nozzle exit divided by area of throat, A e / A t, and diameter of the nozzle throat d t = 2 mm) of the adopted Laval nozzle is 1. 5625 and 4, and the designed Mach number at the nozzle exit is 1. 9 and 2. 94, separately. Detailed information about the nozzle size is presented in Figure 1 c. The working conditions of the gaseous jets are summarized in Table 1. The results of the pressure are calculated based on one-dimensional isentropic flow. There are four different kinds of nozzle working conditions (seven working states of nozzle) with the increasing of ambient water pressure, as shown in Figure 2. I: p h < p e, the nozzle is under-expanded, accompanied with the fluctuation of decreasing pressure to the ambient pressure, as illustrated in state ?. II: p h = p e, the nozzle is full-expanded, and the pressure at the nozzle exit is equal to the ambient pressure (state ?). III: p h > p e, the nozzle is over-expanded. When the nozzle work in state ?, the pressure increases to ambient pressure with oscillation. Then, in state ?, a normal shock wave occurs at the nozzle exit. With larger ambient pressure, the shock wave will move into the nozzle diverging part (state ?). IV: Subsonic nozzle. When the nozzle works in state ?, the whole nozzle is subsonic except for the sonic throat. While in state ?, the whole nozzle is subsonic. Three replicates of each test are performed under the same working conditions to verify the repeatability of the results. For the nozzle with an expansion ratio of 1. 5625, the pressure ratio p h / p 0 in full-expanded condition is 0. 1479. The pressure ratio p h / p 0 with a normal shock wave at the nozzle exit is 0. 5983. The velocity of gas is supersonic at the nozzle exit under each of the five different water depths. When the water depth h is 1 m, the pressure at the nozzle exit p e is greater than the pressure of ambient water p h, in which the nozzle is under-expanded. When the water depth h increases to, or exceeds, 100 m, the pressure at the nozzle exit p e is lower than the pressure of ambient water p h, in which the nozzle is over-expanded with oblique shock waves generated beyond the nozzle exit (state ?). For the nozzle with an expansion ratio of 4, the pressure ratio p h / p 0 in full-expanded condition is 0. 02978. The pressure ratio p h / p 0 with normal shock wave at the nozzle exit is 0. 2953. In a water depth of 1 m, the pressure at the nozzle exit p e is greater than the pressure of the ambient water p h, and the nozzle is under-expanded. In water depths of 100 m and 150 m, the pressure at the nozzle exit p e is smaller than the pressure of ambient water p h, and the nozzle is in over-expansion conditions, where oblique shock waves will ap
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  1. Correspondent: Wendy Shawn
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