ゲーム「Space Haven」の日本語攻略Wikiです

カテゴリ分けはAlpha 8時点


船体ブロックUsed by pods to expand the ship's hull. A single block builds multiple tiles.
インフラブロックBasic construction component, used to assemble simple facilities.
テックブロックHigh-tech construction component, used for assembling ship facilities.
エネルギーブロックEnergy based building component used to assemble high-tech facilities.
スーパーブロックMost advanced building component, used to assemble the very finest facilities.
ソフトブロックBuilding component used to assemble furniture.
鋼板Used in many of the basic construction blocks.
織物Fabric is made from fibers that have been spun into threads and then woven or knit together into cloth.
繊維Used to create fabrics.
電子部品Computer chips and circuit boards, used for assembling components and blocks.
光学部品Used in high-tech facilities and items.
Quantronics ComponentUsed in high-tech facilities and items.


船体スクラップHull Scrap materials from salvaging a spaceship. Can be transformed to usable materials in a Recycler.
インフラスクラップInfra Scrap materials from salvaging a spaceship. Can be transformed to usable materials in a Recycler.
テックスクラップTech Scrap materials from salvaging a spaceship. Can be transformed to usable materials in a Recycler.
エネルギースクラップTech Scrap materials from salvaging a spaceship. Can be transformed to usable materials in a Recycler.
ソフトスクラップTech Scrap materials from salvaging a spaceship. Can be transformed to usable materials in a Recycler.


エネルギウムExotic crystals humming with latent energy. Can be refined into energy rods to power the ship.
ハイペリウムExotic crystals that distort spacetime around them. Can be refined into Hyperfuel to enable FTL travel.
Water ice from comets and asteroids, full of volatile compounds. Must be refined into usable water.
炭素Used by the CO2 regulator to produce Carbon Dioxide, which is essential for plant growth.
卑金属Metals that oxidize, such as iron, aluminium and titanium. Can be refined into useful items.
貴金属Metals that do not oxidize, such as gold, platinum and iridium. Can be refined into useful items.
未加工化学物質Non-metallic elements and volatile compounds, such as sulphur, silicon and methane. Can be refined into useful items.


宇宙食Space food is specially formulated to provide complete and balanced nutrition for individuals working in space while being easy and safe to store, prepare and consume.
人口肉Meat that can be artificially grown under the right circumstances. Provides a good source of protein and fat for humans and helps them stay strong and healthy.
フルーツFruit is naturally high in fibre, which helps humans maintain a healthy bowel function. It also contains powerful antioxidants, and helps prevent tissue damage from free radicals.
根菜類Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. Low in calories and high in antioxidants, each one contains a good dose of vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of them is good for the health of humans.
モンスタ−肉The meat of an alien creature, can be harvested from dead alien creatures. Eat it at your own risk.
人肉The meat of a human, can be harvested from dead human corpses. May cause disgust, depending on who is eating.
加工食品Raw food that has been processed and cooked into a complete meal.
肥料A chemical or natural substance added to grow beds to promote better plant growth.


エネルギーロッドCrystalline rod humming with stored energy. Used by core module to power the ship.
ハイパー燃料Refined hyperium fuel, necessary for faster-than-light travel. Used by hyperdrive to enable hyperspace jumps.
H20 is vital to human and plant life. Used by growbeds and life support to provide oxygen and food.


医療物品Used by doctors at medical beds to heal patients more effectively.
IV輸液Intravenous fluids. Includes all the nutrients needed for the patient.

画像はAlpha 8のもの



