


The laboratory studies reviewed by Hastings et al. (2004) often tell nothing of the long-term effectiveness of fear campaigns or about exposure to repeated fearful messages. There is also little literature examining longitudinal attitudes toward climate change and decarbonization-oriented behavior change. For example, Lowe et al. (2006) report that fear-inducing appeals are unlikely to have long-lasting impacts. Lowe et al. carried out a pre/post-test survey before and after watching the climate change disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow (Emmerich, 2004), with survey themes followed up a month later with focus groups. They found that although the majority of participants (67%) in the post-test agreed that “everybody has to do something” about climate change, this sense of urgency had substantially diminished by the time the focus groups took place.

Hastings et al(2004)がレビューした実験研究は、恐怖を煽るキャンペーンの長期的効果や、恐怖メッセージを繰り返し聞かされた場合の効果について、ほとんど何も言っていない。気候変動に対する態度や脱炭素行動変化の長期傾向について述べた文献はほとんどない。たとえば、Lowe et al(2006)は、恐怖に誘導されたアピールが長期的に影響力を残すことはありそうにないと述べている。Lowe et alは気候変動ディザスタ映画"The Day After Tommorow"(Emmerich 2004)の見る前と見た後の調査を行い、数か月後にフォローアップ調査を行った。彼らは被験者の過半数(67%)が「気候変動について誰にもやらなければならないことがある」に直後テストで、イエスと回答した。しかし、時間とともに切迫感は薄れていった。

Saffron O’Neill and Sophie Nicholson-Cole: “Fear Won’t Do It” -- Promoting Positive Engagement With Climate Change Through Visual and Iconic Representations

The continued use of fear messages can lead to one of two psychological functions. The first is to control the external danger, the second to control the internal fear (Moser & Dilling, 2004). If the external danger―in this case, the impacts of climate change―cannot be controlled (or is not perceived to be controllable), then individuals will attempt to control the internal fear. These internal fear controls, such as issue denial and apathy, can represent barriers to meaningful engagement. Lorenzoni et al. (2007) divide the barriers to engagement with climate change, into two types, individual-level and social-level barriers. Of particular consequence for this discussion of fear appeals are the barriers acting individually to inhibit engagement with climate change. These include uncertainty and skepticism, an externalization of responsibility and blame or stating other issues as more immediate and pressing, and fatalism or a “drop in the ocean” feeling. All are maladaptations; that is, they lead to an individual controlling his or her internal fear by no longer interacting with the climate change issue, but the action does not decrease the individual’s exposure to climate risk.

恐怖メッセージの継続的使用は、2つの心理機能のうち一つを起動することになりうる。第1は外敵危険のコントロールであり、第2は内的恐怖のコントロールである(Moser and Dilling 2004)。外敵危険(この場合は気候変動のインパクト)がコントロール不可能(あるいはコントロール可能とは思えないとき)、人々は内的恐怖をコントロールしようとする。問題の否定あるいは無関心のような内的恐怖のコントロールは、有意味な対処に対する障壁となる。Lorenzoni et al.(2007)は気候変動への対象に対する障壁を2つのタイプに分類した。一つは個人レベルで、もうひとつは社会レベルの障壁である。恐怖へのアピールの議論に対する帰結は、気候変動への対処に対する個人的な抑制である。これらは不確実性や懐疑主義、責任の外部化や別の問題に緊急性がありと批判したり主張したり、運命論や"大海の一滴"感などがある。すべてが適応不全である。すなわち、気候変動問題ともはや関係を持たなくなることで、個人的な内的恐怖をコントロールすることにつながる。しかし、これによって個人の気候リスクへ曝露はまったく減少しない。

Saffron O’Neill and Sophie Nicholson-Cole: “Fear Won’t Do It” -- Promoting Positive Engagement With Climate Change Through Visual and Iconic Representations

‘Settlerdom’ (named after the ‘settlers’ attitudinal typology devised to describe people with sustenance-driven needs) is one of two significant optimistic but ‘non-pragmatic’ climate repertoires. It rejects and mocks the alarmist discourse – and with it climate change – by invoking ‘common sense’ on behalf of ‘the sane majority’ in opposition to ‘the doom-mongers’. It dismisses climate change as a thing so fantastic that it cannot be true and reflects a refusal to engage in the debate. It is seen most clearly in the broadly right-wing popular press, but is also likely to be the stuff of pub conversations. It is significant because it is immune to scientific argument and its prevalence underlines that the task of climate change agencies is not to persuade by rational argument but to develop a new ‘common sense’.


Ereaut, G., & Segnit, N. (2006). Warm words: How are we telling the climate story and can we tell it better? London: Institute for Public Policy Research. pp.14-15






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