エクストリームな主張があると、たとえ、その主張を受け入れないにしても、自らが構築する考えが、よりエクストリームになる傾向[Sarrazin Effect]があるという研究がある。
これはありえないというエクストリームな主張が含まれていても、なおかつ、人々は、その本のそれ以外の部分を受け入れ、そのエクストリームな主張にひきずられるように、自分の主張もエクストリームよりにしてしまうという。そして、このSarrazin Effectは、周囲の状況に迅速に適応するという、生存に有利そうな形質によるものではないかと。
エクストリームな主張があると、たとえ、その主張を受け入れないにしても、自らが構築する考えが、よりエクストリームになる傾向[Sarrazin Effect]があるという研究がある。
[ Raab M, Auer N, Ortlieb S and Carbon C (2013). The Sarrazin effect: the presence of absurd statements in conspiracy theories makes canonical information less plausible. Front. Psychol. 4:453. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00453]この研究の表題である"Sarrazin Effect"は、"Deutschland schafft sich ab"(自らを滅ぼすドイツ)という本の著者の名Thilo Sarrazinからとられたものである。
Reptile prime ministers and flying Nazi saucers−extreme and sometimes off-wall conclusion are common ingredients of conspiracy theories. While individual differences are a common research topic concerning conspiracy theories, the role of extreme statements in the process of acquiring and passing on conspiratorial stories has not been regarded in an experimental design so far. We identified six morphological components of conspiracy theories empirically. On the basis of these content categories a set of narrative elements for a 9/11 story was compiled. These elements varied systematically in terms of conspiratorial allegation, i.e., they contained official statements concerning the events of 9/11, statements alleging to a conspiracy limited in time and space as well as extreme statements indicating an all-encompassing cover-up. Using the method of narrative construction, 30 people were given a set of cards with these statements and asked to construct the course of events of 9/11 they deem most plausible. When extreme statements were present in the set, the resulting stories were more conspiratorial; the number of official statements included in the narrative dropped significantly, whereas the self-assessment of the story’s plausibility did not differ between conditions. This indicates that blatant statements in a pool of information foster the synthesis of conspiracy theories on an individual level. By relating these findings to one of Germany’s most successful (and controversial) non-fiction books, we refer to the real-world dangers of this effect.
iv.2 Germany is abolishing itself: the practical dangers of absurd statements
Thilo Sarrazin’s (2010) book Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany is abolishing itself) was a “blockbuster”−in a double sense. On the one hand, it was a huge success in terms of publicity, spearheading Germany’s non-fiction bestseller list for 21 consecutive weeks (Buchreport.de, n.d.), making it the most successful book about politics from a German author of the decade (Media Control, 2010). On the other hand, it has mined public debate about the integration of people with migration background until today.
Thilo Sarrazinの2010年の本"Deutschland schafft sich ab"(自らを滅ぼすドイツ)は二重の意味で大ヒットだった。出版という意味で巨大な成功をおさめ。21週連続でドイツのノンフィクションベストセラーとなり、10年来の独逸人執筆者により政治関連本で最大の成功作となった。一方、今日までの移民を背景に持つ人々の統合について、公的議論を呼び覚ました。
In his book Sarrazin devises a scenario which displays all of our criteria for a conspiracy theory: While Germany’s population is diminishing, Muslim minorities keep growing due to constantly high birth rates (odd event). Thus, Sarrazin predicts that the “real” Germans− cultural pureness can be seen as the esoteric myth-element here−will soon be outnumbered by the offspring of immigrants from Muslim countries. Highly fertile, yet unwilling to adopt our value system, these people (group of conspirers) are secretly (non-transparency) taking over the German society, gradually reorganizing it in accordance with their religious beliefs. Sarrazin’s line of argument mixes facts, opinions and anecdotes from very different areas and levels of life and knowledge (evidence). Most controversial were his crude assumptions of an “IQ score being 15 points higher” (Sarrazin, 2010, p.93) among Jews of European origin; as well as his claim that we “become more stupid on average for mere reasons of demography” (p.100), as Muslim immigrants, in Sarrazin’s argumentation, would lower society’s general intelligence level. Last but not least, Sarrazin claims that the truth about all this is being suppressed by excessive political correctness in public debate and that this self-imposed censorship is a result of collective feelings of guilt dating back to the “Third Reich” (publicity).
Many protagonists in the debate refuted the extreme statements about a linkage between religion, fertility and religiously determined intellectual brilliance. Yet, they admitted that Sarrazin had made some important points about migration in general (as critically discussed, for example, by Lau, 2009, when Sarrazin’s views had become public for the first time). Notably, the book review rated helpful by most other users at the British online bookstore amazon.co.uk, reads as follows: “... yes there are elements that most people will find hard to agree with no matter how persuasively argued but that shouldn't detract from the vast majority of what is being argued in the book.” (Thinkforachange, 2010)
論争において多くの支持者は、宗教と出生率と宗教的に定められる知能の関連というエクストリームな主張を否定する。しかし、彼らはSarrazinが、移民全般についての重要な点を指摘したと認めた(Sarrazinが初めて広く知られたときに、Lau 2009が批判的に論じたように)。英国のオンライン書店Amazon.co.ukの次の書評は、他の大半のユーザから高い評価を受けている。「いかに説得力を持って論じられようとも、大半の人々が同意し難いエクストリームな点がある。しかし、そのことで、この本で論じられている大多数の点を、見損なうべきではない」[Thikforachange 2010]。
Our question here is not if these radical aspects of Sarrazin’s book had been a means of promotional success, which seems beyond doubt: He got prime-time attention for months. The validity (and non-validity) of his assumptions has been discussed extensively, for example in Foroutan (2010). Also, the social dimension−has there been a taboo that Sarrazin has dared to break, or has this alleged taboo just been an excuse for some to spread xenophobic attitudes−is not in focus here.
On basis of the findings of our empirical study, we have good reason to believe that the presence of rather extreme statements shifts peoples’ cognitive bounds when they construct their opinion about complex political events: They will tend to construct a more radical view when such information is offered. In this case: Even if people won’t adopt the view of Jewish intelligence DNA, the presence of this statement−say, while reading the book or while listening to a debate on TV−might result in a more extreme personal narrative. Adaptation research points us in the direction of the possible reason for this: As soon as we perceive and process extreme items, we integrate them into our mental representation (e.g., Strobach & Carbon, 2013) yielding adaptations towards the new items (e.g., Carbon, 2011), thus the whole narrative gets more extreme. What has been shown by these authors to work in the visual domain, seems to hold for verbal, semantic information, too.
我々の実証研究の知見に基づいて、むしろエクストリームな記述があると、複雑な政治情勢について意見を構築するにあたって、人々の認知限界はシフトすると考えるにたる理由がある。そのようなエクストリームな情報が提示されると、人々はよりラジカルな見方を構築する傾向がある。この場合、ユダヤ人の知能DNAという見方を受け入れないとしても、たとえば本を読んだり、テレビの討論番組を見たりしたときに、このようなエクストリームな主張があると、人々は、よりエクストリームな物語を自分自身の中に構築する。適応研究は、これについての可能性のある理由の方向性を示している。エクストリームなアイテムを認識して処理すると、我々はすぐに自分たちの精神表現にそれらを統合し[e.g., Strobach & Carbon, 2013]、新たなアイテムに向かって適応を進めるので[e.g., Carbon, 2011]、したがって、物語はよりエクストリームになる。これらの研究は視覚ドメインおけるものだが、これらは口頭や意味情報についても同様だろう。
これはありえないというエクストリームな主張が含まれていても、なおかつ、人々は、その本のそれ以外の部分を受け入れ、そのエクストリームな主張にひきずられるように、自分の主張もエクストリームよりにしてしまうという。そして、このSarrazin Effectは、周囲の状況に迅速に適応するという、生存に有利そうな形質によるものではないかと。