

コンコーディズムの担い手のひとりHugh Millerの陰鬱

聖書と地質学の整合性をとろうとしたコンコーディズムの担い手のひとりであるスコットランドのアマチュア地質学者・著述業Hugh Miller (1802 - 1856)。彼はまた、反進化論者でもあった。Robert ChambersがCharles Darwinに先駆けて、匿名で出版した"Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation"に対抗して、"The foot-prints of the creator: or, The Asterolepis of Stromness"を執筆した。松永[ダーウィン前夜の進化論争, 2005]によれば、科学的にはあやしいものだったが、いずれも世の中に強い影響力を及ぼした。

さて、このHugh Millerはまず、あらゆる生物はいずれは滅亡すると説いた:
We learn from human history that nations are as certainly mortal as men. They enjoy a greatly longer term of existence, but they die at last: Rollin's History of Ancient Nations is a history of the dead. And we are taught by geological history, in like manner, that species are as mortal as individuals and nations, and that even genera and families become extinct. There is no man upon earth at the present moment whose age greatly exceeds an hundred years; ― there is no nation now upon earth (if we perhaps except the long-lived Chinese) that also flourished three thousand years ago; ― there is no species now living upon earth that dates beyond the times of the Tertiary deposits. All bear the stamp of death, - individuals, - nations, - species; and we may scarce less safely predicate, looking upon the past, that it is appointed for nations and species to die, than that it " is appointed for man once to die." Even our own species, as now constituted, ― with instincts that conform to the original injunction, " increase and multiply," and that, in consequence, " marry and are given ill marriage,"-- shall one day cease to exist: a fact not less in accordance with beliefs inseparable from the faith of the Christian, than with the widely-founded experience of the geologist.

我々は人間の歴史から、国家が人間と同じように確かに死を免れないものであると知っている。国家たちは非常に長きにわたって存在するが、結局は滅びる。Rollin's History of Ancient Nationsは死せるものの歴史だ。そして、地質の歴史により、我々は種が個人や国家と同じく死を免れず、属や科さえも滅びたと知らされる。この瞬間に、この地上に百歳を大きく上回る人間はいない。この地上に3000年以上も繁栄した国家はない。おそらく長きにわたって存在する中国を除けば。現存する種で、第三期以前に存在していたものはない。個人も国家も種もすべて、死の刻印を持っている。過去を見れば、人間がいずれ死ぬことが定められているように、国家や種も死ぬことを定められていると、我々は確実に断言できる。我々自身の種さえもが、成長と繁殖という本来の指令に従う本能で、結果として結婚し、悪い結婚を与えられ、そして或る日に存在することを止めるように出来ている。この事実は地質学者の確立された知見以上に、キリスト教信仰と不可分である。

[ The foot-prints of the creator, p.304 via/translated by: 松永:"ダーウィン前夜の進化論争", 2005]
We know, as geologists, that the dynasty of the fish was succeeded by that of the reptile, -- that the dynasty of the reptile was succeeded by that of the mammiferous quadruped, and that the dynasty of the mammiferous quadruped was succeeded by that of man as man now exists, -- a creature of mixed character, and subject, in all conditions, to wide alternations of enjoyment and suffering. We know, further -- so far at least as we have yet succeeded in deciphering the record, -- that the several dynasties were introduced, not in their lower, but in their higher forms;-- that, in short, in the imposing programme of creation it was arranged, as a general rule, that in each of the great divisions of the procession the magnates should walk first. We recognize yet further the fact of degradation specially exemplified in the fish and the reptile. And then, passing on to the revealed record, we learn that the dynasty of man in the mixed state and character is not the final one, but that there is to be yet another creation, or, more properly, re-creation, known theologically as the Resurrection, ...


[ The foot-prints of the creator, p.325 via/translated by: 松永:"ダーウィン前夜の進化論争", 2005]






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