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Our “tenacious teleological tendencies” (as the paper calls them) influence more than our explanations of evolution and moss and photosynthesis. It guides how we find meaning in life, as I argue in my recent book on magical thinking. The sense that certain things were “meant to be” or even that “everything happens for a reason” is encouraged by the intuitive assumption that a mind is guiding all the events in our lives. As far as I know, there’s no such thing as divine intervention or karma or destiny (beyond determinism), but even the most skeptical and well-educated of us can feel we were put here on Earth for a reason, or that stepping in dog poo on the way to an interview is just so typical―of course that had to happen to you. We see the world through a lens of purpose: Why is this happening? Why are we here? Who let the dogs out? It’s comforting―except when it leads to paranoia or fatalism. But one cold fact is unavoidable, particularly in science: Sometimes shit just happens. So watch your step.
(Keleman et all 2013 が呼ぶように)我々の「頑固な目的論傾向」は進化や苔や光合成についての我々の説明よりも大きく影響する。私が"The 7 laws of magical thinking"で論じたように、これが我々が人生の意味を見出す方法を導く。我々の人生の全イベントをマインドが導いているという直感的仮定が、特定の物が「意味を持って存在する」とか、さらには「あらゆる出来事には理由がある」といった感覚を強化する。私が知る限り、神の介入やカルマや(決定論以上の)運命のようなものはないが、最も懐疑的で高い教育を受けた者でも、理由があって地球上のここに自分が置かれたと感じうる。あるいは典型だが、もちろん、インタビューに向かう時にイヌのウンチを踏んづけたのは必然だとか。我々は目的というレンズで世界を見る。何故これが起きたとか、何故我々はここにいるのか、誰がイヌを外へ出していたのかとか。それがパラノイアや諦観につながらない限り、それは安心を与える。しかし、冷たい不可避の事実が、特に科学にはある。時には、ろくでもないことが理由もなく起きるのだ。だから、足元には気を付けよう。
Matthew Hutson:"Even Top Scientists Believe Everything Was Created by Magic"(2013/03/19) on Psychology Today
When people have to cope with difficult situations in their lives, they sometimes reassure themselves by saying that everything happens for a reason. For some people, thinking this way makes it easier to deal with relationship problems, financial crises, disease, death, and even natural disasters such as earthquakes. It can be distressing to think that bad things happen merely through chance or accident. But they do. The saying that everything happens for a reason is the modern, New Age version of the old religious saying: “It’s God’s will.” The two sayings have the same problem – the complete lack of evidence that they’re true. Not only is there no good evidence that God exists, we have no way of knowing what it is that he (or she) wanted to happen, other than that it actually did happen.
Paul Thagard: "Does everything happen for a reason?" (2010/02/11) on Psychology Today