Spenser Confidential ぉIndieFlixき

Ratings: 6,3 of 10 stars
Alan Arkin
directors: Peter Berg
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama
runtime: 111 Minutes
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M ark Wahlberg’s first film for Netflix, a charmless little shrug of a caper called Spenser Confidential, is the kind of film that evaporates as it’s being watched, destined never to be thought of again. It’s regrettable given those involved, from director Peter Berg, who has worked with Wahlberg four times before, including on 2016’s criminally underseen Deepwater Horizon, to writer Brian Helgeland, who won an Oscar for his LA Confidential script before getting nominated for Mystic River. It’s also a story based around a much-loved private eye created by Robert B Parker, one who provided inspiration to crime authors such as Dennis Lehane and Harlan Coben. But it would take a master sleuth to detect any of that pedigree in the finished product. Wahlberg, slumming it before later this year starring in both a summer sci-fi thriller and an Oscar-bait drama, is Spenser, a Boston cop getting out of prison after assaulting a colleague he claimed was crooked. His plan is to leave the city and the ghosts within it but when the cop he attacked is found murdered, he soon gets sucked into a murky underworld of drugs, violence and corruption. It’s an action-comedy-mystery-thriller that manages to spectacularly fail at all the above, an algorithmic abomination that’s as coldly constructed as it is clumsily made. It’s actually surprising just how flat the whole thing is, given that Berg has experience with bigger budgeted films with a more ambitious scope, but there’s a deadening lack of spark to his direction here which he tries to hide with lively and recognisable soundtrack choices. The character of Spenser appeared in the 80s in a network show called Spenser: For Hire and one can see this envisioned as a franchise-starter for Netflix, given the wealth of stories from Parker and later Ace Adkins, who took over writing duties. But Berg never once shows us why this should be the case. Spenser is identical to every other wisecracking, punch-throwing, gold-hearted tough guy that we have seen before and the plot he finds himself up against is similarly tired. It’s a dusty, connect-the-dots plot that offers nothing in the way of surprise even if Helgeland, and co-writer Sean O’Keefe, try to include some throwaway references to fake news, gentrification and the opioid crisis. Spenser is paired with wannabe MMA fighter Hawk, a partnership that’s built up to be fractious but in actuality is bizarrely easy, the two getting on almost instantaneously, denying us of any quippy conflict. Playing Hawk is rising star Winston Duke, who broke out in Black Panther and then Us, but he’s given nothing to do here other than throw the odd punch, a strangely thankless role given how the character played such an integral part in the original Spenser series of books. There’s also a sleepwalking Alan Arkin as Spenser’s mentor, an unfunny turn from comic Iliza Shlesinger as his ex and Bokeem Woodbine, saddled with a predictably structured turn as his old partner. As Spenser himself, Wahlberg is coasting, sticking to a dog-eared playbook, as bored as we are watching him. A snappier script could have and should have found smarter ways to utilise a talented troupe of actors such as this but instead, they’re wasted, unable to lift the pedestrianism of what they’re saddled with. It just sort of sits there, desperately needing an injection of something: humour, style, better action, energy, life. Spenser Confidential will find an audience on Netflix, given Wahlberg’s involvement, but this is soulless bargain basement stuff. Spenser Confidential is now available on Netflix. Spenser confidential prison fight. Spenser Confidential (2020) >>> R | 1h 51min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 6 March 2020 (USA) When two Boston police officers are murdered, ex-cop Spenser teams up with his no-nonsense roommate, Hawk, to take down criminals. Director: Peter Berg... Writers: Sean O'Keefe (screenplay by), Brian Helgeland (screenplay by) Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Winston Duke, Alan Arkin See More Spenser Confidential (2020) >>> R | 1h 51min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 6 March 2020 (USA) When two Boston police officers are murdered, ex-cop Spenser teams up with his no-nonsense roommate, Hawk, to take down criminals. Writers: Sean O'Keefe (screenplay by), Brian Helgeland (screenplay by) Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Winston Duke, Alan Arkin See More excellent action movie with a great story line. great actors too. Such a great movie ? loved that it was based and Boston. Great work! WATCH!
Spenser confidential 2020 trailer. Spenser confidential chris stuckmann. Spenser confidential book. Spenser confidential imdb. http://honkokute.duckdns.org/ Spenser confidential actors. Spenser confidential (2020. Spenser confidential interview. Spenser confidential rt. Spenser confidential summary. Spenser confidential dog. Spenser confidential review. With deep pockets and the promise of creative freedom, Netflix has been luring noted directors away from Hollywood studios to create their dream projects. Bong Joon-ho made " Okja. " Noah Baumbach made " Marriage Story. " Martin Scorsese made " The Irishman. " And Peter Berg made "Spenser Confidential, " an insipid buddy-cop mystery that feels like a forgotten artifact of the 1980s. Based on the Robert B. Parker novel Wonderland, "Spenser Confidential" stars Mark Wahlberg as a Boston cop who plays by his own rules. As the opening of this flummoxing film reveals, his rules include beating the hell out of a commanding officer because you suspect he beats his wife. Who needs evidence when you have a gut feeling?! In an age where police brutality commonly sparks headlines, that action trope has lost its charm. But this flick plays it safe by making sure that Wahlberg's white cop only beats up other white cops or white supremacists. Okay, and he brawls with some people of color, but only when they are machete-wielding drug dealers who wear hoodies and kill good, rule-following cops who are Black! See, Spenser is the good guy because he's hunting the real killer of a murdered Black officer who was framed for killing another white cop, who played by his own rules … but in a bad way, not a cool "bad boy" Spenser way! Got it? It doesn't matter. The plot is gobbledygook, flinging out a few grisly flashbacks, a slew of stock baddies like a tracksuit-sporting hitman, and a generous slathering of police corruption. Every aspect of the story feels like a copy of a copy to the point where you might begin to experience déjà vu and wonder if you've seen this lame movie before? Maybe on some lazy Sunday where you spent half your time on your phone? Well, your time would be better spent there. Much of the cast can't even get up the energy to care about this lackluster movie. Given dialogue that's 90% clichéd old-man moaning, Alan Arkin shrugs and mugs as the Alfred to Wahlberg's Batman. His shining moment is when he hassles some kidnappers about needing to pee. It's a cheap laugh, but his annoyance seems genuine. In an abrupt cameo, grumbling podcaster/comedian Marc Maron tosses his agita shtick into a brief rant about "fake news bullsh*t. " Though in the thankless role of Spenser's former partner, Bokeem Woodbine brings a bit of spark with that signature smile and some line deliveries that occasionally zing. Also, face-tattooed rapper Post Malone pops up to play a Nazi jailbird. The best I can say about his performance is he seems stoked to be there! The worst is he should keep his day job. Only one performer in "Spenser Confidential" seems to have a handle on what kind of movie she's in. Stand-up comic Iliza Shlesinger plays Spenser's girlfriend Cissy. It's a paper-thin role of the nagging bitch that exists purely to tease cleavage and be a pain in the ass to the harried hero. But Shlesinger knows that and leans in so hard that Cissy becomes a chaotic parody of this tired stereotype. She makes a meal out of this. Her Boston accent is as thick as the city's clam chowder. Her face is a parade of expressions so stark they could all be emojis. But best of all, everything she says (mostly insults) feels refreshingly spontaneous. Either Berg let her improvise left and right, or she's the only performer who managed to bring life to Sean O'Keefe and Brian Helgeland's limp script. That one star at the top of the review? That's for her. Vexingly, Winston Duke feels woefully wasted here. The rising star who stole scenes as the growling M'Baku in " Black Panther " and impeccably pulled double-duty as hero and villain in " Us " is cast as Spenser's sidekick, Hawk. Genre expectations for buddy-cop movies might have you thinking these two characters would be polar opposites. But both are impulsive dudes with a predilection for condescension and violence. Which means there's little conflict outside of them fighting over the affections of a very old dog, named Pearl. Duke and Wahlberg's chemistry is so non-existent it almost seems like they shot every scene separately then cut it together in post. The only bit where Duke truly shines is when Wahlberg is absent. Hawk stands in the shambles of a child's room, torn up by some malevolent gang in search of … something. A little boy stands in the door scared. He asks if this towering stranger is a giant. "Yeah, I'm a giant. " A good one or a bad one? His voice deep and warm, Hawk assures he is a good giant. Then he gently but mightily helps the boy put his room back together. It's simple, but one of the few moving moments in the film. Then, there's Wahlberg, who is horrendously miscast as Spenser. Admittedly, it's unnerving to watch this star, who has a history of real-life hate crimes, play a hero cop and white savior. But from the guy who claimed he could have prevented 9/11 if only he'd "been on that plane, " it's hardly surprising that Wahlberg was drawn to the role. Here's a power fantasy where a tough guy who violently follows his gut gets to be the hero. But with a script this uninspired, "Spenser Confidential" demands a leading man with outstanding charisma to rescue it. Wahlberg isn't up to the challenge. His cocky smirk and furrowed brow aren't enough when he can't pull off the clumsy fight choreography or land a joke. A choppy edit tries to save one bungled battle scene after another; they are still laughably bad. But hey, at least those might get laughs. The jokes sure don't. I wonder if the only director who really knows what to do with Wahlberg's bravado is Michael Bay in " Pain & Gain. " There, Wahlberg's wide-eyed aggression is employed as a tool to satirize American masculinity and its toxicity. The inescapable doofiness that goes hand-in-hand with his cockiness is weaponized for cutting comedy. But here, Wahlberg blandly swaggers, stiffly falls into physical comedy and lazily drops one-liners like snot rockets. So, when "Spenser Confidential" dares to tease a sequel in its final moment, I couldn’t help but cry out, "NO! " Spenser Confidential (2020) Rated R for violence, language throughout and sexual content. 110 minutes 2 days ago 3 days ago.
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Spenser confidential 2020. Spenser confidential post malone. Spenser Confidential is available to stream now on Netflix - but could a sequel be on the horizon and, if so, what story might the follow-up tell? Netflix's Spenser Confidential has been officially released globally and neatly sets Spenser Confidential 2 - but will it happen and what can fans expect if it does? The film is based on the characters created by Robert B. Parker. After debuting in 1973's The Godwulf Manuscript, Parker revisited the characters for over forty stories. Following Parker's passing, however, the series was taken over by crime reporter-turned-novelist Ace Atkins. He has since written eight novels. It was his second story, 2013's Wonderland, that served as the loose inspiration for Spencer Confidential. Directed by Peter Berg, the film marked the fifth collaboration with Mark Wahlberg following 2018's Mile 22. Wahlberg stars as Spenser, a former Boston police officer who was imprisoned for assaulting his captain, John Boylan (Michael Gaston). Released after a five-year sentence, Spenser immediately pursued his goal to start fresh in Arizona. Unfortunately, the murder of Boylan and the suicide of another former colleague drew Spenser into a web of murder, drug trafficking, and police corruption. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Spenser Confidential also stars Alan Arkin as Spencer's boxing coach Henry,?Iliza Shlesinger as his fiery ex Cissy, and Winston Duke as his new roommate Hawk. All three found themselves dragged into proceedings as Spenser sought to unravel the mystery and put some past demons to rest. Interspersed with frequent set-pieces both action-packed and comedically driven, Spenser Confidential has proven extremely successful for the streaming service, despite extremely lukewarm reviews. As a result, many fans have questioned whether or not a sequel is forthcoming. Spenser Confidential Sets Up A Sequel Spenser Confidential laid the groundwork for a follow-up. Having dismantled Driscoll's criminal empire in action-packed fashion, Spenser sat down to enjoy a meal with Hawk, Henry, and Cissy. As the group chit-chatted, a news report came on the TV and reported on a fatal fire from while Spenser was in prison. Spenser immediately recognized the man being arrested as somebody he went to high school with. Despite Henry's pleas for the channel to be changed, Spenser remained transfixed as his former classmate declared his innocence and begged for help. It was clear from Spenser's expression that the personal connection had once again sparked his detective instincts and would push him straight into a new case. Though the name of Spenser's high school friend was different, the nature of the reported case sounded extremely similar to that from Atkins' fifth Spenser novel, Slow Burn - which sees Spenser pursue a dangerous arsonist. Whether Spenser Confidential 2 follows through on this threat remains unclear. On one hand, it would make for a compelling follow-up story. On the other, however, it could just as likely serve as a fitting coda that emphasizes Spenser's core tendencies before leap-frogging over it to another novel's central mystery. Spenser Confidential 2 Isn't Confirmed Yet Unfortunately for fans, it's far too early to know if Netflix will officially greenlight Spenser Confidential 2. There are, however, many reasons to remain hopeful. First, the idea of a blockbuster movie franchise bolstered by such an A-list star as Wahlberg would no doubt be beneficial to the streaming service. That would already have been the case, but the fact that Spenser Confidential has consistently remained in Netflix's new Top 10 rankings since its global release will assuredly increase the chances of a sequel. Equally, fans of the Spenser books learning that a whole series of adaptations are safely in the works will likely generate some new subscribers. Spenser Confidential 2 Release Date Prediction Spenser Confidential was first announced in mid-2018, making it almost two years before it was finally released on screens. As such, it would likely make mid-to-late 2022 a solid pick for when Spenser Confidential 2 could emerge. Of course, it would all depend on Wahlberg's schedule. While he would no doubt welcome working with Berg a sixth time, he remains an extremely in-demand actor. Following his breakout turn in Black Panther, the same also goes for Duke - who could return for the upcoming sequel in a more villainous role. Given that and the production difficulties emerging as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, it could be even longer before Spenser Confidential 2 starts filming, much less hits screens. More: Every Song on Spenser Confidential's Soundtrack Email The Flash Theory: Barry Was Replaced In The Season 6 Finale About The Author John Atkinson has been a news and feature writer for Screen Rant since late 2018. Before that, he had articles published across a number of different outlets. A graduate of the University of London, John was raised on a small island by television and movies. As such, he pursued a career in screenwriting and film journalism when it became apparent that actually becoming Spider-Man was impossible. John's fondest wish is to one day produce a film of his own. Until then, he's more than happy to spend countless hours just talking about them. John's love of film and television defies genre and sometimes even logic. Nothing is off-limits to his passion - be it Marvel, DC, Rian Johnson's Star Wars, or Tommy Wiseau's latest cinematic offering. Away from screens, John can often be found in a park reading mystery and/or fantasy novels, jumping up and down at various music events, or thinking too deeply about Keanu Reeves' career and why Edgar Wright doesn't have an Oscar. More About John Atkinson.
Spenser confidential tracksuit charlie. Spenser confidential cloud. Edit Storyline Spenser (Mark Wahlberg) - an ex-cop better known for making trouble than solving it - just got out of prison and is leaving Boston for good. But first he gets roped into helping his old boxing coach and mentor, Henry (Alan Arkin), with a promising amateur. That's Hawk (Winston Duke), a brash, no-nonsense MMA fighter convinced he'll be a tougher opponent than Spenser ever was. When two of Spenser's former colleagues turn up murdered, he recruits Hawk and his foul-mouthed ex-girlfriend, Cissy (Iliza Shlesinger), to help him investigate and bring the culprits to justice. From director Peter Berg, SPENSER CONFIDENTIAL is an action-comedy co-starring Bokeem Woodbine, Marc Maron and Austin Post. Inspired by Robert B. Parker's Wonderland, a best-selling novel by Ace Atkins. Written by Netflix Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Taglines: The Law Has Limits. They Don't. Did You Know? Trivia The fifth collaboration between director Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg following Lone Survivor, Patriot's Day, Deepwater Horizon and Mile 22. This is their second Boston-set film following Patriot's Day. See more ? Goofs When Spenser and Hawk are looking at the footage from the store, the first shot of Terry getting into his vehicle is time stamped at 19:33. When Spenser asks hawk to rewind it, the time stamp changes to 19:47 and continues to go forward in time despite being rewound a couple times after. See more ? Quotes Judge: And how do you plead on the count of aggravated assault of a police officer? Spenser: Guilty. Before I sentence you, is there anything further that you would like to add? Yes. The son of a bitch deserved it. See more ? Connections References Batman & Robin (1997) Soundtracks Feels Like the First Time Written by Mick Jones (as Michael L. Jones) Performed by Foreigner Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp By arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing See more ? Frequently Asked Questions See more ? Details Release Date: 6 March 2020 (USA) Also Known As: Spenser Confidential Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ?.
Spenser confidential. Spenser confidential pearl. Spenser confidential netflix. Spenser confidential 2020 cast. Spenser confidential 2020 review. Comedy: 10/10, MW seemed to have perfected his style for police /action comedies. His acting technique, energy and screen carisma suits him perfectly in this movie. The overall comedic screenplay, from punch lines to characters and situational comedy has the optimum creativity, quantity and engages the audience
Acting: 9/10 I wasn't very impressed with the chemistry between between the "couple" of the movie, seemed somehow too forced, although I was easied into it. It didn't bothered me that much, mainly an ever, all characters are very well portrayed, very well played and diverse. Story: 9/10 Great standard (ex cop starts an investigation on his own = lots of things happen. So nothing new, however, this is actually whu we like these typical type if movies, no? I really loved this movie, great for cinema and TV. Thicks all the boxes: action, investigation with several twists, good acting, charismatic actors, solid characters and comedy. and emotional scenes. I'm already looking forward for the next one.
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