2008年にインテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteを率いるBruce Chapman所長は進化論と神が並び立たないと記している:
また、2004年にインテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip Johnsonは、進化論が聖書の初めから終わりまで一言一句と相反していると書いている:
さらには、1997年に統一教会信者Jonathan Wellsも同様のことを書いている:
たとえば、福音主義キリスト教大学であるBiola Universityが創立百周年に、インテリジェントデザインの"God father"であるUC Berkeley退職教授Phillip Johnsonに社会奉仕について名誉法学博士を授与している。
2008年にインテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteを率いるBruce Chapman所長は進化論と神が並び立たないと記している:
Scholars seeking a compromise that brings religion directly into the scientific discussion have offered the comforting possibility that God did the creating, but did it through Darwinian evolution. Guidance of an unguided process is the idea. But this vague proposition contradicts what almost all leading Darwinist scientists, including Dawkins, emphatically contend. In Darwin's universe, natural selection is blind, mutations are undirected and humanity is an unintended outcome. If the evolutionary process is guided, then it no longer is Darwinian. And if the evolutionary process is unguided, it allows no room for God. Logically, not even God can guide an unguided process.
[ Bruce Chapman: "An Intelligent Discussion about Life" (2008/04/17) on The Seattle Times]
また、2004年にインテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip Johnsonは、進化論が聖書の初めから終わりまで一言一句と相反していると書いている:
To talk of a purposeful or guided evolution is not to talk about evolution at all. That is "slow creation'. When you understand it that way, you realise that the Darwinian theory of evolution contradicts not just the book of Genesis, but every word in the Bible from beginning to end. It contradicts the idea that we are here because a Creator brought about our existence for a purpose. That is the first thing I realised, and it carries tremendous meaning.
[ Phillip E Johnson: "How the Evolution Debate can be Won"
さらには、1997年に統一教会信者Jonathan Wellsも同様のことを書いている:
If we are undesigned by-products of a purposeless process, then the biblical doctrine that we are created in the image of God is false. Yet it is a central doctrine of Christianity (and of other theistic religions such as Islam and Judaism) that God created human beings by design.神は導くものであるなら、「ランダムな突然変異と自然選択」による進化とは相容れないという。それは論理的には正しい。そして、神を守る立場に立つのがインテリジェントデザインなら、それは「科学を敵として戦う宗教」であろう。
Many people have been given the impression that the chronology of Genesis is the root of the conflict between Christianity and Darwinism. Surprisingly, however, biblical chronology played almost no role in the initial opposition to Darwin's theory, because most Christians in the nineteenth century accepted geological evidence for the age of the earth. Nor was chronology an issue at the 1925 Scopes trial, because creationist William Jennings Bryan accepted the old-earth view. Historically and theologically speaking, the basic conflict between Christianity and Darwinism is not chronology, but design.
多くの人々は創世記の年代がキリスト教とダーウィニズムの対立の根源だという印象を持っている。しかし、驚くべきことに聖書の記述する年代は、ダーウィンの理論についての初期の対立では何の役割も担っていない。というのは19世紀のキリスト教徒の大半は地球の年齢の地質学的証拠を受け入れていたからだ。1925年のScope裁判っでも年代は問題になっていない。というのは創造論者William Jennings Bryanは古い地球の見方を受け入れていたからだ。歴史的および神学的に言って、キリスト教とダーウィニズムの対立の基本は年代ではなくデザインだった。
Some theists try to avoid problems by accepting everything that Darwinists tell us except their denial of design. But Darwinism assumes that naturalism has a complete explanation, at least in principle, for all of objective reality; so theists who accept Darwinism are left with a purely subjective religion, and design becomes a figment of our imagination.
Despite the good intentions of those who attempt to reconcile Darwinian evolution and theistic religion, a serious conflict remains between the two. Theists who accommodate themselves to Darwinian evolution generally find themselves patronized and marginalized. But do theists have to accept Darwinian evolution?
[ Jonathan Wells: "Evolution and intelligent design" (1997/06/01) on Discovery Institute]
たとえば、福音主義キリスト教大学であるBiola Universityが創立百周年に、インテリジェントデザインの"God father"であるUC Berkeley退職教授Phillip Johnsonに社会奉仕について名誉法学博士を授与している。
Johnson, meanwhile, is best known as one of the founders of the intelligent design movement, which asserts that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."
The idea of intelligent design, which critics view as a variation of creationism, has led to heated debates, a number of court battles, and the dismissal of several highly respected professors. It was also a key part in the highly successful documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” which featured actor Ben Stein.
According to Biola, Johnson will be awarded for having “a clear evangelical Christian testimony” and having demonstrated “significant service and achievement over an extended period of time, which is national or international in nature” and is relevant to the mission of the university.
インテリジェントデザインの考え方は、創造論の変種として批判され、燃える論争や数多くの法廷闘争を招き、有力な教授に否定されてきた。インテリジェントデザインは俳優Ben Steinを取り上げた、非常に成功したドキュメンタリー"Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"のキーでもある。
Biola Universityによれば、Johnsonは明確な福音主義キリスト教の主張を行い、全米あるいは国際的に、長期間にわたって、顕著な奉仕と達成を行っており、これは当大学の任務と関連している。
[ Eric Young: "Biola to Feature Leading Christian Apologist, 'Godfather' of Intelligent Design" (2008/12/19) on Christian Post]