
批判サイド>否定論・陰謀論を信じる理由 > 科学への抵抗感

科学への抵抗感 (直観物理, Intuitive physics)


このBloom and Weisberg[2007]は、物理世界への直感的理解と心理学的直観という常識に、科学が反していることを要因のひとつに挙げている。


foundational biases persist into adulthood. One study tested college undergraduates’ intuitions about basic physical motions, such as the path that a ball will take when released from a curved tube (13). Many of the undergraduates retained a common-sense Aristotelian theory of object motion; they predicted that the ball would continue to move in a curved motion, choosing B over A in Fig. 1. An interesting addendum is that although education does not shake this bias, real-world experience can suffice. In another study, undergraduates were asked about the path that water would take out of a curved hose. This corresponded to an event that the participants had seen, and few believed that the water would take a curved path (14).


[13] M. McCloskey, A. Caramazza, B. Green, Science 210, 1139 (1980).
[14] M. K. Kaiser, J. Jonides, J. Alexander, Mem. Cogn. 14, 308 (1986).


The examples so far concern people’s common-sense understanding of the physical world, but their intuitive psychology also contributes to their resistance to science. One important bias is that children naturally see the world in terms of design and purpose. For instance, 4-year-olds insist that everything has a purpose, including lions (“to go in the zoo”) and clouds (“for raining”), a propensity called “promiscuous teleology” (15). Additionally, when asked about the origin of animals and people, children spontaneously tend to provide and prefer creationist explanations (16). Just as children’s intuitions about the physical world make it difficult for them to accept that Earth is a sphere, their psychological intuitions about agency and design make it difficult for them to accept the processes of evolution.


[15] D. Kelemen, Cognition 70, 241 (1999).
[16] M. Evans, Cognit. Psychol. 42, 217 (2001).


で、さらにBloom and Weisberg[2007]は、「脳と心の二元論」という「心理学的直観」を挙げる:
Another consequence of people’s commonsense psychology is dualism, the belief that the mind is fundamentally different from the brain (5). This belief comes naturally to children. Preschool children will claim that the brain is responsible for some aspects of mental life, typically those involving deliberative mental work, such as solving math problems. But preschoolers will also claim that the brain is not involved in a host of other activities, such as pretending to be a kangaroo, loving one’s brother, or brushing one’s teeth (5, 17). Similarly, when told about a brain transplant from a boy to a pig, they believed that you would get a very smart pig, but one with pig beliefs and pig desires (18). For young children, then, much of mental life is not linked to the brain.


The strong intuitive pull of dualism makes it difficult for people to accept what Francis Crick called “the astonishing hypothesis” (19): Dualism is mistaken -- mental life emerges from physical processes. People resist the astonishing hypothesis in ways that can have considerable social implications. For one thing, debates about the moral status of embryos, fetuses, stem cells, and nonhuman animals are sometimes framed in terms of whether or not these entities possess immaterial souls (20, 21). What’s more, certain proposals about the role of evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging in criminal trials assume a strong form of dualism (22). It has been argued, for instance, that if one could show that a person’s brain is involved in an act, then the person himself or herself is not responsible, an excuse dubbed “my brain made me do it” (23). These assumptions about moral status and personal responsibility reflect a profound resistance to findings from psychology and neuroscience.

二元論の強い直観力は、人々にFrancis Crickが"the astonishing hypothesis"と呼ぶ仮説「二元論は誤りであり、精神生活は物理過程によって生じる」を受け入れ難くする。人々は、そレが持つ社会的意味に絡んで、"the astonishing hypothesis"に抵抗する。たとえば、胚や胎児や肝細胞と人間以外の動物の倫理的ステータスについて議論するとき、ときとして、これらの存在が非物質的魂を持っているか否かというフレーミングがさなれることがある[20,21]。裁判において、fMRIによって得られた証拠の役割について、強い意味での二元論を仮定した提案がなされることがある[22]。たとえば、脳が行為を起こさせたのであれば、その人物には責任はなく、「私の脳が私をそうさせた」という言い訳を主張する[23]。倫理ステータスと個人の責任に関する、これらの仮定は心理学と神経科学発見に対する深い抵抗を反映している。

[ 5] P. Bloom, Descartes’ Baby (Basic Books, New York, 2004).
[17] A. S. Lillard, Child Dev. 67, 1717 (1996).
[18] C. N. Johnson, Child Dev. 61, 962 (1990).
[19] F. Crick, The Astonishing Hypothesis (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1995).
[20] This belief in souls also holds for some expert ethicists. For instance, in their 2003 report Being Human: Readings from the President's Council on Bioethics, the President’s Council described people as follows: “We have both corporeal and noncorporeal aspects. We are embodied spirits and inspirited bodies (or, if you will, embodied minds and minded bodies)” (21).
[21] The President’s Council on Bioethics, Being Human: Readings from the President's Council on Bioethics (The President’s Council on Bioethics, Washington, DC, 2003).
[22] J. D. Greene, J. D. Cohen, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 359, 1775 (2004).
[23] M. Gazzaniga, The Ethical Brain (Dana, Chicago, 2005).


The main reason why people resist certain scientific findings, then, is that many of these findings are unnatural and unintuitive. But this does not explain cultural differences in resistance to science. There are substantial differences, for example, in how quickly children from different countries come to learn that Earth is a sphere (10). There is also variation across countries in the extent of adult resistance to science, including the finding that Americans are more resistant to evolutionary theory than are citizens of most other countries (24).


Part of the explanation for such cultural differences lies in how children and adults process different types of information. Some culture specific information is not associated with any particular source; it is “common knowledge.” As such, learning of this type of information generally bypasses critical analysis. A prototypical example is that of word meanings. Everyone uses the word “dog” to refer to dogs, so children easily learn that this is what they are called (25). Other examples include belief in germs and electricity. Their existence is generally assumed in day-to-day conversation and is not marked as uncertain; nobody says that they “believe in electricity.” Hence, even children and adults with little scientific background believe that these invisible entities really exist (26).


[10] M. Siegal, G. Butterworth, P. A. Newcombe, Dev. Sci. 7, 308 (2004).
[24] J. D. Miller, E. C. Scott, S. Okamoto, Science 313, 765 (2006).
[25] P. Bloom, How Children Learn the Meanings of Words (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000).
[26] P. L. Harris, E. S. Pasquini, S. Duke, J. J. Asscher, F. Pons, Dev. Sci. 9, 76 (2006).


Other information, however, is explicitly asserted, not tacitly assumed. Such asserted information is associated with certain sources. A child might note that science teachers make surprising claims about the origin of human beings, for instance, whereas their parents do not. Furthermore, the tentative status of this information is sometimes explicitly marked; people will assert that they “believe in evolution.”


When faced with this kind of asserted information, one can occasionally evaluate its truth directly. But in some domains, including much of science, direct evaluation is difficult or impossible. Few of us are qualified to assess claims about the merits of string theory, the role of mercury in the etiology of autism, or the existence of repressed memories. So rather than evaluating the asserted claim itself, we instead evaluate the claim’s source. If the source is deemed trustworthy, people will believe the claim, often without really understanding it. Consider, for example, that many Americans who claim to believe in natural selection are unable to accurately describe how natural selection works (3). This suggests that their belief is not necessarily rooted in an appreciation of the evidence and arguments. Rather, this scientifically credulous subpopulation accepts this information because they trust the people who say it is true.


[ 3] Andrew Shtulman: "Qualitative diVerences between naïve and scientific theories of evolution", Cognitive Psychology 52, 170-194, 2006


Science is not special here; the same process of deference holds for certain religious, moral, and political beliefs as well. In an illustrative recent study, participants were asked their opinion about a social welfare policy that was described as being endorsed by either Democrats or Republicans. Although the participants sincerely believed that their responses were based on the objective merits of the policy, the major determinant of what they thought of the policy was, in fact, whether or not their favored political party was said to endorse it (27). Additionally, many of the specific moral intuitions held by members of a society appear to be the consequence, not of personal moral contemplation, but of deference to the views of the community (28).


[27] G. L. Cohen, J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 85, 808 (2003).
[28] J. Haidt, Psychol. Rev. 108, 814 (2001).

そして、「物理世界についての直観と心理学的直観」に反した科学への抵抗が、「情報それ自体の正否を確認できずに、情報ソースの信頼性に依存して判断する」ことにより、信頼する宗教および政治的権威によって強化されることが、米国における創造論支持の多さの要因ではないかと、 Bloom and Weisberg[2007]は結論する:
These developmental data suggest that resistance to science will arise in children when scientific claims clash with early emerging, intuitive expectations. This resistance will persist through adulthood if the scientific claims are contested within a society, and it will be especially strong if there is a nonscientific alternative that is rooted in common sense and championed by people who are thought of as reliable and trustworthy. This is the current situation in the United States, with regard to the central tenets of neuroscience and evolutionary biology. These concepts clash with intuitive beliefs about the immaterial nature of the soul and the purposeful design of humans and other animals, and (in the United States) these beliefs are particularly likely to be endorsed and transmitted by trusted religious and political authorities (24). Hence, these fields are among the domains where Americans’ resistance to science is the strongest.


[24] J. D. Miller, E. C. Scott, S. Okamoto, Science 313, 765 (2006).






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