この「アドホック誤謬」のうち、「新たな説明が、最初の仮説を否定するものである」場合を、仮説無効化(Canceling Hypotheses)と呼ぶことがある。
Ad hoc fallacy is a fallacious rhetorical strategy in which a person presents a new explanation – that is unjustified or simply unreasonable – of why their original belief or hypothesis is correct after evidence that contradicts the previous explanation has emerged.
As such, it’s an attempt to protect one’s claim from any potential refutations and thus preserve their existing beliefs. Furthermore, the explanation is specifically constructed to be used in a particular case and is created hastily at the moment rather than being the result of deliberate, fact-based reasoning.
このように、アドホック誤謬は潜在的な反論から自分の主張を擁護し、それによって彼らの既存の信念を維持しようとする試みである。 さらに、説明は特定の場合に使用するために特別に作成されており、意図的な事実に基づく推論の結果ではなく、現時点で急いで作成される。
[ Fallacy in logic: "Ad Hoc Fallacy" ]
この「アドホック誤謬」のうち、「新たな説明が、最初の仮説を否定するものである」場合を、仮説無効化(Canceling Hypotheses)と呼ぶことがある。
The argument defends one hypothesis by proposing a second hypothesis to explain the lack of evidence in support of the first hypothesis. That is, the second hypothesis cancels or undermines the predictions made by the first hypothesis.
[ bthompson:"Canceling Hypotheses (Conspiracy Theory)" ]
As an example, when a distant building is fully visible, flat Earthers will be happy to proclaim it as evidence of a flat Earth. However, in other cases where only the top of the same building is visible, they will not take it as evidence against a flat Earth. Instead, they would invent an ‘explanation’ that it is caused by ‘refraction’ and ‘perspective’ to defend their original hypothesis. In effect, they are implicitly conceding the visibility of a distant object cannot be regarded as evidence of a flat Earth.
[ FlatEarth.WS: "Canceling Hypothesis ]