Barkun (2003)によれば、陰謀論者の思考には3つの共通的な特徴がある。
そのような陰謀論思考のもとで、人々が想定する陰謀実行者たちは、Barkun (2003)によれば、以下の4種類に分類できる。
Barkun (2003)によれば、陰謀論には階層があり、事件単位の陰謀論・体系的陰謀論・超陰謀論に階層化される。
Barkun (2003)によれば、陰謀論者の思考には3つの共通的な特徴がある。
Nothing happens by accident. Conspiracy implies a world based on intentionality, from which accident and coincidence have been removed. Anything that happens occurs because it has been willed. At its most extreme, the result is a "fantasy [world] . . . far more coherent than the real world."これらは、呪術思考であり、心理的に人間が普通に陥りやすいものであり、同時に詭弁の手法にもなる。したがって、魅力的でもある。
Nothing is as it seems. Appearances are deceptive, because conspirators wish to deceive in order to disguise their identities or their activities. Thus the appearance of innocence is deemed to be no guarantee that an individual or group is benign.
Everything is connected. Because the conspiracists' world has no room for accident, pattern is believed to be everywhere, albeit hidden from plain view. Hence the conspiracy theorist must engage in a constant process of linkage and correlation in order to map the hidden connections.
[ Michael Barkun: "A Culture of Conspiracy -- Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America", University of California Press. ISBN 0520238052, 2003, pp.3-4 ]
そのような陰謀論思考のもとで、人々が想定する陰謀実行者たちは、Barkun (2003)によれば、以下の4種類に分類できる。
Type I, a secret group acting secretly, is a staple of conspiracy theories. Indeed, such groups are often believed to hold virtually unlimited power, even though people who claim to expose them assert that these groups are entirely invisible to the unenlightened observer. For example, the famous anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion purports to reveal the existence of a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Concocted by Czar Nicholas II's secret police at the end of the nineteenth century, it was published in Russian in 1905 and in English in 1920. Despite its early unmasking as a forgery, it has continued to be disseminated. In 2002, despite international protests, television stations throughout the Arab world broadcast a forty-one-part Egyptian series in which The Protocols were prominently featured. A comparably tenacious mythology revolves around the Bavarian Illuminati, a Masonic organization founded in 1776 that was supposedly the catalyst for the French Revolution and subsequent upheavals worldwide. The Illuminati was quickly dissolved by suspicious governments, but it lives on in countless conspiracist tracts discussed in chapter 3.4 By contrast,タイプIとしてイルミナティが挙げられているが、21世紀においては、ディープステートなどが人気かもしれない。
タイプIは、陰謀論の常連である秘密裏に活動する秘密グループである。実際、そのようなグループは事実上無限の力を持っていると信じられていることが多い。しかし、そのようなグループを暴露すると主張する人々は、これらのグループは無知蒙昧な者たちには見えないのだと主張する。たとえば、有名な反ユダヤ主義の偽書「The Protocols of the Elders of Zion(シオン賢者の議定書)」は、世界を支配しようとするユダヤ人の陰謀の存在を明らかにしている。この偽書は、ロシア皇帝ニコライ2世の秘密警察によって19世紀末に作成され、1905年にロシア語で、1920年に英語で出版された。これは偽書であることが早期に明らかになったにもかかわらず、拡散され続けている。2002年には、国際的な抗議にもかかわらず、アラブ世界のテレビ局は、議定書を目立つように取り上げた41部構成のエジプトシリーズを放送した。比較的強固な神話として展開されているものに、フランス革命とその後の世界的な動乱の触媒だとされる、1776年に設立されたフリーメーソンのひとつの組織であるバイエルンのイルミナティがある。このイルミナティは疑い深い政府によって、すぐに解体されたが、無数の陰謀論の中で生き続けている。
Type II lies outside conspiracy theory, for it concerns a group that, while concealing its existence from the public, nonetheless acts openly. An example might be a group of philanthropists who desire to keep their benefactions anonymous. Thus they conceal their identities, though the beneficiaries are free to reveal the nature of the gifts as long as they do not expose the identities of the givers.
Type III returns us to the conspiracist world, for it combines known groups with secret activities. A stock feature of conspiracy theories is the known group or institution that engages in some activities so sinister it must conceal them from public view. The implication is that such an organization exists on two levels, one at least relatively open and benign, but serving to mask the true, hidden function. Among the groups that have been described in this fashion are the Masons , the Trilateral Commission, and the CIA.
Finally, the residual Type IV includes all those known and open associations that proliferate in democracies, including political parties and interest groups, whose identities and activities are reported and made parts of the public record.
[ Michael Barkun: "A Culture of Conspiracy -- Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America", University of California Press. ISBN 0520238052, 2003, pp.4-5 ]
Barkun (2003)によれば、陰謀論には階層があり、事件単位の陰謀論・体系的陰謀論・超陰謀論に階層化される。
Event conspiracies. Here the conspiracy is held to be responsible for a limited, discrete event or set of events. The best-known example in the recent past is the Kennedy assassination conspiracy literature, though similar material exists concerning the crash of TWA flight 800, the spread of AIDS in the black community, and the burning of black churches in the 1990s. In all of these cases, the conspiratorial forces are alleged to have focused their energies on a limited, well-defined objective.Superconspiracies(超陰謀)は、Unified Conspiracies(統合陰謀)とも呼ばれ、ある程度、陰謀論の深みは入れば、その存在を確信するレベル。
Systemic conspiracies. At this level, the conspiracy is believed to have broad goals, usually conceived as securing control over a country, a region, or even the entire world. While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions. This is a common scenario in conspiracy theories that focus on the alleged machinations of Jews, Masons, and the Catholic Church, as well as theories centered on communism or international capitalists.
Superconspiracies. This term refers to conspiratorial constructs in which multiple conspiracies are believed to be linked together hierarchically. Event and systemic conspiracies arc joined in complex ways, so that conspiracies come to be nested within one another. At the summit of the conspiratorial hierarchy is a distant but all-powerful evil force manipulating lesser conspiratorial actors. These master conspirators are almost always of the Type I variety—groups both invisible and operating in secrecy. Superconspiracies have en-joyed particular growth since the 1980s, in the work of authors such as David Icke, Valdamar Valerian, and Milton William Cooper.
超陰謀:これは、複数の陰謀が階層的に結び付いていた陰謀論的構成があるという考えを指す。事件単位陰謀と体系的陰謀は、複雑な方法で結合され、個々の陰謀は互いに入れ子構造となっている。陰謀のヒエラルキーの頂点には、手の届きそうにないが、全能の邪悪な権力があり、少数の陰謀参加者を操っている。これらの陰謀参加者は、多くの場合、タイプIであり、人々に知られることなく、秘密裡に活動しているグループである。超陰謀論は、David IckeやValdamar ValerianやMilton William Cooperなどの著作で、特に1980年代以降に、成長を遂げてきた。
[ Michael Barkun: "A Culture of Conspiracy -- Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America", University of California Press. ISBN 0520238052, 2003, p.6 ]